This is the 2nd of two video essays about gender on The Big Bang Theory. The 1st focuses on a popular media trope Pop Culture Detective likes to call the Adorkable Misogynist.
The Big Bang Theory delights in poking fun at its male characters for their geeky obsessions but there's something even more pernicious going on just under the surface. Beyond the mocking of geekdom, the show is relentless in making fun of its male leads for not being 'real men." In their quest to prove their manhood the four geeks then end up being complicit in many of the most harmful aspects of hypermasculinity.
PATREON: This video was made possible by support from viewers like you! If you’d like to see more videos focusing on the intersections of entertainment, politics and masculinity, please head over to Pop Culture Detective's Patreon page and help fund this web series: