A five-part Norwegian documentary series examining the lives of sweatshop workers in Cambodia through the eyes of three young, relatively wealthy Norwegian citizens. From the day they arrive in Cambodia they begin to see how different their lives are from the lives of people nearly half way around the globe. By the time their trip is over, much more than their outlook on the clothes they wear is changed. Their whole perspective is forever altered after a few days of living, working, and speaking with fellow human beings who spend most of their lives working long hours up to 7 days a week for only a few dollars each day in sweatshops throughout the world like those in Cambodia.
Only Part 1 of 5 is available here on FFA. For the rest of the series, please visit here.
NOTE: This documentary primarily is in Norsk with English subtitles. Also, the individual who shared this video outside of FFA (see website link below) is not the same individual that has shared the video here.