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Unremitting Turkish Attacks Leave Rojava in Peril — and in Need of Solidarity
The future of this experiment is on the line as much of its civilian infrastructure has been destroyed since October.
Washington and European Governments are Cheerleading Israel’s Genocidal Campaign in Gaza
The failure to intervene to halt the carnage threatens to ignite violence throughout the region.
Phase One of Israel’s Genocidal Campaign on Gaza has Ended. Phase Two has Begun.
It will result in even higher levels of death and destruction.
Israel is Not only Decimating Gaza with Airstrikes, It's Employing the Oldest & Cruelest Weapon of War: Starvation
Israel’s message, on the eve of a ground invasion, is clear. Leave Gaza or Die.
The Death of Israel
Israel will appear triumphant after it finishes its genocidal campaign in Gaza and the West Bank. But by the time Israel achieves its decimation of Gaza, it will have signed its own death sentence.
Israel’s Culture of Deceit
Israel, which always seeks to blame Palestinians for the atrocities it carries out, is the least trustworthy source about the bombing of the hospital in Gaza.
The Dangerous Rise of Israeli Ultra-Nationalists
Before the tragic and unprecedented loss of life in 2023,  2022 was the deadliest year in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories in over a decade. Israel itself has been in the grips of political turmoil. The country has elected the most right-wing government in its...
The Sanctuary
Recounting his love of the water, Ray Lewis, OAM, snorkels among the vibrant sea life of the marine sanctuary he has worked to protect. Written, Produced and Directed by Tim Brown and Michael Portway Editor and Sound Design | Tim Brown Colorist | Michael Portway Awards...
The GOP’s Attack on LGBTQ Americans, Revealed | Robert Reich
Republicans have introduced more than 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills in 2023 alone, all over the country. They're obsessed with controlling who Americans love, how they identify, and even where they can go to the bathroom. Here's why.
Friends Don't Let Friends Destroy Themselves
In September 2001, in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks, people gathered by the thousands across the country of Iran in spontaneous demonstrations and candlelight vigils to show support for America in its hour of grief. At one football match in Tehran, sixty thousand...
Honest Government Ad | Israel & Gaza
The Government™ has made an ad about what's happening in Israel & Gaza and it's surprisingly honest and informative.
The Hamas Attack and Israel's War in Gaza
Like many other people in Israel and across the world, my first reaction to the attack on October 7 was of shock and horror. But that initial reaction was accompanied by rage, not only at the appalling massacre perpetrated by Hamas on women and children, the elderly and the...
Big Oil, Big Lies and Big Al
World leaders just gathered at the UN in New York to discuss the climate, ahead of the main COP 28 climate conference coming up in November 2023. The president of that event is also the CEO of one of the world's largest oil and gas producers. So how, in the name of all things...
The Blue-Gieman & US
The Blue-Gieman & US gives a voice to everyday people seeking answers to systematic racism and police brutality in America. The film presents hard truths, hidden facts, and soul-searching journeys from the catastrophic events of 2020 and before to a new face of healing and...
Hiding in the Walls
Hiding in the Walls captures the complicated and devastating story of Baltimore’s lead poisoning epidemic. It takes a deep dive into the origins of lead poisoning, the failures of local leadership to stop the problem, and ultimately how it came to be a dangerous part of daily...
Close-Up of Death Culture: 1,000 in Entertainment Biz Proclaim Support for Gaza Slaughter
Last week, Variety reported that “more than 1,000 Jewish creatives, executives and Hollywood professionals have signed an open letter denouncing Jonathan Glazer’s ‘The Zone of Interest’ Oscar speech.” The angry letter is a tight script for a real-life drama of defending...
Billionaires are Pillaging America. How Do We Fight Back? | The Chris Hedges Report
The resurgence of the labor movement in 2023 galvanized and emboldened unions around the country—and sent capitalists scrambling to squash the nascent militancy of their workers. 
Israel is Becoming a Fascist State
Andrew Feinstein on why it is not controversial to say so. (Feburary 2023)
The Hidden History of Israel: Jewish Professor Avi Shlaim meets Palestinian Author Ghada Karmi
Avi Shlaim served in the IDF. Ghada Karmi fled the Nakba. Two exiles, one history
14 Free Videos To Counter US Media's Dehumanization Of Palestinians
Over the past two-plus decades, the Media Education Foundation has produced and distributed documentary films, and organized a series of high-profile events and talks, to counter U.S. media narratives that have dehumanized the Palestinian people.
HeadSpin! Rewrite the Rules of the Money Game
Introducing… HeadSpin! our parody game show which exposes the only real winners in this economy: big banks, fossil fuel giants, and landlords.
"In My Name, I Want No Vengeance." - The Call of Michal Halev
Here is a message of peace from my friend Michal Halev, the mother of Laor Avramov who was murdered on October 7th, 2023. I share this with you and stand behind her:
Love Israel, Support Palestine: Former Israeli Soldier Exposes IDF War Crimes
There's a contradiction inherent in how Israel reckons with its atrocities against Palestinians. On one hand Israel's leaders and their supporters call for the genocide of Palestinians, such as this past weekend when Israel's Defense Minister announced a blockade of Gaza...
Independent Media Need You to Get the Word Out on Social Media
“Liking” a post on social media might not seem like a high-impact action. But nonprofit media groups actually depend a great deal on their readers’ online engagement.
The Edge of Nature by Josh Fox
Josh Fox and the creators of GASLAND, HOW TO LET GO OF THE WORLD AND LOVE ALL THE THINGS CLIMATE CAN'T CHANGE and AWAKE, A DREAM FROM STANDING ROCK premieres his most personal film yet.
“This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal” On Aaron Bushnell’s Action in Solidarity with Gaza
On Sunday, February 25, we received an email from a person who signed himself Aaron Bushnell.
When Will We Learn That Violence Doesn't Lead to Security?
For the past month, Israeli bombardment of Gaza has been presented to the world as if it hasn’t already happened repeatedly (five times to be exact) since Gaza was put under brutal siege in 2007. “We will teach them a lesson that they will never forget” is a popular slogan by...
Can Trees Stop Climate Change?
Drought, forest fires and increasingly frequent storms. Climate change is destroying our forests. All over the world, people are looking for ways to keep them from dying out. Yet nature itself knows best what forests need to thrive.
Resilience: What Makes the Soul Strong
Around one billion people struggle with stress-related illness globally - and that figure is rising. What protects those with good mental health? Is their resilience innate? Or is the ability to withstand chronic stress and crisis something that can be learned? In the search...
BBC's Racism Over Gaza Exposed By Shocking Study
From 7th October 2023, it's been clear that media coverage about Palestinians has been defined by racism: that their lives are considered to have little value. That's not simply an assertion. A detailed study has gone through the BBC's coverage in depth - and it has exposed...
What I Learned From Reading Osama Bin Laden's 2002 "Letter to America"
Ironically, I didn’t even know about the letter until The Guardian removed it from their website last November after it started getting attention from semi-viral TikTok posts.12
What You Are Seeing in Gaza Is Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing
Seventy-five years of global inaction and Israeli impunity have led to this moment in which one of the most vulnerable populations on earth is pummeled by one of the world’s strongest military powers on a genocidal warpath.
Chris Hedges: "The Genocide in Gaza"
Best-selling author, foreign correspondent, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges addressed the Middle East crisis with a talk titled "The Genocide in Gaza" on December 6, 2023 at The Sanctuary for Independent Media in North Troy NY.
Aaron Bushnell’s Divine Violence
Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation was ultimately a religious act, one that radically delineates good and evil and calls us to resist.
A Plan for Peace in Gaza
The reforms that could allow the PLO to lead and the Palestinian Authority to govern
The Muslim Tradition of Sci-Fi and Speculative Fiction
Think invisible men, time travel, flying machines and journeys to other planets are the product of the European or ‘Western’ imagination? Open One Thousand and One Nights – a collection of folk tales compiled during the Islamic Golden Age, from the 8th to the 13th centuries...
The Cost of a Coke
Coca Cola, we’ve found out, has actually been cooperating with paramilitaries in Colombia to execute workers in their own bottling plants that are trying to form unions and trying to demand better working conditions. So we’ve been able to bring this to the attention of...
The Impact Of Media Consolidation On News Content
A short film exploring the impact of media consolidation on news content and how this affects youth, both as viewers and media makers. In 1983, 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the U.S. At the time, Ben Bagdikian was called "alarmist" for...
Did You Know? 3.0
Newly Revised Edition Created by Karl Fisch, and modified by Scott McLeod; Globalization & The Information Age. Slightly updated for 2012.
Hamas — Israel’s Useful Enemy
Despite its intention of creating a Palestinian state, Hamas has arguably provided Israel with ammunition necessary to further its strategic goals since the fundamentalist group’s conception — with support from Israel.
Climate Collateral: How Military Spending Accelerates Climate Breakdown
Military spending and arms sales have a deep and lasting impact on the capacity to address the climate crisis, let alone in a way that promotes justice. Every dollar spent on the military not only increases greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but also diverts financial resources...
All You Need To Understand About Climate Change In Under A Minute
This is a special edition of the Fishbones climate change animation, dedicated to the occassion of the International Climate Top in Paris 2015 -- otherwise known as COP21. Fishbones is an animated short explaining the most fundamental thing you need to know about what climate...
Why the “Anthropocene” is not “Climate Change”
“Anthropocene” is a widely proposed name for the geological epoch that covers human impact on our planet. But it is not synonymous with “climate change,” nor can it covered by “environmental problems.” Bigger and more shocking, the Anthropocene encapsulates the evidence that...
Why You Shouldn't Listen to Trump and the Super Rich When It Comes to Beauty
We see and judge women based on the perspective of super rich white men who also tend to own the beauty competitions and the cosmetic companies.
The World Has Lost Its Humanity: UNRWA Warns of Unprecedented Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza
"The attack and the taking of hostages are a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. But the answer to killing civilians cannot be to kill more civilians. Imposing a siege and bombarding civilian infrastructure in a densely populated area will not bring peace...
If Israel Reacts to Its 9/11 Like the Americans Responded to Theirs, Innocent Civilians Will Pay the Heaviest Price
The US achieved nothing in the Middle East, but millions of civilians paid the price – the same will be true now
This Is a War on Children, and 'Safe Zones' Are Death Traps: UNICEF
Gaza was a free-fire zone on Saturday and Sunday, with UN officials saying that no place in the Strip is safe. Hundreds were killed, almost all of them innocent noncombatants, and including a worrisome number of children. Although Israel tried to pull the stunt of issuing a...
Online Activism: What's The Point?
Is Online Activism Useless? Online activism has been heralded as the future of expanded freedoms, a cesspool where meaningful action goes to die, and everything in between. But when we “agitate” via Twitter, or call for revolution on Instagram, are we really contributing to...
Jon Stewart Sums Up RNC 2012 in 10 Minutes: "Invisible Obama is Destroying America"
In a special Friday night Republican National Convention edition of The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart took on Clint Eastwood and the now-infamous empty chair.
The Animals Film (trailer)
Trailer for the 25th Anniversary Edition DVD of THE ANIMALS FILM. Shockingly relevant to today, the controversial classic film about the exploitation of animals in modern society, narrated by Academy Award Winner Julie Christie.
"It's Cold Outside. So Global Warming Must Not Be Happening."
"I looked outside, and it was snowing, therefore, there is no climate change." If that's what passes for rational thought in your social group, you owe it to yourself to watch this edition of Climate Denial Crock of the Week.
Noam Chomsky: 'Their' Terrorism versus 'Our' Terrorism
After the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, which killed 12 people including the editor and four other cartoonists, and the murder of four Jews at a kosher supermarket shortly after, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared "a war against terrorism, against jihadism...
The Yes Men Fix The World
The Yes Men Fix the World is a screwball true story about two gonzo political activists who, posing as top executives of giant corporations, lie their way into big business conferences and pull off the world's most outrageous pranks.
Climate Change Warriors: We Are the Storm!
Climate change continues to have a disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable communities around the globe, including migrants and communities of color -- people who are typically marginalized in our society. CultureStrike, in collaboration withJustseeds Artists’...
Trump, QAnon and The Return of Magic
This mini-doc is a deep dive into the topsy turvy world of Trump, QAnon, 5G, Covid, vaccines, Satanism and more. You'll also find out about the epic clash between Magical Thinkers and Evidence Seekers.
I Must Return The Gift: How Joy Is an Essential Ingredient for Activism
Woven together with excerpts from Robin Wall Kimmerer's seminal "Braiding Sweetgrass," this immersive short film grounds viewers into concepts of indigenous wisdom, the power of spending uninterrupted time in nature, the spiritual dimension of environmental work, and how joy...
I’m Jewish. I Want a Ceasefire in Gaza. | Dave Zirin
On Oct 18, hundreds of Jewish activists were arrested after staging a sit-in at the US Capitol to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. Dave Zirin, who joined the sit-in, explains why he did so in this special edition of ‘Choice Words.’
In 2005, Steven went public with a controversial theory regarding the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11. His assertion that the collapse was likely the result of pre-positioned explosives rather than the hijacked planes resulted in a backlash from the community and...
Why I Teach a Course Called 'White Racism'
The need for students to learn about racism in American society existed long before I began teaching a course called “White Racism” at Florida Gulf Coast University earlier this year.
Fascism in the Holy Land: A Revised Jewish Understanding of the State of Israel
"While Israel has had a right-wing government for much of the last 25 years, the government that took power in late 2022 has become a fascist government with little respect for the history and judicial processes of a democratic society."