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Fresh: New Thinking about What We're Eating
FRESH celebrates the farmers, thinkers and business people across America who are re-inventing our food system. Each has witnessed the rapid transformation of our agriculture into an industrial model, and confronted the consequences: food contamination, environmental...
7 Billion for Dinner? Here's How to Feed Them
Most people – even many of those who support small farms and eat organic food – believe that there’s no way to feed the global population without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, fossil fuels, biotechnology, heavy equipment, and the rest of the agribusiness ars
Fed Up
This is the movie the food industry doesn't want you to see. FED UP blows the lid off everything we thought we knew about food and weight loss, revealing a 30-year campaign by the food industry, aided by the U.S.
The Next American Revolution Has Begun And This Is What It Looks Like
This is what real revolution looks like. This is the future. Ron Finley in South Central LA was tired of living in a food desert and he decided to do something about it. He took back control over his food supply and health, while also setting his community on a path towards...
Bringing It Home: a Documentary about Industrial Hemp (trailer)
Hemp is a misunderstood plant with compelling benefits for healthy homes, food, farmers, job creation and our environment. Industrial hemp is non-psychoactive and grown in thirty other nations but currently U.S. farmers are prohibited from this economic opportunity.
Permaculture Paradise at Val and Eli's Garden!
Val and Eli take us on a tour of their magical permagarden in Jacksonville FL. They have created a wonderful, natural space filled with self-sustaining fruits, vegetables, herbs, medicines, colors, water, fragrances, and wildlife. This is the very best fast food! 
Seed Act
Seed Act is a short film about how different people and organisations get hands on for seed sovereignty, to protect life, biodiversity and the production of healthy seeds, in a world which is increasingly regulated and suffocated by seed acts, legislations limiting what has...
Why a Hamburger Should Really Cost $30
Abby Martin takes a look at the meat industry, and the massive government subsidies that are allocated toward it, asking why the price of meat doesn't match its free market value. 
Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story
We all love food. As a society, we devour countless cooking shows, culinary magazines and foodie blogs. So how could we possibly be throwing nearly 50% of it in the trash?
Where to Eat If You Want to Support Restaurants That Pay Their Workers a Living Wage
Good ole’ Costco made national news again during this year’s State of the Union. Why? Because Costco is a corporate empire that pays livable wages.
How to Avoid Factory Farmed Foods
There are plenty of reasons to boycott factory farms, including your health, animal welfare and the environment.
Go Green, Go Vegan
Go Green, Go Vegan is a short clip about a movement of volunteers promoting the vegan lifestyle in Taiwan. They offer vegan lunch boxes to the younger generation in different schools and universities to offer sustainable solutions to inspire teenagers for green actions.
How To Feed The World With Biodynamic Farming
The film, narrated by Peter and produced and directed by Tom and Barbara Burstyn, features Peter Proctor of New Zealand, the father of bio-dynamic agriculture. The documentary highlights his journey throughout India helping farmers revive their poisoned soil. Various...
Ask Umbra: Can I Rest Easy Eating Organic Beef?
Q. I always buy organically raised beef, when I do buy beef. I read that ground beef you get is a mixture of beef from different animals. How do I know the beef I am getting is, in fact, organically grown? Could it be mixed with other feedlot beef? Also, when it comes to...
Seeds of Sovereignty
As the world’s agriculture and food systems face a crisis of disappearing seed diversity, a new short film tells the story of how African farming communities and organisations are reviving traditional seed diversity across the continent, and resisting mounting corporate...
SEED: The Untold Story (trailer)
Collective Eye Films is raising funds for SEED: The Untold Story - The Final Push on Kickstarter! Inspiring documentary unearths the dramatic story of seeds. From creators of QUEEN OF THE SUN & REAL DIRT ON FARMER JOHN. Go to Kick Starter to Read More and Contribute to the...
This Animation About Overfishing Will Make You Think Twice About Your Next Meal
Despite an increased awareness of overfishing, the majority of people still know very little about the scale of the destruction being wrought on the oceans. This film presents an unquestionable case for why overfishing needs to end and shows that there is still an opportunity...
South African Students Grow Veggies to Feed the Local Children
It all started, in part, with Thomas Chevallier growing his own organic veggies and realizing the benefits of following a system that reflects the natural world, not only in the healthy food that was being produced, but the lesson of everything's inter connectivity.
Just Eat It: Big Money Spends Millions to Convince Washington It's None of Our Business What We Put In Our Mouths
9 November 2013: A disheartening but predictable loss for GMO labelling in Washington, where Monsanto, DuPont and other big corporate interests jumped in and spent millions, sometimes evidently illegally, to defeat Initiative 522 to label groceries containing genetically...
Fed Up! Genetic Engineering, Industrial Agriculture and Sustainable Alternatives
About 70% of the food we eat contains genetically engineered ingredients and the biotech industry is spending million a year to convince us that this technology is our only hope. Using hilarious and disturbing archival footage and featuring interviews with farmers...
Down To Earth: Small Farm Issues In a Big Farm World
In the midst of our nation's commercialized food system, a small family farm fights for a sustainable future by growing food, growing relationships and growing communities.  
8 Foods That Food Experts Won't Eat
Food scientists are shedding light on items loaded with toxins and chemicals–and simple swaps for a cleaner diet and supersized health. Experts from different areas of specialty explain why they won’t eat these eight foods.
The Right to Save Seed
The Right To Save Seed is an animated movie which explains when farmers can resow their seed in Europe. With the help of Magnum, Agata, Dali and Mona Lisa -- four varieties of potatoes that really exist -- the movie covers different legal situations with humour and a lot of...
Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as "infiltrators" by right-wing politicians and...
Don't Eat It! This Anti-GMO Music Video Aping Michael Jackson's "Beat It" is Super Sweet
In this parody of "Beat It," GMO executives have taken over the food chain, so a group of dedicated citizens march to face them off in an epic battle, but something nefarious and unexpected happens...
AMAZING! Orangutan Asks Girl for Help in Sign Language
Rainforests are being destroyed for palm oil and pushing the last wild orangutans to the brink of extinction. At Rainforest Action Network our goal is to collect 60,600 photo petitions - that's one person for each orangutan remaining in the wild. TAKE ACTION TODAY TO STAND...
Soul Food Junkies: Family, Food & Tradition
Award-winning filmmaker Byron Hurt offers a fascinating exploration of the soul food tradition, its relevance to black cultural identity, and its continuing popularity despite the known dangers of high-fat, high-calorie diets.
GMO OMG (trailer)
Who controls the future of your food? GMO OMG explores the systematic corporate takeover and potential loss of humanity's most precious and ancient inheritance: seeds.
These Aerial Shots of Factory Farming Look Like Bloody Zombie Wounds
America’s heartland! Place of milk and honey! Where cows frolic happily in fields full of corn, butterflies, and maple syrup (just go with it). Or not? You’re telling me the flatlands are actually covered in festering scabs, thanks to factory farming? OK, maybe YOU aren’t...
Growing Cities: Urban Farming in America
Growing Cities is a film about two young men's journey across America to learn about urban agriculture and how it is revitalizing cities one animal, vegetable, and chicken at a time.
Food Stamps vs. Farm Stamps: Subsidizing GOP Hypocrisy
Abby Martin breaks down the hypocrisy of the GOP pushing to defund food stamps by separating the program from the congressional farm bill, all the while accepting millions of dollars in kickbacks from the federal government in the form of subsidies for their private farms. 
The Botany of Desire
The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World is a 2001 nonfiction book by journalist Michael Pollan. Pollan presents case studies that mirror four types of human desires that are reflected in the way that we selectively grow, breed, and genetically engineer our...
Your Half-Eaten Sandwich's Dirty Secret
Food waste is killing the planet. Here's how.
Chipotle Fires First Shot to Take Down Big Food in This Brilliant Short Film
Produced by Chipotle and created by the Academy Award–winning Moonbot Studios - this masterfully animated film feels like more than an implicitly subversive attack on big agribusiness corporations like Cargill, Tyson and Monsanto.
Could a Wordless 1 Minute Film with the Music of Radiohead Change How You See This Animal?
This video is so simple, but the impression it left on me, looking into the eyes of this being left an indelible impression on me. What you are seeing is from the state of Pará, Brazil, where animals await their fates fearing any human approach. In Brazil, an ox is killed...
Without Saying a Word This 6 Minute Clip From Samsara Will Make You Speechless
Can you put this video into words? It's a clip from the phenomenal documentary Samsara, directed by Ron Fricke, who also made Baraka.  If you're interested in watching Samsara, you can
Torturing Animals At These Places Isn't Illegal, But It Is Illegal To Film It
If you've ever seen footage taken inside industrial farms, you know it isn't pretty. In fact, it's so ugly that it's against the law in some states to even look. - Silveira Carolyn Read more about this story here.
Monsanto Hates Democracy
Monsanto hates democracy because democracy doesn't work for Monsanto. Nine out of 10 of us want to know where Monsanto's been hiding the GMOs in our food and  most of us wouldn't eat those GMOs if we knew where they were. If everything in this country were decided...
A Silent Forest: The Growing Threat of Genetically Engineered Trees
This award winning documentary film explores the growing global threat of genetically engineered trees to our environment and to human health. The film features renowned geneticist and host of PBS' The Nature of Things David Suzuki, who explores the unknown and possibly...
5 US Foods Banned by the Rest of the World
Abby Martin goes over five harmful ingredients found in nearly everything Americans consume despite the fact that many other countries have banned them. 
Bill Moyers:  Ag-Gag Laws Try to Call Food Safety Whistleblowers Terrorists
I don’t know what to find more horrifying — the idea that people still habitually abuse helpless animals, or that this is how parts of our country want to treat the people who try to stop it.
Abolish Restaurants: A Worker's Critique of the Food Service Industry
"When one comes to think of it, it is strange that thousands of people in a great modern city should spend their waking hours swabbing dishes in hot dens underground. The question I am raising is why this life goes on--what purpose it serves, and who wants it to...
Losing Nemo: A Six-Minute Film about Overfishing
Most people are aware that the oceans aren't doing so well, but what is going on exactly? 'Losing Nemo' is a six-minute, 3D-animated film about the state of the oceans. The film is the result of months of work by a group of 32 creatives from around the world.
"The Awakening That's Happening": Local, Sustainable Food
“People are realizing that we can’t rely on the industrial food system much longer. The awakening that’s happening is our greatest opportunity,” says New Mexican farmer and activist Miguel Santistevan. This awakening has sparked the revival of local, sustainable food systems.
The Edible Playground
The Edible Playground - a film about an inner city school where children are able to turn their playground into a vegetable garden!
Making the Connection: How a Vegan Diet Can Benefit Us and The World
Food, fitness, nutrition, global food security, farming, the environment, animals, ethics - have you made the connection?
Monsanto Protection Act May Soon be Repealed Thanks to Activism
The so-called Monsanto Protection Act signed into law earlier this year caused such an outrage that people around the world are planning to protest the biotech company later this month. Now a United States Senator is expected to try and repeal that law after mounting p
May 25 ‘March Against Monsanto’ Planned for Over 30 countries
SEATTLE, Wash. - March Against Monsanto has announced that on May 25, tens of thousands of activists around the world will “March Against Monsanto.” Currently, marches are being planned on six continents, in 36 countries, totaling events in over 250 cities, and in the US...
Back to Eden: Simple Sustainable Solutions
After years of back-breaking toil in ground ravaged by the effects of man-made growing systems, Paul Gautschi has discovered a taste of what God intended for mankind in the garden of Eden. Some of the vital issues facing agriculture today include soil preparation...
Vegucated follows three people who, for six weeks, adopt a vegan diet and a new way of thinking about food. A FilmBuff Presentation.
This Toe-Tapping Permaculture Jamboree Will Make You Want to Obtain a Yield!
"Yield" by Formidable Vegetable Sound System (feat. Ensemble Formidable) from the album "Permaculture: A Rhymer's Manual". Permaculture principle 3: "Obtain a Yield" Written and performed by Charlie Mgee.
Urban Roots
Urban Roots is the next documentary from Tree Media. Produced by Leila Conners (The 11th Hour) and Mathew Schmid and directed by Mark MacInnis, the film follows the urban farming phenomenon in Detroit.
Want to Change the World? You'll Have to Get Your Hands Dirty
As a filmmaker, it’s a rare privilege to stumble upon a completely unique story—in the case of my new documentary, Grasp the Nettle, a motley collection of land
Sustainability in Exile: Tibetan Farmers Cultivating Compassion
Produced by Dr. Jonathan Scherch, Mr. Lobsang Tsering and a team of university students and professional advisors, the film builds on Scherch's and Tsering's sustainable agriculture and permaculture design projects over the years and introduces the challenges and...
The Honest Coca-Cola Obesity Ad Coca-Cola Doesn't Want You to Watch
This 'honest ad' tells the truth about Coca-Cola's popular sugar beverages.
In Organic We Trust (2013) (trailer)
We can no longer stomach our food system. It's killing more and more Americans and costing billions in healthcare. 78% of Americans eat organic food, because they think it's healthier. But is organic really better for us or just a marketing scam? 
Hey Corporate America, THIS Is What Happens When You Piss Off a Rapper And His Friends
Food Fight is the story of a kid who lives in a world where the food at the local corner store is killing his neighborhood -- literally.
The Story of Food is Free
 The Food is Free Project is creating a repeatable model of growing food and community. It is our vision and wish to empower you with the knowledge and know-how to transform your block and neighborhood step-by-step. Using salvaged materials we are building front yard...
The Ghosts in Our Machine
The Ghosts in Our Machine is a journey of discovery into what is a complex social dilemma, one that needs to be considered morally significant. In essence, humans have cleverly categorized non-human animals into three parts: domesticated pets, wildlife, and the ones we don’t...
Resistencia (trailer)
Honduras; A military coup d'etat pushes landless farmers to carry out the most audacious takeover in recent memory.