181-240 of 10,718
What Do We Do Now?
What do we do now that the orange fascist is back? 
Instructions for Courageous Living in a Broken World
In a world marked by division, inequality, and growing despair, navigating daily life with integrity and purpose can feel overwhelming. Yet, even amid this brokenness, profound change is possible through acts of radical compassion.
The Politics of Cultural Despair
It is despair that is killing us. It fosters what the Roger Lancaster calls “poisoned solidarity,” the intoxication forged from the negative energies of fear, envy, hatred and a lust for violence.
10 Ways to Be Prepared and Grounded Now That Trump Has Won
The key to taking effective action in a Trump world is to avoid perpetuating the autocrat’s goals of fear, isolation, exhaustion and disorientation.
An American Affair: Trump's 40-Year Entanglement with the FBI and Organized Crime
Never has a president so repeatedly and openly demonstrated his disrespect for the law, the Constitution and the democratic institutions of the United States. From Russian interference in the 2016 elections to secret deals with the mafia, Donald Trump has faced many...
Election 2024: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
A quick message ahead of Tuesday’s election. 
Vote Like A Radical
Voting like a radical means voting for our movements. This election and every election, #VoteLikeARadical 📣 
Voting Like a Radical and Honoring the Complexities of Organizing for Justice
NOTE: In the days leading up to the election, NDN Collective was invited to participate and contribute to a video with other organizers and activists, calling upon the movement to “Vote Like a Radical,” inspired by the essay authored by April Rosenblum.
Fahrenheit 11/9 | A Film by Michael Moore
"Fahrenheit 11/9" is a provocative and comedic look at the times in which we live. It will explore the two most important questions of the Trump Era: How the f**k did we get here, and how the f**k do we get out? It's the film to see before it's too late.
I Served 16 Years In The Air Force And Left Because Of Gaza
What would you do if you joined the Air Force to defend the United States but realized your job made you complicit in ruining the lives of innocent Palestinians? 
How America Was Destroyed By Trump & Vance | A WARNING From the Future
 A vision of the end of America. 🚨🚨🚨
Vote for Our Movements, Not Politicians: a Strategic Guide to Elections, Where Activism Matters Most
This is a guide to think less like a voter and more like an activist. 
Protest/Not Voting Is a Trap: Real Impact Requires Material Strategy, Not Symbolism
Strategic materialism + activism > symbolic protest at the ballot box.
Arizona Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and Progressive Democrats Statement on Presidential Election
As Democrats and leaders in the Palestinian, Arab, Muslim and Progressive communities in Arizona, we the undersigned make the following statement, published on 10/24/2024:
Why Trump Is So Dangerous
In this video essay, OCC examines the disaster of another Trump presidency and the implementation of Project 2025. In short, Trump will build a fossil fascist regime that would not only be catastrophic for oppressed people everywhere but also lock-in climate chaos for decades...
The Shady Group Behind Project 2025
The Shady Group Behind Project 2025 – Second Thought 
Trump Was the Most “Anti-Palestinian President in US History”
Mehdi Hasan explains how a second term for Trump would cause significantly more damage to Palestine than if Vice President Kamala Harris wins. In this video, Mehdi explains how Trump was “indisputably the most pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian president in US history,” citing...
Kamala Harris: Heed the People's Call. Arms Embargo Now!
We are living through this generation's WW2 moment. What will we tell our children when war crimes, including the crime of collective punishment, was committed against the Palestinian and Lebanese people with the complicit support of the United States of America? 
The EERIE Similarities Between Trump’s Rhetoric and Hitlerian Fascism
Trump’s rhetoric is getting increasingly dark and more explicitly fascistic as we get closer to election day, prompting some pundits (such as Jake Tapper of CNN) to finally use the f-word: fascism. This is long overdue. Trump’s rhetoric eerily echoes the same divide and...
Would US Democracy Survive a Second Trump Presidency? Mehdi Hasan & Adolfo Franco | Head to Head
With the 2024 US presidential elections just weeks away, former US President Donald Trump is intensifying his campaign, pushing more aggressive rhetoric than ever before. Given his continued attacks on the legitimacy of the electoral system and his efforts to overturn the...
Gaza Genocide 2040: Haunting Video from the Future Asks Why We Didn't Stop It
In 2040, Palestinian genocide memorials will be visited by families around the world, and our children will ask us: what did you do to stop it? 
Election Subversion 2024: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
John Oliver discusses the attempts made by Donald Trump and his supporters to undermine the upcoming election, what we can expect after election night, and the greatest “I voted” sticker of all time. 
If Trump Wins, "You Can Blame Yourself" — Mehdi Warns Kamala Harris
“Madam Vice President… if the country wakes up to another nightmare Trump presidency, don’t you or the Democrats dare blame ‘the Muslims’ for that; no, you can blame yourself.” 
Trump’s Victory Won’t Push the Democrats Left — It’ll Only Weaken Our Movements
"It’s one thing to criticize neoliberalism; it’s quite another to imagine that a fascist regime will provide better conditions for our movements to flourish."
How We Take Back the Supreme Court | Robert Reich
Need one more reason to stop Donald Trump this November? I have one for you. If Trump wins, he could become the first president in more than a half century to appoint a majority of the Supreme Court.
Jill Stein's Controversial Campaign: Grifter or Savior?
Jill Stein is being used as leverage by Republicans, Democrats, the far right, and leftists alike because of the failure of our electoral college system. But a vote for Jill Stein is not the "protest" you think it is. Let's talk about Jill Stein and third party candidates in...
Mehdi Hasan's Interview With Jill Stein Reveals Political Rhetoric Vs. Political Function
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After a seven-year hiatus, Aamer Rahman returned to the stage in February 2024 for a week of shows in London. The Culture War mixtape is a series of clips from these performances.
We Need a Plan for the Transition to Renewable Energy
Radical societal transformation is inevitable; a plan could make a difference between catastrophe and progress.
The 98.96% Difference Between REPUBLICANS and DEMOCRATS
Actual Roll Call Voting Records on 20 Issues That America Cares About
A Strategy to Unite Green Party and Democratic Voters
A concerted campaign to vote Green in Red states and Blue in Swing-States could be the key to shaking up the political system and uniting progressives.
The Myth of Far-Left Extremism: How Common-Sense Ethics Are Framed as Radical
The real extremists are the corporate and political elites who wear $5,000 suits and calmly explain why war, profit and greed are good on the evening news.
No, the Government Can’t Create Hurricanes
We've all heard the news about the recent hurricanes in the southeast. But the surprising part is the conspiracy theories that have arisen, implying that the government deliberately manufactured and deployed them. This is totally idiotic on so many levels, the primary level...
The Tyranny of the Majority Myth: How Elites Tricked Us Into Fearing Democracy
Heard that old saying "democracy is the tyranny of the majority? It was propaganda invented by elites.
The Tragedy of Weaponized Hurricane Conspiracy Theories
The tragedy of the theory that the U.S. government is manipulating hurricanes is that it redirects anti-establishment energy back towards support for the status quo.
Israeli Soldiers Sickening War Crimes EXPOSED
The Footage The BBC Won’t Show You 
Inside Meta’s Palestine Censorship
Pro-Palestine content is suppressed on Meta’s platforms and has been for years, according to numerous reports. But Direct From is learning just how systemic this censorship is, and the toll it’s taking on employees. 
An Inconvenient Election Truth: Netanyahu Wants Trump to Win | Mehdi Hasan
Mehdi Hasan addresses an inconvenient truth about the debate surrounding Gaza, Trump, Harris, and the November 5th elections.
Division by Design: How Enemy Images Are Used in Polarizing Societies
A brief primer on "enemy images" and how power structures deploy them to rally support for military and political agendas.
Why a Liberated Palestine Threatens Global Capitalism |  Jason Hickel
Jason Hickel: Why is Palestine at the center of the climate and colonial struggle? How are capitalism and the ecological crisis linked? Who really benefits from the exploitation of resources in the Global South? At the Transnational Institute's Ignite Festival in 2024, Jason...
The Right Wing's Woke-a-Dope Strategy
Middle Nation critiques the anti-woke pundit class.
How Israel Uses Sex To Sell Zionism
For a long time, Israel has used sex to sell zionism. There are 3 reasons why: they involve the settler-colony’s past, present, and survival for the future.
How Video Games Sold the American “War on Terror”
Video games are not what they seem... They have a hidden agenda and are the frontlines of a digital battleground where pixels and politics collide. Salem breaks it down. 
The Anti-Woke Guys Keep Gettin Weirder
Captain andypants saved the lives of me and my 19 sons. 
Jerry Seinfeld’s Entire World is Falling Apart
A thorough and unbiased decoding of Jerry Seinfeld's recent controversial remarks made during his relentless media tour in support of his new film Unfrosted - and an examination of how Jerry has trapped himself in his own self-made comedy purgatory. Stop laughing, it's not funny.
The War Machine | James K. Boyce
If we want durable peace, we need to look for more than just economic expansion. James K. Boyce (@UMass.Amherst @PERIeconomics) explains how horizontal inequalities and economic policies can stoke or settle conflicts. Learn more about his work at 
Every Critique of Socialism Can Be Used Against Capitalism
Debunking some common misconceptions about both Socialism and Capitalism. 
Should Progressives Abandon Harris? Not If Getting an Arms Embargo Is Our Goal.
Do the Democrats deserve to be abandoned for their complicity in supporting genocide? Absolutely. Is this a wise strategy, if getting a ceasefire and arms embargo is our goal? History and Trump suggests no. It will make the task far more difficult for our movements.
Is Israel Still Attractive for Jews Around the World?
It's a year since Israel started its military offensive on Gaza. Now it is turning on Lebanon, saying it is attacking Hezbollah. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists he will achieve his goals of destroying the groups that threaten the security of Israelis. But as that...
One Year of Israel’s War on Gaza: Al Jazeera Special Coverage
One year of genocide in Gaza: 365 days of unrelenting Israeli bombardment, resulting in one of the deadliest conflicts of the 21st century. This has been a war of many firsts, breaking records in scale and brutality. 
Inside Western Media’s Reporting on Gaza | The Listening Post
When political leaders speak of genocide, they repeat a timeworn mantra: "Never again." Over the past year, for the Palestinians of Gaza, "again" has become reality - mass casualties broadcast almost in real time by its victims. This film is about an alternative version of...
US & Israel Expand War Across Middle East, Attacking Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Yemen
The United States and Israel are waging war across West Asia (the Middle East), bombing Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, and Yemen -- all at once. Ben Norton analyzes the imperialist interests driving the violent chaos in the region. 
No, Israel Is Not the "Only Democracy" in the Middle East—Rojava Is
As tensions remain high in the Middle East, prepare to hear the phrase "only democracy in the region" regarding Israel's presence. Israel's attack on Lebanon has left nearly a million people displaced. Their continued bombardment of Gaza now boasts a death toll of over 41,000...
"Socialism Always Fails": A Dishonest Claim (3 Times It Worked)
"Socialism Always Fails" is a claim I hear frequently. More often than not, when someone deploys this quip, it's meant to end any further conversation about socialism so they don't have to contend with some hard facts. Instead of asking "Does socialism fail?", we should ask...
How The Elite Control Our Elections... And How We Fix It
Maine could rein in super PACs and put limits on donations for the first time. Unlimited billionaire and corporate spending on elections has been crushing our democracy. 
Why Tech Won't Save Us
The promise of tech may be alluring, but we need to adopt a more intentional and critical mindset. Let's explore what it means to be tech-critical. 
Investigating War Crimes in Gaza I Al Jazeera
This feature length investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year long conflict. 
Iran Attack On Israel Response Exposes Western Racism
It isn't even subtle. -Owen Jones 
Will There Ever Be a Criminal Trial for the People Wilfully Destroying Life on Earth?
Fossil fuel executives have funded a massive, 50-year-long campaign to lie to the American people, cloud the science, and buy off Republican politicians. Untold millions will die and suffer as a result, but will their ever be one iota of accountability?
Anti-politics: Hating Government, Ignoring Private Power | Noam Chomsky
Chomsky on conservatives focusing all their anger on the government, while ignoring private power.