61-120 of 230
Stories Of Wolves: The Lobo Returns
“Stories of Wolves” is about the recovery efforts for Mexican Gray Wolves, the most endangered land mammal in all of North America. Less than 100 wolves remain in the wild in Arizona and New Mexico. 
The 'Alpha Dog' Myth Is Leading Countless People to Mistreat Their Dogs
Do you think of yourself as the alpha dog of the house? Do you think it's important to assert your dominance over your dog? Well, you're in for a surprise. 
Watch Orangutans Build Umbrellas, "Kiss-Squeak," and More
Orangutans are native to Borneo and Sumatra and must learn a variety of skills as they grow up. In this video, you'll see seven behaviors that researchers have observed in the wild: from pushing over dead trees to make noise as part of a dominance display, to building...
Angela Davis on Veganism as Part of a Revolutionary Perspective
In this discussion with Grace Lee Boggs, Angela Davis talks about being vegan and what she believes being responsible towards other sentient beings entails in regards to our food choices.
The Incredible Story of How a Leopard called 'Diabolo' Became Known as 'Spirit'
What if you could talk to animals and have them talk back to you? Anna Breytenbach has dedicated her life to what she calls interspecies communication. She sends detailed messages to animals through pictures and thoughts. She then receives messages of remarkable clarity back...
Shocking Conditions Revealed on Free Range Turkey Farm in England
An Animal Aid video exposé, featuring undercover footage from a free-range and RSPCA-assured farm, operated by Bernard Matthews - one of the UK's largest turkey producers - reveals animals with bloodied and infected head wounds. The footage also shows a dead bird, and a dying...
Amanda Abbington Introduces iAnimal - 42 Days in the Life of Chickens
Shot undercover in British factory farms and slaughterhouses, this immersive 360° video gives you a birds-eye view of what happens to chicken from farm to plate.
Andy Goes In - Working Undercover in a Factory Farm
He's a $10/hr farmhand, and his name isn't Andy.
We Save Land - Short Animation
A heartwarming story of a young child whose adventures in the rolling open spaces of their home come to an abrupt halt, due to over-development and urban sprawl. With this eye-catching and thought-provoking short animated film, Summit Land Conservancy and LoveLove Films hope...
Nonduality and the Consciousness of 'Things' - Thich Nhat Hanh
Do animals and plants have consciousness? Are electrons alive? Thich Nhat Hanh in dialogue with University of Virginia Astrophysicist Dr. Trinh Xuan Thuan.
Tomorrow's Food: Cultured Meat
A short film covering the innovative research area of Cultured Meat and Cellular Agriculture. This film explores current developments in the field, as well as pondering what is next for this new science and the public perception of this interesting field of research.
The Planet's Most Dangerous Predator Is Us
Humans are the world's top predator. The way we fulfill this role is often mired in controversy, from factory farming to trophy hunting to predator control. The latter is the process governments use to 
Bonobo Starts Fires, Cooks His Own Food, and Knows 3,000 English Words
A bonobo ape has learned how to start fires, cook his own food, put them out, and much, much more...
I Stopped Eating Animals Because of Human Rights
What does the meat industry do to people’s mental health?
Animals Embody "Human Exclusive" Emotions
A video about animals embodying once thought human exclusive emotions like love, grief, happiness, joy and anger. We grant them way too little in their capacity to feel. This video nicely refutes and challenges common misconceptions that humans are unique in their diversity...
We All Love Animals, But..
We All Love Animals is a short little video about our love towards animals being contradicted by our daily actions. 
Resistance has arrived - the world's most destructive industry has a secret it doesn't want you to know about, Jack Tomlins goes undercover to reveal the truth. Will he survive?
Our Bodies Don't Need Meat. So Why Can't We Give It Up?
Imagine a post-apocalyptic world in which resources are so scarce that the government decides that all grain must go to people rather than animals. Without animal feed, steak exists only as a memory, and eggs become black-market contraband. What would happen then?
The Compassion Project - "The Highest Form of Love"
Here's a sneak peak of the documentary, "The Compassion Project." Dr. Will Tuttle & Victoria Moran discuss compassion as the highest form of love.
United Natures: a United Nations of all Species
United Natures explores the rights of Mother Earth, environmental philosophy, wisdom, spirituality, and the potential for a neo-indigenous future for humanity.
Customers in this Exotic Leather Shop are in for a Shock
This pop-up shop in one of Bangkok's hippest shopping malls showed consumers the suffering behind every exotic-skins bag, belt, jacket, and pair of gloves or shoes.
Mindfoodness - An Animated Examination of Industrial Food Production
We live in a world were most people live in an urban environment, cut off from the origins of the food they consume. This short animated film takes us into the world of animal agriculture to expose how the animals who end up on our plates are raised and the effect this has on...
Going Veggie Would Cut Global Food Emissions by Two Thirds and Save Millions of Lives - New Study
Eating more fruit and vegetables and cutting back on red and processed meat will make you healthier. That’s obvious enough. But as chickens and cows themselves eat food and burn off their own energy, meat is a also major driver of climate change. Going veggie can...
This Is The Video Future Generations Will Be Wishing Everyone Watched Today
The living earth is slowly being consumed by the human animals living on its surface. There are many drivers of the destruction being wrought, and many solutions we can pursue. One of the clearest drivers of deforestation, habitat loss and extinction is our insatable and...
iAnimal - A Devastating Immersive Video Inside Intensive Pig Farms
Animal Equality has pioneered a cutting-edge experience in animal protection. iAnimal is a virtual reality project that creates a 360 degree, immersive experience in which the viewer is transported inside factory farms and slaughterhouses. This film focuses on pigs. Use the...
SEASPIRACY - What You Should Know About Fish & The Ocean
SEASPIRACY: What You Should Know About Fish, The Ocean, and More! By Friendly Activist The Friendly Activist YouTube EDUCATIONAL VEGAN CONTENT The Friendly Activist Website...
Paws of War
This short film highlights the non-profit organization "Paws of War" which rescues dogs and pairs them with U.S. Veterans.
Racing Extinction
In Racing Extinction, a team of artists and activists exposes the hidden world of extinction with never-before-seen images that will change the way we see the planet. Two worlds drive extinction across the globe, potentially resulting in the loss of half of all species. The...
The Dutch Ban Fur Farms That Kill 6 Million Mink a Year
After years of legal battles, a Netherlands court orders the industry to shut down.
High-Speed Slaughter Hell at Hormel, Makers of SPAM
A Compassion Over Killing investigator worked inside Quality Pork Processors, a USDA-inspected slaughterhouse in Minnesota that exclusively supplies to Hormel, the makers of SPAM. This shocking footage offers a disturbing, close-up view of the suffering endured by pigs as...
The Future of Protein Will Not Be Animal Meat
The average American eats 80.6 pounds of beef very year. Since farming cattle is water and land-intensive—and responsible for between 18 and 51 percent of greenhouse gas emissions—companies like Beyond Meat are racing to diversify protein sources that will feed the world's...
“Karollyne”: The Dog-Rescuing Homeless Encampment in Rio de Janeiro’s Forest
Roughly seven minutes away from my house by car, down a mountain road in the middle of the forest of Rio de Janeiro, sits an encampment in which several homeless people live. Because it’s behind a wall, one can’t see the encampment from the street. But what one does see when...
Roots Of Rescue
'Roots of Rescue' is a documentary featuring the culture of animal cruelty in Alabama. The narrative is provided by a vast network of animal rescuers who struggle every day to save abused and neglected dogs. Due to a lack of stiff animal cruelty penalties and animal...
HumanWorld - Where the Cetaceans Use People for Entertainment
Satirical take on the exploitation of whales and dolphins. For more serious info visit Whale and Dolphin Conservation.
Cowspiracy - The Documentary Turning Environmentalists Vegan
Streaming giant Netflix recently launched Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, a 90-minute documentary financed via the crowd-funding site Indiegogo and executive-produced by Hollywood star Leonardo di Caprio. It is the latest in a short line of factual features...
The Last Pig
The Last Pig journeys into the life of a pig farmer as he grapples with death, searches for compassion, and finally finds the courage to change.
What a Hunt! A Subtle Message to Trophy Hunters
From the brilliant mind and pencil of Steve Cutts, a message in support of animal rights. 
Meat: Redesigning Supply and Demand
The steak is a vivid reminder that all manufactured consumables have consequential origins, whether those origins are living, breathing animals, or cells in vitro. 
Cecil The Lion, Trophy Hunting and The Big Picture
With the heartbreak, outrage and uproar about Cecil the lion, a few things need to be addressed... When are we going to have the courage to ask ourselves why we don't cry out for the billions of animals who are slaughtered every year? The 300 million animals that we kill...
My Outrage Is Better Than Your Outrage
Even when a dentist kills an adored lion, and everyone is furious, there’s loftier righteousness to be had.
Blood Lions
The Official trailer for Blood Lions, a documentary that exposes the terrible truth behind the predator breeding and canned lion hunting industries in South Africa. 
Jimmy Kimmel's Emotional Response to the Killing of Cecil The Lion
Late night funnyman Jimmy Kimmel got choked up Tuesday night as he summed up all the things wrong with Cecil the lion's murder in Zimbabwe earlier this month.
FBI Don't Consider Dylann Roof a Terrorist But Say Animal Rights Activists Are
The FBI on Friday announced the arrests in Oakland of two animal rights activists, Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissane, and accused the pair of engaging in “domestic terrorism.” This comes less than a month after the FBI direc
A Tribute to Jane Goodall
This is a video produced by National Geographic Television and the Jane Goodall Institute to honor Dr. Goodall.
36 Beagles Rescued from Vivisection Breeding Facility in Spain
On the night of January 1st 2011, anonymous supporters of Animal Equality rescued 36 dogs from the vivisection breeding facility Harlan Interfauna/Isoquimen, situated in Catalonia, Spain.
Can Meat Actually Be eco-friendly?
Should we eat meat? That’s the big question, which — for this series — I’m asking three different ways: in terms of environmental sustainability, morality, and practicality.
Real Time with Bill Maher: The United States of You Don't Wanna Know
Bill Maher calls out deregulators for shielding corporations at the expense of consumers. 
Be Careful What You Order, This Waiter Tells the Truth
Asking this waiter "how the streak comes" meets with an unexpected answer.
The Enormous Impacts Of Animal Agriculture on Our Planet
This short clip come from the excellent documentary Cowspiracy, wich follows the shocking, yet humorous journey of an aspiring environmentalist as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing environmental issues and a true path to sustainability.
Ewan McGregor Finds an Eclair on a Beach, What Happens Next...
Desserts is a short film produced in 1998, staring Ewan McGregor, written and directed by Jeff Stark. 
Spy Drones Expose Smithfield Foods Factory Farms
Since 2012,  Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries has been secretly using spy drones to investigate and expose the environmental devastation caused by factory farms. In this video, the drones capture shocking aerial footage of several massive facilities that supply...
Extinction Soup
EXTINCTION SOUP follows documentary filmmaker Philip Waller on his quest for adventure as he sets out to tell the story of his larger-than-life friend and extreme sports legend, Jimmy Hall. The film quickly takes a surprise turn when Waller finds himself consumed with...
Incredible Array of Reactions as Animals See Themselves in a Mirror
French photographer Xavier Hubert Brierre travelled to Gabon with his wife and set up a mirror in several locations in order to capture animals walking by. Their vastly varied responses to their reflections are fascinating. You can see longer clips of what he found on his...
The Cruelties of Factory Farming Shelter Behind a Fairytale Image
The way that meat, eggs and milk are produced is surrounded by one of our great silences, in which most people collaborate. We don’t want to know, because knowing would force anyone with a capacity for empathy to change their diet.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Chickens
John Oliver explains how chicken farming can be unfair, punishing, and inhumane. And not just for the chickens! 
A Minority Pastime
On 18 February 2005, the Hunting Act came into enforcement – fox hunting was now illegal. Yet, Denise Ward (writer and producer) and other ordinary people who live in the apparently tranquil and idyllic countryside continue to find their lives barbarically disturbed and...
Direct Action Begins With You
Join the movement for a more compassionate future by being on the right side of a socially accepted wrong.
Abuse Behind the Walls of UK Slaughterhouses
Since 2009 Animal Aid has secretly filmed inside ten randomly selected British slaughterhouses, including conventional 'humane' abattoirs, 'higher welfare' operations, and a non-stun halal slaughterhouse. We found illegal cruelty taking place in nine of them. You can see just...