181-230 of 230 results
People everywhere are making choices more connected with their values. We are simplifying our lives, buying less and living more because we know that the Earth provides enough to satisfy everyone's need, but not everyone's greed. But there is one connected choice that...
12 min
Their Future in Your Hands is a great new video resource that is ideal for stimulating discussion about animal rights in subjects such as citizenship, English, RE and sixth form general studies.
The film demonstrates that animals have rich emotional lives - in many ways...
10 min
Piglets dying while their mothers look on unable to help, crippled chickens dying on the floor of vast sheds, terrified cows desperate to escape the slaughterhouse and sheep being killed while their young still suckle are just some of the scenes from a new Animal Aid film...
4 min
Self-described civilized man, belonging to the culture known as the Takers. What an extraordinary creature. He has walked on the moon and created the worldwide web that connects billions of people like us right here. But there is a darker side of Taker culture, a history that...
4 min
It looks like the Japanese whaling fleet is ready to rumble.
Sea Shepherd
Philip Wollen, a former vice president of Citibank turned founder of the Kindness Trust gives a passionate, emotive speech on the ethics of modern factory farming. Powerful. Just watch.
10 min
For the past eight years the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) led by Captain Paul Watson has prosecuted its anti-whaling campaigns in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary near Antarctica and disrupted the annual Japanese whaling hunt. This year another ship is being...
Jerry Cope
One girl's journey to rescue a giant inspires a movement. Juliette is fourteen years old and she is on a mission to save elephants. After single-handedly raising funds Juliette embarks on a life-altering journey to South East Asia to work with her hero, The Elephant Lady.
2 min
Maximum Tolerated Dose is the first feature-length documentary by Decipher Films. The film charts the lives of both humans and non-humans who have experienced animal testing first-hand, with hauntingly honest testimony of scientists and lab technicians whose ethics demanded...
3 min
FRANKENSTEER is a disturbing yet compelling documentary that reveals how the ordinary cow is being transformed into an antibiotic dependent, hormone-laced potential carrier of toxic bacteria, all in the name of cheaper food.
44 min
Factory farming is a huge problem. But the solution is simple, if you'll join us. Watch this short 2 minute video to see how...
5 min
Get ready to meet someone you'll never forget. See the incredible rescue, and the shocking reality of what came before. Produced by Seth Webster for Farm Sanctuary.
11 min
You'll never look at animals the same way again. Especially humans.
2 min
Trailer for the 25th Anniversary Edition DVD of THE ANIMALS FILM. Shockingly relevant to today, the controversial classic film about the exploitation of animals in modern society, narrated by Academy Award Winner Julie Christie.
4 min
Acadamy award winner James Cromwell of L.A. Confidential, The Longest Yard, and many other movies, explains that animal testing is cruel and counter-productive.This video takes us through just a small observation of the surface of animal testing through a number of facilities...
5 min
Bad Medicine is the first UK produced film exposing the full implications of basing a system of medicine on the practice of animal experimentation, or vivisection, and was produced to counter the bombardment of pro-vivisection propaganda that has been purposely manufactured...
45 min
Melanie Joy presents "Carnism: The Psychology of Eating Meat" at the McDougall Advanced Study Weekend, February 2012.Kick back, relax, and open your ears to this wonderful and fluid speech about what allows people to eat some animals but not others, what these animals seen as...
60 min
At the Edge of the World chronicles the controversial Sea Shepherd Antarctic Campaign against a Japanese whaling fleet. The international volunteer crew, under-trained and under-equipped, develop a combination of bizarre and brilliant tactics with which to stop the whalers...
2 min
There's a reason you might not know much about factory farming. They don't want you to know that most eggs, chicken and pork products come from factory farms. They realise that the products they produce wouldn't sell if shoppers were told exactly where they came from...
13 min
Animals Australia has investigated rodeos across the country, witnessing countless animals frightened, distressed, and put at grave risk of injury or even death. Rodeos have been banned in the ACT, UK and elsewhere, for cruelty. Yet, they continue in most states of Australia...
2 min
A Cow at My Table explores Western attitudes towards farm animals and meat, and the intense battle between animal advocates and the meat industry to influence the consumer’s mind. Five years in production took Director Jennifer Abbott across Canada, the US, Australia and New...
90 min
The Emotional World of Farm Animals is a delightful documentary for viewers of all ages about the thinking and feeling side of animals that are all too often just viewed as food.
56 min
In the award-winning documentary THE WITNESS, Eddie Lama explains how he feared and avoided animals for most of his life, until the love of a kitten opened his heart, inspiring him to rescue abandoned animals and bring his message of compassion to the streets of New York...
43 min
From Dawn To Death is a documentary about the fate of dolphins and pilot whales hunted by Japan when their annual migratory route brings them near the coasts of Taiji in Japan. The dolphins and whales are driven to a cove where most are killed and some are sold into the slave...
28 min
Behind the Mask: The Story Of The People Who Risk Everything To Save Animals is a 2008 documentary film about the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). It took three years of filming, interviewing, and editing to complete. The movie was created by animal-rights lawyer Shannon Keith...
112 min
Dying to entertain: The untold story and behind the scenes of the cruel multi-million dollar business of the captive whale and dolphin industry.
121 min
Oct 7th, 2012 - Animal Rights Demonstration. Marineland Amusement Park, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Brendon Culliton is a Neogonzo Journalist for Paradigm Shift Central - a collective of youth initiated communities that encourage open-mindedness, healthy living, and the...
8 min
For filmmaker Rob Stewart, exploring sharks began as an underwater adventure. What it turned into was a beautiful and dangerous life journey into the balance of life on earth.
2 min
Pig Business investigates the rise of factory pig farming, a system which abuses animals, pollutes the environment, threatens human health through dangerous overuse of antibiotics, and wrecks rural communities. The film shows how this system which was developed in the USA is...
57 min
Learn more and take action now: -- in response to COK's investigation, USDA shut down this facility and In-N-Out Burger has severed ties with Central Valley Meat. Aug. 21, 2012: An undercover video, filmed by a Compassion Over Killing...
4 min
Academy Award® Winner for Best Documentary of 2009, THE COVE follows an elite team of activists, filmmakers and freedivers as they embark on a covert mission to penetrate a remote and hidden cove in Taiji, Japan, shining a light on a dark and deadly secret. Utilizing...
91 min
Sea the Truth is based on numerous scientific publications that examine the problems of seas and oceans. Below follows an overview of the themes addressed in the film and a brief explanation.
60 min
Veggie Propaganda is a quirky, sing-song animation that puts a spotlight on animals, our relationship with them and their rights. It explores childhood myths about animals vs. the reality of their lives in a human-centered world, where our food really comes from and how by...
6 min
"The Superior Human?" systematically challenges the common human belief that humans are superior to all other life forms, which is often used as an excuse for animal cruelty and the destruction of our own environment. It reveals the absurdity of this belief while exposing...
73 min
CONFESSIONS OF AN ECO-TERRORIST is a groundbreaking documentary feature film that takes viewers on an action packed voyage with the world's most wanted environmental heroes: Captain Paul Watson and the crew of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. The film features insider...
90 min
Imagine half a million adults skipping town and leaving their children behind. Picture an opened suitcase filled with bundles of cash at a bus stop and yet no robber wants to snatch it. The apiary science mystery known as Colony Collapse Disorder displays these very symptoms...
3 min
Bolivia is set to pass the world's first laws granting all nature equal rights to humans. The Law of Mother Earth, now agreed by politicians and grassroots social groups, redefines the country's rich mineral deposits as "blessings" and is expected to lead to radical new
John Vidal
This groundbreaking NRDC documentary explores the startling phenomenon of ocean acidification, which may soon challenge marine life on a scale not seen for tens of millions of years. The film, featuring Sigourney Weaver, originally aired on Discovery Planet Green.
22 min
Scientists predict that if we continue fishing as we are now, we will see the end of most seafood by 2048.
Oceans without fish. Imagine your meals without seafood. Imagine the global consequences. This is the future if we do not stop, think and act.
The End of the...
2 min
An internal EPA memo released Wednesday confirms that the very agency charged with protecting the environment is ignoring the warnings of its own scientists about clothianidin, a pesticide from which the German agrichemical giant, Bayer racked up about $262 million in...
Tom Philpott
PETA purchased ad spot airtime on NBC during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, however the network rejected PETA’s ad because the “commercial does not meet NBC Universal standards.” I guess they found PETA’s take on Thanksgiving a little disturbing.
1 min
Permaculturist and watershed wizard Brock Dolman shows how the future lifeboat we'll need is shaped exactly like our local watershed. He wields his dazzling poetics to tell us how we can engage with the spirit of Planet Water, create water literate human settlement patterns...
31 min
Talk to Dove before they destroy Paradise Forests. Click the website link for more. UPDATE: Thanks to the staggering public support for our international Dove campaign in April 2008, Unilever has now agreed to play their part in saving the Paradise Forests of South East...
2 min
Although many films have convincingly succeeded in drawing public attention to the issue of global warming, they have repeatedly ignored one of the most important causes of climate change, namely: intensive livestock production. Meat the Truth has drawn attention to this by...
70 min
Writer-director Curtis Johnson seems to view compassionately the young militants who make up the loose network of public speakers, protest organizers, and lab-animal liberators the U.S. government has labeled the number one domestic terrorist threat. One activist notes that...
105 min
Judy Wicks’ love of place has made widening ripples on a global scale. She’s the founder of BALLE (Business Alliance for Local Living Economies), a national network of sustainable, small businesses. After moving onto a quaint street in Philadelphia, she learned it was slated...
28 min
A secret held for millennia is about to be exposed. A spoof on The Da Vinci Code provides an important message about our impact on the balance of life, and the relationship we share to the rest of the community on earth. Spread the word. Life is inter-connected. Humans are...
5 min
Take the red pill and watch the critically-acclaimed, award-winning first episode of The Meatrix Trilogy. Join Meo as he goes on a journey into the "real world" to see the horrific truth of what’s really going on with the food we eat today. Topics covered are industrial...
10 min
How and what we eat has radically changed over the past few decades with the all-consuming rise of the supermarket. But what price are we paying for the homogenized, cheap and convenient food that supermarkets specialize in? In a two-part programme, journalist Jane Moore...
99 min
EARTHLINGS is a feature-length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers."
95 min