1,141-1,200 of 1,264
Global Warning - 2nd Prize 18-35 Years (Subtitulos en español)
Un documentario sobre el super tifón Yolanda - Hayan que azotó las Filipinas en el 8 de Noviemebre de 2013. Un vídeo de Dobrin Kashavelov (Bulgária/Filipinas) - Grupo etário 18-35
Snows of the Nile - 3rd Prize 18-35 Years (Subtitulos en español)
Las montañas Rwenzori en Uganda se elevan 5000 metros desde el corazón de África. En sus cumbres están algunos de los únicos glaciares ecuatoriales de la Tierra. Pero estas "Montañas de la Luna", cuya existencia ha causado sensación en Europa cuando subieron por primera vez...
The Violin Player - 1st Prize 14-17 Years (Subtitulos en español)
Se trata de una película de animación sobre un violinista tocando en un teatro. Al cerrar sus ojos, él encuentra todo en el mundo a derretirse. Después de una ejecución loca, el violinista abre sus ojos sobre una realidade inesperada.
Facing the Flood - 2nd Prize 14-17 Years (Subtitulos en español)
La situación al sur del casquete polar de Groenlandia se está deteriorando. El calentamiento global de la Tierra parece afectar a esta área más que a ninguna otra en el mundo. Las temperaturas han empezado a fluctuar y los habitantes nativos ven que su cultura se empieza a...
Balud - Jury Special Award (Subtitulos en español)
"Balud" es una palabra en dialecto filipino que significa "olas". Este cortometraje experimental es una respuesta al tifón Yolanda (nombre internacional: Hayan), lo cual tragó mi ciudad natal Tacloban en el pasado Noviembre de 2013. A mi família, amigos y compañeros que se...
Tinau (My Mother) - C4C Special Prize (Subtitulos en español)
Los cientificos predicen que Kiribati, una isla remota en el Pacífico central, puede desaparecer por el aumento del nivel del mar en los próximos 50 años. Por ello una nación enfrenta un futuro con incertidumbre. "Tinau" es un retrato familiar intimista de una madre de...
The Change - C4C Special Prize (Subtitulos en español)
Danag y muchas otras ciudades en Vietnam Central están altamente vulnerables al calentamiento global. Los tifónes, inundaciones y sus pautas imprevisibles han causado graves consecuencias en la vida de las personas, sobre todo a los jóvenes.Este cortometraje narra dos...
Beware of "the Blob"! California's Drought and Climate Change
As California's drought continues to deepen, offshore in the Pacific, scientists have identified an enormous "blob" of warm water, that seems to be part of the larger climate change process. Interviews with key scientists who are making the observations.
Can The Sun Cool Down The Earth?
Every hour, enough sunlight blasts the earth to power humanity for a year. By 2050, across the entire world, solar energy could power our computers, phones, lights, hot water – anything we use electricity for today. There would be no need to pollute the planet with oil, coal...
Portland Protesters Hanging From Bridge Say #ShellNo to Arctic Drilling
In May, the Obama administration approved Shell's plan to explore for oil off the coast of Alaska in the Arctic Ocean. Environmentalists are appalled, fearing that Shell's plan can only lead to disaster. There have been several protests, and this one in Portland left...
Los Pequenos Productores Enfrian El Planeta / Small-Scale Farmers cool the planet
Video showing the relevance of small producers in recovering the soil, lowering global temperatures.  Very interesting contributions byVandana Shiva, Yvette Aguilar and others.
The Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change
This film explores the growing link between global environmental change, psychological and mental health challenges. Grounded in his research in the "think and do" tank, MaRS Discovery District-Brandon Hey examines the current state of institutional framings and responses to...
Yoga Pants Made Out of Plastic and Why You Should Care
Yoga pants by The OM Collection are made out of recycled plastic bottles.
Studying the Anthropocene
Scientist, writers, and scholars have stirred up a new movement in regards to the Earth's environmental changes. Apparently thinkers of this kind believe that the climate changes over a period of time rates our environment with a new name. The Earth's history and its unique...
When You're in a Hole, #stopdigging
A Mass Action to #EndCoal in the Rhineland, Germany
The Great Debate: CLIMATE CHANGE - Surviving The Future (OFFICIAL) - (Part 1/2)
View Part 2/2: Are we beyond the tipping point for survivable climate change? How will our nation thrive the coming food and national security threats tied to climate change?
The Rise and Fall of Globosome
In the vastness of space, there's a a small speck of rock inhabited by the most peculiar lifeforms: Dark little "Globosomes" that start to replicate fast and begin to show signs of intelligence. The film tells the story of the rise and fall of these little creatures.
The Pope Vs. The Koch Bros
In the latest edition of The Undercurrent: environmental activists protest the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History for having climate-denier-oil-baron David Koch on its advisory board and religious conservative legislators push back on the Pope's findings in his...
The Bentley Effect - Community Resistance to Fracking in Australia
The extraordinary tale of a community who defied the gas juggernaut. We are crowdfunding now for the feature documentary that tells the story of the fastest growing social movement of our time and poses the question- what is truly valuable?
Kayakativists Blockade Shell's Arctic Bound Oil Rig
Environmental activists blockade Shell's Drilling Rig Polar Pioneer delaying its departure from Seattle's Elliott Bay bound for the Arctic on June 15, 2015. The Polar Pioneer is one of two drilling vessels heading towards the Arctic for Shell this year. The second, the Noble...
End of the Miracle Machines - Inside the Power Plant Fueling America’s Drought
A COUPLE OF MILES outside the town of Page, three 775-foot-tall caramel-colored smokestacks tower like sentries on the edge of northern Arizona’s sprawling red sandstone wilderness. At their base, the Navajo Generating Station, the West’s largest power-generating facility...
The Funny Video About Climate Change That Ends With A Fart Joke
World leaders at the G7 summit pledged to act on climate change and have sworn to stop using fossil fuels ... in 100 years. Right around the time they've extracted them all. 
I Asked My Dad Where Water Comes from
Do you ever remember asking your parents where things come from?  This film was made in response to a compeition brief set out by Wateraid and WorldView to create a film that explores what water means to us.
Global Compost Project
“Right now, for humanity and many other living creatures, there is Too Much carbon in the air and Too Little carbon in the soil.” – John Wick, Co-founder of The Global Compost Project.
Cove Point Protectors
Earth's Devastation "You Can't Have That"
This video only touches the surface of the devastation that is happening to our planet earth. When I searched for content to include in this video, I became overwhelmed at the magnitude and pace at which our planet is being destroyed by its inhabitants. I am not a scientist...
Noam Chomsky, On his work, and life time.
Noam Chomsky was introduced by David Barsamian, then talked about his work.  18 March 2015
Energy East - an Export Pipeline
TransCanada's Energy East pipeline plan is all about exporting oil. It is not a made-in-Canada energy solution. Up to 90 per cent of Energy East's oil would be exported unrefined. As an export pipeline, it won't create many permanent jobs or have lasting economic benefits to...
Salma Hayek claims her 'wavy body' limits her in Hollywood
While Salma Hayek’s figure is the jealousy of heaps of ladies, she supposes she’s lost parts as a result of her edge.
Reclaim the Power: Action Camp for Energy Democracy
Hundreds of campaigners are gathering at Didcot Power station in Oxfordshire to demand a green energy future - and an end to the Government's relentless push for fossil fuels and nuclear power, writes Diêgo Lôbo. Preparations are under way for a series of actions due to take...
In Pictures: 18 Epic Climate Justice Actions in One Day
Blockades, shutdowns, lock-ons, love-ins, tripods and nanas…..Reclaim the Power’s day of action against the fossil fuel industry today (1 June 2015) saw 18 different actions drawing the dots between big energy firms, government ministers, public relations companies, oil arts...
Get Ready: Protesters Vow to 'Flood the System' for Climate and Planetary Justice
From the tar sands of Alberta to the Port of Seattle to the communities in the blast zone of oil trains, organizers across North America are calling for a "wave of resistance" this fall to "shut down the economic and political systems threatening our survival." Under the...
Drax: The UK's Dirtiest Power Station Gets Hundreds of Millions of Pounds in Green Subsidies
The UK’s largest coal-fired power station last year received an estimated £385 million in renewable energy subsidies, according to an analysis by advocacy group Biofuelwatch.
Caught in the Net: How "net-zero Emissions" Will Delay Real Climate Action and Drive Land Grabs
United Nations (UN) climate negotiations must urgently and equitably address climate change, and lead to rapid cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases if our planet is to have any hope of stabilising global temperatures. Growing talk among politicians, business leaders, and...
Meat, the environment and industry brainwashing
Meat and Livestock Australia has published a series of study guides for primary and secondary school students.
Sustainability in Bangladesh : Call for an Emergency wave
Sustainability in Bangladesh : Call for an emergency wave According to 2014 Environmental Performance Index data Bangladesh ranks among 178 countries are 169th in environmental friendly countries, 88th in having enough forests, 123rd in biodiversity and it is the most air...
Madre Tierra: Cuidando a 7 mil millones (Mother: Caring for 7 Billion)
Madre Tierra reflexiona sobre el polémico tema de la población uniendo los puntos entre el crecimiento de la población y los problemas sociales y ambientales más urgentes de la humanidad. Esta premiada película vuelve a sacar al ruedo este asunto después de que haya sido...
Mère de 7 milliards - (MOTHER : Caring for 7 Billion)
"Mother" met en avant l'histoire de Beth, une mère de famille américaine militante des droits de l'enfant. A travers sa propre histoire familiale et sa rencontre bouleversante avec une jeune Ethiopienne, Beth prend conscience de l'impact dramatique d'une population planétaire...
Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day
Organized by the Earth Day Network and the Global Poverty Project, Global Citzen 2015 Earth Day, a massive tribute to the 45th anniversary of Earth Day, celebrated on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., brought awareness to the combined plights of global poverty and...
12 Views of a Warming World
Climate change is here, but from day to day, it may be hard to tell.
10 Inspiring Climate Films From Young Filmmakers Win Action4Climate Documentary Competition
Bernardo Bertolucci heads up the distinguished jury that chose the winners of the Action4Climate documentary competition
The Trews feat. special guest Naomi Klein
The Trews feat. special guest Naomi Klein (E178). Exposing some of the myths that are clouding the climate debate. 
Rivers To Dust: Climate Change Forces Bolivian Farmers to Abandon Villages
Pachamama in thirsty. The indigenous goddess of Mother Earth has watched in dismay as climate change in Bolivia's Altiplano contributes to glacier melt, disrupts weather patterns, and turns the highlands into barren wasteland. As the land dries, farmers are leaving their...
Green World Rising
Green World Rising is a series of four short films narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio on the state of climate and solutions to the climate crisis. 
Global Warming Series: Episode 1 - Vested Interests
Source Guide & Transcript
Global Warming Series: Episode 2 - The Science
Uploaded by Philip Blair on 2014-10-24.
Black Ice - The Story of the Arctic 30
When the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise set sail to protest the first ever oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean, none of the people on board could have known what was coming.
Climate Heroes: Stories of Change
Actor and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Ian Somerhalder narrates an inspiring new documentary that takes the viewer on a trip around the world to see people taking action on climate change. The documentary weaves together nine inspiring stories, showing that action on climate...
Energy East Pipeline: Risks to Canadians (& Our Drinking Water)
TransCanada's Energy East pipeline plan would put the water of millions of Canadians at risk of tar sands oil spills. Get the facts about this risky mega-pipeline - the largest proposed tar sands pipeline in the world. Learn more at
The Human Impact On Planet Earth
This short film shows the impact human beings have had on the planet Earth. A compilation of images, thoughts, questions and music to inspire environmental consciousness. Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources...
From Above
As time runs out for the Tarkine (Tasmania, Australia), an aerial cinematographer tries to capture images of the wild and unique unprotected great wilderness.
Carbon Markets: A New Mechanism To Commodify Nature
"The carbon market is a mechanism to keep polluting if you’re able to pay," says Pablo Solón of the global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under negotiation at the United Nations Climate Summit in Lima, Peru. Solón is Bolivia’s former ambassador to the United...
Crowd Funding Campaign for Justice for the Munduruku Indians (Brazil)
The documentary film made by Latin America Bureau - LAB editors Nayana Fernandez and Sue Branford has led directly to a crowd-funding initiative, to support the Munduruku Indians in defending their sacred territory in the Amazon Rainforest, and hence  their way of life. Here...
Burning the Planet, One Climate COP At A Time
For the third year in a row, a typhoon wreaked havoc on the Philippines during a Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In 2012, during the UNFCCC COP 18 in Doha, Qatar, Typhoon Bopha, the strongest ever to hit...
We Need To Talk About ALEC
The American Legislative Exchange Council (A.L.E.C.) IS big money in politics. During the Dallas A.L.E.C. annual meeting, July 30 - August 1, 2014, activists staged protests and public events to raise awareness of the danger of big political money. Watch this short doc and...
Geoengineering Could Worsen Climate Change
Why I Wrote Be a Hobbit, Save the Earth
In this short clip, I explain how I came up with the idea to write a book on 'saving the Earth,' and why I chose Tolkien's world to get the message across. The book is now available on all major ebook sites, including Amazon.
The Worst Koch-Funded Lies About Climate Change * BRAVE NEW FILMS
Climate change IS real, and humans are causing it. Out of 13,950 peer-reviewed scientific journals, only 24 reject global warming. So why is there so much misinformation on this issue? Because the Koch Brothers have poured over $67 million into think tanks that deny climate...
Klein Vs. Klein
This Changes Everything is a book capacious enough to allow Naomi Klein two positions at once. But a real climate-justice movement will at some point have to make choices.
A Glass Half Full
A documentary detailing climate change in Africa and some of the water problems facing Axum, Ethiopia