1,561-1,620 of 4,212
Why Hope Has Power in This Gut-Wrenching Election Year
Cynicism and despair are among democracy’s worst enemies.
Dear Fellow Jillb4 Hill Folks and Berniecrats
Dear fellow JillB4 Hill folks and Berniecrats, a part of me really does not want to expend energy posting to all my center-left groups about the necessity of preventing Trump from winning the election. The necessary historical context in which to look at how detrimental a...
A Perfect Symbol of Media Capture: DWS Booed, MSNBC Caption Says “Cheered”
Monday morning saw Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former DNC chair, booed offstage at the Florida Democratic Delegation Breakfast; while it was transpiring, MSNBC's caption read that she was being cheered. A concise example of establishment media trying to force a positive...
Solidarity Is About What You Do - Not Who You Are.
I am Black. I capitalize Black and leave white lowercased. Sure, it’s the accepted spelling, but really I do it because it feels good. My family lived in Missouri, but my mother crossed state lines to birth me in Kansas. Missouri was a slave state. Kansas was free, and she...
Is the Revolution Internal or External?
Bringing together the inner and outer aspects of transformation may be the revolution of our times
Forget Gerrymandering. Here's What We Need to Fix to Ensure Truly Fair Elections.
It's The Biggest Problem in American Politics
25 Mind-Twisting Optical Illusion Paintings by Rob Gonsalves
The beautiful and mind-bending illusions in Canadian artist Robert Gonsalves’ paintings have a fun way of twisting your perception and causing you to question what in his paintings, if anything, is real. Most of his stunning paintings have an unclear boundary between the...
Demonstrators Demand 'Clean Energy Revolution' on Eve of Dem Convention
'When it comes to climate change, there’s precious little time for lesser evils; the physics—as scientists are quick to tell us—has put humanity on a deadline.' - Kate Aronoff
The Iroquois Confederacy
In 1987, the United States Senate passed a resolution which acknowledged the contribution of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations to the development of the United States Constitution. Furthermore, the resolution acknowledged the historical debt which the United States owes to...
How Prison Labor Is the New American Slavery and Most of Us Unknowingly Support It
If you buy products or services from any of the 50 companies listed below (and you likely do), you are supporting modern American slavery
Recipe for Clinton / Kaine Lemonade
Hillary Clinton's pick of Tim Kaine for VP may trigger the sea change progressives have been dreaming of and working towards for decades. Please hear me out.
I Stopped Eating Animals Because of Human Rights
What does the meat industry do to people’s mental health?
How Can We Make Our Politics Reflect What's Best in Us and Not What's Worst?
Both inner and outer change are essential for political transformation.
Clinton's F-You to Progressives: This Is How Trump Could Become President
Nominating a political clone like Sen. Tim Kaine is exactly the wrong thing to do if you want a higher turnout
We've Been Protesting for Decades. What's It Going to Take to End Police Brutality?
On #BlackLivesMatter, moral injury and activism
The Cultural Sickness That Needs to Be Named
All over the world there is a feeling that something is deeply wrong. It is often felt more than seen, an unnamed darkness that keeps millions (even billions) of people disconnected from the reality of authentic life-affirming experience. Too many of our so-called leaders...
What You Can Do Right Now About Police Brutality
Once again we find ourselves confronting the murder of another black man at the hands of police. The video showing Michael Slager fire eight times at a fleeing Walter Scott is irrefutable evidence of the police brutality that people of color fear. As with Trayvon Martin...
Why Black Lives Matter Won't Go Away: a Primer on Systemic Racism in America
Intellectually lazy. Willfully ignorant. Blinded by privilege. Drunk with prejudice. These are some of the words that come to mind when I think of the 30 percent of Americans in 2016 who agree “our country has made the changes needed to give blacks equal rights to whites.”...
I'm With the Banned - Welcome to the Scream Room
What my evening with Milo told me about Twitter’s biggest troll, the death of reason, and the crucible of A-list con-men that is the Republican National Convention.
15 Films That Explain Why the Political Revolution Must Continue Past November and Beyond
No matter who we vote for or who gets elected, the revolution must continue. These films remind us why. 
15 Films Inspiring and Illuminating the 'New Story' Revolution
Charles Eisenstein is one of the first people I heard talk about the "new story," synthesizing a diverse movement that has been emerging for the last several decades. When I go back far enough, I first heard about these ideas from reading Ishmael by Daniel Quinn when I was...
7 Solutions We Can Support Right Now to Transition to a Resource Based Economy
One of the downsides of presenting such a visionary solution to our global crisis is that it's hard to know where to begin, beyond raising awareness. The gap between where we are now, and where we'd like to go appears so great that it is not at all obvious how the transition...
Two Brilliant Thinkers Had the Same Solution to Political Oligarchy: Direct Democracy
The primary threat to nature and people today comes from centralizing and monopolizing power and control. - Vandana Shiva
Listen to the Baton Rouge Police Killer: Tavis Smiley
How many more disaffected black men have to self-radicalize before we take their claims seriously?
5 Ways the News Media Can Get Real
When Donald Trump gets more air time than Bernie Sanders, the media misses the mark on grassroots change.
Cultivating Self-Awareness in Parents
Shefali Tsabary's latest book argues that parents need to focus more on themselves and less on their children.
Communalism: a Liberatory Alternative to the Present System
The belief that what currently exists must necessarily exist is the acid that corrodes all visionary thinking. - Murray Bookchin
We Already Know How to Reduce Police Racism and Violence
Recent research has shown cities what works. For starters, hire more female police officers.
America's Police Culture Has a Masculinity Problem
Three police officers were killed and at least three wounded in a shooting early on Sunday, July 17 in Baton Rouge. Ten days earlier – on July 7 – a sniper gunned down five police officers in Dallas.
Now Is the Time to Be Rooted in Reality
In this time of unprecedented global change, we need to be rooted in reality more than ever. Yet it is quite clear — by simply tracking all the ways people make an exodus from “the real” on a daily basis — that we are not doing this individually or as a collective...
From 'Black Power' to #Blacklivesmatter: 50 Years of Resistance, In Pictures
For half a century, Stokely Carmichael's slogan "Black Power" has resonated in the fight against anti-Black racism and oppression in the U.S.
Did Sanders Break His Promise to Take the Nomination All the Way to the Convention?
He did promise he would, so that helps to explain some of the anger and disappointment with his endorsement.
A magazine for a better future
NEVOAZUL is a magazine about less and more where minimalism, consumerism and sustainability merge with art, literature and culture. Together we can open a debate about how social responsability, sustainable behavior and ethical fashion could make a difference in our future.
For the Love of Bastille
Today must begin a #RevolutionaryLove
Why Did Bernie Endorse Hillary? Here's One Explanation.
He's playing the long game. If Sanders had gone third party, split the votes and then Trump got elected, it would have divided the left and set back the momentum and gains the Sanders/progressive movement has made another 10 years. The center of America would blame the...
But Here's the Thing... I Think You Actually DO Know What To Do Right Now
On Structural Racism and Daily Inaction
Don't Let Bernie Endorsing Hillary Distract You From What Matters
There's been quite a lot of anger, disappointment and attention on Bernie's decision to endorse Clinton the last couple weeks. But I've started to believe this attention on Bernie has become a big distraction from the fact that the work was always going to be up to us. The...
Law Professor's Epic Response to Black Lives Matter Shirt Complaint
A first year law school student wrote a complaint about her professor having worn a Black Lives Matter T-shirt during class. The professor’s response is priceless.
The Scientific Way to Train White People to Stop Being Racist
No one wants to be called fragile. And if you’re white, what you feel reading the title of this article may be indicative of the term. “White fragility” refers to white people’s low emotional tolerance for discussing topics of race and racism.
Black Deaths, Police Brutality, Caught on Video: No Justice, Only Sequels
In 1991, when video was released of Rodney King being beaten by Los Angeles police officers, Alton Sterling of Louisiana was 12 years old. Philando Castile of Minnesota was seven.
Former Police Chief: Put Down the Big Stick
I keep thinking since the horrific police assassinations in Dallas that we’ve been here before. It’s not that so many police officers have been summarily executed. It’s that a palpable tension still exists between police and black people in our country, despite the efforts of...
Corbyn Lives to Fight Another Day
Corbyn has survived the latest challenge to his leadership. Paul Mason on why they want to beat him — and how he can win.
How Globalization Divides Us: Perspectives on Brexit From a Dual Citizen
In the aftermath of the Leave vote, people will need to find ways to calmly hear each other and bridge divides. Ultimately, we will need to unite against the corporate forces that undermine our wellbeing, not against immigrants who are victims as well.
Policing Is a Dirty Job, but Nobody's Gotta Do It: 6 Ideas for a Cop-Free World
It's time to start imagining a society that isn't dominated by police
Demonstrations Against Police Violence Occupy Streets in US and UK
Amid heightened tensions and fear for safety after deadly Dallas sniper ambush, Black Lives Matter protests against police violence took to the streets in major American cities and the UK
A Few Thoughts After the #Blacklivesmatter Vigil in Lawrence, KS Tonight
After tonight's ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ vigil, I don't have the words to speak to how powerful and moving this event was. It appeared there was about
Abolish the Police. Instead, Let's Have Full Social, Economic, and Political Equality.
When people ask me, “Who will protect us,” I want to say: Who protects you now?
After Last Week's Tragedies, What Can Be Said That Hasn't Been Said Before?
I have struggled to find words to express what I thought and felt as I watched the videos of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile being killed by the police. Last night, I wanted to say something that hasn't been said a hundred times before. It finally dawned on me that there...
Criminalizing the Hustle: Policing Poor People's Survival Strategies From Eric Garner to Alton Sterling
Garner sold loose cigarettes; Alton Sterling hawked CDs — and they both died at the hands of police
15 Things Your City Can Do Right Now to End Police Brutality
Martin Luther King Jr. said it best in 1966: "[The] law cannot make a man love me, but it can restrain him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important also." Two years later, he was shot and killed in Memphis. But his dream that the United States legal system might...
Why Has It Taken the Menstrual Cup so Long to Go Mainstream?
Its long, sputtering history tells us that we change what we use only after we change how we think.
Processing - Yet Another Black Man Murdered by a Police Officer
Two 28 year old men, hiding behind the badges given to them by the city of Baton Rouge and the power given to them by the system that says white is right, murdered a black man, a husband, a father.
The Addiction to Control
This excerpt from The Ascent of Humanity by Charles Eisenstein​ looks at our relationship to technology, civilization, nature and our sense of self.
How to Talk to Little Girls
Top tips for engaging with girls to boost their self-esteem and value their intellect
Stunning Award Winning Photos Highlight Social and Environmental Issues
The winners of the the Atkins CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016 competition have been announced. This contest provides an international showcase for the very best in environmental photography, by both amateurs and professionals. The competition aims to inspire...
Put Away the Fireworks... You Don't Live in a Democracy Anymore
Within the last 30 years, while we’ve chased bogeymen overseas and here at home, our Democracy has fallen. We have been taken over; defeated; our voices neutered; our freedoms trampled; our democracy vanquished. No invading force accomplished this; no jackboots echoed...
From Livelihoods to Deadlihoods
Economic globalization is destroying livelihoods and replacing them with assembly-line drudgery. But there is a path forward.
Roots in the Rubble
The decision to leave the EU is a disaster, but also a great opportunity for renewal