1,621-1,680 of 4,212
From Paris to Istanbul, More 'War on Terror' Means More Terrorist Attacks
As ISIS loses territory, it returns to mass-casualty attacks against civilians. That's why military-first approaches to terrorism are doomed to failure.
Henry David Thoreau on Happiness
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was an American writer, poet, philosopher and one of the leading figures of the transcendentalism movement. Besides writing Civil Disobedience, which inspired
While You’re Busy Mocking Abigail Fisher, the Powerful Racist Forces Behind Her Are Getting a Pass
It might feel good to mock “Becky with the bad grades,” but focusing on her lets the real power players in her anti-affirmative action case off the hook.
Shocking New Report: Bombing People Causes People to Hate You
You better sit down for this one because it will blow your mind. You are probably aware that we on a global quest to rid the world of Evil, one smart-bomb at a time. Yet, for some strange reason, every place that we bomb Evil into oblivion seems to become more messed up than...
Cultivating Empathy for the NEXT Crisis
A central question for this moment in history is how do we collectively navigate a crescendoing wave of crises and move toward planetary resilience and thriving?
How the "Bad Guy" Hides in Your Mind
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. There is no such thing as “the bad guy.” Every time we see an enemy it is because our minds have projected them onto the world. If we didn’t create them first in our thoughts and perceptions, they literally would not exist. But...
7 Things You Should Do After Watching 'How to Let Go of the World'
My new film How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change debuted on HBO June 27th.
Privilege Discourse Has Noble Intentions but Perhaps It's Time to Consider Its Unintended Impacts
Privilege discourse has noble intentions but it seems that it is used far too often in practice to guilt and shame others for things they don't have control over. If education and empathy (and not shame) is the goal, it might be better to scrap the whole privilege framework...
Wake up Democrats, Warns Sanders, This Populist Unrest Cannot Be Ignored
Brexit win has much to teach Democrats about Trump threat, warns senator, and elites ignore frustrations of workers and the poor at their own peril
It Feels Like the Tragedy of a Generation, but We Need to Gear up Not Give Up
It’s been a couple of days since the shocking referendum result, and it feels no better than it did on the night. In fact, if anything, it feels worse. Many of the worst fears of Remain activists seem to be coming true. Reports of racism and xenophobia are soaring in the...
Why the British Said No to Europe
The majority vote by Britons to leave the European Union was an act of raw democracy. Millions of ordinary people refused to be bullied, intimidated and dismissed with open contempt by their presumed betters in the major parties, the leaders of the business and banking...
My Thoughts on the Plight of Labour
The country is in a very grave crisis. That’s what we should be talking about, not the internal travails of the Labour Party. The Brexiteers have no plan; they began backtracking on their promises within hours, which may well produce a firestorm of fury in the coming months...
Betraying Progressives, DNC Platform Backs Fracking, TPP, and Israel Occupation
Appointees by Clinton and Wasserman Schulz resoundingly reject numerous proposals put forth by Sanders surrogates
Is Brexit Win a Warning Signal for Trump-Era America?
"The uprising has begun. The question now is, who will lead it going forward?"
Post-Brexit, The Far Right Could Easily Ascend to Power, But There's One Way We Can Prevent That
Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union has wiped out many bankers and global speculators. They will turn, as they did in 2008, to governments to rescue them from default. Most governments, including ours, will probably comply.
Britain Is Not a Rainy, Fascist Island - Here's My Plan for Progrexit
Social justice and democracy must be at the heart of Brexit negotiations. Progressives must unite to stop the UK turning into a Thatcherite wasteland
The Four Mantras of True Presence
These simple mantras can help us overcome suffering
Post-Brexit Visions of The Possible: It's Time to Imagine a New European Community
We live in the beginning phase of a global revolution which will turn societal conditions upside down. We cannot stop this transformation, but we can influence where it will go. Will the disintegration of the globalized systems lead to fascist violence and molecular civil...
Expropriation or Bust: on the Illegitimacy of Wealth and Why It Must Be Recuperated
Election seasons bring with them a renewed interest in politics. For most that couldn't care less about such concerns, election season becomes, for at least a moment, a time to reflect on deeper issues. For those of us who spend a large portion of our lives thinking, writing...
After Brexit: We Must Unite the Working Class Across Europe to Defeat Neoliberalism and the Far Rght
The following is a statement by the Left Unity Executive Committee following the outcome of the referendum vote in the UK:
As Britain Exits, the Need for a Strong Climate Movement Remains
Britain’s vote last night to leave the European Union will be a disaster for the climate — both physical and political — on both sides of the Atlantic.
Grieve Now If You Must - but Prepare for the Great Challenges Ahead
A working-class revolt has taken place, and frustration is spilling out in all sorts of directions. If Britain is to have a future, the escalating culture wars have to stop
Liberal Elites Hate the Left
In 2013, President Obama, speaking at a fundraiser in Medina, Washington — home to a small community of wealthy donors — expressed a sentiment that has become all too common among Democratic Party liberals.
Brexit and the New Global Rebellion
Things are changing. A major crack has appeared in the edifice of globalization, and the neoliberal order that has dominated the world’s economy since the end of World War II is now in danger.
Pandemonium and Upheaval as World Responds to UK's Brexit
Cameron resigns, markets roil, and right-wingers cheer as Brexit becomes reality
Beyond Bernie: Still Not With Her
Since the June 6 California primary, the historic upheaval that coalesced around Bernie Sanders’ campaign has continued to defy the demands of the political establishment, but has also increasingly turned into a search for the way forward. After a powerful, year-long mass...
Brexit Wins. An Illusion Dies
What now for the radical left in Labour and beyond?
America Has a Republican Problem - and the Media Is Partly to Blame
Donald Trump is a distraction from the fact that the mainstream media has pretended the GOP is a normal party with values just to the right. Now the country is paying the price.
Bernie Sanders: Here's What We Want
My supporters and I want real change in this country.
A Welcome Democratic Stand on Guns, but Are These the Bills We're Looking For?
The historic sit-in in the House is impressive to behold, but the two proposals the Democrats are demanding a vote on are very problematic
DIY Economics of Happiness Workshop
The Economics of Happiness Workshop and Toolkit is a do-it-yourself tool for activists and others that want to kick-start effective global-to-local action in their area or within an existing group.
Brexit as Nostalgia for Empire
A Leave vote would provide a mandate for Brexit leaders to push for Fortress Britain
How Do the Economic Elites Get the Idea That They 'Deserve' More?
The natural tendency toward discrimination and inequality
The Information Carousel to Nowheresville
Have you ever felt like you’re in a wash-rinse-repeat cycle watching the news, not just mainstream but even alternative media? Much of it is just that, in effect, if it doesn’t draw actionable conclusions or serious elevation in thought and perception. If newly discovered or...
What About the Cops? Let's Ban Assault Weapons for Police, Too
A few years ago, I contacted my local police department asking them to send an officer over to put down a doe that had been hit by a car on the street in front of my house. She had suffered a left front and right rear leg break but had somehow flopped herself well into the...
Five Vital Lessons From Psychedelic Experts
The problem with banning anything out of a fear of the unknown is that many unknowns will remain. Such is the story of many psychedelic drugs in the U.S. While the government has experimented with various psychedelic compounds (take  the CIA’s secret attempts at LSD...
Halle/Chomsky: an Eight Point Brief for LEV (Lesser Evil Voting)
Among the elements of the weak form of democracy enshrined in the constitution, presidential elections continue to pose a dilemma for the left in that any form of participation or non participation appears to impose a significant cost on our capacity to develop a serious...
7 Traits of People Who Are Great at Relationships
Relating to your partner, spouse or significant other can be challenging. Here's what the people who make it work know that you may not.
Distorting Fascism to Sanitize Capitalism
The facile and indiscriminate use of the term fascism has led to a widespread misunderstanding and misuse of its meaning. Asked to define fascism, most people would respond in terms such as dictatorship, anti-Semitism, mass hysteria, efficient propaganda machine, mesmerizing...
Empathy: Why It's Important, Why We Should Nurture It in Our Kids
One of the most important skills we can teach our kids is empathy. Empathy is the ability to see and value what another person is feeling or experiencing. When we see someone in pain and feel that response in our own gut, that’s empathy. When we see someone crying tears of...
Mushrooms as Spiritual Teachers, A Brief History
The human use of fungi for changing consciousness extends far into pre-history. Arguably, the first food product humans produced was a mead (honey wine). Early humans, so the thought goes, at some point discovered that by placing a beehive in a small body of water and then...
Turning the Problem Around: Mental Health in a Sick Society
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. ― Anne Louise Germaine de Staël-Holstein The rise of people who are diagnosed with mental illnesses, especially children, has been unprecedented. ADHD, ADD, bipolar...
UKIP Shaped the Referendum's Rhetoric - Remember That When Voting
There may well come a time when walking away from the EU is the right thing to do, but that time is not now.
Claim Your Own: The Orlando Shooter Was a Product of US Hypermasculinity
Like so many others, I’ve been at a loss for the past two days, trying to make sense of the heinous act of anti-queer mass murder in Orlando. The following are some of my scattered thoughts on the topic, some of which I originally posted in a couple of rants on social media...
15 Ways to Get Someone Out of Your Head
Expert tips to manage your frustration and get past toxic thinking.
6 Better Ways to Deal With Conflicts in Your Relationship
Intimate relationships bring up intense feelings. Conflict with a partner can feel destabilizing, and make it difficult to be articulate and openly expressive. Many people try to avoid conflict through a variety of maneuvers—pretending to always agree, being aggressively...
Con Vs. Con
During the presidential election cycle, liberals display their gutlessness. Liberal organizations, such as, become cloyingly subservient to the Democratic Party. Liberal media, epitomized by MSNBC, ruthlessly purge those who challenge the Democratic Party...
Before Omar Mateen Committed Mass Murder, the FBI Tried to 'Lure' Him Into a Terror Plot
New revelations raise questions about the FBI’s role in shaping Mateen’s lethal mindset.
Scientific Pantheism: Frequently Asked Questions
Why do pantheists believe in pantheism? What's the evidence for pantheism? How do you know the universe is worthy of reverence? If I accept
4 Reasons Every Straight Person Needs to Go to Pride (At Least Once)
I HAVE LIVED IN CITIES WITH PRIDE celebrations for many years, and I had never attended. It always seemed like a party that was meant for a group of people to which I, a straight man, did not belong. But a couple of years ago, I moved to Asbury Park, a small town on the...
Contradictions in the United States of Amnesia: Why a Black Man Can Love Donald Drumpf
Donald Drumpf reveals the truth about America… in a way we can no longer pretend to ignore.
I'm Terrified of Where We Are Now and What We May Become
On twitter I said “An MP gets stabbed and shot by someone shouting “Britain First” on the day UKIP copies Nazi propaganda. This is terrifying.” Someone accused me of trying to make political gain. This was my response.
Dear Straight Allies, Please Don't Come to Pride Until You've Understood These 6 Things
1. The first Pride was a police riot. We hold Pride each summer to commemorate the Stonewall Riots of 1969. At the time, most states had laws banning LGBT people from assembling in groups. Despite being illegal, the mob opened LGBT bars to profit off of the open...
Five Signs You've Found an Evolved Man, and Why You Should Be Scared Sh**Less
For all the women looking for an evolved man and all the men trying to live up to the standard.
My First Journey With Psilocybin Mushrooms
In May 2013, my whole world shifted. At the time, I was living in Amsterdam and I began to feel the call to the Peruvian Amazon to work with the sacred plant medicine ayahuasca.
Tim Wise and the Failure of Privilege Discourse
"Unfortunately, I think our use of the term “privilege” is no longer a productive way for us to gain a thorough understanding of systemic injustice, nor is it helping us to develop collective strategies to dismantle those systems. Basically, I never want to hear the word...
7 Inspiring Quotes by Aldo Leopold
Let's tip our hats to the ecologist who defined wilderness.
Bernie Sanders Calls on His Supporters to Run for Office
During his June 16th national livestream address Sanders called on his supporters to run for local, state, and national offices, to continue the "process of transforming America".
Why Global Capital Fears 'Brexit'
While the leadership of the ‘Leave’ and ‘Remain’ camps portray their positions as fundamentally different, neither side is challenging the stranglehold of corporations that run the global economy. Their econometric, growth-based arguments focus primarily on which alternative...
What Does It Mean to Be Political?
Despite having been raised in a politically aware environment, as a young adult I made the conscious choice to dis-involve myself from politics.