1,501-1,560 of 4,212
The Boy in the Ambulance Offers Glimpse of 'Profound Horrors' in Syria
"It didn't stop & it won't stop with Omran if the world doesn't act."
Capitalism Has a Metaphor - It's a Cancer
My mother died of cancer five years ago. While most of the cells in her body grew and reproduced at a rate that merely kept her alive, there were a few rogue cells that mutated and changed — reprogramming themselves as greedy individuals who cared about nothing except rapid...
The Battle Over Trump's Taj Mahal Is a Battle for Us All
What those striking are now bravely confronting in Atlantic City should resonate deeply with American workers, their unions, and beyond
7 Real-Life Creatures More Magical Than Pokémon
Wherever you are, you've probably seen people glued to their phones looking for Pokémon to capture - perhaps you're a Pokémon trainer yourself? Not to take anything away from the pursuit of these virtual creatures, but it is in the real world that the most fantastic and...
One Earth, Two Social Fields
Dallas, Ferguson, Nice. Turkey, Trump & Brexit. The simultaneous rise of global terrorism, of authoritarian strongmen and the far-right are the twin faces of our current moment. Even though Trump-type politicians and terrorism pretend to fight each other, on a deeper level...
Are You Hopeful about the Future? I Am. With Eyes Wide Open. Here's Why.
It is a delicate balance to know how much the world is messed up and still be hopeful about the future. This is something I dance with on a daily basis — while writing about systemic corruption, the angst that arises from&n
Being Crazy in a Sick Society Is Actually Healthy
To be normal is to be sick
What Is My Activism Really About? to Love, Serve and Remember
I have made a promise to this world that I will carry with me to my last days. It is my vow to lessen the suffering of the world while I am here - it is to ensure that every toxic legacy that I inherited from our culture ends with me - and, ideally, ends with all of us, in...
How to Find Your Soul Tribe in the Digital Age
Finding and connecting with your soul tribe is more important than ever—not just for connection but also to thrive in our modern society
Why You Don't Need to Change the World
Let’s say you’ve found a new sense of awareness or elevated consciousness —  suddenly you feel connected to the beauty of the world, you understand yourself better, and you’re filled with a drive to become better, to nurture yourself and the world around you.
Black Americans Have Always Lived Under Police State Fascism
The word fascism has reappeared in the American popular lexicon thanks to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. The word is used to keep progressive Democrats in a state of fear should he win, but its existence in this country right now is rarely discussed.
The Politics of Being Woke
The fraternity of the woke is growing larger by the day, but can anyone get in? Who polices the woke, and why aren’t we checking IDs?
Let's Build a Boat (A Metaphor for the Great Transition)
Let’s jump off the train and build a boat.
15 Ways to Help Create a More Beautiful World
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” ~Margaret Mead
Here Is Why Your Vote Is Not Your Voice
In light of the precarious position many progressives find themselves in because they are weighing a choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, this needs to be said: Voting is important, but in a democracy, our vote is not our voice.
The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism
College-educated elites, on behalf of corporations, carried out the savage neoliberal assault on the working poor. Now they are being made to pay. Their duplicity—embodied in politicians such as Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama—succeeded for decades. These elites...
As Nominee, Stein Says She Wants to Assume Mantle of Sanders' Revolution
"Democracy needs a moral compass," said Green Party nominee Jill Stein. "We must be that moral compass."
Suffering From Rampant Individualism?
Do you suffer from loneliness? Feel isolated and distant from other people? Do you long for connection? Strive and hope to be noticed? To be loved? To be heard? To be touched? To be seen? Well you are not alone. Or perhaps I should say, your feeling of being alone is...
How a Traffic Offense Can Be a Ticket to Prison
How can a traffic offense get you a ticket to prison?
Money Can't Buy Life
The Economic Enigma of Money vs Life: [A Social Value Disorder]
A Note From Sweden on Use of Force
I received the following comment from a police officer in Sweden after my recent post “Using Force: A Reflection and Some Suggestions for Police.” I think these comments bear publishing here as a post.
Bioregional Quiz: How Well Do You Know the Place in Which You Live?
In the vast emptiness of space there are an unimaginable number of galaxies, each galaxy containing billions upon billions of stars. Looking at one galaxy we find an average star that hosts eight unassuming planets – four gas orbs, and four rock orbs. But one of these planets...
Imperialist Feminism and Liberalism
Colonial feminism is based on the appropriation of women’s rights in the service of empire and has been widely utilised in justifying aggression in the Middle East. But is it liberal?
The Climate Crisis Is Here But Corporate Media Doesn’t Want You to Know
What is salient is not important. What is important is not salient. The media turns us away from the issues that will determine the course of our lives, and towards topics of brain-melting irrelevance.
Understanding Rio's Violence: The Criminalization of Poverty
The criminalization of poverty is a global phenomenon of mistreatment and prejudice faced by the poorest members of society due to their economic circumstances, often influenced by and perpetuating racism and other forms of discrimination. It can manifest itself in various...
The First Noble Misunderstanding
There’s a lot of misunderstanding about meditation. In fact, says Karen Maezen Miller, that’s pretty much all that meditation is — the process of seeing how much you’ve misunderstood meditation and everything else.
Precarious Lives: Memorializing Women of Color Who Died After Police Encounters
The editorial staff of Othering & Belonging: Expanding the Circle of Human Concern,
For Little Girls Inspired by Hillary Clinton
As an Indigenous woman who organizes in the hopes that both Black and Brown people might know greater freedom, safety and self determination, I am no fan of electoral politics.
White Supremacy Cannot Have Our People
for a working class orientation at the heart of white anti-racist organizing
There Are No Democratic or Green Saviors: Get in the Streets!
Regardless of the outcome of November’s U.S. elections, what will count most is what happens in the streets. As Frederick Douglass put it plainly a century and a half ago, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did...
Pope Francis: Capitalism Is 'Terrorism Against All of Humanity'
Pope Francis argues that modern economy's worship of 'god of money' leads to disenfranchisement and extremism
Top 10 Reasons to Continue Supporting The Movement Sanders Ignited
Hillary Clinton will trounce the self-destructive Donald J. Trump, but the neo-liberals secure total victory if the Sanders movement falls away
Speak Up: How to Respond to Everyday Bigotry
The Southern Poverty Law Center gathered hundreds of stories of everyday bigotry from people across the United States. They told their stories through e-mail, personal interviews and at roundtable discussions in four cities. People spoke about encounters in stores and...
Best Mentor Ever Tells Boy 'It's OK to Cry' in Moving Viral Video
A man is offering kids a shoulder to cry on.
Presidential Elections Are Not Radical Litmus Tests and Why I'm Voting for My Opponent.
The Presidential election is not a radical nor revolutionary litmus test so let’s stop making it one.
Solitary Confinement Is 'No Touch' Torture, and It Must Be Abolished
I spent about nine months in an isolated cell behind a one-way mirror. It was cruel, degrading and inhumane
American Horror Story
I went backstage at the biggest political show on earth- and found America telling stories about itself
A Final Response to "Tell Me Why Trump Is a Fascist?"
This is the incredible list of links compiled by redditor marisam7 on r/EnoughTrumpSpam maks the case that Donal Trump is indeed a fascist
My Favorite Definition of Privilege
My favorite definition of privilege is 'thinking something's not a problem because it's not a problem to you.'
Up to 28 Civilians Reportedly Killed in US-Led Strike in Syria
Fresh strike took place in same area where US is said to have killed scores in airstrikes last week
Is Voting Third Party for President in 2016 a Good Idea? Here are a Few Things to Consider
This does not preclude voting for third parties at the local and state levels, which is where third party power needs to grow before a presidential campaign could win.
The Reviews Are In: Conservatives Say the DNC Was 'Disaster' for the GOP
Something strange happened on the last night of the Democratic National Convention.
We Want a Political Revolution. First We Must Defeat Fascism.
If progressives fail to seize the populist moment, the authoritarian right will fill the void. The insurgent Bernie Sanders campaign was a big step forward in building the progressive populist political alignment we need. Now that Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party...
Just Another Day in the Acid Nation
An argument for collective expression.
An Anti-Trump Electoral Strategy That Isn't Pro-Clinton
Can voter identification, registration, and protection efforts help not only defeat Trump, but build a mass movement for democratic socialism?
Meet Some Sanders Delegates Who Plan to Turn Anger Into Positive Action
Luz Sosa came to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia as a disappointed Bernie Sanders delegate. But she is leaving fired up to take on big political fights in her home town of Milwaukee.
Scorching Global Temps Astound Climate Scientists
As wildfire rages in California, flooding affects millions in India and China, and eggs are fried on sidewalks in Iraq, scientists say global climate catastrophe is surpassing predictions
The Need for Common Ground, and the Need to Do What You Do
Both Trump and Clinton are scary bad news. There's plenty of time to make a decision. You don't have to answer to anyone when you make it. Whichever decision you make, make it part of a long-term plan.
The Martin Luther King You Don't See on TV
It's become a TV ritual: Every year in mid-January, around the time of Martin Luther King's birthday, we get perfunctory network news reports about "the slain civil rights leader."
What to Do When the Going Gets Rough
Four ways to make it through trying times with an open heart
The Real Reason White People Say 'All Lives Matter'
Why “Black” Makes Us Uncomfortable
Why Don't We Take Action on the Global Crisis?
Taking action requires practice, and that means training for it. Simply put, we have not been training to build the skills necessary for actively evolving the institutions of our civilization — so we are not skilled in the practices needed to do the work. Most social change...
13 Graphs Perfectly Demonstrate What Depression Feels Like
Sometimes, words just aren’t enough, but there are other ways to get ideas across. These images will help you understand what depression feels like.
Depression-Busting Exercise Tips for People Too Depressed to Exercise
If you’ve struggled with depression at any point in your life, you’ve probably heard some well-meaning soul say “just try to get some exercise, it’s good for your mood!” Annoyingly, they’re right; I don’t think that exercise can single-handedly cure depression or treat its...
You're Not Voting for Hillary to Protect Me
Many Americans are rightfully scared shitless of Donald Trump; in particular marginalized people. But for many of us, we do not have the privilege of it being the first time we are truly afraid for our lives.
How Political Mind Control Works
The illusion of power IS a kind of real power. There is a lesson in this for the majority of humanity.
DNC Leak Reveals Party Insiders Promised Access to Obama in Exchange for Cash
Emails appear to violate White House policy
Stories Are How We Make Sense of Ourselves and the World Around Us
Brilliant comic, part of the Seeing Wetiko series, from The Rules.
History Tells Us What May Happen Next With Brexit and Trump
It seems we’re entering another of those stupid seasons humans impose on themselves at fairly regular intervals. I am sketching out here opinions based on information, they may prove right, or may prove wrong, and they’re intended just to challenge and be part of a wider...