1,381-1,440 of 4,211
From Across the Country, Gifts of Tiny Houses Arrive for Standing Rock
How five large trees in remote Oregon ended up as winter housing for water protectors, including their first newborn baby.
Why the Changing Nature of Work Means We Need a Universal Basic Income
We have a crisis of work. The secure, well-paid jobs of the past — many of them in manufacturing — are disappearing. What is replacing them is insecurity and uncertainty. Low-paid, part-time, temporary and seasonal work. The “feast or famine” of self-employment. The so-called...
Whose Fake News Gets a Pass? NYT Advocates Internet Censorship
The New York Times wants a system of censorship for the Internet to block what it calls “fake news,” but the Times ignores its own record of publishing “fake news”
We Can't Battle the Bigotry Stoked by Trump without a Strategy to Alleviate the Chronic Misery Behind It
My relatives in Maine are deplorables. I cannot write on their behalf. I can write in their defense.
A New Documentary Explores the Devastating Effects of Drone Warfare on Victims and Whistleblowers
On the night of February 21, 2010, a group of families driving a convoy of vehicles through the valleys of Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan came into the sights of a Predator drone crew operating out of Creech Air Force Base in Nevada. “That truck would make a beautiful...
We Cannot "Give Trump a Chance"
In the ten days since the election, several thousand people have phoned and emailed my Seattle City Council office in their fury over my call to shut down Donald Trump’s agenda with massive peaceful protests on Inauguration Day.
The US Elections (And Their Aftermath)
Writing about the latest US elections like the US media writes about African countries.
How to Encrypt Your Entire Life in Less Than an Hour
“Only the paranoid survive.” — Andy Grove Andy Grove was a Hungarian refugee who escaped communism, studied engineering, and ultimately led the personal computer revolution as the CEO of Intel. He died earlier this year in Silicon Valley after a long fight with Parkinson’s...
Social Media Platforms Need to Be Champions for Media Literacy
Sorry, but I don’t want Facebook to be the arbiter of what’s true. Nor do I want Google — or Twitter or any other hyper-centralized technology platform — to be the arbiter of what’s true. But I’m glad to see platform companies at least acknowledging their role in helping...
Trump Won Because the Democratic Party Failed, Not Because the White Working Class Revolted
The reckoning is here for progressives and the Democratic Party now that the unthinkable has happened. Most of America, shell-shocked, is asking how Hillary Clinton and the entire Democratic establishment could lose to a woman-bashing, Mexican-deporting, Muslim-hating...
The Deep History Behind Trump's Rise
How a ruthless network of super-rich ideologues killed choice and destroyed people’s faith in politics
Living Through the Death of Capitalism
Now is the time to hold strong to our humanity. The world is changing quickly and much is at stake. It is even possible that our entire global civilization will collapse in our lifetime. This is a very difficult concept to sit with — yet sit with it we must, for now is a...
Bernie Sanders Could Replace President Trump With Little-Known Loophole
Read this article and then share with your friends.
There Is No One Right Way to Be an Activist
There is no one right way to be an activist. There is no one right way to change the world. There is no one right philosophy of leftist politics. There is no one right solution to the massive problems we're facing.
For All Democrats to Ponder: the Real Reasons Hillary Clinton Lost
Beyond the media spin, the four reasons for this defeat.
Jonathan Pie Is Wrong: This Is Not the Time to Pander to Racism
Since Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election a short video has circulated around social media, in which the fictional news reporter Jonathan Pie delivers one of his typical ‘off the record’ pieces to camera, expressing his anger following the result. In...
I'm Not Down With the Safety Pin Backlash
*Especially from a white dude who makes some good points but buries them in a whole lotta condescension and sarcasm.
The Deadly Business of Grassroots Climate Activism
A recent report found that 2015 was the deadliest year on record for environmental activists, raising concerns for those who continue to fight on the frontline, writes Liam Turner.
The True Sharing Economy: Inaugurating an Age of the Heart
The true sharing economy represents the end of the old ways defined by the pursuit of profit and competitive self-interest, while a new age of intergovernmental sharing and cooperation can only begin through the channel of ending hunger in a world that has such an abundance...
Trump in the White House: an Interview With Noam Chomsky
On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump managed to pull the biggest upset in US politics by tapping successfully into the anger of white voters and appealing to the lowest inclinations of people in a manner that would have probably impressed Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels...
10 Ways to Resist Right Wing Populism
Stop Analysing and Act!
Rising up to the Trump Moment: We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For
The Trump victory is devastating. Devastating for communities of color, immigrants, women, Muslims and queer communities. Devastating for us. Trump has given new voice to deeply rooted white supremacy, gender violence, xenophobia and hatred. Hatred of everything that we are...
Deconstructing an Example of Establishment Media Reportage: the Boston Globe Publishes Not-So Subtle Hit Piece on Sanders and Warren
Couched in establishment lingo and perspective, relying upon shallow but credible-seeming misinformation, the Boston Globe reveals itself to be no ally of the people or the revolution.
How Cities Can Protect People Threatened by Trumpism
Cities can offer shelter and protection to their vulnerable citizens and become a place progressives can exert real power.
We Need to Confront an Unjust, Ecocidal system, But Let's Do It Without Hate
Normal is coming unhinged. For the past eight years it has been possible for most people (at least in the relatively privileged classes) to believe that society is sound, that the system, though creaky, basically works, and that the progressive deterioration of everything...
Human Ingenuity and Challenging Domination
From my book Engines of Domination, p. 229-230
On Trump: an Open Letter to the Brokenhearted
"To those of you that care about diversity, about the environment, about the beauty of queer sexual orientations, about indigenous lands and their right to thrive, and about policing practices that have led to the deaths of many black men and women...I write." How do we...
Strangely Like Gulag: Schooling and the Industrial Machine
For many years, I’ve seen more and more of my rural and tribal neighbors pack their children off to school. Now, every morning between 8:00 and 9:00 am in this upwardly-mobile-yet-backward district, the country roads are full of children commuting to school, hoisting bags...
Celebrating GLOBAL GRACE DAY, November 9, 2016
As every year, we celebrate the Global Grace Day on this November 9, 2016.
The Day After
Or, how to stop worrying and love staving off the dystopian nightmare that threatens.
Julian Assange: Why We Published What We Have on the US Elections
In recent months, WikiLeaks and I personally have come under enormous pressure to stop publishing what the Clinton campaign says about itself to itself. That pressure has come from the campaign’s allies, including the Obama administration, and from liberals who are anxious...
Trump or Clinton: a Choice Between Two Forms of Violence
12 things we can't ignore as America votes.
Why Standing Rock Matters
Right to Clean Water & The Fight Against Eminent Domain
The Other Way of Knowing
Western science and Indigenous worldviews are often seen as incompatible, with the Indigenous view usually being far less valued by society at large. But an inside look at Indigenous ways of knowing shows that they offer unique and dependable insights, in precisely the areas...
We Need a Revolution: Overcoming Fascism with a Movement of Love
November 9th, the day after the U.S. election, will be a peculiar anniversary. On this day in 1938 more than 1000 synagogues and 7000 Jewish businesses were burning all over Germany, set ablaze by the Nazis. Going down in history as “Kristallnacht” or the “Night of Broken...
Whether Trump or Clinton Wins the US Election, What Follows Is up to Us
When the polls close, a new battle will begin – to resist a racist climate denier, or to force a centrist Democrat to deliver genuinely progressive change
This Is How a War Begins
This is how a war begins
Deliberately Forgotten.
Words are battling in my head and I cannot truly form a sentence empty of frustration.
We Stood on the Rock
A poem for those that fight with the Sioux, with water, at Standing Rock.
How to Love: Legendary Zen Buddhist Teacher Thich Nhat Hanh on Mastering the Art of "Interbeing"
“To love without knowing how to love wounds the person we love.”
4 Steps to Free Yourself From Overwhelm
Feeling overwhelmed? Here are 4 Steps to get recentered.
You Can't Be Intersectional While at the Same Time Being Elitist and Exclusionary
One cannot claim to be intersectional while at the same time being elitist and exclusionary. Everyone isn't hip to what heteronormativity, heterosexism, cisgendered, cissexism or many new-age terms mean. You can't write people off for not being where you are or prescribing to...
Films for Action: What We Are Here For
It's hard to believe Films For Action has been around now for 10 years. From our early years focusing on local film screenings to our more recent years, focusing on raising awareness globally via our website and social media, our mission has been to provide a DIY alternative...
My Appeal to Leftists Who Won't Vote or Who Believe Voting Third Party Is a Principled Stance
My appeal to leftist comrades who think that not voting is a way to be a "principled" leftist, or that it's leftist to choose a third-party candidate so you can vote in good conscience. These are not leftist positions (Yes, I dare to assert a basic standard for distinguishing...
Why You Should Stop Apologizing for Doing All That You Can
I’ve noticed lately that a lot of allies and accomplices I talk to about NoDAPL and other struggles will name what they are trying to contribute to the cause, and then promptly apologize that they can’t do more. Often, the apologies seem perfunctory, or even insincere, but...
I Lived in a 38-Person Co-Op in San Francisco, and so Can You
The joy and practice of learning to share
Dreaming Beyond Capitalism: a Culture Without Fear
In the 1990s an unusual encounter took place in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In plant rituals, shamans of the Achuar, a tribe living in pristine forest that had never been in touch with Western civilization, received the warning that the “white man” would try to invade their lands...
The American Way: Socialism for the Rich, Free Enterprise for the Rest
While it's not entirely clear who coined the phrase "socialism for the rich, free enterprise for the rest," its ability to provoke — and, more importantly, to describe — is beyond question.
Inside the Battle Over the Dakota Access Pipeline
Prayer circles, rubber bullets, and a buffalo stampede at the major protest in rural North Dakota.
Remember This When You Talk About Standing Rock
This piece is very personal because, as an Indigenous woman, my analysis is very personal, as is the analysis that my friends on the frontlines have shared with me. We obviously can’t speak for everyone involved, as Native beliefs and perspectives are as diverse as the...
Inside the Invisible Government: John Pilger on War, Propaganda, Clinton and Trump
The American journalist, Edward Bernays, is often described as the man who invented modern propaganda.
#Hypernormalisation - Why Heathrow Plan Is Proof We Exist in a Catastrophic Fantasyland
The British government recently gave the green light for Heathrow airport’s third runway. It was heralded by its supporters as a vital boost for jobs and growth – and proof that the UK was “open for business”. The transport secretary, Chris Grayling, referred to the decision...
No Moral Superpower: Arundhati Roy, Edward Snowden, and the Crimes of Empire
When Arundhati Roy was preparing, in 2014, for a trip to Moscow to meet Edward Snowden, she was troubled by two things.
The Burden of the New Story
The 'new story' - that longed for milieu when all is right with the world and things are set straight - seems to be taking its sweet time coming. Why?
Why I Didn't Vote Trump or Hillary
  This is my ballot. It arrived in the mail where I live in Washington state — and I’ve already sent it back to the elections committee. Note how I didn’t vote for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clint
For Those Who Don't Want to Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils
Ranked-choice voting is catching on, and Maine might become the first state to help citizens vote for candidates they actually want.
Introversion Is Not a Personality Fail
A few years ago, I got into an argument with my now mother-in-law over my supposedly “backwards” ways. My transgression? I did not attend a party of my now husband’s (then merely boyfriend’s) distant relatives, none of whom I knew, while he was out of town. Why didn’t I want...
Anarchists - What We Stand For
Anarchism : The word “anarchy” comes from Greek and means “no rulers”. As a political philosophy, anarchism is based on the idea that organization does not require rulers—that people can get together and deal with all the problems facing them, without an authority directing...