1,681-1,740 of 4,212
How Native Americans Managed "Wild" Land Long Before Settlers
When European settlers first came to North America, they assumed they were looking at "untouched" nature. Sure, there were native peoples, but history tells us they didn't value the skills or knowledge of the existing civilizations too highly. The fertile landscapes they were...
Seven Must-Have Skills for the 21st Century
We live in a world that moves faster than we do. Trying to keep up can be an overwhelming task that at times feels hopeless, like we are falling further and further behind—but it doesn’t have to. We are fully capable of adapting to the changing times, and it begins with...
Thoughts on the Revolution, June 16, 2016
Time to dig deep, dig in, and double down
World's Banks Driving Climate Chaos With Hundreds of Billions in Extreme Energy Financing
Wall Street continues to back the most polluting fossil fuel industries "at the expense of some of the most vulnerable communities on the planet," states new report
Dumbing Us Down: The 7 Hidden Lessons of Compulsory Education
While teaching means different things in different places, seven lessons are universally taught from Harlem to Hollywood Hills.
When We Attack Nature by Clearcutting Forests & Paving Farmland, We Attack Ourselves
Growing up in southern England and Wales, we always lived close to the woods, streams, and hills of the nearby countryside. The towns were built to be dense and tight, so it was relatively easy to walk out of the buildings and away from traffic into a land of kingfishers...
5 Tips for People Who Feel Like They're "Living Alone in a World of Wounds"
Profound ecologist and writer, Aldo Leopold (1887-1948), once said: “One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds. Much of the damage inflicted on land is quite invisible to laymen. An ecologist must either harden his shell and...
How We Understand the Crisis Is Part of the Crisis
It was something I heard one dissident professor say when I was an undergraduate studying psychology in a Nigerian university. He didn’t quite say it; he whispered it. When the white men came, they brought us schools and the bible, he intoned. And then we gave them our own...
Olympians Without Nations: First-Ever Team of Refugees Heads to Summer Games
With 20 million refugees worldwide, the International Olympic Committee announces a new team to make the games more inclusive for people without a nation to call home.
The New Mind Manipulators
Your mind is being controlled by distant strangers who don’t have your best interests at heart. If that sounds like a paranoid fantasy, brace yourself and read on. These are the findings of a series of scientific studies that show how a few dominant institutions have the...
It's Time to Admit That Toxic Masculinity Drives Gun Violence
Our national attachment to dominance models of manhood is a major reason why we have so much violence.
Building a Local Peace Economy: We Have the Power
When attending meetings with peace and justice activists, I often find myself the only business person in the room. Inevitably, someone makes a comment about the evils of business, or greedy capitalists, or some other negative comment that implies business people are the...
Money and the Divine Masculine
I recently attended a ceremony at the Tamera village in Portugal in which the officiant invoked “the healing of money.” Immediately a vivid image popped into my head of a man, vast and muscular, bound to the earth with stakes and tethers, straining with every atom of his...
In a Rhino, Everything
I received the following email from a young woman, a student at an elite law school. I want to quote it in full, because it cuts so deep to core issues so many change agents face.
This Feminist Is #Still Sanders
I write as a feminist, a well-seasoned historian of American women, and a die-hard supporter of Bernie Sanders. Long-time colleagues disparage my loyalty to the Sanders campaign and chastise me, along with him, for not celebrating Hillary Clinton’s landmark achievement as the...
Queer Muslims Exist - and We Are in Mourning Too
This can’t be turned into a story of us v them – because the real world is far more complicated than that
11 Traits of People With High Emotional Intelligence
Lately, new ways to describe human interactions, social behaviours, and many facets of psychology have emerged on the social network scene. One of those descriptions is “high emotional intelligence.”
Our Bodies Don't Need Meat. So Why Can't We Give It Up?
Imagine a post-apocalyptic world in which resources are so scarce that the government decides that all grain must go to people rather than animals. Without animal feed, steak exists only as a memory, and eggs become black-market contraband. What would happen then?
Things That Feel True to My Broken Heart After Orlando
I don’t think I can write about his right now. I can’t be positive… And I don’t want to be negative. What I want to do is remind people that love is stronger than hate, but it’s hard to do that with tears in your eyes. I want to expose all of the hypocrisy of people who talk...
It's 2016 and Two Men Kissing Is Still a Stunning, Terrifying Sight
Just existing as a queer person is still a radical —and very dangerous — act.
In the Absence of the Village, Mothers Struggle Most
Dear Mothers, I’m writing you today because I can no longer contain the ache in my gut and fire in my heart over an injustice that you and I are bearing the brunt of.
Democrats Will Learn All the Wrong Lessons From Brush With Bernie
Instead of a reality check for the party, it'll be smugness redoubled
An Open Letter to the Democratic Party From the Berniecrats
The time for status quo shortsightedness, superficiality, and consumerist distraction has passed- and your permission is not required.
As Establishment Lines up Behind Clinton, Calls Resound to 'Let It Bern'
"The Bernie campaign didn't get this far by deferring to the powerful, and there's no good reason to start now," says Norman Solomon of RootsAction
6 Examples of Something for Nothing (And Why a Basic Income Should be the 7th)
I talk a lot about Basic Income, the concept that everyone should be provided a minimum guaranteed income to provide for basic human necessities (food, clothing, shelter). All over the world it is
Bernie or Bust? No, It's Justice or Bust
Can we actually achieve a more just America as one of the outcomes of this political revolution? Yes. I believe we can.
A Do No Harm, but Take No Sh*t Guide to Dealing With Others.
Here’s how I work: I’m extremely friendly and respectful to those who obey the laws of common decency when interacting with others.
Things We Aren't Allowed to Talk About
Making it okay to say you’re not doing so well
25 Brutally Honest Illustrations About Modern Life
Let’s be honest, modern life is so far away from the parody that you see in movies and TV. You can’t say 10 things that you hate about a person and fall in love in the end, and no sane man over 70 would read his entire love story to a random patient from a godforsaken...
What's Happening to the Fireflies?
Noticing fewer fireflies? You’re not alone.
Ten Ways We Misunderstand Children
1. We expect children to be able to do things before they are ready.
What Does It Mean to Be an American Liberal Today?
Liberalism is “an ideology rooted in a nation founded upon imperial conquest and rabid capitalist exploitation.” Its main proponent is in the Democratic Party, which “has become the engine of US imperial rule.” Hillary Clinton is a twin of Barack Obama. “While Obama...
Hillary Clinton: a True Pioneer of Historical Firsts
This landmark election cycle has been narrated seemingly ad nauseam in the corporate media world - but could there be even more monumental trends to this story than meets the mainstream eye?
Transforming the Human Narrative: The Rise of Regenerative Development & Design
The novelist Terry Pratchett once wrote, “people think that stories are shaped by people. In fact, it’s the other way around.” However it seems these types of dichotomies are often both/and more than they are either/or. It is true that we are shaped by the stories that we...
Alternatives to War from the Bottom Up
MORE THAN AT ANY OTHER time in history, a strong case can be made on pragmatic, utilitarian grounds that war is no longer necessary. Nonviolent statecraft need not be the dream of pacifists and dreamy idealists. It is within our reach. Simply opposing war and documenting its...
Why Manning up Is the Worst Thing to Do
Can we cure the toxicity of male trauma and the resulting illnesses it creates?
New Documentary Helping Us See The Invisible Crisis of Plastic in Oceans
Scientists have warned about the dangers of plastic pollution and microplastics in the environment for a while now. But most people still aren’t convinced of the link between carelessly discarding a water bottle and damage in the seas. After all, plastic in the ocean doesn’t...
The Three Stories of Our Time
In any great adventure, there are always obstacles in the way. The first hurdle is just to be aware that we, as a civilization and as a species, are facing a crisis point. When looking at the mainstream of our society, and the priorities expressed or goals pursued, it is hard...
US a Shining Example Unto ISIS
The US illustrates to ISIS, and the world, that the path to the seat of regional and then global power is genocide, land-theft, mass enslavement, never paying reparations, then wielding this illegally and brutally obtained money and military hardware over others and...
Joanna Macy On Staying Sane in a Toxic Culture
"All you can know is your allegiance to life and your intention to serve it in this moment that we are given." - Joanna Macy
Husbandry: a Reclamation of Men's Responsibility to Care
To stop the economy’s advance towards greed and destruction, we need new metaphors and images that inspire a radically different alternative.
Befriending Hopelessness
The impact was sudden. An SUV carrying several passengers, now hurtled like a Tonka Toy in a spinning arc two stories high. Six thousand pounds of metal flew through the air, flinging wreckage and bodies across the lane opposite me. My mind tried to make sense of what was...
Zika and the Mentality of Control
The ruling institutions of this world are quite comfortable with a virus.
"Good" Children - At What Price? The Secret Cost of Shame
A five-month-old baby is lying in his mother's arms. He is close to sleep, then wakes and begins to cry. His mother tells him that he should stop being a naughty boy, and that she will be cross with him if he doesn't sleep.
Embracing Radical Uncertainty
How to live passionately when we’re not sure how the story will end
What Happens Next? People's Summit to Fortify Sanders' Political Revolution
Speakers at the Summit, taking place June 17-19 in Chicago, comprise a roster of progressive luminaries
Planetary Crisis: We Are Not All in This Together
“Climate change and extreme weather events are not devastating a random selection of human beings from all walks of life. There are no billionaires among the dead, no corporate executives living in shelters, no stockbrokers watching their children die of malnutrition.”
Down With Guilt! There Are Much Better Ways to Get People to Act on Climate Change.
How do you get people to do something about climate change? For years, the answer has been to prod people into thinking about their role in causing it, to guilt trip them into action. Because any human who happens to live in North America has taken advantage of central...
No Single Project Is the Magic Acorn: How All Our Efforts are Working Together
My interview with Tiziano Bonini has ben published in Italian at Che Fara. Here is the English version:
A Different Way to Die: the Story of a Natural Burial
Tristan knew the end was near when his dad turned yellow.
David Graeber: Why Deregulation Is Actually Expanding Bureaucracy
The current economic system advances through free trade and deregulation; the American Dream has been outsourced globally. This has created a bureaucratic nightmare, asserts David Graeber in his latest book, The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity and the Secret Joys of...
5 Great Ways to Expand Your World When Traveling
Take them as inspiration, accept them as challenges or follow them as rules. Just remember that the world is open to those with an open mind.
Why It's Crucial for Women to Heal the Mother Wound
The issue at the core of women’s empowerment is the mother wound
The UK Might Leave the European Union. Here’s Why.
Brilliant comic sums up tough choices around EU Referendum
What If Mental Health First Aid Were as Widespread as CPR?
One in every four Americans experiences mental illness, and lack of police understanding can lead to tragedy. Here’s what could happen if we were all trained to deal with depression and anxiety.
Does Capitalism Blind Us to the Real Fight?
The campaigns to improve our lot under capitalism are endless. Once one form of oppression is dealt with, there’s always another left to tackle, but while engaging in that new fight, the former is bound to return because no progress is ever permanent under capitalism...
A Monthly Income Just for Being Human, and Other Sensible Ideas
Unconditional basic income, a policy option that seems radical by American standards, is gaining new traction across Europe, Canada, and even a few places in the United States. Also known as “universal basic income,” the policy mandates a guaranteed stipend to every resident...
Hillary Comes Out as the War Party Candidate
On June 2, a few days before the California primary, Hillary Clinton gave up trying to compete with Bernie Sanders on domestic policy. Instead, she zeroed in on the soft target of Donald Trump’s most “bizarre rants” in order to present herself as experienced and reasonable...