Chris Bedford and Shelley Morhaim made this award winning 56 minute long film on the sustainability revolution in materials and manufacturing. "The Next Industrial Revolution" tells the story of architect William McDonough's and chemist Michael Braungart's work to redesign the industrial material economy to "work with Nature, not against it." McDonough is also well known for advocating the concept of "waste equals food."
"This film is an inspirational look at a hopeful vision of the future. It does an excellent job of presenting both theory and real world examples of a design revolution that has the potential to re-make our world."
James Gustave Speth, Dean, Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
"One of the most informative, brilliant and hopeful films about the transformation of industrial and economic activities that will lead to a healthy, just, socially stable and environmentally sustaining society for all current and future generations. By showcasing the visionary philosophy and unprecedented work of Bill McDonough with outstanding colleagues and a variety of society's most influential institutions, the film is a critical educational vehicle for changing our collective mindset to achieve these goals. It's a 'must see!'"
Anthony Cortese, Sc.D., President, Second Nature.