Created by the Diverse Solidarity Economies Collective, The Banker Ladies tells the stories of Ginelle, Aisha, and Mabinty, three Black women in Toronto creating diverse financial services for their communities through Rotating Saving and Credit Associations (ROSCAs).
Known by many cultural names, these self-managed money collectives are fundamentally anchored in reciprocity, trust, and community development. What’s more, such schemes are a living example of post-growth approaches to savings and finance — a socially and economically sustainable part of the commons, rather than charity.
Based on Professor Caroline Shenaz Hossein's research, the film posits that there is a Black Social Economy in which ROSCAs are at its very core. Though hidden in the social economy ROSCAs contribute to Canada's legacy of mutual aid and economic cooperation.
“A beautiful example of alternative economic solutions in practice! ”- Films For Action
Three things you can do right now:
- Help promote this film by sharing it on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
- Find out more about Caroline Shenaz Hossein’s research on her website, and order her book: Politicized Microfinance: Money, Power, and Violence in the Black Americas.
- Start or join your own Rotating Saving and Credit Association! Here’s how they work.