Aghet: A Genocide (2010)

Aghet is an award-winning documentary made by German filmmaker Eric Friedler, which proves the truth of the genocide of the Armenian people. Using the actual words of 23 German, American and other nationals who witnessed the events, and armed with archival materials, Aghet expertly takes on the challenge that Prime Minister Erdogan hurled at the world by stating: "Prove it." Aghet incorporates never-before-seen footage and documents - making it one of the best researched and presented documentaries on the Armenian Genocide. More than just a historic retelling of the Genocide, the film also delves into the ongoing campaign of denial that the Turkish government has mounted since these events occurred in World War I.

The Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire begun on the 24th of April, 1915. Today (24/04/2013), 98 years later, the Turkish Government is in complete denial of the inhuman crimes their predecessors committed. The following documentary is being posted to pay homage, not only to the 1,500,00 victims of the Armenian Genocide, but to all the victims of human rights violations. Crimes against the humanity have to be acknowledged and officially recognized because the deeper we burry and conceal them, the stronger they root within us. 

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