421-480 of 10,393
The Best Intro to Tar Sands in 3 Minutes
Animated sequences from the feature documentary H2Oil explain, in a nutshell, the issues and problems associated with oil/tar sands production in Canada. You can view the full film here. 
For The Next 7 Generations
In 2004, thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers from all four corners, moved by their concern for our planet, came together at a historic gathering, where they decided to form an alliance: The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. This is their story. Four...
The Fighting F--k Toy and Other Disturbing Hollywood Archetypes that Shape Our Perception of Women
Want to have a pervasive effect on the subconscious attitudes of our culture? Get into the entertainment business.
The Greatest War Going On Today Has Been Called The Silent War, Because Few Ever Speak Of It
"There are no bullets, but it's a war in which people are dying... And the principle weapon, is debt." This clip is taken from the beginning of the film War By Other Means (1992), by John Pilger. Watch the full documentary online here. It may be over 2 decades old, but it...
Rare Earthenware - How Much Toxic Waste Was Produced to Make Your Electronic Devices?
Retracing rare earth elements, which are widely used in high end electronics and green technologies, to their origins. The film, developed with photographer Toby Smith, documents their voyage from container ships and ports, wholesalers and factories, back to the banks of a...
Class Dismissed: A Film About Learning Outside Of The Classroom
"Class Dismissed shows parents a glimpse into the future of education. Everyone concerned with education would benefit by watching this film." - John Taylor Gatto, Former New York State Teacher of the Year and author
A Brief History of European Colonization in Africa
This clip, narrated by Kevin Spacey, comes from the feature documentary Uganda Rising. It shows how Africa was carved up by European colonial forces, using divide and rule policies that continue to have devastating effects on those living in those countries to this day.
Above All, Be Kind
The remarkable mind that brought you QI, Blackadder and Spitting Image asks one of the world’s simplest but most significant questions – what do we really need to know? What should we teach our children, and what important information should all adults have at their disposal?...
Real Value
Award-winning filmmaker Jesse Borkowski delivers a refreshing meditation on how business can be used to create value beyond profit; connecting motivational stories from social entrepreneurs working in agriculture, apparel, insurance, and biofuel, with the captivating science...
Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism
Peter Joseph is the founder of the Zeitgeist Movement, a grassroots, worldwide organization that advocates an alternative economic system based on sustainability, cooperation and human need. His most recent book, ‘The New Human Rights Movement,’ delivers a startling exposé...
Greece is the Latest Battleground in the Financial Elite’s War on Democracy
From laissez-faire economics in 18th-century India to neoliberalism in today’s Europe the subordination of human welfare to power is a brutal tradition
10 Provocative Quotes from Ivan Illich's "Deschooling Society"
Ivan Illich’s groundbreaking book Deschooling Society (1971) offers a radical critique of the institutionalization of education within modern societies. Illich believed that we wrongly identify education with schooling, since most of our education happens outside of the...
Give Up Hope: It's The Best Chance We Have to Save Everything We Love
The most common words I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are, We’re fucked. Most of these environmentalists are fighting desperately, using whatever tools they have — or rather whatever legal tools they have, which means whatever tools those in power grant them...
The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think
It is now one hundred years since drugs were first banned -- and all through this long century of waging war on drugs, we have been told a story about addiction by our teachers and by our governments. This story is so deeply ingrained in our minds that we take it for...
Post-Brexit Visions of The Possible: It's Time to Imagine a New European Community
We live in the beginning phase of a global revolution which will turn societal conditions upside down. We cannot stop this transformation, but we can influence where it will go. Will the disintegration of the globalized systems lead to fascist violence and molecular civil...
Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral On a Moving Train
In these turbulent times, Howard Zinn is inspiring a new generation. This acclaimed film looks at the amazing life of the renowned historian, activist and author. Following his early days as a shipyard labor organizer and bombardier in World War II, Zinn became an academic...
Moyers & Company:  This Economist Will Blow Your Mind
Economist Richard Wolff joins Bill Moyers to shine light on the disaster left behind in capitalism's wake, and discusses how to battle for economic justice. A noted professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and now visiting professor at Manhattan's New...
The Union: The Business Behind Getting High
BC's illegal marijuana trade industry has evolved into a business giant, dubbed by some involved as 'The Union', Commanding upwards of $7 billion Canadian annually. With up to 85% of 'BC Bud' being exported to the United States, the trade has become an international issue...
How Perpetual War Fuels Terrorism
Since 1980, we have militarily intervened at least 35 times in more than 27 countries. We keep bombing, we continue spending trillions of dollars, but we're no safer as a result. WATCH MORE.
Awakening the Dreamer: Changing the Dream
Wake up to your own role in creating a new future. This new perspective of the current state of our planet features top scientific, indigenous and activist minds from around the world. Now available for the first-time ever on video, The Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the...
When Kids Recite The Pledge of Allegiance in School This Is Basically What They're Saying
Nationalism in schools - yeah it's gonna sound kind of creepy no matter what country you do it in.
The Asshole Factory
What are modern workplaces doing to people? Umair Haque suggests they are turning them into assholes.
Live Rich: A Spoken Word Film about The True Meaning of Wealth
This consumer madness is consuming us.
Why you don`t need to worry about $18 Trillion US Debt
Congratulations to the United States Govt. for just accumulating $18 Trillion in debt! But no worries let's look at some of the biggest reasons why YOU don't need to worry about it.
Rising Rents are Destroying the Social Fabric of Our Cities
With this film, I'm trying to tell a wider story about what is happening to my city through the inspiring words and passion of Vanessa Garrett, owner of Food For Thought in Covent Garden, London. I first visited the restaurant with my mother in the 80's and it has remained...
The Questions We Never Ask
We may have many answers...but do we ask the right questions? My name is Spencer Cathcart and this is the first short film I have released since "The Lie We Live" in 2015. In this video I question our relationship with life on this planet.
Gaza Fights For Freedom
This debut feature film by journalist Abby Martin began while reporting in Palestine, where she was denied entry into Gaza by the Israeli government on the accusation she was a “propagandist.” So Abby connected with a team of journalists in Gaza to produce the film through...
Russell Brand: Robin Williams' Divine Madness Will No Longer Disrupt the Sadness of the World
Is it melancholy to think that a world that Robin Williams can’t live in must be broken? To tie this sad event to the overarching misery of our times?
The Emotional World of Farm Animals
The Emotional World of Farm Animals is a delightful documentary for viewers of all ages about the thinking and feeling side of animals that are all too often just viewed as food.
Palestine Is Still The Issue
In a series of extraordinary interviews with both Palestinians and Israelis, John Pilger weaves together the issue of Palestine. He speaks to the families of suicide bombers and their victims; he sees the humiliation of Palestinians imposed on them at myriad checkpoints and...
The Chain of Obedience
The death squads and concentration camps of history were never staffed by rebels and dissidents. They were run by those who followed the rules.
What Would Jesus Buy?
Religion aside for a moment, there’s a terrible addiction that has swept across this country, and it’s one of the nation’s best kept secrets. Mostly everyone will tell you that it’s a really bad thing, but nobody can seem to stop doing it. And it doesn’t come cheap, nearly...
9 Examples of Indigenous Sense in a Nonsensical Time
Sometimes it seems like we live in nonsensical times. Do you ever wonder what happened to good old common sense? Indigenous voices from around the world who are fighting for cultural survival and protection of nature in their homelands offer simple wisdom in the face of...
Dear America: Please Get Your Head Out of Your Ass About Bernie Sanders
Seriously, though, come on, guys.
UK's First 'Share Shop' Opens for business
A new kind of shop is aiming to transform the future of retail by lending rather than selling items and fostering more meaningful connections with the things we use
9/11, Conspiracy Theory, and Bullshit Mongers
I get trolled a lot these days by people with all sorts of ideological beef. It gets old, fast. 9/11 and 7/7 conspiracy theorists who believe that governments "did" 9/11 and 7/7 criticise me for being too "establishment". On Twitter, arch 9/11 conspiracy wing nut accounts...
5 Things You Can Do to Help Refugees Right Now
Do you despair when people fleeing war, poverty and disasters are met with hostility or indifference? Fed up with the dispassionate and downright inhumane response from governments and the media? You're not alone. Citizens of many countries are taking direct action to help...
What Our Food Is Really Doing to the Planet, in 15 Jaw-Dropping Images
When current science news is filled with pictures — incredible, beautiful, literally awesome pictures — of planetary bodies 3 billion miles away, it's easy to forget what's happening on the soil beneath our own feet. 
Finally - a Change in Course on Drug Policy
Leaked UN report calls on governments around the world to decriminalise drug use and possession for personal consumption for all drugs
Wikileaks Exposes Secret Deal to Get Saudi Arabia on UN Human Rights Council
Two years after the controversial appointment of Saudi Arabia to the UN Human Rights Council, leaked diplomatic cables have revealed the UK was a key player in the election of the Gulf State ─ despite the Saudis’ appalling human rights record.
What Happens When Fear Wins
A dystopian warning from the future
Noam Chomsky: What Links ISIS to World War 1, Gaza and Nuclear Catastrophe
In October 2014, the Plymouth Institute for Peace Research ( asked Noam Chomsky to comment on some important world developments, including the threat of nuclear war, the recent escalation of violence in Gaza, and the growth of ISIS in Iraq.
The Problem With Society Isn't Greed. Greed Is a Symptom of a Deep Need Going Unfulfilled
A lot of people reacted to my comment on Facebook the other day that greed is more a symptom than a cause of our current system, with all its inequities. I’m asked, What is the cause of greed? First I’ll say what I think greed is: Greed is the insatiabl
Patriarchy Is Killing Our Planet
The global epidemic of violence against women and their systematic exclusion from the power structures that rule us are integral to man's violent exploitation of Earth and her resources, writes Nafeez Ahmed. The fight to save the Earth must begin with the empowerment of women...
10 Powerful Images Explain Why We Should Be Worried About TTIP/CETA
The EU is negotiating two far-reaching trade agreements: one with the USA (TTIP = Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) and one with Canada (CETA = Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement). The official line is that this will create jobs and increase economic...
Watch: Russell Brand's Brilliant Takedown of Toxic Fox News Rant in Wake of Hebdo
"Violence and killing are the consequences of this hateful programming . . . And look who profits." In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack, Fox News has gone on a hate-spree of invective about all Muslims being to blame for the actions of a handful of criminals. The tirade...
To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This
More than 20 years ago, the psychologist Arthur Aron succeeded in making two strangers fall in love in his laboratory. Last summer, I applied his technique in my own life, which is how I found myself standing on a bridge at midnight, staring into a man’s eyes for exactly four...
If Your Gut Response to #Blacklivesmatter Is #Alllivesmatter, Read This.
There are myriad reasons why the rallying hashtag for the movement that grew out of ‪#‎Ferguson‬ is ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ and not 
The Cultural Sickness That Needs to Be Named
All over the world there is a feeling that something is deeply wrong. It is often felt more than seen, an unnamed darkness that keeps millions (even billions) of people disconnected from the reality of authentic life-affirming experience. Too many of our so-called leaders...
Listen to the Baton Rouge Police Killer: Tavis Smiley
How many more disaffected black men have to self-radicalize before we take their claims seriously?
Censoring American War Crimes
After years of hating the iconic photo, Kim Phuc came to embrace it as a powerful tool to teach peace.
Films for Action: What We Are Here For
It's hard to believe Films For Action has been around now for 10 years. From our early years focusing on local film screenings to our more recent years, focusing on raising awareness globally via our website and social media, our mission has been to provide a DIY alternative...
Seeing Wetiko: on Capitalism, Mind Viruses, and Antidotes for a World in Transition
What if we told you that humanity is being driven to the brink of extinction by an illness? That all the poverty, the climate devastation, the perpetual war, and consumption fetishism we see all around us have roots in a mass psychological infection?
Comic: If Bart Simpson and Chris Griffin Went to Couples Therapy
"My dad was an abusive alcoholic, or whatever. He'd go to the bar, come home drunk, find out I'd f-cked up at school, and he'd choke me out."
Sanders Campaign's Commitment to Victory Irritates Media, Offends Clinton Campaign
Once again, for the umpteenth time in the Democratic presidential primary, there is a dominant narrative in the establishment news media that it is over for Bernie Sanders. News outlets have crunched the numbers, again, and after the loss to Hillary Clinton in New York...
Why I've Started to Fear My Fellow Social Justice Activists
We are alienating each other with unrestrained callouts and unchecked self-righteousness. Here’s how that can stop.
Trump's Actions Warrant a General National Strike
Political movements rarely succeed without causing discomfort and inconvenience
On Trump: an Open Letter to the Brokenhearted
"To those of you that care about diversity, about the environment, about the beauty of queer sexual orientations, about indigenous lands and their right to thrive, and about policing practices that have led to the deaths of many black men and women...I write." How do we...
South of The Border
There’s a revolution underway in South America, but most of the world doesn’t know it. Oliver Stone sets out on a road trip across five countries to explore the social and political movements as well as the mainstream media’s misperception of South America while interviewing...