661-720 of 10,393
The Shocking Reason Why the Rich Are Getting Richer Explained Beautifully in 3 Minutes
1. The current money system distributes money from the bottom 90% to the top 10% Because 97% of the money in the UK is created by banks, someone must pay interest on nearly every pound in the circulation. This interest redistributes money from the bottom 90% of the...
What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy
This is a powerful 10-part compilation that (in important ways) pulls aside the veil of Official myths and Lies about "freedom", "democracy", Human Rights, etc., being the basis of U.S. foreign policy.
The Zeitgeist Movement
Started in late 2008, The Zeitgeist Movement exists as the communication and "Activist Arm" of an organization called The Venus Project. The Venus Project was started many decades ago by Social/Industrial Designer Jacque Fresco and his life's work has been to address and...
The Fiery Cage and the Lynching Tree, Brutality's Never Far Away
They burned him alive in an iron cage, and as he screamed and writhed in the agony of hell they made a sport of his death.
Permaculture Has Some Incredible Solutions For Transforming Suburbia Into Resilient Communities
Rather than waiting for society to all agree how we need to live in a different way, by focusing here in the suburban household, people can actually get on with making changes… a lot can happen right where people are. – David Holmgren, co-founder of Permacu
If You Want to Say Thank You, Don't Say Sorry - And 6 Other Examples of Beautiful Communication
Appreciate others for what they have done. Don't apologize for simply existing.
Surviving Capitalist Depression
We live in a toxic society filled with toxic people. Even the ones with the best hearts- including ourselves- have been raised in ignorance, with disinformation. Our examples of happiness are fake, sponsored, and used to sell products. Typical relationship standards...
Why It's Crucial for Women to Heal the Mother Wound
The issue at the core of women’s empowerment is the mother wound
Inside the Invisible Government: John Pilger on War, Propaganda, Clinton and Trump
The American journalist, Edward Bernays, is often described as the man who invented modern propaganda.
An Open Letter to the Democratic Party From the Berniecrats
The time for status quo shortsightedness, superficiality, and consumerist distraction has passed- and your permission is not required.
Mark Corske's Engines of Domination
The Invention of Capitalism: How a Self-Sufficient Peasantry was Whipped Into Industrial Wage Slaves
"When working-class people (or their upper-class idols) argue that the rich must get richer to properly motivate the rich, but the poor must stay poor or else they will lose all incentive to work, they are repeating dogmas that are as old as the invention of capitalism...
10 Words Every Girl Should Learn
"Stop interrupting me." 
Food Inc.
For most Americans, the ideal meal is fast, cheap, and tasty. Food, Inc. examines the costs of putting value and convenience over nutrition and environmental impact.
Wake Up, Freak Out – Then Get a Grip
It’s much, much later than you think. There's a tipping point ahead. This really isn’t about polar bears any more. At this very moment, the fate of civilization itself hangs in the balance. It turns out that the way we have been calculating the future impacts of climate...
How to Resist the Pressures of Conformity
The social psychology of conformity affects us all, but there are ways to maintain our independence, as explained in this animated short.
Starsuckers is a documentary about our celebrity-obsessed media. It uncovers the real reasons behind our addiction to fame and blows the lid off the corporations and individuals who profit from it.
It's The Greatest Drama of All Time and You Just Might Be Missing It
When you're glued to the latest series of a show like Game of Thrones, caught up in the drama, the twists and turns of the plot, you may be missing the most intricate, massive drama imaginable; the one happening all around you, in real time. 
The Pipe
What do people do when the law prevents them from protecting themselves? This is a documentary film on the small Irish village that stood up to Big Oil.
Life's Pursuit: Endlessly Seeking External Rewards is Self-Defeating
Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam (1931-2015) was a scientist, ae
We Need a Revolution; It Starts with Falling in Love with Earth
This beautiful, bounteous, life-giving planet we call Earth has given birth to each one of us, and each one of us carries the Earth within every cell of our body.
How Political Mind Control Works
The illusion of power IS a kind of real power. There is a lesson in this for the majority of humanity.
"A Hideous Atrocity": Noam Chomsky on Israel's Assault on Gaza & U.S. Support for the Occupation
 - Hideous. Sadistic. Vicious. Murderous. That is how Noam Chomsky describes Israel's 29-day offensive in Gaza that killed nearly 1,900 people and left almost 10,000 people injured. Chomsky has written extensively about the Israel/Palestine conflict for decades.
Representative Democracy IS NOT Democracy
This is satisfying truth-telling. The real civics lesson we ought to get in school. Part 2: Direct Democracy Part 3: Visions of a Free Society
Europe Or Die
Since 2000, more than 27,000 migrants and refugees have died attempting the perilous journey to Europe. With an unprecedented number of people breaking through its heavily barricaded borders in 2014, the EU continues to fortify its frontiers.
American Sniper's Patriot Porn & Celebration of Psychopathy
Abby Martin interviews independent journalist, Rania Khalek, about the new film 'American Sniper' and why it's such a controversial choice to receive a Best Picture Oscar nomination. 
This Is How Globalized Capitalism Operates Today
The history of wage struggle in Cambodia is a case study for the history of global capitalism as a whole.
Planet Ocean
Can we imagine a film that would change the way people look at the ocean? Can we explain simply, to everyone, the greatest natural mystery of our planet? And lastly, can we help our children believe in a better and more sustainable world tomorrow? This is the triple...
The Truth About the Alt-Right
Our comprehensive investigation into the Alt-Right movement, including its origins, its relation to the Trump campaign and broader implications for the future. Read more: What Is The “Alt-Right”? A Guide To The White Nationalist Movement Now Leading Conservative Media; 
Who Is to Blame for the Refugee Crisis?
Today 60 million human beings are displaced from war and extreme poverty. Many European countries are responding to the crisis with racist hysteria, polices and police state measures. Abby Martin exposes the facts that are left out of the mainstream reporting: the role of...
This Is What Happens When Our Politicians Say Yes to Dirty Energy
Between Tues 23rd and Fri 26th June Lancashire County Council is scheduled to be considering applications for 2 new fracking test sites on the Fylde Peninsular near Blackpool. We have been here before with the last attempt in January ending in far
Before the Flood
Join Leonardo DiCaprio as he explores the topic of climate change, and discovers what must be done today to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our planet.
Subconscious War
Subconscious War is a short documentary on media, reality, and the culture of violence, It covers the prophecies of Aldous Huxley and Neil Postman's grim assessment of our Brave New World and relates these to our violence and the cultural influences that fosters it today.
Comic Strip of Alan Watts' Lecture: What If Money Was No Object?
An amazing cartoon made by Gavin Aung Than, which is inspired by this great lecture of the philosopher Alan Watts.
In Our Nature: A Beautiful Spoken Word Tribute to the Wonder of The World
A spoken word film about enjoying nature and spending more time outdoors. Our environment and our climate is what keep us alive. If we look after our planet, it will look after us in return. Written, Performed & Directed by Gary Turk.
Instead of Meaningfully Contributing to Society, Many People Are Stuck In Bullshit Jobs They Hate | Joe Rogan
“We got sidetracked and diverted into these boxes, these cubicles in offices,” says Joe Rogan. “So instead of investing your time in a passion, you’ve sold your life to work for an uncaring machine that doesn’t understand you. That’s the problem with our society. And what’s...
Yanis Varoufakis on Jeremy Corbyn and Capitalism
Yanis Varoufakis talks to Paul Mason about Jeremy Corbyn, Labour, the media and capitalism.
Singapore: Biophilic City
A whirlwind week in Singapore exploring the amazing story of how Singapore came to be one of the most 'biophilic' cities of the world, on the cutting edge of ecocity design and innovation. Did you have any idea? There has been unprecedented priority given in recent years to...
In Transition 2.0: A Story of Resilience & Hope in Extraordinary Times
This film is an inspirational immersion in the Transition movement, gathering stories from around the world of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. There are stories of communities printing their own money, growing food, localising their economies and setting up...
India's Healing Forests: Come Home, Be Healed
All our knowledge comes from nature and yet nature is a source of many mysteries.
Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven't Noticed
Most of us haven't quite realized there is something extraordinary happening.
Anarchy Lives: Rojava
There is place where sex, creed and ethnicity do not harbor division. A place where everyone is military trained so that having a police force becomes obsolete. A place where civilian females, instead of asking for permission, instead of waiting for outside help, have taken...
8 Reasons Young Americans Don't Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance
Traditionally, young people have energized democratic movements. So it is a major coup for the ruling elite to have created societal institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance to domination.  
Reza Aslan Challenges the Corporate Media Rhetoric on Islam and Violence
Reza Aslan offers his reaction to Bill Maher's recent remarks regarding the link between violence and Islam.
Watch the Beautiful Two-Minute Ad Asking the Washington Football Team to Change Its Name
With the owner of the team vowing "NEVER" to change its name, Native American tribes around the country launched a national campaign to do just that.
Fantastic Fungi
This is the film of the century!- Films For ActionWhen so many are struggling for connection, inspiration and hope, Fantastic Fungi brings us together as interconnected creators of our world. Fantastic Fungi, directed by Louie Schwartzberg, is a consciousness-shifting film...
Have We Been Denying Our Human Nature for Four Hundred Years?
Eurocentric modernism has unhinged us from our human nature, argues Rajani Kanth in his new book
How the Rich Keep Us Poor
Ever wondered how they do it? Guinea, and many other African countries, will never rise out of poverty if this continues to happen...    
An Animated History of Taker Culture in 4 Minutes
Self-described civilized man, belonging to the culture known as the Takers. What an extraordinary creature. He has walked on the moon and created the worldwide web that connects billions of people like us right here. But there is a darker side of Taker culture, a history that...
Human Resources: Social Engineering In The 20th Century
Human Resources explores the rise of mechanistic philosophy and the exploitation of human beings under modern hierarchical systems.
Disillusioned with his life, Dr. John Kitchin abandons his career as a neurologist and moves to Pacific Beach. There, he undergoes a radical transformation into SLOMO, trading his lab coat for a pair of rollerblades and his IRA for a taste of divinity.
Back to the Future Parody Sends Marty To The Real 2015
Back to the Future, updated for the actual future!
The 'Sexy Lie' We Should Be Talking About
"I am here today to talk about a lie." That's how politics professor Caroline Heldman opened her Jan. 2013 TEDxYouth San Diego talk on the topic of sexual objectification. "I'd like to talk specifically about the lie, or the idea, that being a sex object is empowering."
The Evilness of Power
THE EVILNESS OF POWER examines the ways in which power and hierarchy affect individuals, society, and the world at large. It's possibly the best film on the subject ever made.  Produced by Jonathan Shockley.
Exit Through The Gift Shop
The story of how an eccentric French shop keeper and amateur film maker attempted to locate and befriend Banksy, only to have the artist turn the camera back on its owner. The film contains footage of Banksy, Shephard Fairey, Invader and many of the world’s most infamous...
The Broken Century
Welcome to the fake society. The world is dying. This is humanity... - James Scotmore
Yes, There Is An Alternative to Capitalism: Mondragon Shows the Way
There is no alternative ("Tina") to capitalism?
Mother: Caring for 7 Billion
Mother: Caring for 7 Billion is an award-winning human rights film that explores the challenges we face living in a world of 7 billion.   It tells the story of Beth, an American mother and child's right activist, and her journey to understand how overpopulation is impacting...