181-240 of 10,393
Capitalism and Mental Health: How the Market Makes Us Sick
Far from being a far-fetched pipe dream that human beings could never live under, pockets of anarchistic self-activity are what keep us sane in a profoundly insane world. This video mainly deals with how the capitalist system exerts massive amounts of pressure on individuals...
People Are Waking Up
People are waking up. They're getting involved. They're saying, "Not another day! This is where I mark the line." Their desire to change the world is turning from simple wishful thinking on Monday mornings into tangible action. The thoughts they used to have only occasionally...
Gabor Mate: Toxic Culture - How Materialistic Society Makes Us Ill
The Canadian physician and best-selling author of In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts is a brilliantly original thinker on addiction, trauma, parenting and the social context of human diseases and imbalances. Contrary to the assumptions of mainstream medicine, he asserts that most...
The Root Cause of Addiction
Could the root cause of addiction actually be a lack of connection.
Cecil The Lion, Trophy Hunting and The Big Picture
With the heartbreak, outrage and uproar about Cecil the lion, a few things need to be addressed... When are we going to have the courage to ask ourselves why we don't cry out for the billions of animals who are slaughtered every year? The 300 million animals that we kill...
A Letter from the Virus: #LISTEN
An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans Stop. Just stop. It is no longer a request. It is a mandate. We will help you. We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt We will stop the planes the trains the schools the malls the meetings the frenetic...
Bernie Sanders Is Our Last Chance
“We won’t see a presidential candidate like Bernie again in our lifetimes.” As I heard these words, spoken by a woman at a Sanders campaign event recently, I felt a chill go through me. Because I knew she was right. We won’t.
Occupy Your Mind: On Power, Knowledge, and the Re-Occupation of Common Sense
One of the most profound changes that occurs when modern schooling is introduced into traditional societies around the world is a radical shift in the locus of power and control over learning from children, families, and communities to ever more centralized systems of authority. 
Dealing With Uncertainty: Why Reaching Out to Young People Is so Important
Reaching out to young people is especially critical at this time. With mounting psycho-social stress attributed to an increasingly uncertain future, young people are going to need support grappling with the social effects of so many convergent crises.
Hey Corporate America, THIS Is What Happens When You Piss Off a Rapper And His Friends
Food Fight is the story of a kid who lives in a world where the food at the local corner store is killing his neighborhood -- literally.
Will Obama's Bombs Stop Beheadings? Russell Brand The Trews
Russell Brand The Trews (E146). Reaction to President Barack Obama's 'destroy and degrade' strategy address for fighting the Islamic State.
Jeremy Bernard Corbyn: What Was Done
This fantastic and entertaining documentary (full of biting satirical commentary) imagines what would happen if decades of neoliberal austerity in the UK was reversed by the democratic socialist programs of Jeremy Corbyn, who in the not-too-distant future becomes the greatest...
Anarchists in India Need You: Help Us Make India Gender-Tolerant!
"In three generations, India has systematically targeted and annihilated more than 50 million women from its population – a number which constitutes the sum total of the populations of Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and Portugal put together (Banerji, Female Genocide)...
Wealth Illusion, Structural Violence & The Fear of Truth
Abby Martin interviews the creator of the Zeitgeist Movement, Peter Joseph, covering everything from the upcoming Zeitgeist Festival in Los Angeles on October 4th to economic and societal solutions to global problems ranging from environmental destruction to mass inequality.
All Revolutions Begin As Revolutions of Consciousness
Important reflections for everyone hoping to affect change in the world. This is a clip from "UnVeiled & Lifted," which was released online for free by the film-makers in 2013. Watch the full film here.
The Bloom Episode 3: New Ways of the Sacred
Part III of The Bloom “New Ways of The Sacred” looks at how Transformational Festivals are venues for an active engagement with ancient, universal themes of MYTHOS, RITUAL and THE SACRED, exploring ways which both honor the traditional, while reflecting our unprecedented...
I Am Not Black. You Are Not White: We Are Not the Racial Labels Elites Invented to Divide Us
Racism is real but race is not. "Black" and "White" were labels invented in the 15th century - made up to divide us. Is it time to let these labels go? ​Prince Ea believes the answer is yes.
This Is The Video Future Generations Will Be Wishing Everyone Watched Today
The living earth is slowly being consumed by the human animals living on its surface. There are many drivers of the destruction being wrought, and many solutions we can pursue. One of the clearest drivers of deforestation, habitat loss and extinction is our insatable and...
Gross National Happiness Is a Profound Alternative to How Our Failing Economy Measures Progress
Bhutan is a living example that it is possible to develop in a different way, and is creating a caring economy based on the values of altruism, compassion and collaboration.  It is clear to the billions still living in poverty today that the globalized capitalist economy is...
Hillary Clinton's Business of Corporate Shilling & War Making
Digging deep into Hillary's connections to Wall Street, Abby Martin reveals how the Clinton's multi-million-dollar political machine operates. 
Cold at Home
Thrilled to announce that this film won 1st Prize for Long Documentary Category at the Danish Press Awards in March 2017!!! 
This Animation About The Clitoris Will Amuse and Educate
Women are lucky, they get to have the only organ in the human body dedicated exclusively for pleasure: the clitoris! In this humorous and instructive animated short film, find out its unrecognized anatomy and its unknown herstory.
Why we will not stop climate change.  Capitalism's inability to decarbonize.
The steps needed to rapidly decarbonize our economy (the only way to prevent catastrophic climate change) will never be taken in a capitalist system.
American Psychosis | Chris Hedges
Pulitzer-prize winning journalist, author and activist Chris Hedges discusses modern-day consumerism, totalitarian corporate power, and living in a culture dominated by pervasive illusion.
Honor The Treaties
A portrait of photographer Aaron Huey's work on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Featuring Shepard Fairey.
Miss Representation
Miss Representation is a powerful film that exposes damaging, sexist media messages that inhibit young women’s happiness, ambition, and leadership.
The Basic Income
Grundeinkommen - ein Kulturimpuls (The Basic Income - A Cultural Impulse) is a German film with subtitles in 10 languages that makes the case for a basic income for all citizens. Subtitles Note: To make the subtitles easier to read, we highly recommend clicking the "CC"...
Why Do Banks Make So Much Money?
Banks make so much money because they can create money, effectively out of nothing, by lending. Every single pound in your bank account was created by a bank, not by your government. Visit, find out more and SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN. ...and spread the word! 
What Happens in November
In the fall of 2009, I interviewed a Holocaust survivor from the Lodz ghetto. As a young girl, she had seen her whole family lined up and executed by a Nazi firing squad in a spray of machine gun fire, alongside hundreds of the people she had grown up with.
What It Really Means to Hold Space for Someone
How to be there for the people who need you most
The Happiness Conspiracy
What does it mean to be happy in a modern consumer society? John F Schumaker argues that our entire socio-economic system is designed to spew out citizens eternally in search of satisfaction.
Depression-Busting Exercise Tips for People Too Depressed to Exercise
If you’ve struggled with depression at any point in your life, you’ve probably heard some well-meaning soul say “just try to get some exercise, it’s good for your mood!” Annoyingly, they’re right; I don’t think that exercise can single-handedly cure depression or treat its...
8 Ways to Master the Art of Mindful Communication
Communication is essential to achieve successful human interactions. However, the type of communication we have highly determines the outcome of our relationships. It all simply boils down to how we are connecting with each other.
How the Not-For-Profit Model Holds the Key to Creating a People-First Economy in Balance with Nature
As businesses increasingly embrace a not-for-profit culture, an end to overconsumption on a finite planet could finally be in sight. But given the huge lobbying power of vested interests, it will remain impossible to create a truly sustainable world until the illegitimate...
Bertrand Russell & Buckminster Fuller on Why We Should Work Less, and Live & Learn More
Why must we all work long hours to earn the right to live? Why must only the wealthy have access to leisure, aesthetic pleasure, self-actualization…?
10 Quotes From an Oglala Lakota Chief That Will Make You Question Everything About Our Society
Luther Standing Bear was an Oglala Lakota Sioux Chief who, among a few rare others such as Charles Eastman, Black Elk and Gertrude Bonnin occupied the rift between the way of life of the Indigenous people of the Great Plains before, and during, the arrival and subsequent...
Gabor Maté: Why Our Culture Makes So Many Of Us Unhappy
Dr. Gabor Maté explains why it is that our culture makes so many of us unhappy, unkind to one another, miserable, alienated from ourselves, etc. Watch the full interview in Part 2.
Poverty Is a Business
The poor pay more for everything, and such transactions are highly profitable for those selling goods and services to the poor. Profits are made on the labor of the poor, the consumption of the poor, and the debt of the poor; meanwhile the poor remain-poor.
The Economics of Happiness
Economic globalization has led to a massive expansion in the scale and power of big business and banking. It has also worsened nearly every problem we face: fundamentalism and ethnic conflict; climate chaos and species extinction; financial instability and unemployment. There...
Real Estate 4 Ransom: Why Does Land Cost the Earth?
REAL ESTATE 4 RAN$OM outlines a genuine alternative to the global property speculation that forced so many into debt. Doubling the pressure, the tax game has become just that, with tax havens a favoured option for the wealthy. The result - we are taxing the wrong things...
Five Ways of Being That Can Change the World
When you know where to look, you begin to see an unprecedented phenomenon now happening in this world of ours. Be they teachers in favelas, forest defenders, urban farmers, occupiers of Wall Street, designers of windmills, military resisters (the list goes on…), the fact is...
Swedish Band 'The Knife' Nail Central Flaw of The UN's Sustainable Development Goals
Brilliant satirical comic imagines what policy would look like if the UN focused on eliminating extreme wealth.
Hacking Planned Obsolescence Through the Art of Repairing Not Replacing
At the Repair and Service Center in Vienna, the long-term unemployed retrain to be "mechatronic engineers" and repair electronic devices. Founder Sepp Eisenriegler tirelessly initiates networks, projects, and cafés—all dedicated to the art of fixing things.
Another Way Of Seeing: We Don't Own the Land. The Land Owns Us.
Bob Randall, a Yankunytjatjara elder and traditional owner of Uluru (Ayer's Rock), explains how the connectedness of every living thing to every other living thing is not just an idea but a way of living. This way includes all beings as part of a vast family and calls us to...
The Great Everything & the Nothing
'This is the very definition of a film you MUST see before you die.' We all know that there's something odd about life. But we never really discuss it. 'The Great Everything & The Nothing' explores the world of social engineering, laying out our problems as a species and...
Alan Watts: What is Wrong With Our Culture
Thought-provoking 5 minutes on the state of the world from the late, great Alan Watts - a man far ahead of his time.
Why Do so Many People Get Lost in Drugs Instead of Making a Life That You Don't Need to Escape From?
"I believe, inherently, that the structures of society are driving us mad. Though most of us believe ourselves to be fairly well-adjusted, healthy individuals, we are all patients in the asylum together now."
Race: The Power of An Illusion
The division of the world's peoples into distinct groups - "red," "black," "white" or "yellow" peoples - has became so deeply embedded in our psyches, so widely accepted, many would promptly dismiss as crazy any suggestion of its falsity. Yet, that's exactly what this...
This is the story of our unique moment in history. We are living through an age of tipping points and rapid social and planetary change. We’re the first generation to feel the impacts of climate disruption, and the last generation that can do something about it. The film...
Nonlinear Warfare - A New System of Political Control
A short film by Adam Curtis shows how the deliberate undermining of people's perception of the world, by manipulating the media and civil society, creates confusion and contradiction, undermining any opposition to existing power structures. This strategy has allowed...
White Like Me
White Like Me, based on the work of acclaimed anti-racist educator and author Tim Wise, explores race and racism in the US through the lens of whiteness and white privilege. In a stunning reassessment of the American ideal of meritocracy and claims that we've entered a...
Expressions of an Angry Muslim
Spoken word challenges prejudices, double-standards and lazy assumptions.
This Is The World As It Is
This is the truth about the world today: not as it should be, or how it was taught to us in schools, but as it really is.
2016 Presidential Election Reality Check
We're awake now. We're not going back to sleep.
Native American Girls Describe the Real History Behind Thanksgiving
6 Native American girls school us on the REAL history of Thanksgiving.
The Big Idea of the 21st Century: The Empathic Civilization
Bestselling author, political adviser and social and ethical prophet Jeremy Rifkin investigates the evolution of empathy and the profound ways that it has shaped our development and our society.
There's No Tomorrow
A 34 minute animated documentary about resource depletion and the impossibility of infinite growth on a finite planet.
What is Patriotism?
Actress Sandra Oh reads the speech given by Anarchist Emma Goldman in San Francisco before the United States entered WWI. Part of a reading from Voices of a People's History of the United States given October 5, 2005 in Los Angeles California (Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove.) 
Unemployment Is Designed to Fail
State Unemployment agencies have been charged with the grave task of salvaging an economy on the brink of collapse, theoretically through the emergency distribution of living wages and stipends.