301-360 of 396
When the Grandmothers Awoke
Becoming a global family, one that unites ancient indigenous wisdom with other faith and cultural traditions, is essential if humanity is to overcome the crises of climate change.
Why Are so Many Women in Prison?
It's no secret that the incarceration rate in America has skyrocketed since the 1970's. But did you know the number of women behind bars has grown nearly twice the rate of men in recent years? 
Wanted: Men Who Love
Every female wants to be loved by a male. Every woman wants to love and be loved by the males in her life. Whether gay or straight, bisexual or celibate, she wants to feel the love of father, grandfather, uncle, brother, or male friend. If she is heterosexual she wants the...
Mountains That Take Wing: Angela Davis & Yuri Kochiyama
MOUNTAINS THAT TAKE WING features conversations that span 13 years between two formidable women whose lives and political work remain at the epicenter of the most important civil rights struggles in the US. Through the intimacy and depth of conversations, we learn about...
America the Beautiful
In a society where "celebutantes" like Paris Hilton dominate newsstands and models who weigh less than 90 pounds die from malnutrition, female body image is one of the more dire problems facing today's society. "America the Beautiful" illuminates the issue by covering every base.
From Chiapas to Rojava: Seas Divide Us, Autonomy Binds Us
Despite being continents apart, the struggles of the Kurds and Zapatistas share a similar purpose: to resist capitalism, liberate women and build autonomy.
Women in Labor History
The impact women have made in labor history is often missing from textbooks and the media despite the numerous roles women have played to organize, unionize, rally, document, and inspire workers—both men and women, children and adults, citizens and immigrants—to fight for...
Going to Places That Scare Me: Personal Reflections on Challenging Male Supremacy
"Going to Places that Scare Me: Personal Reflections on Challenging Male Supremacy" is an excerpt from the critically acclaimed book, Towards Collective Liberation: Anti-Racist Organizing, Feminist Praxis, and Movement Building Strategy by Chris Crass. Around the world, women...
These Men Kept Harassing Women On The Streets, Until One Day This Happened... Mom?!
November 25th marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, so Everlast created this video in support for that day. In Peru, and around the world, more women are afraid of getting harassed on the street than anything else. So they decided to send...
State of Female Justice: What Makes You Rise?
 In LA, February 6, Flanders hosted a live public event, bringing together women from the movements for racial, economic, environmental and media justice to discuss creating gender justice in our world. This State of Female Justice event is part of a series, developed by...
This Is The First and Last Rape Joke You'll Ever Need to Hear
Members of the Los Angeles based literacy group, Get Lit, perform "Rape Joke" at Brave New Voices 2014, a youth-centric poetry slam created by Youth Speaks.  
Why Men Are So Obsessed with Sex
Have you ever encountered a baby whose gender is unknown to you?
Video: How Black Women Are Leading the #BlackLivesMatter Movement
While recent protests have focused on the deaths of black men, it's black women who are leading the charge.
An Open Letter From Assata Shakur: "I Am a 20th Century Escaped Slave"
My name is Assata Shakur, and I am a 20th century escaped slave. Because of government persecution, I was left with no other choice than to flee from the political repression, racism and violence that dominate the US government’s policy towards people of color. I am an...
Angela Davis: ‘There is an Unbroken Line of Police Violence in the US that Takes Us Back to Slavery'
The activist, feminist and revolutionary explains how the ‘prison industrial complex’ profits from black people, that Barack Obama can’t be blamed for the lack of progress on race, and why Beyoncé is not a terrorist “There is an unbroken line of police violence in the United...
'Boys Send Me Rape Threats, So I Tell Their Moms': Meet the Woman Fighting Online Harassment
Rape threats are an all-too-common reality for women online. Just as often, the anonymity of the Internet makes it nearly impossible to strike back at trolls. What’s more, as is well documented, social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook have been
How Does The Biggest Newspaper In The UK Represent Men and Women? It's Worse Than You Might Think
What happens if you collect The Sun for 6 months, cut out every picture of every man and every woman, find a wall and start sticking?
Terry Crews on Manhood, Feminism & the Mindset That Leads to Rape
These days we're talking a lot about gender: about sexism, discrimination, sexual assault, and gender roles. Actor, author and former NFL Football player Terry Crews, who is well known for his work on the TV series Brooklyn Nine-Nine and his appearances in ads for the brand...
Angela Davis On Violence
This excerpt from The Black Power Mixtape features a powerful interview with Angela Davis in 1972 in which she speaks about violence, which is still relevant today.
Anarchists in India Need You: Help Us Make India Gender-Tolerant!
"In three generations, India has systematically targeted and annihilated more than 50 million women from its population – a number which constitutes the sum total of the populations of Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and Portugal put together (Banerji, Female Genocide)...
6 Things You Might Not Think Are Harassment But Definitely Are
I never cease to be astounded by the way that some people react to stories of harassment in the street. Just yesterday, we shared a story about a woman who taped herself walking aroun
Don't Believe Women Are Endlessly Harassed? Watch This
It’s a little surprising someone didn’t think of this before. But here it is: hard evidence, irrefutable proof, upwards of 100 undeniable examples revealing just what kinds of casual, routine harassment await any young, “normal” American woman strolling around the city...
Do We Live in a Sexist Country?
Live current affairs debate from Cardiff, presented by Rick Edwards and Tina Daheley. Along with the other issues of the week, the question 'Do we live in a sexist country?' is debated.
Tropes vs Women in Video Games: Women as Background Decoration
Content Warning: This educational episode contains graphic sexual and violent game footage.
10 Female Revolutionaries That You Probably Didn't Learn About In History class
We all know male revolutionaries like Che Guevara, but history often tends to gloss over the contributions of female revolutionaries that have sacrificed their time, efforts, and lives to work towards burgeoning systems and ideologies. Despite misconceptions, there are tons...
I Believe in Me: Fighting for Trans Rights in Prison
On the day of her release from state custody, Donisha McShan tells her story of finding her voice and standing up for her right to be treated as a woman.
5 Women Who Are Changing Our Relationship With the Earth
From left to right: Starhawk, Julia Butterfly Hill, Majora Carter, Vandana Shiva, and Patricia Gualinga. August 26th is Women’s Equality Day, a day to honor when American women gained the right to vote, 95 years ago. In honor of women’s equality, we present 5 fearless women...
If We Gave Men the Same Rape Advice We Give Women, Here's How Absurd It Would Sound
Earlier this week, a group of male students at North Carolina State University introduced Undercover Colors, a new line of nail polish designed to change color when it comes into contact with date rape drugs. While many have praised the young entrepreneurs, some anti-rape...
Farmher in the Dell: Women in Agriculture
Itʼs a cool spring day in Merville, BC as Moss Dance, sole proprietor of Ripple Farm, unfurls irrigation lines along tightly spaced rows of lettuces. Itʼs early in the season, but there are already fresh greens, radishes and onions ready to harvest for the weekly farmersʼ market.
When We Judge a Person Harshly With a Label or Dismissal, We Kill the Human Being Inside of Them
No person or group of people is ever one thing. Inside each of us are a thousand diverse aspects - evolving dimensions.
There Is No Such Thing as a Slut
A slut is useful — or, at least, the idea of her is. That’s what sociologists Elizabeth A. Armstrong and Laura T. Hamilton suggest in their recently published research on sex and status. Their study of party dorms and sorority life on one college campus dramatizes how all...
Women Like Sex. Stop Making 'Health' Excuses for Why We Use Birth Control
When 99% of the female population uses contraception, it's sad that we can't just come out and say that we use it for sex. And that we like the sex – a lot.   Women like to have sex. Some women who like to have sex don't want to get pregnant, so they use birth control. I...
Where Sewing Machines Are Status symbols
In Atauro Island, Timor Leste, the 8,000-9,000 locals mainly work as subsistence farmers or fishermen, often struggling to make ends meet. When the women of the UK-based social enterprise Swags World (Simply Women and Girls in a Sustainable World) first visited, they found...
If Women's Roles In Ads Were Played By Men
Watch this. Then imagine what it would be like if most of the images you saw of men in every form of media were like this too. It would be a little weird, right?
18 Empowering Illustrations to Remind Everyone Who's Really in Charge of Women's Bodies
When Brazilian graphic designer Carol Rossetti began posting colorful illustrations of women and their stories to 
A Gentlemen's Guide To Rape Culture
If you are a man, you are part of rape culture. I know … that sounds rough. You’re not a rapist. But you may (inadvertently) perpetuate the attitudes and behaviors commonly referred to as rape culture. You may be thinking, “Now, hold up, Zaron! You don’t know me, homey! I’ll...
For The Next 7 Generations
In 2004, thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers from all four corners, moved by their concern for our planet, came together at a historic gathering, where they decided to form an alliance: The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. This is their story. Four...
The One Meme That Proves That the Men You Least Suspect Can Be Feminists Too
Have you ever overheard an insufferable dude at a bar telling some really sexist-sounding story about "tapping that," and wished it would find its glorious happy feminist ending? Well, you're not alone. In fact, there's a meme for that.
Blurred Lines: The New Battle Of The Sexes
From bomb threats sent to campaigners for more females on banknotes to sexually explicit pop videos. From extreme laddism at universities to rape jokes in the school yard... Kirsty Wark explores whether there's a new culture abroad in which it's acceptable to write about...
The Colour of Beauty
Renee Thompson is trying to make it as a top fashion model in New York. She’s got the looks, the walk and the drive. But she’s a black model in a world where white women represent the standard of beauty. Agencies rarely hire black models. And when they do, they want them to...
War Zone
What does it feel like to be a woman on the street in a cultural environment that does nothing to discourage men from heckling, following, touching or disparaging women in public spaces?  Filmmaker Maggie Hadleigh-West believes that the streets are a War Zone for women...
India: A Dangerous Place To Be A Woman
In December 2012 a young medical student was brutally gang-raped on board a bus in Delhi. Horrified by the attack, 28-year-old British Asian Radha Bedi travels to India to uncover the reality of life for young women there.
Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising's Image Of Women
In this update of her pioneering Killing Us Softly series, Jean Kilbourne takes a fresh look at how advertising traffics in distorted and destructive ideals of femininity. Killing Us Softly 4 stands to challenge a new generation of students to take advertising seriously, and...
Jackson Katz: A Paradigm-Shifting Perspective On The Violence That Harms Both Women and Men
This should really get your brain thinking in entirely new ways.
It's Time Our Culture Rewrites the Story on Gender
Join the movement. Featuring: Jean Kilbourne, Pedro Noguera, Jackson Katz and Rosario Dawson.
Girl Rising (2013) (trailer)
From Academy Award-nominated director Richard E. Robbins comes Girl Rising - an innovative new feature film about the power of education to change a girl -- and the world.
This Powerful Video Shows Men What It Feels Like To Be Subjected To Sexism And Sexual Violence
The short film, in French and directed by Éléonore Pourriat, shows a father taking his kid to kindergarten and going through the rest of his day facing catcalls, sexist remarks, sexual assault, and contempt.
6 Reasons Female Nudity Can be Powerful
Last week, in the midst of what appears to be infinite fascination [2] about Lena Dunham’s nudity, I saw a fundraiser for the documentary “Free the Nipple [3]“ and also, by coincidence, talked to Facebook spokespeopl
Study Confirms What We Already Knew -- Men And Women Aren't All That Different
Finally science has produce evidence that supports what we already knew -- the whole "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" trope is false. According to a new study from the University of Rochester, men and women don't have such distinct psychological characteristics after...
The 'Sexy Lie' We Should Be Talking About
"I am here today to talk about a lie." That's how politics professor Caroline Heldman opened her Jan. 2013 TEDxYouth San Diego talk on the topic of sexual objectification. "I'd like to talk specifically about the lie, or the idea, that being a sex object is empowering."
If Someone Doesn't Love You, It's Not Because of You. It's Because Our Society Has Taught Us Not to Love
How many of us seek out a relationship, want to find companionship with someone because we are afraid of loneliness? How many of us think that we could be with anyone we want but are, in moments of doubt, afraid that no one will love us?
Slutwalk: A Day In Her Heels
Slutwalk. After a local police chief accused college women of dressing like sluts, the students created a demonstration movement called Slutwalk. It is growing and getting attention. Slutwalk was made by students at Rowan University in the documentary production class taught...
Invisible Fight
Invisible Fight is part documentary and part fictional film, with the focus on highlighting the stupidity and injustice of victim blaming. First-person testimonials of actual survivors of sexual assault are combined with vignettes depicting real world scenarios of assault...
$5 For Guys, Girls Free
$5 for Guys. Girls Free is a re-enacted close-up of the college generation and how quickly a typical night out can go wrong. The story is led by a Spoken Word artist and complemented by a sexual assault Psychologist. We took an interesting twist on the form of documentary and...
The Black Power MixTape 1967-1975
Swedish journalists came to the United States to document the anti-war and Black Power movements of the late 60s and early 70s. The Black Power Mixtape combines music, original 16mm footage, and contemporary audio interviews from leading African American artists, activists...
Free The Nipple (NSFW) (trailer)
I'm Lina Esco and I'm a filmmaker living in Los Angeles. Last year I dire
What Ads With Half-Naked Women Look Like When They’re Turned Into Men
The first part of this clip gets into the sexism and rape culture around advertising, but what really illustrates the point clearly is the last half.
Middle Sexes: Redefining He And She
Examines the diversity of human sexual and gender variance around the globe, with commentary by scientific experts and first-hand accounts of people who do not conform to a simple male/female binary.
See Why We Have An Absolutely Ridiculous Standard Of Beauty In Just 37 Seconds
Time-lapse video shows the radical effect of photoshop on model's body. The clip, created for, shows a girl turned into a bombshell glamor model with the help of a hair and make-up artist and of course, Photoshop.
The SOLD Project: Five Years
Five Years celebrates the power of education to change the life of a child at-risk for sex trafficking. When Mai is solicited by a trafficker to enter the sex trade, we see the influence that education and positive mentorship can have to empower a girl to achieve her dreams...