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You've Felt It Your Entire Life
You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. Do you know what I am talking about? The Matrix. The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us.
A Fall From Freedom
Dying to entertain: The untold story and behind the scenes of the cruel multi-million dollar business of the captive whale and dolphin industry. 
This is my protest
Edgars protest is probably the most pacific protest in the world. As long as you see sustainable living in an ecovillage as a revolt. The former permaculture teacher from Peru has been living in nature for over 20 years and now he has it all; a warm shower, a washing machine...
Grocery Chain Figures Out How to Stop Wasting Food
40 percent of the food we produce in the United States goes uneaten. No matter how local or organic it is, if nearly half our edible food is ending up in the garbage, we’re not doing something right.
Occupied Cascadia (trailer)
Occupied Cascadia is a documentary film both journalistic and expressionistic.  Exploring the emerging understanding of bioregionalism within the lands and waters of the Northeast Pacific Rim, the filmmakers interweave intimate landscape portraits with human voices both...
Pig Business
Pig Business investigates the rise of factory pig farming, a system which abuses animals, pollutes the environment, threatens human health through dangerous overuse of antibiotics, and wrecks rural communities. The film shows how this system which was developed in the USA is...
Propaganda: How Western Citizens are Turned Into Compliant Slaves
Since it mysteriously appeared on YouTube on July 18, 2012, ‘Propaganda’ has been described as ‘1984 meets The Blair Witch Project’, ‘A mouthful of scary porridge’, and ‘Even better than Triumph of The Will.’
Hello, I Am Awake - (Erase Those Barriers Of Indifference) (trailer)
Join FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: Hello, I Am Awake - (Erase Those Barriers Of Indifference) - Video Trailer - Join the Awakening Facebook Community. We share awake videoes, awake trailers and uplifting documentaries from around the globe.
Consumed: The Human Experience (trailer)
This documentary explores the impacts that consumption has on humans across the globe. We visit consumed landscapes, we look at the personal, social and community implications of consumption and we explore the alternatives.
Contaminated Without Consent
Contaminated Without Consent is a 16-minute video available free for you to use to help inform your community about the hidden risks from chemical contaminants found in our homes, workplaces, the products we buy, and even our bodies.This video was produced by Sanford Lewis of...
The Fuck-it Point
A film about the dark side of civilization, why we should bring it down and why most civilized people don't.
GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth
How do we become a sustainable civilization? GrowthBusters explores our society's worship of growth everlasting: Economic Growth, Population Growth, Increasing Consumption, and Urban Growth. I puts a spotlight on the powerful forces that keep us in pursuit of growth even...
How Do We, As a Society, Want to Be Remembered?
How do we, as a society, want to be remembered? I would rather it not be this way.
Paradise with Side Effects
A documentary following two women from Ladakh, a remote region in the Himalayas, on a reality tour of London to see what life in the West is really like. The tour, sponsored by Local Futures, exposes the women to aspects of modern urban life - homelessness, old-age homes...
The High Price of Materialism
Psychologist Tim Kasser discusses how America's culture of consumerism undermines our well-being. When people buy into the ever-present marketing messages that "the good life" is "the goods life," they not only use up Earth's limited resources, but they are less happy and...
Black Friday Is Buy Nothing Day: Here Are 10 Films to Inspire a Joyous Shopping-Free Holiday
Since 1997, the biggest shopping day of the year in North America has also been known as Buy Nothing Day - a playful protest against the cultural and commercial pressures that compel us to consume more every year, grow more in debt to prove our love to our loved ones and find...
Manufactured Landscapes
MANUFACTURED LANDSCAPES is a feature-length documentary on the world and work of renowned artist Edward Burtynsky. Burtynsky makes large-scale photographs of ‘manufactured landscapes’ – quarries, recycling yards, factories, mines, dams. He photographs civilization’s materials...
We - Arundhati Roy
We is a fast-paced 64 minute documentary that covers the world politics of power, war, corporations, deception and exploitation. It visualizes the words of Arundhati Roy, specifically her famous Come September speech, where she spoke on such things as the war on terror...
8 Reasons Young Americans Don't Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance
Traditionally, young people have energized democratic movements. So it is a major coup for the ruling elite to have created societal institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance to domination.  
Who Killed Economic Growth?
Economists insist that recovery is at hand, yet unemployment remains high, real estate values continue to sink, and governments stagger under record deficits. Richard Heinberg proposes a startling diagnosis: humanity has reached a fundamental turning point in its economic...
Play Again
What are the consequences of a childhood removed from nature?At a time when children play more behind screens than outside, PLAY AGAIN explores the changing balance between the virtual and natural worlds. Is our connection to nature disappearing down the digital rabbit...
The Elephant on Campus | Dennis Littky
a snippet of michael's interview with radical educator dennis littky.
Dumpster diver says: Trader Joe’s must stop wasting food
For many years now, I have fed my family food from the dumpster. It’s not because I can’t afford to shop at grocery stores like other, normal folks. It’s because supermarkets across the nation toss perfectly good meats, cheeses, eggs, and produce into the trash every single day.
The Kingdom of Survival
The Kingdom of Survival is an interdisciplanary documentary combining speculative travelogue and investigative journalism in order to trace possible links between survivalism, spirituality, art, radical politics, outlaw culture, alternative media and fringe philosophy...
Sprawling from Grace: Driven to Madness
For as long as most Americans can remember the car has been the embodiment of the American dream. But with more than 250 million cars and trucks on the road, Americans have become slaves to this freedom. How can we reverse the ravages of suburban sprawl?
The Age of Stupid
Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite plays an old man living in the devastated world of 2055 in this documentary-drama-animation hybrid from Director Franny Armstrong and Oscar-winning Producer John Battsek. Runaway climate change has ravaged the planet by 2055. Pete plays the...
GasHole is a new documentary film about the history of Oil prices and the future of alternative fuels. The film takes a wide, yet detailed examination of our dependence on foreign supplies of Oil. What are the causes that led from America turning from a leading exporter of...
Not For Sale
People all around the world are becoming increasingly dependent on a small number of large multinational businesses. Monsanto controls 90% of the production of genetically modified seeds. Microsoft holds an 88.26% market share of the software industry, followed by apple...
¿Sería Buenos Aires? / Maybe Buenos Aires?
A universal story that touches upon many of the themes that cross the modern world we live in: dislocation of people, destruction of their dreams overnight by crises they are not responsible for and their efforts to survive. (Spanish with English subtitles) (Español con...
Addicted to Plastic
Documentary that explores the history of plastic and how it came to dominate our lives. From styrofoam cups to artificial organs, plastics are perhaps the most ubiquitous and versatile material ever invented. No invention in the past 100 years has had more influence and...
The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (trailer)
Morgan Spurlock explores the world of product placement, marketing and advertising in POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, a film that was fully financed through product placement from various brands, all of which are integrated transparently into the film...
Waste Land
An uplifting documentary highlighting the transformative power of art and the beauty of the human spirit. Top-selling contemporary artist Vik Muniz takes us on an emotional journey from Jardim Gramacho, the world's largest landfill on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, to the...
Directed by Franklin Lopez, END:CIV examines our culture’s addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations.
The Impossible Hamster
What the impossible hamster has to teach us about economic growth. A new animation from nef (the new economics foundation), scripted by Andrew Simms, numbers crunched by Viki Johnson and pictures realised by Leo Murray. We wanted to confront people with the meaning and...
This Amazing Music Video Wants Us to Kick Our Plastic Bag Addiction
Not only have these two artists solved the greatest existential question facing modern society (paper or plastic?), they did it while singing a mind-blowing parody of Jay Z's "Empire State of Mind." My hat is off to them. - Tim Hjersted
Huffington’s Plunder
I was in New York City on Thursday night at the Brecht Forum to discuss with the photographer Eugene Richards his powerful new book “War Is Personal” when I was approached for an interview by a blogger for The Huffington Post. I had just finished speaking with another...
Culture Jam: How to Reverse America's Suicidal Consumer Binge - And Why We Must
The book you're holding carries a message that your first instinct will be to distrust. That message is, We can change the world. It's risky these days to make such a promise because it sounds like one of those meaningless "awaken the inner giant" - type bromides: If you can...
No Logo: Brands. Globalization. Resistance.
In the age of the brand, logos are everywhere. But why do some of the world’s best-known brands find themselves on the wrong end of the spray paint can — the targets of anti-corporate campaigns by activists and protesters?
The End of the Line - A World Without Fish (2009) (trailer)
Scientists predict that if we continue fishing as we are now, we will see the end of most seafood by 2048. Oceans without fish. Imagine your meals without seafood. Imagine the global consequences. This is the future if we do not stop, think and act. The End of the...
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
A feature length documentary by Peter Joseph that presents the case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society.
Starsuckers is a documentary about our celebrity-obsessed media. It uncovers the real reasons behind our addiction to fame and blows the lid off the corporations and individuals who profit from it.
The Tragedy Of The Mental Commons
Driving to the airport to pick up a friend, I stop at a red light. My eyes wander to a bus-stop bench across the intersection. 'Norma Whitfield - Your Real-Estate Connection.' Wham. Before I even have time to react, the advertisement has entered my mind and lodged itself...
The Story of Bottled Water
The Story of Bottled Water, released on March 22, 2010 (World Water Day) employs the Story of Stuff style to tell the story of manufactured demand—how you get Americans to buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week when it already flows from the tap. Over five...
Pyramids of Waste: The Lightbulb Conspiracy
Pyramids of Waste is a documentary about the negative effects of consumerism and planned obsolescence.
The Story of Cosmetics
The Story of Cosmetics examines the pervasive use of toxic chemicals in our everyday personal care products, from lipstick to baby shampoo. Produced by Free Range Studios and hosted by Annie Leonard, the eight-minute film reveals the implications for consumer and worker...
Plastic Planet (trailer)
We live in the Age of Plastic. It's cheap and practical, and it's everywhere -- even in our blood. But is it a danger to us?This feisty, informative documentary takes us on a journey around the globe - from the Moroccan Sahara to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, from a...
Is Consumerism Killing Our Creativity?
Have you ever fallen into a black hole of comparison shopping? You’re looking for a new digital camera, for instance. You head over to and read some reviews of various cameras, watch the video demos, identify the model you want. Then perhaps you employ Google’s...
The Story of Electronics
The Story of Electronics (2010) employs the Story of Stuff style to explore the high-tech revolution's collateral damage—25 million tons of e-waste and counting, poisoned workers and a public left holding the bill. Host Annie Leonard takes viewers from the mines and factories...
PBS FRONTLINE:  Is Wal-Mart Good For America
FRONTLINE explores the relationship between U.S. job losses and the American consumer's insatiable desire for bargains in "Is Wal-Mart Good for America?" Through interviews with retail executives, product manufacturers, economists, and trade experts, correspondent Hedrick...
What is the Carnivalesque Rebellion?
The Carnivalesque Rebellion is about to begin. From November 22nd to the 28th, culture jammers of all kinds – from artists to churchgoers, anarchists to carpenters – will disregard the illegitimate laws of consumer society. For seven nights, they will honor instead the...
The Extinction of Deep Thinking & Sacred Space
Interruption-free space is sacred. Yet, in the digital era we live in, we are losing hold of the few sacred spaces that remain untouched by email, the internet, people, and other forms of distraction.
Seth Godin on Education
Best selling author Seth Godin discusses the failure of our educational model that's built around producing factory workers.
Adbusters: The Production of Meaning
Here is the challenge of media democracy: to change the way information flows, the way we interact with the mass media, the way meaning is produced in our society. This short video – a collection of television spots and video clips produced over the years by regular culture...
Buy Nothing Day
Black Friday is international Buy Nothing Day. It's a day where you challenge yourself, your family and friends to switch off from shopping and tune into life. The rules are simple, for 24 hours you will detox from shopping and anyone can take part provided they spend a day...
The Cost of a Coke
Coca Cola, we’ve found out, has actually been cooperating with paramilitaries in Colombia to execute workers in their own bottling plants that are trying to form unions and trying to demand better working conditions. So we’ve been able to bring this to the attention of...
Teenage Affluenza! What Can You Do To Help?
Do you know anyone that is suffering from teenage affluenza? This video takes a satirical look at the modern and very serious problem of Western affluence, and how the consumer-oriented values and culture of Western economies are having detrimental effects on our children's...
Network (1976) (excerpt)
A satirical look at the politics and power struggles of television executives as a network news anchorman turns the tables on the "ratings." Released in 1976, this movie was way ahead of its time. It remains continually relevant as TV news barrels forward into further...
What Would Jesus Buy?
Religion aside for a moment, there’s a terrible addiction that has swept across this country, and it’s one of the nation’s best kept secrets. Mostly everyone will tell you that it’s a really bad thing, but nobody can seem to stop doing it. And it doesn’t come cheap, nearly...
Be a Good Consumer. This Film Will Show You How.
This instructional video will teach you all of the essential habits and thought-patterns needed to be a good consumer. Of course, after watching, you may choose to opt out.