121-180 of 324
UN Report Finds Almost No Industry Profitable If Environmental Costs Were Included
If you haven’t been paying attention, I don’t blame you for at first not believing this. After all, companies go to great lengths to greenwash their image and present themselves as progressive and environmentally responsible, even while they turn your land to deserts and your...
Parliamentary Group Warns That Global Fossil Fuels Could Peak in Less Than 10 Years
British MPs launch landmark report on impending environmental ‘limits’ to economic growth
Celebrities Speak Out on Fame & Materialism
Everyone needs to hear this. The truth about fame from the people who went on that ride and saw where it leads. 
What is it About Society That Disappoints You So Much?
This clip is from the series Mr Robot, in which young anti-social computer programmer Elliot works as a cybersecurity engineer during the day, but at night he is a vigilante hacker. He is recruited by the mysterious leader of an underground group of hackers to join their...
The Super Bowl Promotes War
Super Bowl 50 is the first National Football League championship to happen since it was reported that much of the pro-military hoopla at football games, the honoring of troops and glorifying of wars that most people had assumed was voluntary or part of a marketing scheme for...
My (Apparently) Obligatory Response To 'Formation': In List Form
1. I have actively avoided saying anything about Beyoncé's new song and video. I don't think they are interesting, important or deserving of my commentary. That as a Black, queer person I have, in the last week, been expected--and, at moments, obligated--to respond to them is...
5 Ways to Change the World From the Comfort of Your Own Self
Immersed in middle class American life, I am the mother of a teenage son and daughter, and I live in a medium sized town outside of Philadelphia. If that conjures images of navigating complex social media relationships, painful negotiating sessions around cash, google...
France Passes Law Restricting Super-Thin Models and Airbrushing
France passes a new law that bans the use of "excessively skinny" models and puts regulations on airbrushed photos to promote better self-image in women and girls. Some critics in the fashion industry have criticized the law's ambiguous language.
How Do Commercials Get Us to Buy Crap We Don't Need?
Advertisers are using several psychological tactics to get us to buy a lot more this holiday season. 
Apocalyptic Capitalism
The charade of the 21st United Nations climate summit will end, as past climate summits have ended, with lofty rhetoric and ineffectual cosmetic reforms. Since the first summit more than 20 years ago, carbon dioxide emissions have soared. Placing faith in our political and...
Stop Shopping, Start Living
This national retail co-op is doing its part to preserve the spirit of Thanksgiving.
Confessions of a Walmart Hitman
Former Walmart executive recounts how he would watch Associates sit in the break room during their lunch hour without eating because they couldn't afford food. Walmart banned management from offering Associates any money to buy lunch. Walmart's corporate philosophy is to "do...
Endless Economic Growth is Fundamentally Unsustainable
The belief that economic growth can be detached from destruction appears to be based on a simple accounting mistake.
Get AdBlock! What Are You Waiting for?
Everyone hates online ads. But you don’t have to see them anymore. In fact you don’t have to see ads on any website ever. All of you have to do is download AdBlock. I’m a Youtuber. I don’t make ad revenue when people use Adblock so people are often shocked when I recommend...
Orangutans - Victims of "Sustainable" Palm Oil
In Borneo, several starving orangutans have been rescued after their forest homes were clear-cut for a palm oil plantation. The rainforest was bulldozed by BGA, a member of the RSPO – the organization issuing the label for sustainable palm oil. Please act now to stop this...
Indonesia Is Burning, The World Is Looking Away
In the greatest environmental disaster of the 21st Century (so far), Indonesia has been blotted out by smoke. And the media.
If Fast Food Commercials Were Honest
Turns out the only thing grosser than the food is how the commercials are made.
Watch a Really Cool Tiny House Get Built from Start to Finish for $2500
Watch a tiny house get built with a lead lighting geodesic dome window! The 10 square metre tiny house cost around $2500 to build and was mostly made from recycled materials.
The True Source Of Greed
“How much of the ugly does it take to substitute for a lack of the beautiful? How many adventure films does it take to compensate for a lack of adventure? How many superhero movies must one watch, to compensate for the atrophied expression of one’s greatness? How much...
45 Seconds of Wisdom From José Mujica
This is a clip from the 3-part documentary HUMAN. Watch it here. You can watch the full 10 minute interview with José via Part 2.
9 Ways We Can Make Social Justice Movements Less Elitist and More Accessible
In my first year of college, I stopped calling myself an activist.
10 Provocative Quotes from Ivan Illich's "Deschooling Society"
Ivan Illich’s groundbreaking book Deschooling Society (1971) offers a radical critique of the institutionalization of education within modern societies. Illich believed that we wrongly identify education with schooling, since most of our education happens outside of the...
5 Steps to Turn Your Business into a Worker-owned Co-op
Learn how to turn any business into a worker-owned cooperative with this checklist.
Why Labor Day Matters
Here’s an experiment to try this holiday weekend. Quiz your friends, family and acquaintances on the meaning of Labor Day. You might be surprised by the answers you hear. To many, the true meaning of Labor Day has been unfortunately lost―it’s merely a three-day vacation...
Henry Giroux on Zombie Politics
Scholar Henry Giroux says America’s current political system is leading to a culture where people are so focused on surviving, they become like ‘the walking dead.’
9 Out of 10 Seabirds Have Eaten Plastic
Ocean plastic has been ingested by 90 percent of all seabirds alive today, a new study finds, and the problem is still getting worse. But it's not too late to intervene, researchers say.
How a Land High in the Western Himalayas Can Help Us Understand The Crisis of The Modern World
This is a clip from The Economics of Happiness. Watch it here (skip to the 10-minute mark to pick up where this clip ends)
Cut the Working Week to a Maximum of 20 Hours, Urge Top Economists
Job sharing and increased leisure are the answer to rising unemployment, claims thinktank
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Food Waste
Producers, sellers, and consumers waste tons of food. John Oliver discusses the shocking amount of food we don't eat. Connect with Last Week Tonight online...
Ihtiyacınız Olan Her Şey (Everything We Need)
Istanbul is a truly dynamic city, full of paradoxes and historical treasures, with an exploding population of over 20 million people. Its perpetual industrialization spearheaded by the government and the disproportionate financial opportunities available in the city continues...
Mining Company Ousted by Zapotec Community in Mexico
Brilliant story about the community of Magdalena Teitipac in Oaxaca, Mexico, who have succeeded in banishing a mining company that intruded on their traditional lands without any previous consultation. They say the key to their success in fighting a major company with state...
The True Cost: Who Pays the Real Price for Your Clothes
This is a story about clothing. It’s about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. The price of clothing has been decreasing for decades, while the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically. The True Cost...
UK's First 'Share Shop' Opens for business
A new kind of shop is aiming to transform the future of retail by lending rather than selling items and fostering more meaningful connections with the things we use
A Simple Guide to 10 Personal Care Products You Can Make at Home
You can make everything from Deodorant to Sunscreen using Coconut Oil as the main ingredient. We have compiled ten different recipes in this Infographic as a guide for homemade personal care products.
Pope Francis: The Earth, Our Home, Is Beginning To Look Like An Immense Pile of Filth
An extract from Pope Francis’s 180 page encyclical on climate change, the environment and inequality
The Food Waste Fiasco: You Have to See It to Believe it
You may have already heard a few appalling facts about food waste but just in case you haven’t, here are a few tidbits of information to catch you up on the issue.
The Science Of Why You Should Spend Your Money On Experiences, Not Things
You don't have infinite money. Spend it on stuff that research says makes you happy.
How Companies Make Us Forget We Need to Consume Less to Stop Climate Change
We will have to consume less, not more, if we are serious about tackling climate change. So how do businesses like Coca-Cola lure us into forgetting that inconvenient truth?
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Fashion
Trendy clothes are cheaper than ever. That sounds great for the people who buy them, but it's horrible for the people who make them. 
Self-Acceptance is an Act of Civil Disobedience - Francesca Martinez
Speech by comedian, campaigner and author of "What The **** is Normal" Francesca Martinez. Part of an event inspired by Naomi Klein's book "This Changes Everything".
This Is How Globalized Capitalism Operates Today
The history of wage struggle in Cambodia is a case study for the history of global capitalism as a whole.
Comic Relief Is a Bad Joke - Make Charity history!
There are many institutions in our culture and society that, for me, highlight the depth of our dysfunctionality and despair. Such institutions express the shocking degree to which a social system of artificially-created human misery has been so successfully naturalised that...
The Case For A 21-Hour Work Week
To save the world—or really to even just make our personal lives better—we will need to work less.
Life at a Walmart Sweatshop
In China, factory workers live in dorms owned by Walmart - workers pay rent and utilities.  If they move out of the dorms to live in a place not connected to Walmart, they still have to pay rent for the dorms.   Workers work in factories with poor ventilation.  They are told...
Forget Shorter Showers
Why Personal Change Does Not Equal Political Change
Sweatshop: Deadly Fashion
A five-part Norwegian documentary series examining the lives of sweatshop workers in Cambodia through the eyes of three young, relatively wealthy Norwegian citizens.  From the day they arrive in Cambodia they begin to see how different their lives are from the lives of people...
An animation about consumption in a surreal, miniature world
The Psychological Case Against Materialism
Love of stuff will make you unhappy: You know this, and in case you forget, there is probably, somewhere, some version of A Christmas Carol playing on television right now to remind you. But in a release from the American Psychological Association, psychology professor Tim...
Making/Selling Christmas: Where Your Baubles, Tinsel, Santa Hats and LED Reindeer Come From
Just so you know: Those trinkets of Christmas proclaimed to bring joy to the world - wreaths, lights, stockings, mistletoe, shiny stars and snowflakes and other glittering marvels of tree adornment - are likely made in Yiwu, aka China's Christmas Village, where the elves are...
Diet: The Disease of Our Generation
64% of people in the UK are overweight or obese eating calorie dense but nutritionally empty food that is considered the norm,  or even healthy, in today’s society. 
Live Rich: A Spoken Word Film about The True Meaning of Wealth
This consumer madness is consuming us.
Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices
Brave New Films exposes Wal-Mart's unscrupulous business practices through interviews with former employees, small business owners, and footage of Walmart executives.
How Walmart Destroys Communities
An average of 150 retail jobs at the county level are lost every time a Walmart store opens.  This is an excerpt from the Brave New Films Documentary, "Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices"
How To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse
The zombie apocalypse, of course, is a metaphor. It’s an allegory for the extremely unstable world we are living in at the moment.
Peter Joseph: Can We Solve the Problems Created by the Market Economy While Retaining the Market?
Can you resolve these three questions/problems logically without realizing the need to remove the Market Economy? If so: Make a video and email it to us:
Commercialisation: The Antithesis of Sharing
The danger is not commercialisation per se but our constant identification with its inner and outer manifestation, in which humanity’s intelligence is led in the opposite direction from nature and spiritual evolution. What is evil, anyway, if not our identification with...
How To Bore The Children
Here is how to make a child bored: first and foremost, keep him indoors so that the infinitude of nature, its endless variation and chaotic messiness is replaced by a finite, orderly, predictable realm. Second, through television and video games, habituate him to intense...
Apple Watch? Does Apple Know What Time It Is? Russell Brand: The Trews
Reaction to Apple's unveiling of its Apple Watch smartwatch on Tuesday.