1,261-1,320 of 10,405
Dr. Michael Hudson: Economic Lessons for 2020
Despite low unemployment rates and a rising stock market, 3 out of 4 economists are expecting a recession by 2021. We are already facing a #crisisofpoverty and economic precarity, where 140 million people are poor or low-income, the costs of living are going up and the...
Realism and Utopia
Realism and utopia are often seen as opposite poles. Realism, it is thought, is concerned with what is and utopia is concerned with our wishes about what we would like to be. However, once we fully examine the issue we can see that this way of thinking is mistaken. A properly...
Tristan Harris - Downgrade
“The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology.” Edward O. Wilson
The Trap of Being Right | Charles Eisenstein
There is a special area of the Matrix reserved for people who think they have exited the Matrix. The answers to metaphysical questions—and indeed political questions, personal questions—are usually less important than the process that the question launches. Here we explore...
It Is Right to Take Time to Grieve
For the past few weeks, I’ve been writing down my hurts and disappointments, my losses. Since the pandemic began, all the plans I’d made, all the things I’d finally given myself permission to get excited about, to invest money and energy in, to do what I wanted have been...
The Bizarre Blindspot in 'Planet of the Humans'
So, was the film “Planet of the Humans” a hit job on the environmental movement disguised by the filmmakers’ phony claim to care about Mother Earth?  Or was it an honest, get real, exposé of its assertion that, “The takeover of the environmental movement by capitalism is now...
Why We Cling to Conspiracies in Times of Crisis
They say anxiety is us weaving conspiracy theories about ourselves. But what if those feelings are already there, and we are actually telling stories to support them? We weave stories to try to explain how something inhuman and awful could happen to us. We also need people...
Reclaiming Work: The Cycle Couriers Subverting The Gig Economy
Cycle courier cooperatives are turning technology on the gig economy giants.
The Forever War: From The Killing Fields
Marine Corps infantryman turned anti-war activist John Motter tells Abby Martin the hidden reality of the endless Afghanistan War. 
Student Debt Forgiveness:  Let's Do Some Math
What would it cost to wipe out everybody’s student loans? The answer may surprise you.
A Rally Cry For A New World
JOIN US. This is what we think and believe to be true. If you feel inspired by this video please share it. I love you.
Why the Neoliberals Won’t Let This Crisis Go to Waste
AN INTERVIEW WITH PHILIP MIROWSKI - Many observers expected that the 2008 financial crisis would mark the end of neoliberalism. Instead, we saw a wave of privatization and sharp cuts in public services. Today, the forces best placed to exploit the coronavirus pandemic are...
Humanity's Phase Shift - A New Story
We have a story to tell you…and it's a new story. We are being called by children everywhere to begin seeing the world from their eyes and telling a new story about the better world our hearts know is possible. We, all of us, in the WorldSummit movement are already creating...
The Great Realisation
A bedtime story of how it started, and why hindsight’s 2020 🛌 🧸 by Probably Tomfoolery.
The Answer of the Forests
If we stop to listen to the forests, what would they say? Perhaps they would tell us about community resilience, about cooperation, about finding strength in differences and about how to live in the present. Perhaps they would also remind us of all the things we have in...
Introducing the Wire International - A Response to Media Oligarchy
Counteracting corporate media consolidation, the Progressive International has launched the Wire, to disseminate critical perspectives around the world.
The Great Pause: Normal *Was* The Crisis
We are in the time of THE GREAT PAUSE. Where might we collectively go next?
Fairytales of Growth
A film on Climate Change, Degrowth and System Change. The effects and risks of climate change are compelling young people the world round to call upon radical system change as the only solution to avoid a catastrophic collapse. This film studies the role economic growth has...
The Class Divide in a Time of Pandemic: a Permaculture Perspective
The divide between the haves and the have nots has been highlighted by the impacts of the pandemic.[1] For those able to work online with a spacious and secure home base, and some financial resources to ride out the pandemic, life has mostly been tolerable. Consumption has...
Early Morning Permaculture Tour of Zaytuna Farm
After a struggle to get back home to Australia and two weeks in quarantine before reaching Zaytuna, Geoff enjoys an early morning, and he takes us on a walk to some special spots around the property. Possum (the dog) waits on the speed bump that sends water to Paradise Dam...
Imagine a 100% Renewable New York City | Andrew Faust
Permaculture designer Andrew Faust presents a clear outline for achieving energy independence with 100% renewable technologies in the New York bioregion.
Scaling up Permaculture in the City | Andrew Faust
Learn how to become more regionally resilient with bioregional economics and ecological city design.
Orders Of Energy: Biogas & On-site Fuels
Why Biogas and on-site fuels are inherently superior and appropriate for heating and domestic hot water and why electricity should be reserved for certain tasks that can be run by solar on-site.
TAWAI: a Film About Reconnection
"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” - Albert Einstein Tawai is a film about reconnection. It connects us to our ancestors and the type of life they may have lived. It connects us with our bodies and senses, inviting us to...
Corporations Will Not Save Us from the Coronavirus | Robert Reich
Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich breaks down why "corporate social responsibility" is a total farce, and explains why corporations can never be trusted to do the right thing on their own.
A Healthcare Worker Answers Governor Cuomo
Recent data out of New York City shows a large number of people with COVID-19 have largely been staying home. Governor Andrew Cuomo called this a “surprise.” But capitalism is forcing working-class people to spread the virus. A socialist doctor from New York explains the...
Rebel Bass Planet of The Humans Review: A Missed Opportunity
Click Part 2 to watch Rebel Bass' video about renewable energy.
Misadventures in Corporate Media | Jeff Cohen Interview
Misadventures in Corporate Media | Jeff Cohen Interview Had fun speaking with Jeff Cohen about the 5 media filters "Manufacturing Consent" and his own misadventures in cable news. Jeff wrote the book “Cable News Confidential” about his misadventures in Corporate Media. He...
Your Slavery Is Their Freedom | George Monbiot
George Monbiot exposes the billionaire class.
No, You Don't Have to Admit You're Wrong to Apologize (And Other Apology Myths Debunked)
Why are real, meaningful apologies so few and far between? What have we internalized about the meaning of apologizing?
The Twelve: A Tale of Wisdom & Unity
“The Twelve” tells the story of twelve spiritual Elders from around the globe who gather at the United Nations in New York to create a unique ritual for Humankind and planet Earth. By interviewing each one of them in their home environments, the film is told exclusively...
We Each Carry a Blueprint for Making a Good Society | Nicholas Christakis
“We each carry within us an evolutionary blueprint for making a good society.” - Nicholas Christakis
The Great Giving Up (and The Film that Made It Worse)
This is the final in a series on Planet of the Humans. The other posts are here:
Our Coming Baptism by Fire
There is worse ahead. In acceptance, hope is transformed into energy for the unimaginable.
Who Owns the Future of California's Energy? Its Residents
For many homeowners, rooftop solar is a smart move. But what if you could get every home and business in your entire county to switch to renewables, all at once? This is essentially what’s happening in my state, California: a quiet revolution awkwardly named community choice...
Greenwashing. Is It Still a Thing?
GREENWASHING has become such a commonly used phrase that it's starting to lose its meaning in the increasingly noisy stream of information we all receive every second of every day via Social Media. Is it even still a thing or have big corporations finally started to tell us...
Planet of the Humans : Let's Just Have a Think...
On the 50th Anniversary of the first-ever Earth Day, Jeff Gibbs and Michael Moore released a documentary film free on You Tube. The film is called Planet of the Humans, and it proved quite popular. This week Just Have a Think reviews the movie and considers its implications...
BERNIE BLACKOUT | The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Proud to be a producer on this epic new documentary, "Bernie Blackout" on Vice. Premieres 5/13 at 8pm. Check it out! - Matt Orfalea 
The Important Debate Planet of the Humans Misses
Instead of lambasting yesteryear’s renewable energy, the movie could have taken up current, more relevant questions.
This Living Salish Sea
"This sweeping documentary takes us in and under the waters of the Salish Sea, while more fully understanding the threats posed by the Trans Mountain (Ex- Kinder Morgan) pipeline expansion…
Washed Up
When was I diving on Glover's Reef Atoll recently, off the Belize mainland, I could not help but notice the large amount of plastics washed up on the shoreline.…
Planet of the Humans Is the Media Literacy Exercise of the Year
"In disputes upon moral or scientific points, let your aim be to come at truth, not to conquer your opponent. So you never shall be at a loss in losing the argument, and gaining a new discovery.” - Arthur Martine
How Permaculture Can Build Resilience and Meet Basic Needs During a Pandemic
As COVID-19 spreads, people are showing a growing interest in permaculture principles and techniques to heal their lives, communities and the planet.
Lifeboat Culture: Planning Future-Proof, ‘Too Small to Fail’ Communities
Building a lifeboat culture is about taking action and preparing communities to be sustainable and functional in the face of a global, national or regional economic and environmental collapse. Unless we rapidly move through the stages of climate grief, from paralysis to...
What If We Stay Home? The Planet’s Future Depends on Mass Economic Disobedience
Have you noticed the memes circulating about the end of normal?
Honest Government Ad | The Machine
The Government has made an ad about the global response to the pandemic, and it's surprisingly honest and informative.
What Would We Do If There Was No One to Blame?
Bill Mckibben, Planet of the Humans, and the power we gain when we stop seeking villains
The Sleeping Giant: A Localist Manifesto
Four-part video series on Paul Fenn, pioneer of the Community Choice Energy movement in the United States. Produced by Stuart Farmer. Directed by Yoni Goldstein. Written by Charles Schultz. Production Assistant is Sebastian Alvarez. Filmed on location at Local Power in...
Inspired by HRH The Prince of Wales, HARMONY captures on film in a way we’ve never seen before, an authentic leader on critical global issues. For the better part of three decades, The Prince of Wales has worked side by side with a surprising and dynamic array of...
Review of Planet of the Humans: What They Get Right and the Environmentalists Get Wrong
Planet of the Humans has stirred the resentment of many a climate crusader. Yesterday, the chair of the Sierra Club California Energy and Climate Committee instructed committee members (I am one) not to “watch or promote” Planet of the Humans. Today, climate scientists called...
Generation Green New Deal
Generation Green New Deal is a film about the historic youth-led movement to stop the climate crisis and transform America. Our team invites you to watch this exciting (25 minute) sneak-peek available online exclusively during this turbulent time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. All...
An Opportunity to Reconnect With Our Origins
For generations, a variety of factors have weakened the traditional intergenerational socio-cultural structures of Indigenous people around the world.
Changing the Way We Think About Ecocities
The way we understand ecocities needs radical change in order to ensure a sustainable future, akin to our ancestors realising the earth was round.
The Art of Exploiting a Pandemic: From Propaganda to Profit
Throughout the U.S., institutions that have no real interest in public health are exploiting the ongoing pandemic to benefit their public image and their bottom line. We must recognize and combat these efforts in order to fight the pandemic, directing resources to where...
Renewables Can't Power Capitalism, But They Can Power Ecosocialism
This is a fantastic video podcast on the viability of renewables under an infinite-growth paradigm versus a steady-state/degrowth transition effort. There are some great knowledge gems here - perfect to listen to during a 20 minute walk.
The Miseducation of the American Boy
Why boys crack up at rape jokes, think having a girlfriend is “gay,” and still can’t cry—and why we need to give them new and better models of masculinity
The Furor & Failure of "Planet of the Humans" & It's Critics
Where Is a Really Big Picture View of Our Environmental Problems & Possible Solutions?
Normal Was Killing Us
The first crisis point of the COVID-19 disaster was figuring out how to respond, after being caught flat-footed, to the immediate health threat. Now that the death curve in many places has begun to flatten and the scope of economic disaster is hitting home, we are approaching...
Sooner or Later, We Have to Stop Economic Growth — and We’ll Be Better for It
The end of growth will come one day, perhaps very soon, whether we’re ready or not. If we plan for and manage it, we could well wind up with greater well-being.