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How to Fix America's Beef Problems, In Under Two Minutes
Denis Hayes recently dropped by the Grist office to talk about his new book,Cowed: The Hidden Impact of 93 Million Cows on America’s Health, Economy, Politics, Culture, and Environment, coauthored with Gail Boyer Hayes (and reviewed here). Naturally, we took him to our building’s
Buen Vivir: A New Era of Great Social Change
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― R. Buckminster Fuller Our current Western worldview is based on never-ending development, an emphasis on the rights of the...
The Bodhisattva’s Approach to Activism: A Little Courageous Wisdom to Face a World Gone Mad
Unless you're on long retreat in a Himalayan cave, it's becoming more difficult to overlook the fact that our world is beset by interacting ecological, economic and social crises. Climate breakdown, species extinction, a dysfunctional economic system, corporate domination of...
The Food Waste Fiasco: You Have to See It to Believe it
You may have already heard a few appalling facts about food waste but just in case you haven’t, here are a few tidbits of information to catch you up on the issue.
In the Age of Global Neoliberalism, Solutions Must Come From Below
Global capitalism is the 800-pound gorilla. The twin ecological and economic crises, militarism, the rise of the surveillance state, and a dysfunctional political system can all be traced to its normal operations.
Hacking Planned Obsolescence Through the Art of Repairing Not Replacing
At the Repair and Service Center in Vienna, the long-term unemployed retrain to be "mechatronic engineers" and repair electronic devices. Founder Sepp Eisenriegler tirelessly initiates networks, projects, and cafés—all dedicated to the art of fixing things.
Iceland Jailed Bankers and Rejected Austerity - and It's Been a Success
Instead of imposing devastating austerity measures and bailing out its banks, Iceland let its banks go bust and focused on social welfare policies. It has now repaid 85 percent of U.K. claims, and the Icelandic finance minister announced recently that all will be settled by...
It's the Planet Stupid!: Capitalism and The Destruction of the Commons
There is a war going on right now between those who are working to protect the commons and the hard-core capitalists, who are working to privatize our economy, culture, ecology, environment and government.
Tired of the Two-Party System Foiling Alternatives? Instant-Runoff Voting Is The Obvious Solution
Matt Gonzalez, President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, speaks to the Green Party national convention. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. June 26th, 2004.
Why Sacred Places Matter
Film series tells the stories of eight embattled indigenous communities around the world
Sixteen Building Blocks of a Green, Entrepreneurial, Cooperative Economy
The transition from a capitalist to a cooperative economy could be one of the defining achievements of the 21st century.
The Robin Hood Army: Fighting Food Waste in India and Pakistan
The Robin Hood Army are taking on food waste in India and Pakistan by redistributing food waste from restaurants and weddings and giving it to the hungry
It's Counterintuitive, but Tax the Rich, Not the poor
Take some money from the wealthy, give it to the poor -- why not do it?
A Charter for Democracy
Whatever happened to the 15-M Movement? Where did Occupy go? Three years after the groundbreaking revolutionary ruptures of 2011, violent repression and media invisibility have relegated these thriving movements to a grey area. The perception seems to shift between mainstream...
Forget Desert Solar Farms: We Can Get More Than Enough Solar Energy From Cities
Using California's rooftops, parking lots, and other developed land, the state could power itself up to five times over.
Basic Income: The World's Simplest Plan to End Poverty, Explained
Happy Basic Income Day? May 1st may be better known as International Workers' Day, but some activists are trying to rebrand it. "Labor Day should not be about demanding ‘more jobs’ or higher wages," the official Basic Income Day website explains. "Labor Day should be about...
A Psychologist Explains Why People Don't Give a Shit About Climate Change
"We [should] tell new stories of the dream, not the nightmares. We must describe where we want to go, such as happier lives, and better cities."
The Top 100 Documentaries We Can Use to Change the World
A more beautiful, egalitarian and regenerative world is possible. Take this library and use it to inspire global change!
A Real Solution to Environmental Sustainability
Only a sweeping Constitutional amendment can save us from a global environmental disaster beyond our imagination.
6 Lessons for the U.S. from Spain's Democratic Revolution
How Spain’s 15M movement went from occupying city squares to city halls—without compromising its independence When tens of thousands of people occupied city squares across Spain in the spring of 2011 
Food Waste Is a Massive Problem. Here's How to Fix It.
A new film highlights the food waste problem. Here are some things we can do to fix it. 
Women and Biodiversity Feed the World, Not Corporations and GMOs
Biodiverse ecological agriculture in women's hands is a solution not just to the malnutrition crisis, but also the climate crisis.
Get Ready: Protesters Vow to 'Flood the System' for Climate and Planetary Justice
From the tar sands of Alberta to the Port of Seattle to the communities in the blast zone of oil trains, organizers across North America are calling for a "wave of resistance" this fall to "shut down the economic and political systems threatening our survival." Under the...
Can We Do It Ourselves?
Within modern life exists a paradox: we celebrate democracy as a political system, but not as an economic system, even though our workplaces have a far greater impact on our day to day lives. It's fair to say that most workplaces under capitalist management are organized in...
One Magical Politician Won't Stop Climate Change. It's up to All of Us
Lots of people eagerly study all the polls and reports on how many people believe that climate change is real and urgent. They seem to think there is some critical mass that, through the weight of belief alone, will get us where we want to go. As if when the numbers aren’t...
The Woman Who Chose to Plant Corn
Not long ago, a Diné (Navajo) friend of mine, Lyla June Johnston, sent me a one-line email: “I am not going to Harvard… I am going to plant corn.”
Make the Rich Panic
It does not matter to the corporate rich who wins the presidential election. It does not matter who is elected to Congress. The rich have the power. They throw money at their favorites the way a gambler puts cash on his favorite horse. Money has replaced the vote. The...
How Worker Co-ops Are Moving Beyond Capitalism
The explosion of worker cooperatives in recent years has social justice organizers talking. Transitioning to a people-powered economy will require the work of many different social movements and worker co-ops have come to the center of the conversation due to their ability to...
The Future of Energy: Lateral Power to the People
The Future of Energy is a powerful documentary that captures the movement across the United States to transition to renewable energy and what everyday people are doing to help foster that shift. It's a positive film about the renewable energy revolution, and a love story...
The Bloom Episode 3: New Ways of the Sacred
Part III of The Bloom “New Ways of The Sacred” looks at how Transformational Festivals are venues for an active engagement with ancient, universal themes of MYTHOS, RITUAL and THE SACRED, exploring ways which both honor the traditional, while reflecting our unprecedented...
5 Dumbest Parts of the Black on Black Crime Myth
Black on Black Crime is the myth that just won't die. Despite being repeatedly shown to be ludicrous, it was still a large feature of the coverage of the Baltimore protests of the murder of Freddie Gray. This video puts the myth to rest.
The Soil Solution To Climate Change
What If A Solution To Climate Change Was Beneath Your Feet?  Soil is a living universe beneath our feet. As important to our lives as clean air and water, soil also holds a potential solution to the global climate crisis. Increasing numbers of scientists, farmers and...
Capture the Rain and Rebuild the Economy
This fun animation shows how reconnecting trees to our city's watersheds is one of the fastest ways to create lasting jobs while rebuilding local economies and preparing our communities to thrive and survive increasing threats of severe weather. 
Beyond Capitalism and Socialism: Could a New Economic Approach Save the Planet?
To avoid social, environmental and economic collapse, the world needs to move beyond the standard choices of capitalism or socialism. That’s the conclusion of a new report released Wednesday by US think tank Capital Institute.
The Bloom Episode 2: Practicing The New World
Part II of The Bloom explores how Transformational Festivals have become incubators and spaces for “Practicing The New World”, where the festivals are produced using a model of CO-CREATION, utilizing an ethos of PARTICIPATION to create these remarkable realities and MODELLING...
Films For Action & The Bloom: Transformational Festivals Panel - "Practicing The New World"
Transformational Festivals Panel for “Practicing The New World” LIVE at 7:00pm April 29th following the LIVE MASS VIEWING of THE BLOOM PART II 
What If Uber Were a Unionized, Worker-Owned Co-Op? These Denver Cabbies Are Making It Happen
Workers at app-driven companies like Uber don’t have the rights of full employees. But with the help of traditional unions, some are banding together into worker-owned cooperatives. Wolde Gebremariam is one of more than 160,000 people nationwide who drive their own cars for...
The Problem With Society Isn't Greed. Greed Is a Symptom of a Deep Need Going Unfulfilled
A lot of people reacted to my comment on Facebook the other day that greed is more a symptom than a cause of our current system, with all its inequities. I’m asked, What is the cause of greed? First I’ll say what I think greed is: Greed is the insatiabl
On the Lam with Bank Robber Enric Duran
Being underground is not a condition Enric Duran
Watch a Giant Suction Tube Gobble Up The Earth In This Brilliant Video about Our Economy
Modern production is based on extraction from the planet, and modern finance is based on extraction from the many for the benefit of the very few. What would a new economy look like and how can we rethink our relationship to resources, work and culture? Those are some of the...
The Bloom Episode 1: Fundamental Frequencies
The Bloom Part I looks at the “Fundamental Frequencies” of the Transformational Festival experience—how they immerse participants in a world of INSPIRATION, restoring a deeply felt sense of CONNECTION, and supporting processes of HEALING for those involved. 
Inhabit: A Permaculture Perspective
Humanity is more than ever threatened by its own actions; we hear a lot about the need to minimize footprints and to reduce our impact. But what if our footprints were beneficial? What if we could meet human needs while increasing the health and well-being of our planet?
Embracing 'Radical Hope' in Our Fight to Save the Earth
Radical hope is not just about determination and courage in the face of darkness, writes Paul Hoggett - it is also about love and a re-finding of all that is benign in the world. And this is the spirit we need to muster to confront the serious challenges that lie before us.
The System Is Failing. We All Know It. It's Time to Start Talking about What's Next
Growing inequality, political stalemate, and climate disruption prompt an important insight. When the old ways no longer produce the outcomes we are looking for, something deeper is occurring. It is time to explore genuine alternatives and new models-"the next system."
The Emperor's New Clothes (Trailer)
The Emperor's New Clothes trailer - a film by Michael Winterbottom with Russell Brand. Milton Friedman once said that every crisis was an opportunity.
L.A. Just Called. It Says Go Find Another Dystopia.
In 10 years, Los Angeles plans to reduce per capita water use by 22.5 percent. It will no longer get any of its electricity from coal-fired power plants. It will turn public library lawns into urban gardens and lay out rain barrels like a city full of survivalist...
This Is What Energy Democracy Looks Like
Profit-driven approaches to our energy supply are not working. Emissions continue to rise and our climate is rapidly changing. How can we move toward “energy democracy,” shifting to a more sustainable, equitable energy system? And what’s the role of trade unions in getting us...
Seeds of Time
A perfect storm is brewing as agriculture pioneer Cary Fowler races against time to protect the future of our food. Gene banks of the world are crumbling, crop failures are producing starvation inspired rioting, and the accelerating effects of climate change are already...
These Neighbors Got Together to Buy Vacant Buildings. Now They're Renting to Bakers and Brewers
The intersection of Central and Lowry Avenues in northeast Minneapolis is bustling. On the northwest corner is a trifecta of local businesses: A bike shop, a cooperative brewery, and a bakery, in buildings with eye-catching exteriors of rough-hewn wood and silvery porcelain...
Confronting Industrialism: If You Can't Clean It Up, Don't Make it!
Modern industrial capitalism is based on a simple premise, writes Derrick Jensen: our mother Earth is a great store of raw materials for us to pillage, and a vast trashcan for our endless volumes of waste, no matter how long-lived and deadly. How can this be changed? First we...
The Case For A 21-Hour Work Week
To save the world—or really to even just make our personal lives better—we will need to work less.
Democrats & Republicans Uniting to Oppose Corporate Rule?!
There is a huge political divide between the Democrat Party’s leadership and its local voters. There is an equally huge political divide between the Republican Party’s leadership and its local voters. In a nutshell, the divide can be summed up like this. Voters from across...
The Economics of Climate Change
Shifting away from an emphasis on global economic growth toward local economies provides a means to increase meaningful employment, shrink the gap between rich and poor, and tackle climate change.
Why We Need Big Picture Activism
Despite the countless grassroots projects already under way, the global economic juggernaut can seem too powerful to stop. But because more and more of us are becoming aware of how disastrous the global economy is for people and the planet, I believe that the chances for...
Revolution without Upheaval: A Manual Of Change
When we talk about saving the world, what world are we talking about? Not the globe itself, obviously. But also not the biological world—the world of life. The world of life, strangely enough, is not in danger (though thousands and perhaps even millions of species are). Even...
The Little Engine That Couldn't: How We're Preparing Ourselves and Our Children for Extinction
In a recent semi-documentary film called Garbage, a toxic waste disposal engineer was asked how we can stop engulfing the world in our poisons. His answer was, "We'd have to remove everybody from the face of the earth, because humans GENERATE toxic waste, whether it be...
We Need a New Story for Our Relationship with the Earth, One that Goes Beyond Science and Religion
It is no secret that the Earth is in trouble and that we humans are to blame. Just knowing these grim facts, however, won’t get us very far. We have to transform this knowledge into a deep passion to change course. But passion does not come primarily from the head; it is a...
Violence Is a Preventable Brain Disorder
‘Think of a world without war, a world of social justice, a world of ecological sustainability.’ This is how Robin Grille starts his talk at TEDX Pittwater. Robin is a psychologist, author, educator and advocate for children who is not alone in his dream for a better...
What Does It Take to Start a Worker Co-Op? A Practical Video Guide to Democratizing Our Economy
Would it be easier to practice workplace democracy if our media gave us as many visions of collaboration as they do of competition?
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible - Charles Eisenstein
"There is a vast territory between what we're trying to leave behind, and where we want to go - and we don't have any maps for that territory." - Charles Eisenstein