961-1,020 of 1,504
The Cynic and the Boatbuilder
A story that will change how you think about what kinds of change will *really* make a difference
The Left's Self-Destructive Obsession with Shame
Perhaps the most redeeming aspect of my father’s ministry was his tireless work to help people heal from guilt and shame. I saw the transformative impact that his efforts had on people’s lives as they built the strength to lay down years of resentment and bitterness, and...
How "Progressive Black Democrats" in Your Town and Moral Monday in GA Fight For Us. Not.
Wherever you see angry black people in motion, you'll find Democratic party elements doing their thing, protecting the careers of the elected and unelected members of the black political class from politicians to preachers and prison wardens, misdirecting black rage...
The Town Where Everyone Got Free Money
The motto of Dauphin, Manitoba, a small farming town in the middle of Canada, is “everything you deserve.” What a citizen deserves, and what effects those deserts have, was a question at the heart of a 40-year-old experiment that has lately become a focal point in a debate...
Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Funny Intro to Participatory Economics
This is a short animated introduction to Participatory Economics. It's made about 10 times more hilarious and enjoyable to watch thanks to the laugh track and frequent jokes.
The End of War
Feedback from my lecture at the Green Party annual meeting has been trickling in, and it seems that the talk wasn’t as well-received as I thought at the time. The people who walked out in the first five minutes – maybe they didn’t have to go to the bathroom after all, as I’d...
Forget Shorter Showers
Why Personal Change Does Not Equal Political Change
Bill Moyers: Imagine If America Had Adopted Martin Luther King's Economic Dream
A discussion on King’s vision of economic justice, and how so little has changed for America’s most oppressed.  
Prophecy Delivered! Martin Luther King Jr. and the Death of Democracy
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” Democracy is dead. It has always been an afflicted creature - hobbling about - wounded at its very being. An enslaving...
Democracy Needs A None Of The Above Option To Work
Four videos by NOTA UK on why we need a formal 'None of the Above' (NOTA) option on the ballot paper for all future elections and how to properly implement it.
The New Story: Why Changing the Myth Changes Our world
Alan Heeks explores the pathways that can take us from the ‘old story’ of addictive materialism into a new, creative and regenerative post-industrial society.
If We Want to End This World's Tragic Cycles of Violence, We're Going to Have to Do Something Extremely Radical
When every cultural force beckons us to hate, to harden our hearts and vilify the other, we must have the courage to look, deeply, with an intention to understand.
A Sustainable Death
What do you want to happen to your body after you die?
Detroit Part II: Bankruptcy Dictatorship & Foreclosed Futures
 On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin, features part II of BTS' on-the-ground coverage from Detroit. 
A Circle of Gifts
Wherever I go and ask people what is missing from their lives, the most common answer (if they are not impoverished or seriously ill) is “community.” What happened to community, and why don’t we have it any more? There are many reasons – the layout of suburbia, the...
An Ideal Blueprint: The Original Black Panther Party Model and Why It Should Be Duplicated
The rise of the Black Panther Party (BPP) in the late 1960s signified a monumental step toward the development of self-determination in the United States. In a nation that has long suffered a schizophrenic existence, characterized by a grand facade of "freedom, liberty and...
This Community Is Transforming a Blighted Neighborhood Into a Vibrant Lab of Possibilities
The Urban Farming Guys have been busy the last several years, doing amazing work transforming one of the most blighted inner-city zip codes in Kansas City. They're not just growing food, but the hopes and dreams of a community, too.  
Protecting the Source, Inspiring the Future: The Story of Pachamama Alliance
The Pachamama Alliance is a non-profit organization working to create a just, thriving and sustainable world for all. Our work started in the Amazon rainforest with a call from our indigenous partners, and has spread our message to the entire world.
Prosecuting High-Level Officials Isn't Enough: It's Time We Abolish the CIA
The shock resonating from the Senate Intelligence Committee’s CIA torture report isn’t due so much to the revelations themselves, grotesque as the details are, but to the fact that they’re now officially public. National spokespersons (except for Dick Cheney) can no longer...
7 Things You Should Know About Permaculture
What is permaculture? For those of you who’ve only heard of the term in passing, and even for you seasoned “permies” who struggle to explain this exciting (and sometimes life-changing) idea to others, here’s the gist in 7 points:
Naomi Klein Interview: "A 3-Day Week Will Help to Save Life on Earth"
No Logo author Naomi Klein says we must revolutionise our working lives if we are to combat climate change and save the free world...
An Anarchist Response to Ebola
Anarchists are part of the global conversation on what’s broken in the world, but when things really fall apart—like with the current Ebola outbreak—is the state the only answer? How might a stateless society respond to a challenge like this one? This article provides an...
How Whales Change Climate | George Monbiot
When whales were at their historic populations, before their numbers were reduced, it seems that whales might have been responsible for removing tens of millions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere every year. Whales change the climate. The return of the great whales, if...
This week we bring you an exclusive report on the pandemic that’s infecting the globe. Insurrecto-Riotosis. The first wave of the pandemic was reported in the city of Nantes in France following the police murder of 21 year old eco-defender Rémi Fraisse.
They Sang with a Thousand Tongues: The Poetry of Diversity
Let me tell you a story about how the world began. I promise you the story is not completely false.
Time As Money: A Documentary Film About Time Banking
From small town neighborhoods to cities, the shift in the economy and continued financial struggles is having an adverse effect on communities and creating devastating isolation for its inhabitants. As a result, time banks begin to form encouraging members to repair and...
How to Shrink the Economy without Crashing It: A Ten-Point Plan
The human economy is currently too big to be sustainable. We know this because Global Footprint Network, which methodically tracks the relevant data, informs us that humanity is now using 1.5 Earths’ worth of resources. We can temporarily use resources faster than...
A Science of Behavior Applied to Society
This film covers cutting-edge perspectives in the areas of child development, education, sustainability, cultural change, and economics. It was produced for the 11th International Conference on Behavior Studies, November 2014.
Why Anarchists and "Anarcho"-Capitalists Can't Be allies
One things that crops up over and over when someone on the libertarian right notices the outright hostility of anarchists when he appropriates the “Anarchist” label for himself is the accusation of “harming the movement” by not being willing to look past differences and work...
Who Owns the Benefit? The Free Market as Full Communism
There’s a wonderful phrase for how capitalism works in the real world (I’m not sure who first came up with it, but I associate it with Noam Chomsky): “The socialization of risk and cost, and the privatization of profit.”
How To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse
The zombie apocalypse, of course, is a metaphor. It’s an allegory for the extremely unstable world we are living in at the moment.
The Sacred Science
The Sacred Science is a groundbreaking documentary that captures an unprecedented glimpse into the ancient healing practices of the Amazon rainforest’s medicine men, or shamans, whose unique knowledge of indigenous plants and rituals is threatened by deforestation...
Basic Income FAQ
What's basic income? "A basic income is an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement" (Basic Income Earth Network, (BIEN)). What are the benefits of basic income? Benefits include, in no particular order:
The Power of Asset-based Approaches
From the moment you were born, you have been accumulating an incredible array of assets. No matter who you are – your passions, knowledge, skills and access to resources are truly vast.
Anarchists United: Is It Possible For Anarchists of Every Kind to Work Together?
Lately, I’ve been thinking about how the diverse anarchist strategies could combine against our current class society. How every variation on the theme of “assert your freedom now,” from the anarcho-syndicalist direct action to Sam Konkin’s agorism, could combine in order to...
The Return of Occupy London: This Time It's Truly political
Occupy is back in London, UK, with a renewed focus on politics and an ambitious vision: to galvanise a mass movement for real democracy and establish a huge People's Assembly to debate a list of specific demands for radical political reform. This week, stalwarts of the...
Benjamin Tucker - Anarchist or Capitalist?
Editor's note: We found this article about Tucker relevant to today because his views represent such an interesting break from stereotypical views about socialism, markets, anarchism, and the 'left/right' associations we have with all these terms. For instance, that if you...
Shapes of Exchange in the Solidarity Economy
SolidarityNYC's animated short explains what the solidarity economy framework is and how housing co-ops and community land trusts, worker co-ops, community supported agriculture, and credit unions help to meet everyone's needs within it.
Ten Reasons Why Bombing Iraq and Syria Is No Way to Defeat ISIS
This latest phase of terrorism is a product of the west's disastrous foreign policies, endless wars and backing of barbaric regimes in the Middle East.
Return - A Story We Wrote Together
More than 5 years after the expropriation of €492,000 from 39 different banks, a group of activists reveal how the money was used and how they lived through the experience. The driving force behind this collective is the situation imposed by the current system, civil...
How to Fire Your Boss: A Worker's Guide to Direct action
The indignity of working-for-a-living is well-known to anyone who ever has. Democracy, the great principle on which our society is supposedly founded, is thrown out the window as soon as we punch the time clock at work. With no say over what we produce, or how that production...
Reconciling Differences & Building Solidarity
This is Part 2 of 3 articles in Generation Alpha's ‘Shades Of Green’ series. Read part 1 here. 
An Invitation to Anarchism
The word “anarchist” is thrown around a lot these days. When discussing their mild disagreements over foreign policy, healthcare, tax rates, gun control, immigration, torture, or the war on drugs, it’s not uncommon for a Republican or Democrat to hurl the word at each other...
An Earthship in 10 Minutes
This is a ten minute recap of our earthship greenhouse we built at Valhalla. If you'd like to watch the entire playlists; Subscribe to our Channel and watch all 10 parts. :)
Transitions For Society: Job Guarantee and Basic Income
This film presents a huge social problem called technological unemployment. Whilst doing so, the film also presents two potential solutions to this major social issue. The transitional path described in the film concerns a transition towards a job guarantee program of...
How the Not-For-Profit Model Holds the Key to Creating a People-First Economy in Balance with Nature
As businesses increasingly embrace a not-for-profit culture, an end to overconsumption on a finite planet could finally be in sight. But given the huge lobbying power of vested interests, it will remain impossible to create a truly sustainable world until the illegitimate...
Expecto Patronum: Lessons from Harry Potter for Social Justice Organizing
Have you daydreamed about being a member of an intergenerational social justice organization like the Order of Phoenix? Do you want Dumbledore to be your mentor?
Morgan Freeman Narrates the Greatest Story of Our Generation
This 6 minute short film tells the story of the human journey at this critical moment in time. Of all the stories to belong to, this is the story to be a part of. Don't watch it from the sidelines. Don't wait for the experts to figure it out. Ask yourself: how can I become...
Place-based Everywhere: Lessons from Flood Wall Street
The arrests at the end of Flood Wall Street may have been the only reason the mainstream media paid attention to the several thousand people who parked themselves next to the Charging Bull for the better part of eight hours. But, although no station covered it, what happened...
Inner Climate Change
How do we change? How do we adapt our lifestyles to become resilient to the changes we are facing today?
Beyond Capitalism: Not-for-Profit Business Ethos Motivates Sustainable Behaviour
For-profit capitalism has created social and economic inequality; successful not-for-profit businesses including Mozilla and the Big Issue point to an alternative path At the heart of the failing capitalist system is the “for-profit” ethic. Based on the myth that humans are...
The Trail of a Tale
"A letter from the future is written to our recent past, telling us how the world ´it turned out right´. It follows the trail of someone that left words written, words of change, of simple change. In this near future, the images of our world are the same, but the value of...
Mobilize to Stop Planet Fever: A 10-Point Action Plan for System Change Not Climate Change
When we, as human beings, get a fever, we immediately get worried and take action. After all, we know that if our body temperature rises to 1.5ºC, let alone 2ºC [3.6 ºF] above the normal average, there can be severe damage, while an increase of 4-6ºC [7.2-10.8 ºF] or more can...
The Path of Positive Resistance
Bill Moyers speaks with doctors Jill Stein and Margaret Flowers about their personal journeys, what they have learned about our political system along the way and why they continue to fight the good fight.  JILL STEIN: "We who long for democracy, justice, sustainability...
Commercialisation: The Antithesis of Sharing
The danger is not commercialisation per se but our constant identification with its inner and outer manifestation, in which humanity’s intelligence is led in the opposite direction from nature and spiritual evolution. What is evil, anyway, if not our identification with...
Uniting the People of the world
The time has come when we must demonstrate in our millions not against this or that, but rather for who we are * * * At this time of economic turmoil it can be difficult to perceive for oneself how the principle of sharing is a solution to world problems, and this is...
Why Cultural Diversity Is as Essential to Human Survival as Biological Diversity
Just as we recognize the importance of biodiversity for the survival of the planet, so we must preserve the diverse ways of knowing that exist among humanity.
The Pentagon Is The World’s Largest & Most Dangerous Climate Criminal. It's the Elephant In The Room
There is an elephant in the climate debate that by U.S. demand cannot be discussed or even seen. This agreement to ignore the elephant is now the accepted basis of all international negotiations on climate change. It is well understood by every possible measurement that the...
Wayward Nation: The New American Dream Is Working Overtime
The Wayward Nation crew heads off to Denver next, to team up with pioneer Ricky Padilla for the launch of his new company, Brown Water Coffee. The stakes are high, for right now Ricky and his young employees are less than four days to launch.
A Maximum Wage Law?
I recently read about a cash-strapped seven-year Walmart employee in Louisiana who says she'd live in her car if she could figure out how to do it. Another Walmart employee claims that many Walmart "associates" actually do that to make ends meet, but it's really not an option...