721-780 of 1,264
The Bentley Effect - Community Resistance to Fracking in Australia
The extraordinary tale of a community who defied the gas juggernaut. We are crowdfunding now for the feature documentary that tells the story of the fastest growing social movement of our time and poses the question- what is truly valuable?
Why We Fight for the Living World: It's About Love
In defending the natural world, we should be honest about our motivations – it’s love that drives us, not money.
End of the Miracle Machines - Inside the Power Plant Fueling America’s Drought
A COUPLE OF MILES outside the town of Page, three 775-foot-tall caramel-colored smokestacks tower like sentries on the edge of northern Arizona’s sprawling red sandstone wilderness. At their base, the Navajo Generating Station, the West’s largest power-generating facility...
Kayakativists Blockade Shell's Arctic Bound Oil Rig
Environmental activists blockade Shell's Drilling Rig Polar Pioneer delaying its departure from Seattle's Elliott Bay bound for the Arctic on June 15, 2015. The Polar Pioneer is one of two drilling vessels heading towards the Arctic for Shell this year. The second, the Noble...
Pope Francis: The Encyclical
If you’re like me and eagerly anticipating Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change—due out Thursday, June 18—stop what you’re doing and watch this. 
Explosive Intervention by Pope Francis Set to Transform Climate Change Debate
The most anticipated papal letter for decades will be published in five languages on Thursday. It will call for an end to the ‘tyrannical’ exploitation of nature by mankind. Could it lead to a step-change in the battle against global warming?
This Changes Fuck All
This week we take on the NGO led spectacle called the people's climate march plus a look at Peru's spectacular resistance against a copper mine, and the call from the east to disrupt oil extraction and infrastructure. On the music break, Ontario based hiphop group Flowtilla...
My Generation Does Give a Damn about Climate Change, Says 14-year-old activist
Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez has been campaigning since he was six. He explains why young people are not afraid to take on the fossil fuel industry
Watch the Yes Men Impersonate Shell, Make 'Last Iceberg' Snow Cones
New Yorkers and tourists passing through Columbus Circle Thursday were treated to free shaved ice courtesy of Royal Dutch Shell, which was recently given preliminary approval by the Obama administration to drill for oil in the Arctic. The company hauled a chunk of the "last...
No More False Solutions: Rising Call to Ban Corporate Polluters From UN Talks
Corporate polluters are driving global warming and must not be allowed to steer—or even participate in—the ongoing processes of the United Nations whose stated aim is to develop global solutions to the climate crisis, a coalition of civil society organizations declared Wednesday.
The Funny Video About Climate Change That Ends With A Fart Joke
World leaders at the G7 summit pledged to act on climate change and have sworn to stop using fossil fuels ... in 100 years. Right around the time they've extracted them all. 
176 Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics and What the Science Really Says
Here is a summary of global warming and climate change myths, sorted by recent popularity vs what science says. Click the response for a more detailed response. You can also view them sorted by taxonomy, by popularity, in a print-friendly version,
A Psychologist Explains Why People Don't Give a Shit About Climate Change
"We [should] tell new stories of the dream, not the nightmares. We must describe where we want to go, such as happier lives, and better cities."
Drax: The UK's Dirtiest Power Station Gets Hundreds of Millions of Pounds in Green Subsidies
The UK’s largest coal-fired power station last year received an estimated £385 million in renewable energy subsidies, according to an analysis by advocacy group Biofuelwatch.
Climate Change Is About...Women
Climate change is, water, extractivism. Climate change is about...women, in leadership, in unity. Climate change is about...much more than climate change.
Caught in the Net: How "net-zero Emissions" Will Delay Real Climate Action and Drive Land Grabs
United Nations (UN) climate negotiations must urgently and equitably address climate change, and lead to rapid cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases if our planet is to have any hope of stabilising global temperatures. Growing talk among politicians, business leaders, and...
Economist Juliet Schor: We're In a Structural Crisis
Given the realities of the climate crisis, can we continue to try to grow our way out of economic inequality? 
We're Headed For a Cliff, But It's Not Too Late to Change Course
What’s your vision for a just and equitable 2050? Add your voice:‪
In Pictures: 18 Epic Climate Justice Actions in One Day
Blockades, shutdowns, lock-ons, love-ins, tripods and nanas…..Reclaim the Power’s day of action against the fossil fuel industry today (1 June 2015) saw 18 different actions drawing the dots between big energy firms, government ministers, public relations companies, oil arts...
Reclaim the Power: Action Camp for Energy Democracy
Hundreds of campaigners are gathering at Didcot Power station in Oxfordshire to demand a green energy future - and an end to the Government's relentless push for fossil fuels and nuclear power, writes Diêgo Lôbo. Preparations are under way for a series of actions due to take...
Women and Biodiversity Feed the World, Not Corporations and GMOs
Biodiverse ecological agriculture in women's hands is a solution not just to the malnutrition crisis, but also the climate crisis.
Get Ready: Protesters Vow to 'Flood the System' for Climate and Planetary Justice
From the tar sands of Alberta to the Port of Seattle to the communities in the blast zone of oil trains, organizers across North America are calling for a "wave of resistance" this fall to "shut down the economic and political systems threatening our survival." Under the...
One Magical Politician Won't Stop Climate Change. It's up to All of Us
Lots of people eagerly study all the polls and reports on how many people believe that climate change is real and urgent. They seem to think there is some critical mass that, through the weight of belief alone, will get us where we want to go. As if when the numbers aren’t...
Sustainability in Bangladesh : Call for an Emergency wave
Sustainability in Bangladesh : Call for an emergency wave According to 2014 Environmental Performance Index data Bangladesh ranks among 178 countries are 169th in environmental friendly countries, 88th in having enough forests, 123rd in biodiversity and it is the most air...
RESIST: The Unist'ot'en's Call To The Land
RESIST: The Unist'ot'en's Call To The Land is a short documentary that was filmed in the summer of 2013 on unceded Wet'suwet'en territory, 1000 km north of Vancouver in northern BC (western Canada) over the duration of the fourth annual Environmental Action Camp, hosted by...
Ecocide: The Psychology of Environmental Destruction
Recent scientific reports about climate change make grim reading. A paper published in The Economic Journal by the respected UK economist Lord Stern states that the models previously used to calculate the economic effects of climate change have been ‘woefully inadequate.’...
Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day
Organized by the Earth Day Network and the Global Poverty Project, Global Citzen 2015 Earth Day, a massive tribute to the 45th anniversary of Earth Day, celebrated on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., brought awareness to the combined plights of global poverty and...
Mère de 7 milliards - (MOTHER : Caring for 7 Billion)
"Mother" met en avant l'histoire de Beth, une mère de famille américaine militante des droits de l'enfant. A travers sa propre histoire familiale et sa rencontre bouleversante avec une jeune Ethiopienne, Beth prend conscience de l'impact dramatique d'une population planétaire...
Madre Tierra: Cuidando a 7 mil millones (Mother: Caring for 7 Billion)
Madre Tierra reflexiona sobre el polémico tema de la población uniendo los puntos entre el crecimiento de la población y los problemas sociales y ambientales más urgentes de la humanidad. Esta premiada película vuelve a sacar al ruedo este asunto después de que haya sido...
The Soil Solution To Climate Change
What If A Solution To Climate Change Was Beneath Your Feet?  Soil is a living universe beneath our feet. As important to our lives as clean air and water, soil also holds a potential solution to the global climate crisis. Increasing numbers of scientists, farmers and...
Why the Planet Is Happy That Bernie Sanders Is Running for President
After lunch, right about the time that Bernie Sanders was actually announcing his run for president, I went for a walk in the woods, and polled three chickadees, two wild turkeys, one vernal pool of chirping wood frogs and a random sample of several tree species. You have...
Meat, the environment and industry brainwashing
Meat and Livestock Australia has published a series of study guides for primary and secondary school students.
How Companies Make Us Forget We Need to Consume Less to Stop Climate Change
We will have to consume less, not more, if we are serious about tackling climate change. So how do businesses like Coca-Cola lure us into forgetting that inconvenient truth?
Salma Hayek claims her 'wavy body' limits her in Hollywood
While Salma Hayek’s figure is the jealousy of heaps of ladies, she supposes she’s lost parts as a result of her edge.
Energy East - an Export Pipeline
TransCanada's Energy East pipeline plan is all about exporting oil. It is not a made-in-Canada energy solution. Up to 90 per cent of Energy East's oil would be exported unrefined. As an export pipeline, it won't create many permanent jobs or have lasting economic benefits to...
The Anthropocene Myth: Blaming All Of Humanity for Climate Change Lets Capitalism Off The Hook
Last year was the hottest year ever recorded. And yet, the latest figures show that in 2013 the source that provided the most new energy to the world economy wasn’t solar, wind power, or even natural gas or oil, but coal.
Embracing 'Radical Hope' in Our Fight to Save the Earth
Radical hope is not just about determination and courage in the face of darkness, writes Paul Hoggett - it is also about love and a re-finding of all that is benign in the world. And this is the spirit we need to muster to confront the serious challenges that lie before us.
Small-Scale Farmers Cool the Planet
Fair World Project's new 17-minute documentary highlights the role of industrial agriculture in climate change while expounding on how small farmers are combating the climate crisis through regenerative organic agriculture.
Mother: Caring for 7 Billion
Mother: Caring for 7 Billion is an award-winning human rights film that explores the challenges we face living in a world of 7 billion.   It tells the story of Beth, an American mother and child's right activist, and her journey to understand how overpopulation is impacting...
The Great Squeeze: Surviving the Human Project
The Great Squeeze chronicles our dependence on cheap and abundant fossil fuels that have been feeding the engine of our economic system for the past 200 years.  Although cheap energy has lifted modern civilizations to new heights, the ecosystem we depend on has paid the...
Noam Chomsky, On his work, and life time.
Noam Chomsky was introduced by David Barsamian, then talked about his work.  18 March 2015
Earth's Devastation "You Can't Have That"
This video only touches the surface of the devastation that is happening to our planet earth. When I searched for content to include in this video, I became overwhelmed at the magnitude and pace at which our planet is being destroyed by its inhabitants. I am not a scientist...
Cove Point Protectors
This Is What Energy Democracy Looks Like
Profit-driven approaches to our energy supply are not working. Emissions continue to rise and our climate is rapidly changing. How can we move toward “energy democracy,” shifting to a more sustainable, equitable energy system? And what’s the role of trade unions in getting us...
Naomi Klein: This Changes Everything (excerpt)
This is an edited excerpt the feature length documentary This Changes Everything.
Looking for Leaders on Climate? Follow the Women Farmers
Across the globe, countless women are standing up to the ravages of climate change – and to the governments and big businesses who are allowing it to destroy the world "I give you a message from my heart," she says, "let's move forward and work together for the benefit of...
Coming Soon: The 'Big Heat'
Forget the so-called ‘pause’ in global warming—new research says we might be in for an era of deeply accelerated heating.  While the rate of atmospheric warming in recent years has, indeed, slowed due to various natural weather cycles—hence the skeptics’ droning on about...
Global Compost Project
“Right now, for humanity and many other living creatures, there is Too Much carbon in the air and Too Little carbon in the soil.” – John Wick, Co-founder of The Global Compost Project.
I Asked My Dad Where Water Comes from
Do you ever remember asking your parents where things come from?  This film was made in response to a compeition brief set out by Wateraid and WorldView to create a film that explores what water means to us.
The Economics of Climate Change
Shifting away from an emphasis on global economic growth toward local economies provides a means to increase meaningful employment, shrink the gap between rich and poor, and tackle climate change.
Drop in the Ocean? Ireland and Climate Change
Climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity today and yet our political systems refuse to move quickly enough to do anything about it. It threatens to undo all the gains that have been made against poverty in recent decades. But how does it affect Ireland and where...
Boom! Why Oil Trains Are Dangerous and Must Be stopped.
As the muthafuckin' resistance has been busy blocking pipelines all across Turtle Island, from the Keystone XL pipeline in the United Snakes, to the Northern Gateway and Pacific Trails pipelines in unceded Wet'suwet'en territory, capitalist oil-peddlers have had to find a new...
Our Shitty situation
In this sedition we look at the economic clusterfuck enveloping the globe, the mega drop in oil prices and the political party that has the left screaming like Justin Beaver fans.
How To Plant A Forest
A look at deforestation and the efforts of the Eden Reforestation projects to fix it. This is the 3rd video in a 3-part series we produced in partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects. You can find out more about their work and how to help at
A Glass Half Full
A documentary detailing climate change in Africa and some of the water problems facing Axum, Ethiopia
Climate Change: What's Really Been Going On (And How We Can Solve It)
Ever wondered why we're not on track to solve climate change despite all the protests and petitions? Watch this to hear the story of what's really been going on. For more information on how you can take action visit
Money Is The Problem
For us to survive as a species we have to understand what money is doing to us, and how we can address these issues. This is the overview video explaining what the problem with money is and to propose the solution. 
Water: The Priceless Resource
A short documentary about water in Russia. Production and postproduction took about 6 months. Part of the film was shot on remote locations like mountains, deserts, etc. so sometimes it was a challenge to bring all heavy gear there. The part about water shortages was shot 150...
Energy - Balancing the Scales
How much energy do we use, and how much energy could renewables provide? References: MacKay, D.J.C. (2009). Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air. Cambridge, England: UIT Cambridge Ltd. UCLA Physics and Astronomy Department. (2014). Energy Scales Table. Retrieved from...
Voices from Gloucester - Bill Ryan
92 year old Bill Ryan fought to save Australia on the Kokoda Track in WW2. Now he's fighting to save Australia from extreme mining and climate change. Here he is at beautiful Gloucester in NSW, which is threatened by coal mining and unconventional gas.