661-720 of 1,264
Snows of the Nile - 3rd Prize 18-35 Years (Subtitulos en español)
Las montañas Rwenzori en Uganda se elevan 5000 metros desde el corazón de África. En sus cumbres están algunos de los únicos glaciares ecuatoriales de la Tierra. Pero estas "Montañas de la Luna", cuya existencia ha causado sensación en Europa cuando subieron por primera vez...
Global Warning - 2nd Prize 18-35 Years (Subtitulos en español)
Un documentario sobre el super tifón Yolanda - Hayan que azotó las Filipinas en el 8 de Noviemebre de 2013. Un vídeo de Dobrin Kashavelov (Bulgária/Filipinas) - Grupo etário 18-35
The Trail of a Tale - 1st Prize 18-35 Years (Subtitulos en español)
"Una carta desde el futuro se escribe en nuestro pasado reciente, diciéndonos como 'las cosas salieron bien'".
The Change - C4C Special Prize
Danang, like many other cities in Central Vietnam, is highly vulnerable to climate change. In particular, typhoon and flood and their recently unpredictable patterns have caused severe impacts on the people's lives, especially the youth. This short film tells 2 interweaving...
Tinau (My Mother) - C4C Special Prize
Scientists predict that Kiribati - a remote Island Republic in the Central Pacific - could be lost to rising sea levels in the next 50 years. As a result a whole nation faces an uncertain future. 'Tinau' is an intimate family portrait of a Kiribatese mother now settled in the...
Pachamama - People's Choice Award
This documentary discusses the effects of global warming in São Carlos, a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. We follow Adinalsa, a farmer affected by the extreme heat of summer, and Gabriel, one of the founders of a community that thinks about how to take care of the...
Balud - Jury Special Award
Balud is a Filipino dialect word for "waves." This short experimental film is a response to Typhoon Yolanda (International name: Haiyan), which swallowed my hometown Tacloban city last November, 2013. This film dedicated to family, friends and fellowmen who were lost on its...
It's Easy If You Try - 3rd Prize (14-17 years)
What is the problem with climate change and how we can solve it...
Facing the Flood - 2nd Prize (14-17 years)
The situation in the south of the Greenlandic Ice Cap is deteriorating. A global warming of the earth seems to threaten this area more than anywhere else in the world. Recorded temperatures have begun to fluctuate, and native inhabitants find their culture beginning to sink...
The Violin Player - 1st Prize (14-17 years)
It's an animation movie about a violinist playing at a theater and when he close his eyes he find the entire world melting. After a crazy play he open his eyes over an unexpected reality.
Snows of the Nile - 3rd Prize (18-35 Years)
Uganda's Rwenzori Mountains rise 5000m from the heart of Africa. At their summits are some of Earth's only equatorial glaciers. But these "Mountains of the Moon," whose existence caused a sensation in Europe when they were first climbed in 1906, are changing fast. Snows of...
Global Warning - 2nd Prize (18-35 Years)
A documentary about the super typhoon Yolanda - Haiyan which hit the Philippines on Nov 8th 2013. A video by Dobrin Kashavelov (Bulgaria/Philippines) - Age Group 18-35
The Trail of a Tale - 1st Prize (18-35 Years)
"A letter from the future is written to our recent past, telling us how the world ´it turned out right´. It follows the trail of someone that left words written, words of change, of simple change. In this near future, the images of our world are the same, but the value of...
Hot on the Trail of Arctic Destruction
Four people from four continents are heading to the top of our planet. They journey north to encounter a seismic blasting fleet that poses a deafeningly loud threat to narwhals, walrus and other spectacular wildlife. According to a new scientific review, seismic blasting is...
ONE PLANET Featuring Joel McKerrow
Let's just say, just purely hypothetically of course, I know it's completely ridiculous but what if we had, only ONE planet, just one. One planet to live on. One planet to breathe and eat from. One planet to make our day upon, make our way upon, make our cities upon, to sink...
Notorious Climate Skeptic Rupert Murdoch Just Bought National Geographic
Publication that gives grants to scientists goes from non-profit to for-profit under Fox umbrella.
Climate Deadline
Climate Deadline is an ambitious documentary in the making, taking us from the UN climate talks in Durban in 2011 (COP17) to COP21 in Paris this December, where this project will be finalised and the nations will adopt the next universal climate treaty. That treaty is being...
The Tao of Bill Hicks: “Chomsky with Dick Jokes”
Mark Kernan argues that the late comedian was a shaman of our times
How to Stop Climate Change
This week we re-think our critique of the People's Climate March, then we go to Germany where trouble makers have been regularly shutting down Europe's largest source of CO2. Then on to Greece, to look at a growing resistance against a gold mine and finally to the longest...
What the Frack, Jerry Brown?! 8 Comedic Videos to Ban Fracking in California
What the Frack, Jerry Brown?! is a comedic video series about the insane impacts of fracking in California.
This Trailer Changes Everything: Epic New Naomi Klein Doc Will Have You Running for Your Kayak
The film inspired by Klein's book features the stories of everyday people standing up to climate change.
Syria's Climate Conflict
Was the catalyst for the current conflict in Syria a drought caused by anthropogenic climate change?
Where's the Missing Part, Naomi Klein?
Ask Pope Francis and Mohammed Mesbahi
Beneath the Canopy: Achuar Fight Against Big Oil and Climate Change
The Peruvian Amazon, which encompasses some 300,000 square miles, is an extremely biodiverse landscape larger than the state of Texas. For its size, it is very sparsely inhabited – it takes up 60% of Peru's landmass but is only home to about 5% of the country's 30 million...
Draining of Soils = Climate Change Štefan Vaľo
Uploaded by Peter Hegedus
Ende Gelände: A Personal Account of Direct Action to Shut Down Europe's Largest Source of CO2
Ben Winston reports from Ende Gelände - a mass action in Germany's Rhineland - which saw over 1,000 people successfully shut down an open-cast lignite mine for a day, halting operations in what is Europe's largest source of CO2 emissions and preventing the excavation of...
Climate Activists Shut Down Open Cast Coal Mine: Here And No Further
On 15 August 1500 people took part in a daring act of civil disobedience to shut down Europe's biggest source of CO2 emissions. Around 1000 people successfully entered the coal mine and all of the diggers in the pit were brought to a standstill.
Discover the Spirit of Kashmir and Celebrate the Artisans behind #MakeinIndia
The floods of 2014 ravaged Kashmir, several thousand villages across the state had been hit and 390 villages had been completely submerged. The central part of Srinagar, Lal Chowk, was inundated with water for 15 days. The handlooms were closed for over a month and
COP 21: The No Hope Climate Summit
Why Paris won’t deliver and what we need instead
The Dinosaurs series ending is a depressing analogy as to what could happen to us as well if we don’t change our ways
The way The Dinosaurs extinct themselves is a simple analogy as to what we are doing to ourselves as well.
Tell the United Nations: Plantations Are Not Forests
At the UN's World Forestry Congress in Durban, South Africa, in September, policymakers, industry and others will debate the 'sustainable future' of forests and people. But there can be no sustainable future until the UN and governments accept that real forests have nothing...
Yoga Pants Made Out of Plastic and Why You Should Care
Yoga pants by The OM Collection are made out of recycled plastic bottles.
The Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change
This film explores the growing link between global environmental change, psychological and mental health challenges. Grounded in his research in the "think and do" tank, MaRS Discovery District-Brandon Hey examines the current state of institutional framings and responses to...
Los Pequenos Productores Enfrian El Planeta / Small-Scale Farmers cool the planet
Video showing the relevance of small producers in recovering the soil, lowering global temperatures.  Very interesting contributions byVandana Shiva, Yvette Aguilar and others.
Portland Protesters Hanging From Bridge Say #ShellNo to Arctic Drilling
In May, the Obama administration approved Shell's plan to explore for oil off the coast of Alaska in the Arctic Ocean. Environmentalists are appalled, fearing that Shell's plan can only lead to disaster. There have been several protests, and this one in Portland left...
It's Not Climate Change  -  It's Everything Change
Oil! Our secret god, our secret sharer, our magic wand, fulfiller of our every desire, our co-conspirator, the sine qua non in all we do! Can’t live with it, can’t — right at this moment — live without it. But it’s on everyone’s mind.
Here and No Further - Stop Digging, Keep It In The Ground
The Rhineland’s lignite mines and coal plants in Germany are Europe’s biggest source of CO2 emissions and home to the world’s largest coal digger – the Bagger 288. The rapid expansion of coal mines and plants is causing health problems due to high pollution rates and the...
Cries of Betrayal, Calls to Organize as Obama Approves Arctic Drilling
'With this decision, President Obama has given Shell an open invitation to turn the Chukchi Sea into an energy sacrifice zone,' said Marissa Knodel of Friends of the Earth
Can The Sun Cool Down The Earth?
Every hour, enough sunlight blasts the earth to power humanity for a year. By 2050, across the entire world, solar energy could power our computers, phones, lights, hot water – anything we use electricity for today. There would be no need to pollute the planet with oil, coal...
Beware of "the Blob"! California's Drought and Climate Change
As California's drought continues to deepen, offshore in the Pacific, scientists have identified an enormous "blob" of warm water, that seems to be part of the larger climate change process. Interviews with key scientists who are making the observations.
What Humans Are Really Doing to Our Planet, in 19 Jaw-Dropping Images
Last week, Pope Francis and church officials encouraged everyone to consume less and think more about our impact on the environment.
The Great Debate: CLIMATE CHANGE - Surviving The Future (OFFICIAL) - (Part 1/2)
View Part 2/2: Are we beyond the tipping point for survivable climate change? How will our nation thrive the coming food and national security threats tied to climate change?
When You're in a Hole, #stopdigging
A Mass Action to #EndCoal in the Rhineland, Germany
Studying the Anthropocene
Scientist, writers, and scholars have stirred up a new movement in regards to the Earth's environmental changes. Apparently thinkers of this kind believe that the climate changes over a period of time rates our environment with a new name. The Earth's history and its unique...
Sign the petition here: The farmers of the Liverpool Plains food bowl are fighting for their survival against massive proposed coal mines. Find out more and get involved! #wrongminewrongplace
All You Need To Understand About Climate Change In Under A Minute
This is a special edition of the Fishbones climate change animation, dedicated to the occassion of the International Climate Top in Paris 2015 -- otherwise known as COP21. Fishbones is an animated short explaining the most fundamental thing you need to know about what climate...
Exxon Knew of Climate Change in 1981, Email Says - but It Funded Deniers for 27 More Years
Over the years, Exxon spent more than $30m on think-tanks and researchers that promoted climate denial.
Let's Get Crazy - The Venus Project
A short video about The Venus Project, a holistic solution to our current global problems. Music link:
How Does Addiction Relate to Our Relationship to the Living World?
The recently published piece titled ‘The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think' gave me a lot of food for thought for how we relate to the phenomena of addiction, and how society goes about treating it. As a budding cultural ecologist...
These Are The 3 Climate Tipping Points That Keep Scientists Awake At Night
This knowledge isn't supposed to make us afraid - it's meant to stir our hearts into action - to give us the fire that we can use to save everything we love.
Shocking Short Film Highlights the Environmental Cost of the Aviation Industry
It's really not about polar bears any more... We have a problem. We're flying too much, and it's changing the earth's climate. Aviation is the fastest growing cause of climate change. But instead of doing anything about it, the Government is planning more flights and larger...
The Pope Vs. The Koch Bros
In the latest edition of The Undercurrent: environmental activists protest the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History for having climate-denier-oil-baron David Koch on its advisory board and religious conservative legislators push back on the Pope's findings in his...
The Rise and Fall of Globosome
In the vastness of space, there's a a small speck of rock inhabited by the most peculiar lifeforms: Dark little "Globosomes" that start to replicate fast and begin to show signs of intelligence. The film tells the story of the rise and fall of these little creatures.
Rap News 33: Pope Francis Vs Climate Change
Today on Rap News, a world exclusive: Pope Francis performing his 2015 encyclical on climate change, revealing his new, revised Ten Climate Commandments for the care of our common home. Of course, Robert Foster also has a couple of pointy questions to ask the Pontiff; as does...
Best Evidence Yet Supports We Are Undergoing a Mass Extinction
The latest evidence shows with a high degree of confidence that we are currently undergoing Earth’s 6th Mass Extinction Event.
What Does Coal Have to Do with hunger?
Coal pollution is the single biggest driver of climate change on the planet. It's causing more and more extreme weather and pushing the world's poorest people into poverty and hunger.  If we keep burning fossil fuels at the rate we are now, climate change could push 50...
Pope's Climate Letter Is a Radical Attack on the Logic of the Market
What makes Pope Francis and his 183-page encyclical so radical isn’t just his call to urgently tackle climate change. It’s the fact he openly and unashamedly goes against the grain of dominant social, economic and environment policies. While the Argentina-born pope is a...
Pope Francis: The Earth, Our Home, Is Beginning To Look Like An Immense Pile of Filth
An extract from Pope Francis’s 180 page encyclical on climate change, the environment and inequality