301-360 of 1,264
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh: Only Love Can Save Us From Climate Change
Leading spiritual teacher warns that if people cannot save themselves from their own suffering, how can they be expected to worry about the plight of Mother Earth
Green New Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
With the Green New Deal sparking a national conversation about all the ways to combat climate change, John Oliver looks at a few potential solutions. 
The Adani Fight: Journal From the Frontline
"The Adani Fight: Journal from the frontline"  follows a small group of surfers to one of the largest remaining coal deposits in the world, located beneath the land of the Galilee.
Kingsnorth: Portrait of a Recovering Environmentalist
Humanity has lost the battle against climate change. That is what Paul Kingsnorth thinks. The former environmental activist believes that we can´t stop climate change anymore. How should we live on knowing that climate change is a fact that can´t be denied anymore? A...
The Sustainable City
Fully Charged spent an amazing day at the Sustainable City, a housing development in Dubai with 3,500 people already living there and it's still not quite finished. This truly is a remarkable achievement, a stark lesson to building contractors the world over. It's not more...
Countdown to Extinction
A visualization of near-term human extinction.
Socialists Win in Spain With Green New Deal
Spaniards threw their weight behind a Green New Deal programme by re-electing the pro-climate Spanish Socialist party (PSOE).
How Green is Greenpeace?
Donate to Greenpeace:
The World's Happiest People Already Have a Green New Deal, and They Love It
Green New Deal advocates in the United States should look to the Nordic countries for inspiration on how to overcome the 1 percent and address climate change.
How to Green the World's Deserts and Reverse Climate Change | Allan Savory
"Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's happening to about two-thirds of the world's grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to...
A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
What if we actually pulled off a Green New Deal? What would the future look like? The Intercept presents a film narrated by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and illustrated by Molly Crabapple. Set a couple of decades from now, the film is a flat-out rejection of the idea that a...
Climate Denial Isn’t Stopping Climate Action. Here’s What Is. | David Wallace-Wells
Climate change denial draws headlines. But is it actually an obstacle to climate action? 
Only Nature Can Save Us Now
Faced with climate change and mass extinction there is only one thing to do. Stop trying to save the world.
The Wind in the Willows
Badger, Toad, Mole and Ratty find themselves in serious trouble when they return to the Willows!
Restoring The Natural Mangrove Forest
Coastal communities are intrinsically connected to the sea. Their lives depend on it. A key to happiness and life in tropical regions is a healthy mangrove forest. We are now recognizing that a world without the rainforests by the sea, wouldn’t just mean a dismal scenario for...
Lost At Sea
A ship taking on water. A captain nowhere to be found. And a series of strange coincidences. Lost At Sea is a story about a trip on a cruise ship gone wrong - using story, metaphor and song to cross difficult waters. Filmed by Fair Projects, this 2018 performance of Matt...
On Being a Flexitarian: Why It's Actually OK
Despite the scorn and mockery, flexitarianism could be the step we all need to take to save our planet.
Brilliant Short Film Imagines Parallel Earth Saving Themselves From Fate of Earth
10 years after the premiere of THE AGE OF STUPID, here's Franny Armstrong's new short film, WHAT IF?  In a parallel universe, Fred Miliband, Carolyn Lukas, Zack Harries, Jon Snowflake, Kris Peckham, Jonathan Pie and the President of the Maldives battle to save the people of...
The Biggest Lie About Climate Change
You were lied to about climate change.
An essay film about one of the last scythe builders in germany.
The Green New Deal Can Work – Here's How
18 concrete ways to make the urgently needed climate mobilization a reality
The Swedish Schoolgirl That Took Davos To Task On Climate Change
Greta and the Snowman: From Greta Thunberg to the man who's measured the weather every day for nearly half a century, it is private citizens leading the charge on climate change prevention. This report profiles these two extraordinary characters.   
Why the “Anthropocene” is not “Climate Change”
“Anthropocene” is a widely proposed name for the geological epoch that covers human impact on our planet. But it is not synonymous with “climate change,” nor can it covered by “environmental problems.” Bigger and more shocking, the Anthropocene encapsulates the evidence that...
It's Climate Change That's Scary - Not Transforming the Economy
It’s very clear that conservatives have one plan for dealing with the popularity of the Green New Deal: scaring the hell out of people.
Fact Sheet: Global Species Decline
The world is facing a mass extinction of species.  All species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, arthropods (insects and arachnids), fish, crustaceans, corals and other cnidarians, and plants have declined, in many cases, severely. Human civilization has had a negative...
Dark Snow: Peter Sinclair on Climate Choices and Energy Solutions
A great team from CanCan Productions recorded Peter's climate talk in the Philly area last spring, and really did a nice job editing this version. If you have not caught Peter's program, it gets good reviews - beginners and citizen wonks should all learn something.
My Message to Davos Elites: Act as If Our House Is on Fire. Because It Is.
"Either we choose to go on as a civilization or we don't. That is as black or white as it gets. There are no grey areas when it comes to survival."
Bill McKibben on Climate Change, COP Meetings, Activism & Solutions
In this exclusive interview with environmental activist Bill McKibben, we talk about climate change, the Conference of the Parties (COP) convention generally and their recent meeting in Poland, as well as the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change...
To Freeze the Thames w/Troy Vettese
To Freeze the Thames: Geo-Science, Social Risk and Climate Struggles. Is advanced-industrial capitalism capable of finding solutions for the environmental devastation it causes? Or are the logics of capitalism and environmental sustainability inherently and irreconcilably at...
Keeping the Flow
Featuring environmentalist artist Marianne Lopez.
Extinction Illness: Grave Affliction and Possibility
[Editor’s Note: We at Tikkun have been proud to have articles from Deena Metzger, whose novel A Rain of Night Birds was reviewed on our website by Cynthia Travis on October 11, 2018. In this piece, Metzger captures the grief and pain we all experience living at a time of...
Climate Action Must Now Focus on the Global Rich and Their Corporations
The latest UN climate talks, known as COP24, have just concluded. The supposed story this time was one of a grinding victory by the EU and developing nations over recalcitrant petro-states – Russia, the US, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. These four, condemned as “climate villains
Towards a Third Opinion on Climate Change – in High Need of a Holistic View
There used to be a time when climate change was a topic like any other, one that you could have discussions about. This time is long gone and so are the discussions. They all now come down to the one question: who’s side are you on? Within only a few years climate change has...
Lunar Eclipses, Oceanographers, and Wildfires
What do the moon, a famous oceanographer, and California mega-fires have in common? This January 20-21, 2019, we have a rare chance to reflect on where they all intersect.
Why the Climate Change Message Isn't Working
Threats of global catastrophe won’t move people to action. Only the heart can inspire zeal.
Here’s a Better Way to Argue about Climate Change
I recently got an email from a friend, asking me to take a look at an alternative way of thinking about greenhouse gases. He forwarded a link to a long scroll of a webpage dense with text. My friend said he hardly understood it “beyond the fact that it refutes the science of...
Confusing Them With Our Joy
2018-2019 fundraising trailer for the latest Cloudcatcher Media extravaganza! Support the Chuffed fundraiser at or get more info at
We Are The People of the Apocalypse
As growth-driven consumer culture spurs on planetary destruction, why don’t we spring into action? Psychologist John F Schumaker says a frightening erosion of human personality lies at the heart of the problem.
Fossil-Free Costa Rica: How One Country Is Pursuing Decarbonization Despite Global Inaction
As world leaders struggle to agree on a plan to curb global emissions at the U.N. climate talks in Katowice, Poland, Democracy Now! looks at Costa Rica’s plan to go fossil-free beginning next year. It will be the first country in the world to decarbonize its economy.
The Green New Deal Goes Viral: What's Next Is up to Us
Ted Franklin argues that climate activists must seize the time and get to work on the Green New Deal proposal.
An Ecosocialist Path to Limiting Global Temperature Rise to 1.5°C
An emergency plan to meet the climate emergency
The Carbon Farmer
Could this be the future of peatland management, agriculture and conservation? Produced in collaboration with numerous NGOs, The Carbon Farmer presents a possible future of best-case practice on the UK's peatlands that provide a plethora of benefits - from carbon...
Rebel in Anger or Dialogue in Hope?
To create a sustainable future, society has to change, this includes all of us. Our governments cannot be trusted to deliver sustainability.  We can do this through dialogue, not rebellion. We must become positively active in developing the psychological growth we need to...
Extinction Rebellion Declaration Day 31 October 2018 -George Monbiot Speech outside Parliament, London
Guardian journalist George Monbiot addresses the Extinction Rebellion climate change protest blocking the road outside parliament, London, UK. 31/10/2018. 3840X2160 25fps footage © Jason N. Parkinson Terms These video are for viewing only and may not be embedded or otherwise...
Extinction Rebellion - Rebellion Day - 17 November 2018 - 5 Bridges Occupied
Due to the inaction of the UK government to the climate emergency, Extinction Rebellion called for a Day of Rebellion in London
No Effective Means of Stopping Climate Breakdown Is Deemed “Politically Realistic.” So We Must Change Political Realities.
It was a moment of the kind that changes lives. At a press conference held by Extinction Rebellion last week, two of us journalists pressed the activists on whether their aims were realistic. They have called, for example, for carbon emissions in the UK to be reduced to net...
As Time Goes By
A series time lapses filmed around the Exmouth region of North West Australia showing the beauty and the future challenges facing us with the ever looming danger of climate change.
Climate Change: What's The Whole Truth? - Russell Brand & Charles Eisenstein
A clip from the Under The Skin podcast with Charles Eisenstein - discussing what might be wrong with the current climate change narrative and why we should be wary of why the powerful are so accepting of it. What's driving this narrative over others? Listen to this entire...
One Every Second
Every year, more than twenty million people – an average of one person every second – are displaced because of climate-related disasters, such as floods, droughts, rising sea levels, and storms. They are forced to leave their homes and migrate elsewhere, either temporarily or...
Pedalling and Paddling - Two Climate Tales From Lancaster
In December 2015 a group of Lancaster climate activists set off to to join up with a mass cycle from London to Paris for the COP21 climate talks. Their intention was to add their voice to the grass roots call for meaningful action now to curb the worrying rise in CO2 levels...
Here's a PLAN to get us out of this CLIMATE MESS - Friends of the Earth Europe
You’ve heard the news about climate breakdown. It’s bad. BUT WE CAN GET OUT OF THIS MESS - if we act now and act together for a #fossilfree Europe....
Initiation Into a Living Planet
Most people have passed through some kind of initiation in life. By that, I mean a crisis that defies what you knew and what you were. From the rubble of the ensuing collapse, a new self is born into a new world.
Viva Australis - Tiempo Circular
This is a videoclip about the cycle of nature and how tiny we are as humans in our planet. Everyone who was born  here will be part of this cycle and will be part of it forever , because we are one being.
Short film from Sumatran Orangutan Society shows Jungle Book characters homeless across the world
The homes of orangutans and many other animals in Sumatra are being destroyed.
Houston, Harvey, and and a Hot Ocean
Science all-star team shows how record warm ocean waters made Hurricane Harvey an epic disaster, amped by climate change.
James Hansen's 1988 Climate Predictions Coming True
In summer 1988, James Hansen, NASA's Chief Atmospheric expert, testified before the US Senate, that the "greenhouse effect has been detected, and it is changing our climate now." Succeeding decades have borne him out.
Hampi - Valley of the Kings - documentary about wildlife conservation in India
The small village of Hampi was once the capital of an empire stretching across the whole of Southern India. But with the ancient city's fortifications in ruins, Hampi has little defence against the invading forces of development. In the last 15 years, tourism has grown 75%...
The Last Resort - documentary about marine conservation
When Andrew Miners first arrived on the Indonesian island village Babitim, he was struck by two things: the tropical paradise surrounding him and the corpses of the mutilated sharks strewn around the beach. Andrew decided to build an eco-diving resort on the island, which is...