721-780 of 1,431
Noam Chomsky on the Economic War on Latin America
Chris Spannos speaks with the acclaimed public intellectual about the shift in US policy toward Cuba and what it signals.  In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on 28 September 2015, US President Barack Obama said that ‘for 50 years, the United States pursued...
Any Job Isn't Necessarily a Good Job for People Out of Work
There can be no doubt that the job market has been more resilient since the financial crisis than many imagined. Unemployment did not rise as far as was feared and the recovery in employment to pre-recession levels has been quicker than forecast by even the most optimistic...
Robert Reich Takes on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is the largest--and worst--trade deal you've never heard of and Republicans in Congress want to work with the Obama administration to "fast track" its passage.
Tired of Capitalism? There Could Be a Better Way.
Capitalism is a coercive economic system that creates persistent patterns of economic deprivation.
Margaret Heffernan: Why It's Time to Forget the Pecking Order at Work
Organizations are often run according to “the superchicken model,” where the value is placed on star employees who outperform others. And yet, this isn’t what drives the most high-achieving teams. Business leader Margaret Heffernan observes that it is social cohesion — built...
Seven Everyday Things Poor People Worry About That Rich People Never Do
It isn’t just poor people’s lives which differ from rich people’s lives – it's poor people's thoughts that differ from everyone else's.
Capitalism Can't Be "Less Greedy" - the Greed Is Baked In
More people lately are identifying capitalism as the underlying cause of our current global troubles and crises. That’s certainly positive: the first step toward cure is a proper diagnosis. But most of the approaches being offered to treat the problem are placebos, an...
None of the World's Top Industries Would Be Profitable If They Paid for the Natural Capital They Use
The notion of “externalities” has become familiar in environmental circles. It refers to costs imposed by businesses that are not paid for by those businesses. For instance, industrial processes can put pollutants in the air that increase public health costs, but the public...
Why Some Companies in Sweden are Shifting to a 6-Hour Work Day
Despite research telling us it’s a really bad idea, many of us end up working 50-hour weeks or more because we think we’ll get more done and reap the benefits later. And according to a study published last month involving 600,000 people, those of us
The Painful Facts, State-By-State: How We're Victimized by Corporate State Tax Avoidance
Corporate data from numerous sources, including annual reports directly from the companies themselves, has been merged and matched and managed into two spreadsheets that reveal state-by-state corporate tax avoidance. The results show how people all over America are being...
Less Work, More Time: A Feminist Perspective on Universal Basic Income
It’s a cliché of feminist media to bemoan the “time bind” that keeps women tied to the double duties of working and parenting. The solution offered to this problem, however, often boils down to simply working more. “Don’t lose sight of your goals!” “Lean in!” As if...
Noam Chomsky: Democracy Is a Threat to Any Power System
To mark The Nation's 150th anniversary, John Nichols was joined in conversation by the eminent radical intellectual Noam Chomsky at the Tucson Festival of Books in Arizona on March 15. Discussing issues ranging from media accountability and voter participation, to money in...
"Robin Hood In Reverse" - Bernie Sanders Explains Income Inequality
Bernie Sanders talks about the one issue the billionaire class wants us to avoid discussing.
Instead of Meaningfully Contributing to Society, Many People Are Stuck In Bullshit Jobs They Hate | Joe Rogan
“We got sidetracked and diverted into these boxes, these cubicles in offices,” says Joe Rogan. “So instead of investing your time in a passion, you’ve sold your life to work for an uncaring machine that doesn’t understand you. That’s the problem with our society. And what’s...
Ex-hedge Funder Buys Rights to Life-Saving Drug and Raises Price from $13.50 to $750 per pill
A former hedge fund manager turned pharmaceutical businessman has purchased the rights to a 62-year-old drug used for treating life-threatening parasitic infections and raised the price overnight from $13.50 per tablet to $750. According
How Kindergarden Teachers Carry the Tax Burden of Billionaires
The top 25 hedge fund managers make more than all kindergarten teachers in the country. Yet they pay a lower tax rate because of something called the carried interest tax loophole, which is basically a government subsidy for millionaires and billionaires! If we closed this...
Right to Buy, or the Right to Lifelong Debt?
With news this week that one in seven over 70 year olds are using their pensions to pay off their mortgage debt, the prospect of home ownership has got a whole lot less appealing. The fact that so many peopl
Ignoring the Cause of Welfare: Not Laziness but Low Wages
Numerous US media outlets recently uncritically echoed a methodologically flawed report by an anti-immigration organization with ties to white supremacist groups (, 9/4/15). Beyond this serious problem, however, lies a larger and more endemic issue in media: an...
The Whiting of Euro-Americans: A Divide and Conquer Strategy
"With a swelling slave population, the masters faced the prospect of white freedmen with disappointed hopes joining forces with slaves of desperate hope to mount ever more virulent rebellions. The elites’ race strategy decreased the probability of such class rebellions. The...
Yanis Varoufakis on Jeremy Corbyn and Capitalism
Yanis Varoufakis talks to Paul Mason about Jeremy Corbyn, Labour, the media and capitalism.
Global Capitalism: September 2015 Monthly Update
Global Capitalism: Monthly Economic Update Richard D. Wolff Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 7:30pm Market Chaos and Capitalism's Instability Judson Memorial Church Assembly Hall.
5 Steps to Turn Your Business into a Worker-owned Co-op
Learn how to turn any business into a worker-owned cooperative with this checklist.
Watch the 1991 Documentary Donald Trump Didn't Want Anyone to See
The long-suppressed 'Trump: What’s the Deal?' is now available to be streamed online.
The Cleveland Model: How the Evergreen Cooperatives Build Community Wealth
Find out how anchor institutions like hospitals and universities can help worker cooperatives create green jobs in the neighborhoods that need them most.
Scotland 5. Donald Trump 0. What Price America?
Author and humourist PG Wodehouse once wrote that “it is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine”. He was absolutely right when it came to American presidential hopeful and property mogul Donald Trump’s attempts to insinuate...
What the U.S. Really Owes Black America
Slavery made America wealthy, and racist policies since have blocked African American wealth-building. Can we calculate the economic damage?
Why We Need a Guaranteed Income. Soon.
A thought for Labor Day: In the not-too-distant future we might wait around for a package delivery, hurry off to class, grab a taxi downtown, meet the family for dinner, and then take the train home. All without being served by a single human being. No delivery person, no...
Why Labor Day Matters
Here’s an experiment to try this holiday weekend. Quiz your friends, family and acquaintances on the meaning of Labor Day. You might be surprised by the answers you hear. To many, the true meaning of Labor Day has been unfortunately lost―it’s merely a three-day vacation...
Opportunity in Collapse: Radical Horizons of the Post-Apocalyptic
What will happen when the state collapses? Will society descend into lawlessness, or can we seize the opportunity to let our human potential flourish?
How to Avoid Another Market Crash
A tax on Wall Street traders would tame risky bets on the stock market without disrupting America’s economy.
The Dutch "Basic Income" Experiment Is Expanding across Multiple cities
Free cash is in the works for a growing number of Dutch urbanites. After the city of Utrecht announced that it would give no-strings-attached money
How to Feel Good About Poverty
If you want to do more than just feel good, ask the Big Questions about poverty and we can expose its root causes and get real answers about how to stop creating it.
Central Banks Nervous as Alternative Currency with David Bowie's Face Goes Viral
One of the best ways for the general public to take power back is to develop alternative currencies — both local and global — that allow people to trade outside of the corporate-government banking systems and central bank notes.
The Great Unraveling: In Times of National Crisis and Public Outrage, Strange and Dangerous Candidates Often Arise
The ideological and physical hold of American imperial power, buttressed by the utopian ideology of neoliberalism and global capitalism, is unraveling. Most, including many of those at the heart of the American empire, recognize that every promise made by the proponents of...
War Criminals Gather In London For World's Largest Arms Fair
Not to be outdone, thousands of anti-war protesters make their presence known at the event.
Let Them Eat Privilege
Focusing on privilege diverts attention away from the real villains.
Against Charity
Rather than creating an individualized “culture of giving,” we should be challenging capitalism’s institutionalized taking.
TPP, TTIP & TISA - Trade Deals to Create a New Global Legal and Economic System
The Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has dubbed the TTIP an "economic NATO," comparing it to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization military alliance. Over the last two years WikiLeaks has published chapters from two other secret global trade deals, including the...
John Oliver, Edward Snowden, and Unconditional Basic Income
How all three are surprisingly connected
Busting The Biggest Immigration Myths In America
Donald Trump's comments on immigration have added fuel to an ongoing debate. But what are the real facts (and myths) about immigration?
"Don't Owe. Won't Pay." Everything You've Been Told About Debt Is Wrong
With the nation’s household debt burden at $11.85 trillion, even the most modest challenges to its legitimacy have revolutionary implications.
America's Biggest Problem Is Concentrated Poverty, Not Inequality
Addressing income inequality is important, but worsening economic segregation has far more compounding effects.
Paul Mason Explains "People's Quantitative Easing"
Jeremy Corbyn wants to print money to invest in the UK. He's calling it "People's Quantitative Easing". Rivals like Yvette Cooper say he's talking nonsense but Paul Mason thinks PQE might not be as crazy as some are making out...
Noam Chomsky on the (in)compatibility of Democracy and Capitalism
Noam Chomsky on the relationship between capitalism and democracy. Deleted scene from the documentary "Can We Do It Ourselves?"
Who Are the Biggest Killers in America? The Numbers Will Shock You
The richest Americans not only steal more wealth through white-collar crime, but their crimes also lead to more deaths.
Rapper-poet Akala: 'Slavery Was Foundation of European capitalism'
Hip-hop, and the entertainment industry in general, is known more for encouraging artists to become one-dimensional caricatures of themselves than for nurturing a culture of political engagement, revolutionary love and serious historical research. But then Akala is not your...
Rising Rents are Destroying the Social Fabric of Our Cities
With this film, I'm trying to tell a wider story about what is happening to my city through the inspiring words and passion of Vanessa Garrett, owner of Food For Thought in Covent Garden, London. I first visited the restaurant with my mother in the 80's and it has remained...
Capitalism Is Failing, and It's Time to Panic
The neoliberalist capitalist model has resulted in civil wars and economic disaster, and it’s only going to get worse. Unless, Paul Mason argues, we take advantage of the technological revolution we are living through and create a postcapitalist sharing society. If we let...
Paramedic's Response to "Burger Flippers" Making an Equal $15/Hour is Beautiful
Jens Rushing, like so many people, took to Facebook to rant about something. Rushing, a paramedic, wrote an angry post about fast food workers winning a $15/hr wage that has since gone viral. But instead of getting angry that his skilled job only pays him the same amount, he...
Cut the Working Week to a Maximum of 20 Hours, Urge Top Economists
Job sharing and increased leisure are the answer to rising unemployment, claims thinktank
RBS Sale: There Is an alternative
The government have fired the starting gun on the sale of RBS. UK Financial Investments has begun selling a 5% stake in the bank at just 330p a share – this is way below the current market price of RBS’ shares, and miles below the 502p a share that was paid to bail out the bank.
What Banks Don't Want You to Know about the Greek crisis
Is the crisis in Greece solely due to government overspending and irresponsibility? Are the Greek bailouts intended to help the Greek people recover from their "self-inflicted" economic crisis? Think again. Here are some things you're not being told about the Greek crisis.
Beyond Extinction - Transition to Post-Capitalism is Inevitable
In Margaret Atwood’s powerful essay [It’s Not Climate Change — It’s Everything Change] on the reality of climate change — and its implications for the future of oil-dependent industrial civilization — she tells two vastly distinct stories of our future.
This Economic Collapse Is a 'Crisis of Bigness'
Leopold Kohr warned 50 years ago that the gigantist global system would grow until it imploded. We should have listened
Cornel West and Richard Wolff Talk about Capitalism and White Supremacy
A conversation about capitalism with two brilliant minds, Cornel West and Richard D. Wolff, together in a rare joint appearance. Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, and author most recently of Capitalism's Crisis Deepens: Essays...
Richard Wolff: On Bernie Sanders and Socialism
 Sanders and Socialism. Is socialism still an American taboo? Not so much, says professor Richard Wolff; nor was it in the past, says Nation columnist John Nichols. Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, and a Visiting Professor in...
Cost Of Living In America Today Vs. 1980
Most living expenses have gone up in price since 1980 (even when you adjust for inflation). That includes cars, homes, education - almost everything, except for our paychecks. Here's why paying for a house, a car and a college degree was possible in 1980 - but not so much today.
The Case for a "Jazz Revolution" Against Corporate Capitalism
Bottom up? Top down? Improvisation is the key to a middle way.