421-480 of 1,431
MLK was Planning Something Huge Just Weeks Before He was Assassinated
While most retrospectives focus on his "I have a dream" speech, everyone deserves to know what he was trying to accomplish when he was killed.
Why Some Queer People Are Rejecting Identity Politics
This topic has been around for a while, but lately it seems like there are actual attempts at dialogue happening, and so I want to contribute to that.
A Critique of Bernie Sanders "Inequality in America" Town Hall, by Peter Joseph
Peter Joseph gives a "structuralist" perspective on the nature of modern socioeconomic inequality, pointing out failures within the March 19th, 2018 Town Hall discussion held by Bernie Sanders, Michael Moore, Elizabeth Warren, Darrick Hamilton and other guests.
The Abstract Empire of Global Capital
Nonrepresentative Democracy at the Dark Heart of Globalization
Pro-Capitalist School Explains the Value of Understanding Marxism
Karl Marx remains deeply important today not as the man who told us what to replace capitalism with, but as someone who brilliantly pointed out its problems. The School of Life, a pro-Capitalist institution, takes a look.
Crossroads and Country Roads: Wildcat West Virginia and the Possibilities of a Working Class Offensive
During the four days I spent in West Virginia, I was repeatedly thanked for coming to support teachers from out of state, though mostly people seemed a bit surprised that I cared. Perhaps it was because I arrived at the exact moment that most of the national media was...
We've Got Ninety-Nine Problems but the Root Is ONE
Political and ideological differences prevent us from seeing that our hopes and frustrations are interconnected.
Student Debt Cancellation a Viable Option, Economists Say
A new in-depth study on the consequences of canceling all student debt in the US shows that it would help the economy far more than it would cost. We talk to Stephanie Kelton, one of the study's co-authors.
Are We Living in a Patriarchy? (Jordan Peterson vs. Angela Nagle)
This video will ask the question “Do we live in a patriarchy?” In order to answer the question we examine the ideas of three different cultural critics: Angela Nagle, Jordan Peterson, and Nina Power.
This Is Neoliberalism
If you've ever wanted to understand what neoliberalism is, this is the video series for you.
Is Capitalism Bad For You? – 8-Bit Philosophy
Max Weber on The Protestant Ethic & The Spirit of Capitalism.
How We'll Earn Money in a Future without Jobs - Martin Ford
Machines that can think, learn and adapt are coming -- and that could mean that we humans will end up with significant unemployment. What should we do about it? In a straightforward talk about a controversial idea, futurist Martin Ford makes the case for separating income...
The Promise of a Million Utopias
This paper by Michael Shuman, published alongside three others, is one of many proposals for a systemic alternative we have published or will be publishing here at the Next System Project. You can read it below, or download the PDF. We have commission
How the Capitalist Cycle Is Entering Unchartered Territory
A major internal contradiction with capitalism is that it needs workers to also be consumers. While owners (and the system in general) constantly seek to drive down wages, they also seek to continue selling their products and services. The problem is that when workers have...
Class Wars: the Working Class Strikes Back
Neoliberalism is a mature stage of capitalism - a reciprocal process of concentrated wealth taking control of the public agenda via government. Capitalist economists like Milton Friedman were instrumental in paving the way for neoliberalism. The idea gained prominence in...
Top 15 Documentaries That Explain Why the Occupy Wall Street Movement Was Born
Starting with the most relevant at the top, these are the best documentaries that capture the spirit and motivation of the #OWS movement.
99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film
In September 2011, The Occupy Wall Street movement propelled issues of economic inequality into the spotlight. 99% - The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film goes behind the scenes of the movement, definitively revealing what happened, and why.
Averting the Apocalypse: Lessons From Costa Rica
Chasing economic growth gains us nothing but global warming. We should follow the lead of tiny Costa Rica, where life expectancy is soaring
The 150-Mile Wardrobe: a Solution for One of the World’S Most Polluting Industries
The Northern California Fibershed aims to skirt the rampant waste of resources in the apparel industry.
Bitcoin jumps from $1,000 to $20,000 in 2017
It has been slammed by top names in banking as a giant ponzi scheme. Yet, interest in cryptocurrencies has never been stronger. In fact the biggest of them, Bitcoin, hit an all-time high above $19,000 earlier December 2017. But the warnings are growing louder, over the risks...
The 10 Step Scheme for One-Sided Class War
Scream about the debt and deficit. Then shrink revenue by slashing taxes and spend a ton of money on wars of choice. Repeat.
In Defense of Degrowth
Why infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible, and why the alternative can actually be beautiful.
Why Capitalism Wins. and How a Simple Accounting Move Can Defeat It
Notwithstanding its many flaws and centuries of criticisms, capitalism is still the dominant economic system globally. What made it so resilient?
The Design Flaw at the Core of Humanity's Malaise
Recognizing the design flaws in our default programming is the first step to envisioning the world we know is possible.
A Brief History of The 40 Hour Work Week
Have you ever wondered why the 40 hour work week is considered a standard working week for many? At one point, the US became very close to enacting a 30 hour work week. This video looks at the history of 'work time' in the US, and the struggles workers have faced in...
What Whales Have to Teach Humans About Capitalism
Any accounting of the commons without acknowledging the presence and interests of others will lead to their continued destruction, to our human detriment as well.
Stephen Jenkinson - Money & the Soul's Desires
What is the origin of the dread so many of us experience in money matters? Where does money get its power to provoke conflict and discord? Is it even possible to live a soulful, authentic life in the presence of money? These are some of the questions this book makes a...
Know Your Stuff: The Military Industrial Complex of Israel | Dr. Shir Hever
In this video Dr. Shir Hever talks about the history and evolution of the Israeli military industrial complex from the 1980s onwards until the modern era.
Don’t Be Scared About the End of Capitalism—Be Excited to Build What Comes Next
Instead of fixating on a fight between capitalism and socialism, imagine innovating a future economy that transcends old binaries.
Airbnb and the Power of Anti-Fascist Markets
Anti-fascism comes in all shapes and forms. Whether it be the ultra-patriotic types harking back to the legacy of WWII, the III% who put that Identity Evropa kid in a chokehold in Texas, the black bloc protester who punched out Richard Spencer, the antifa rioters who trashed...
Houston, Hurricane Harvey and Capitalism's 'Unnatural Disaster'
The Party for Socialism and Liberation expresses our condolences and solidarity to those who have suffered the loss of loved ones, been injured, or lost their homes and other vital possessions due to the ravages of Hurricane Harvey.
Inside the New Economic Science of Capitalism's Slow-Burn Energy Collapse
And why the struggle for a new economic paradigm is about to get real
Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism
Peter Joseph is the founder of the Zeitgeist Movement, a grassroots, worldwide organization that advocates an alternative economic system based on sustainability, cooperation and human need. His most recent book, ‘The New Human Rights Movement,’ delivers a startling exposé...
Our Addiction to Economic Growth Is Killing Us -  We Need Degrowth Now
In this Viewsnight, anthropologist Jason Hickel asks if economic growth really makes our lives better. He is the author of The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions.
Letter From a Birmingham Jail (1963)
My Dear Fellow Clergymen:
How Bosses Are (Literally) Like Dictators
Americans think they live in a democracy. But their workplaces are small tyrannies.
Capitalism's Excesses Belong in the Dustbin of History. What's Next Is up to Us
It’s time to dethrone capitalism’s single-minded directive and replace it with a more balanced logic, laying the foundations for a better, more equitable world
Struggling Against All Odds: A Review of Plutocracy III: Class War
Tim Goulet reviews the third installment of the radical working-class history documentary Plutocracy by filmmaker Scott Noble.
Our Activism Must Be Focused on Serving the People
Our organizing can't just speak to the everyday crises of people's lives under capitalism. It has to intervene in them.
The EU and Euroscepticism Explained
The European Union has been losing support among Europeans in recent years – but it's not all because of anti-immigrant attitudes.
123 Subversive Documentaries That Challenge the Status Quo
Now that there are thousands of films on Films For Action, we realized the very best gems have really become buried all across our library, and for people new to this information, we needed a more guided way to dive in. Spread across 15 core themes, this collection aims to be...
People in Denmark Are Much Happier Than People in the United States. Here's Why.
Last week, in Denmark, Malthe and Lærke Knudson had a baby girl they named Emma. That same day, the Robinsons—Dale and Beth—had a little baby in the United States. They called her Rachel. Right now, they’re just two little babies keeping their parents awake at night. But...
Are You Ready to Consider That Capitalism Is the Real Problem?
Before you say no, take a moment to really ask yourself whether it’s the system that’s best suited to build our future society.
Why the US and Britain Are Not Democracies
Surely the United States and Britain are democracies. After all, they have free and fair elections and representative governments; freedom of speech and association means that dissent and demonstrations are tolerated; all citizens are deemed equal before the law; and...
The Pitfalls of Radical Feminism
Fighting capitalism remains the only path toward women’s full liberation.
Our Obsolescent Economy
The modern 'throwaway culture' was born in response to the needs of industrial capital. To move beyond it, we must rediscover the beauty of repair.
The Equality Effect
Danny Dorling presents evidence that greater equality benefits everyone, rich and poor – and argues that it can offer us all political hope.
A New Economic Story: Real Prosperity Revolves Around the Sanctity of Life
The economy is much more than a series of transactions: It’s about our relationships, who and what we think we are, and our view on the meaning of life itself. Our current global economy leaves too many of us struggling, and it is harming Earth’s ecosystems.
The History of Structural Racism in Kansas City
Michael Wesch meets up with 
The Museum of Capitalism is Full of Intriguing Exhibits
The Museum of Capitalism in Oakland, California is dedicated to "educating this generation and future generations about the ideology, history, and legacy of capitalism." Visitors are asked to reflect on capitalism as if they resided in a post-capitalist era.
The Paris Climate Deal Won’t Save Us – Our Future Depends on De-Growth
When Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris climate deal, the world reacted with outrage. And rightly so: the agreement represents a remarkable achievement in international diplomacy – a breakthrough after 20 years of failed climate negotiations. But as we...
Bay Area Nonprofit Transforms Businesses Into Worker-Owned Cooperatives
There's been a lot of talk about where the Baby Boomer generation will live as they age. Several interesting, sharing-based housing alternatives such cohousing and senior villages have emerged as potential options. But what about all the businesses that Baby Boomers own? What...
Ending Racism Requires Us to Take Up Class Struggle, To Shift the Material Conditions That Gives Race Practical Meaning
Pierre Fulton was black. He was poor. He had struggled his entire life. He had been in trouble with the law as a youth. Armed robbery, drug distribution, and gun possession were all on his record. It was now 2015 and Pierre was thirty. He had turned his life around. He got a...
Peter Joseph on The New Human Rights Movement - w David Pakman
Thanks to David Pakman. Get the book: 
Why Capitalism's Fundamental DNA Is Unsustainable, Explained In 2 Minutes
The first and last rule of capitalism is this: Make More Capital. And it's killing us. But we can build better systems. There are plenty of options. We can change the rules.
Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist
Doughnut Economics, the new book by Kate Raworth, is out now.  These animations tell the story of the book's seven ways to think in 60-second bites. Check out the full set as they come online at 
A 5 Step Plan to Resist Trump's Shock Doctrine
Shock. It’s a word that has come up a lot since November— for obvious reasons. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about shock. Ten years ago, I published “The Shock Doctrine,” an investigation that spanned four decades from Pinochet’s U.S.-backed coup in 1970s Chile to...
The Rise of the Machines – Automation in the Information Age
Automation in the Information Age is different.
After Coal, a Small Kentucky Town Builds a Healthier, More Creative Economy
A complex network of local organizations helps neighbors support one another as they rebound from a dying industry.