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The Outdoor Classroom: How to Bring a Permaculture Garden to Your School
This Afristar ( produced educational documentary offers step-by-step instructions on how to establish a permaculture garden at a school. 
Two activists take on McDonald's in the longest trial in English history. McLibel is the inside story of how a single father and a part-time bar worker took on the McDonald's Corporation. Filmed over three years, the documentary follows Helen Steel and Dave Morris as they are...
Making the Connection: How a Vegan Diet Can Benefit Us and The World
Food, fitness, nutrition, global food security, farming, the environment, animals, ethics - have you made the connection?
The Cradle-to-Cradle Solution
Imagine a world in which all the things we make, use, and consume provide nutrition for nature and industry—a world in which growth is good and human activity generates a delightful, restorative ecological footprint.
Davos and the Dangers to Democracy
It’s an all-too-easy event to mock. It’s hard to keep a straight face when the world’s rich arrive annually in their private jets to the luxury ski-resort of Davos to express their deep concern about growing poverty,  inequality and climate change. US comedian Jon Stewart has...
Food Inc.
For most Americans, the ideal meal is fast, cheap, and tasty. Food, Inc. examines the costs of putting value and convenience over nutrition and environmental impact.
Women and Biodiversity Feed the World, Not Corporations and GMOs
Biodiverse ecological agriculture in women's hands is a solution not just to the malnutrition crisis, but also the climate crisis.
How to Avoid Factory Farmed Foods
There are plenty of reasons to boycott factory farms, including your health, animal welfare and the environment.
The Robin Hood Army: Fighting Food Waste in India and Pakistan
The Robin Hood Army are taking on food waste in India and Pakistan by redistributing food waste from restaurants and weddings and giving it to the hungry
No, Humans Are Not at The Top of The Food Chain
Despite what many of those who advocate meat-eating would like to believe, humans do not sit at the top of the food chain. In any event, it’s a food web rather than a chain, due to the many complex interactions involved.
If Walmart Paid Its Employees a Living Wage, How Much Would Prices Go Up?
In the series “The Secret Life of a Food Stamp,” Marketplace reporter Krissy Clark traces how big-box stores make billions from the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, aka food stamps. What’s more, the wages of many workers at these stores are so low that the...
Sea The Truth
Sea the Truth is based on numerous scientific publications that examine the problems of seas and oceans. Below follows an overview of the themes addressed in the film and a brief explanation.
It's Not Thanks to Capitalism That We're Living Longer, but Progressive Politics
Ignore the usual fairytale. Democracy, unions, healthcare and education: these are the forces that matter
Eat Locally!
Supporting local farms is one of the best and easiest ways to eat healthy, reduce your carbon footprint, and strengthen your community. 
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
Join best-selling author Michael Pollan (Food Rules, The Botany of Desire) on a fascinating journey to answer the question: What should I eat to be healthy? Cutting through confusion and busting myths and misconceptions, In Defense of Food shows how common sense and...
Why aren't we talking about meat and climate change?
Reducing your carbon footprint by eating less red meat rarely gets attention. This strategy has been recommended by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, epidemiologists writing in The Lancet and a host of other highly-regarded researchers and organisations. But it...
Food Matters (2008) (trailer)
"Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food." –Hippocrates With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with our malnourished bodies, it's no wonder that modern society...
Farming for a Small Planet
People yearn for alternatives to industrial agriculture, but they are worried. They see large-scale operations relying on corporate-supplied chemical inputs as the only high-productivity farming model. Another approach might be kinder to the environment and less risky for...
Ikigai - Finding Your Reason for Being
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
The Big FAT Lie
"In what is becoming a field of near-identical documentaries featuring similar experts, research, and opinion, Grant Dixon’s film stands apart with its unique, homegrown feel. His in-depth exploration of the whys and wherefores behind his own health scare introduces us to the...
Walmart Admits: 'Our Profits' Depend on 'Their Poverty'
Critics cite irony of annual report filing: 'This is a company that everywhere it goes it creates poverty'
Diet: The Disease of Our Generation
64% of people in the UK are overweight or obese eating calorie dense but nutritionally empty food that is considered the norm,  or even healthy, in today’s society. 
On the Second Anniversary of OWS: Three Metamemes for the Future
Here at Adbusters, we see three big tactical breakthrough ideas, three metamemes, that have the power to veer this global trainwreck of ours from its date with disaster. Make no mistake, the crash is a brutal world – a barbarian reality. It’s a happening that none of us...
Brain Matters: Putting The First Years First
Why is it that some children thrive while others do not? Is it a matter of genetics, IQ, socioeconomic background or education? Every child deserves to reach their full potential and the early years are the best possible start in life that could transform the world.
Permaculture Paradise at Val and Eli's Garden!
Val and Eli take us on a tour of their magical permagarden in Jacksonville FL. They have created a wonderful, natural space filled with self-sustaining fruits, vegetables, herbs, medicines, colors, water, fragrances, and wildlife. This is the very best fast food! 
Confessions of a Panama Papers Hit Man
As an Economic Hit Man (EHM) in the 1970s I spent a great deal of time in Panama. I hate to admit it, but I helped forge the system that has now been exposed in the Panama Papers. It is a system of legalized crimes. How else can we describe it?
Chomsky Describes US Domestic Policy in Two Words: 'Pure Savagery'
Cuts to food stamps and jobless benefits predictable result of 'neoliberal assault' on American people As Congress decides this week whether to re-institute emergency jobless benefits for millions of Americans and closes in on negotiations for a Farm Bill that could see...
From Floating Food Forests to Vacant Lot Crops, Urban Farming Is Taking Root Across America
More than 1,500 community gardens have been started on vacant land in Detroit alone in recent years.
Are Hospital Farms the Next Big Thing in Healthcare Reform?
This summer, St. Luke’s Hospital started sending all new moms home from the hospital with a basket of fresh produce, recipes and literature about the importance of a healthy diet. All of the produce in the basket was grown on an organic farm on the hospital’s Anderson...
There You Go!
Around the world ‘development’ is robbing tribal people of their land, self-sufficiency and pride and leaving them with nothing.
Open-Source Healthcare
The healthcare industry is a textbook example of what Ivan Illich (in Tools for Conviviality) called a “radical monopoly.” The central function of the government’s “safety” and “consumer protection” regulations, in most cases, is either to exclude competing providers of a...
Basic Income Isn’t Just a Nice Idea. It's a Birthright
A basic income could defeat the scarcity mindset, instill a sense of solidarity and even ease the anxieties that gave us Brexit and Trump
Welcome to 1984
The façade of democracy and the disempowerment of the citizenry by corporations has sparked a nationwide revolt. Elites, fearing unrest, will soon become ruthless. We must engage now in acts of sustained civic mobilization and civil disobedience or be crushed.
Rojava’s Democratic, Feminist Revolution a Source of Hope among Horror
In the Rojava region of Syria, despite the difficulties, people are organizing communes and women’s councils. Syria can seem an endless black hole of misery, but in the northern, largely Kurdish region of Rojava, it is also the scene of a profoundly democratic and humanist...
Why Labor Day Matters
Here’s an experiment to try this holiday weekend. Quiz your friends, family and acquaintances on the meaning of Labor Day. You might be surprised by the answers you hear. To many, the true meaning of Labor Day has been unfortunately lost―it’s merely a three-day vacation...
"Morally Bankrupt" Budget: After $1.5 Trillion Gift to Rich, Trump Demands $1.7 Trillion in Safety Net Cuts
"Millions of Americans will lose access to life-saving programs because the GOP gave $1.5 trillion in tax cuts to the rich."
Everything I Need to Know I Learned in the Forest
My ecological journey started in the forests of the Himalaya. My father was a forest conservator, and my mother became a farmer after fleeing the tragic partition of India and Pakistan. It is from the Himalayan forests and ecosystems that I learned most of what I know about...
How To Lose Weight In 4 Easy Steps
This article is probably not what you think. Read on to find out more.
Reporting on Climate Change Is Harmful if You're Not Offering Solutions
Once-celebrated author and thinker Daniel Pinchbeck can't find an audience for his new book. He has a few ideas why.
Just Who Exactly Benefits Most From the Global Giving of Billionaires Like Bill Gates?
Is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation promoting the interests of multinational corporations at the expense of social and economic justice?
We Need an Ecological Civilization Before It's Too Late
In the face of climate breakdown and ecological overshoot, alluring promises of “green growth” are no more than magical thinking. We need to restructure the fundamentals of our global cultural/economic system to cultivate an “ecological civilization”: one that prioritizes the...
Seven Building Blocks for a Post-Corona World
With regular life on pause, we have a chance to stop and question the path we are taking at the deepest level.
Stupidity and Intelligence: Science, GMOs and Our Food
How industrial-scale farming is actually becoming anti-science.
The More Nefarious US Foreign Policy, The More It Relies on Media Complicity
Americans are shielded from the ugly consequences of US military power by our journalists' self-censorship The US still has military spending that is higher in real, inflation-adjusted terms than it was during the peak of the Reagan cold war build-up, the Vietnam war and...
Seven Ripoffs That Capitalists Would Like to Keep Out of the Media
Tax-avoiding, consumer-exploiting big business leaders are largely responsible for these abuses. Congress just lets it happen. Corporate heads and members of Congress seem incapable of relating to the people that are being victimized, and the mainstream media seems to have...
How Permaculture Can Build Resilience and Meet Basic Needs During a Pandemic
As COVID-19 spreads, people are showing a growing interest in permaculture principles and techniques to heal their lives, communities and the planet.
Why We Need a Federal Job Guarantee
Giving everyone a job is the best way to democratize the economy and give workers leverage in the workplace.
Feminism Against Capitalism
Ultimately the goals of a radical feminism and socialism are the same — justice and equality for all people.
More Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: This Time, They're Coming for Your Democracy
Twelve years ago, John Perkins published his book, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.” Today, he says “things have just gotten so much worse.”
An Appeal for a Creative Nonviolence
I was around 14 when I heard about Concentration Camps for the first time. 
The Great Deceleration
In 2015, a major study of 24 indicators of human activity and environmental decline titled ‘The Great Acceleration’ concluded that, “The last 60 years have without doubt seen the most profound transformation of the human relationship with the natural world in the history of...
How to Optimize Your Gut and Brain Bacteria | Dave Asprey
The importance of the microbiome has really come to the fore in the last five years. Viome, a company that analyzed the feces of 100,000 people, has discovered 10,000 new types of gut bacteria. Additionally, improved imaging technology led scientists to discover you don't...
What's Wrong with McDonald's?
This article is asking you to think for a moment about what lies behind McDonald's clean, bright image. It's got a lot to hide. "At McDonald's we've got time for you" goes the jingle. Why then do they design the service so that you're in and out as soon as possible?...
Health Care: An Anarchist Approach
The current US debate about health-care funding can be understood as concerned with meeting the challenge of doing three things at once:
8 Foods That Food Experts Won't Eat
Food scientists are shedding light on items loaded with toxins and chemicals–and simple swaps for a cleaner diet and supersized health. Experts from different areas of specialty explain why they won’t eat these eight foods.
Farmher in the Dell: Women in Agriculture
Itʼs a cool spring day in Merville, BC as Moss Dance, sole proprietor of Ripple Farm, unfurls irrigation lines along tightly spaced rows of lettuces. Itʼs early in the season, but there are already fresh greens, radishes and onions ready to harvest for the weekly farmersʼ market.
The 6-Step Process to Wipe Out the Poor Half of America
One of the themes of the superb writing of Henry Giroux is that more and more Americans are becoming "disposable," recognized as either commodities or criminals by the more fortunate members of society. There seems to be a method to the madness of winner-take-all...
The Four Foundations of True Liberty
Democracy is fragile. If just one foundation is missing, the ropes of democracy can stretch, weaken, and break.
4 Not-So-Easy Ways to Dismantle Racism in the Food System
Our food system is built on stolen land and exploited labor. Here’s what we can do it fix it.
HOLY SH*T! 7 Things to Do Instead of Hoarding Toilet Paper
Beautiful Trouble’s irreverent guide to activism in the time of pandemic