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Noam Chomsky on the Responsibility of Intellectuals
Utrecht, the Netherlands, March 2011: Noam Chomsky lecture on "Responsibility and integrity: the dilemmas we face". He spoke to students of Utrecht University on the responsibility of what he calls "intellecutuals", which he describes as "people of relative privilige... and...
Hello, I Am Awake - (Erase Those Barriers Of Indifference) (trailer)
Join FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: Hello, I Am Awake - (Erase Those Barriers Of Indifference) - Video Trailer - Join the Awakening Facebook Community. We share awake videoes, awake trailers and uplifting documentaries from around the globe.
Hello, I Am Awake (The 5th Element)
"The 5th Element" project is a visual reflection of a human shift in consciousness taking place on our planet right now. More and more people are starting to see beyond the mainstream illusions of separateness, endless fear mongering, socially constructed ideas of who we...
The Superior Human?
"The Superior Human?" systematically challenges the common human belief that humans are superior to all other life forms, which is often used as an excuse for animal cruelty and the destruction of our own environment. It reveals the absurdity of this belief while exposing...
Education For a Sustainable Future
Education For a Sustainable Future presents information on how today's practices in schools are socially unsustainable. The documentary film critically analyses what is considered socially relevant in a new education system which brings out the most potential in all of...
Democratic Schools: A Film About The Desire To Learn (2006) (trailer)
At democratic schools pupils themselves can decide, what and how they want to learn. There are no curricula, no marks and examinations are voluntary. Pupils and teachers have the same rights and organize their school together. With decisions everyone has a voice... Can that...
Youth Rights, Dignity, and the Anti-Democratic Values of Public Schooling
As students, we are told that we are being made into an “informed citizenry” capable of maintaining a vibrant democracy. Indeed, we are told that we must give up most of our constitutional rights in the name of achieving this goal. We are compelled to attend an institution...
Occupy Your Mind: On Power, Knowledge, and the Re-Occupation of Common Sense
One of the most profound changes that occurs when modern schooling is introduced into traditional societies around the world is a radical shift in the locus of power and control over learning from children, families, and communities to ever more centralized systems of authority. 
The War on Kids
THE WAR ON KIDS is a 95 minute documentary that shows how American public schools continue to become more dangerously authoritarian. In addition to failing in their mission to educate effectively, they erode the country's democratic foundation and often resemble prisons...
Why Aren't Public Universities More Transparent and Accountable?
Over the last six months of researching for my work-in-progress documentary about the pitfalls of American higher education, The Elephant on Campus, there have been many problems I have come across. One of the biggest and least talked about problems is that public...
The Elephant on Campus
The Elephant on Campus is a feature-length [work-in-progress] documentary about the problems plaguing higher education in America and the search for solutions to fix this broken system. Contrary to popular belief, college is no longer the sacred cow that it used to be. With...
Haiti Earthship Project: Overview
After the devastating earthquake in Haiti, members of the Earthship Biotecture crew visit Haiti to build an off-grid, sustainable housing unit and teach Haitians how to build the structures themselves.  By giving power back to the people, HOPE is renewed and a real solution...
8 Reasons Young Americans Don't Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance
Traditionally, young people have energized democratic movements. So it is a major coup for the ruling elite to have created societal institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance to domination.  
The Elephant on Campus | Dennis Littky
a snippet of michael's interview with radical educator dennis littky.
Teacher Writes Open Letter Criticizing U.S. Secretary of Education
In response to Arne Duncan's Open Letter to America's Teachers, Kansas high school teacher, David Reber wrote an open letter of his own that criticized the Secretary of Education's "corporate-style education reform".
Instruction Manual for Life
TheraminTrees and his brother QualiaSoup collaborated to make this interesting animation called Instruction Manual for Life. It uses the construction of cupboards and drawers to create a koan like allegory that is left open to interpretation.
Bucky Fuller & his World Game: Intro to Saving Planets
I think now is a good time to be talking about Bucky’s vision of a World Game.  We have the technology to do this and a new administration could easily provide the funding.  I don’t think any of this material is Utopian or far out, but if you do, let me know why. 
Intro to Permaculture
This is an 18 part 90 minute intro to permaculture webinar with Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture in Illinois. Bill has been teaching permaculture for 6 years. He holds 2 PDC Certificates and has Advanced Training in Permaculture Design and in teaching Permaculture.
Dealing With Uncertainty: Why Reaching Out to Young People Is so Important
Reaching out to young people is especially critical at this time. With mounting psycho-social stress attributed to an increasingly uncertain future, young people are going to need support grappling with the social effects of so many convergent crises.
Intellectual Ecology, Green Chemistry | John Warner
Nature teaches us that no system is truly isolated and positive synergies are often at work. Yet the isolation of the various technological disciplines in our educational and industrial institutions has limited synergy in the human-built world. These walls are starting to...
Class Dismissed: A Paper Tiger Documentary
Class Dismissed provides a critical look at how U.S. history is taught in high school, at the myths that reduce the complexity of history into simple soundbites, and the information that never seems to make it onto the textbook pages. How can we alter this system to address...
Five Friends (trailer)
This is a film about MEN's Work, about REAL, INTEGRAL, VULNERABLE, GENUINE, men....
No Child Left Inside: Unplug Your Kids and Kick Them Outside!
“Every child,” wrote pioneer botanist Luther Burbank, “should have mud pies, grasshoppers, tadpoles, frogs, mud turtles, elderberries, wild strawberries, acorns, chestnuts, trees to climb. Brooks to wade, woodchucks, bats, bees, butterflies, various animals to pet...
Urban Farming Guys: Farmin' In the Hood!
This is a story of about 20 families who have purposefully uprooted from out of their comfortable suburban homes and moved into one of the worst neighborhoods in Kansas City.  They bought homes within a 5 block radius of each other and put down a stake for the sake of the...
Raising Awareness: Why We Shouldn't Take It for Granted
A dangerous thing can occur when you start learning about what's really going on in the world. The problems start to seem so complex, and you're just one person, doubts begin to creep in. You sincerely want to help change the world, but from all this knowledge you start to...
Soul Of A Citizen: 'From Drunken Party Girl To Climate Change Activist'
When we try to engage people politically we never know who will respond, or when someone will shift from reveling in their apathy to taking powerful public stands. Here's a striking example of one such transformation.
Bernie Sanders: Don't Balance the Budget on the Backs of Middle Class
A video of Sen. Bernie Sanders March 2, 2011 speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Sanders talks about the need for strong budget priorities in an era of severe income inequality.  He makes the case that cutting public funded services like education and healthcare hurts...
Chris Hedges: Empire of Illusion
Journalist Chris Hedges discusses his recent book Empire of Illusion: the End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle. In it, he charts the dramatic rise of a post-literate society that craves fantasy, ecstasy, and illusion. Hedges argues we now live in two societies...
Are you sick of highly paid teachers?
The Public School Nightmare: Why Fix a System Designed to Destroy Individual Thought?
I want you to consider the frightening possibility that we are spending far too much money on schooling, not too little. I want you to consider that we have too many people employed in interfering with the way children grow up — and that all this money and all these people...
Revolution Brewing in Wisconsin has Easy Solution
Another revolution is brewing, but in an unlikely place: Wisconsin. Teachers are on strike, classes canceled, in protest of a state government plan to cut their benefits and weaken their unions. The governor says the cuts are necessary to balance the state budget. Given...
Bad Food Makes Kids Dumber, Study Says
A new study says 3-year-olds who mostly eat processed foods have lower IQs five years later. (So Pop-Tarts and Sunny-D are why we're "falling behind" China in math and science?) The study, cited in The Guardian, examined the diets of 14,000 wee Britlets, based on what their...
The Reality of Me
The TROM documentary is trying to present, in a simplistic way, the world in which we, human beings, live. The world discovered so far, not some idea or personal choice. Moreover we tried to present alternative solutions to current problems and took into account the future...
Films For Action Launches New Website, a "Learning Library for People Who Want to Change the World"
Lawrence, KS -- After 12 months in development, Films For Action has launched its new website - a head-to-toe redesign that lays the foundation for a vibrant community-powered news site dedicated to inspiring positive social change. At the heart of the new site is a...
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
A feature length documentary by Peter Joseph that presents the case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society.
Huge Numbers of Students Don't Learn Critical Thinking in College
What happens when you fail to invest in education (and no, I don't mean investment in excessive layers of school administration), the most important single item in our nation's success or failure? You end up with this result: An unprecedented study that followed several...
Changing Education Paradigms
This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award.
Why Aren't US Students Rioting Over Crazy Tuition Hikes Like College Kids in Europe?
While London has been rocked by student protests over proposed tuition hikes, United States college campuses have been largely quiet. Tens of thousands of students in the UK have taken to the streets -- confronting police, storming the Conservative Party headquarters...
Peter Joseph: "Social Pathology"
This lecture was given by Peter Joseph in New York on March 15th, Zeitgeist Day, 2010. Some audio had to be replaced due to static problems. 
Free to Learn: A Radical Experiment in Education
Free to Learn is a 70 minute documentary that offers a “fly on the wall” perspective of the daily happenings at The Free School in Albany, New York. Like many of today’s radical and democratic schools, The Free School expects children to decide for themselves how to spend...
FRONTLINE | College, Inc. | Season 2010 | Episode 9
The business of higher education is booming. It's a $400 billion industry fueled by taxpayer money. But what are students getting out of the deal? Critics say a worthless degree and a mountain of debt. Investors insist they're innovators, widening access to education.
Fox News Owner Buys Education Tech Provider, 3 Million-Student Audience
Wireless Generation, a US education technology company, will become a subsidiary of News Corporation for about $360 million in cash as Rupert Murdoch seeks to expand his company into academia.
Anna Silber: How Reading is Taught in a Waldorf School
Embark on a journey following the students' experience from kindergarten through the first few grades. We will focus specifically on how Waldorf teachers approach reading and how a love of language is inspired in the process. If you have questions about how it is done the...
The Tyranny of Compulsory Schooling
Let me speak to you about dumbness because that is what schools teach best. Old-fashioned dumbness used to be simple ignorance: you didn't know something, but there were ways to find out if you wanted to. Government-controlled schooling didn't eliminate dumbness - in fact, we...
The War on Kids (trailer)
Blame for problems with schooling in America is often assigned to insufficient funding or the inherent failings of today's kids. In rare cases, parents, teachers, and administrators are also implicated. However, all efforts to improve the quality of education are doomed to...
Host a Film Screening (Quick Overview Guide)
Regularly watching the news over the years, and getting my news from a variety of sources, I’ve noticed that the mainstream news media does a pretty bad job of covering certain issues. A story about Paris Hilton takes the lead over a story about the Afghanistan war or a piece...
Seth Godin on Education
Best selling author Seth Godin discusses the failure of our educational model that's built around producing factory workers.
The Zeitgeist Movement: Activist Orientation Presentation
The Zeitgeist Movement is not a political movement. It does not recognize nations, governments, races, religions, creeds or class. Our understandings conclude that these are false, outdated distinctions which are far from positive factors for true collective human growth and...
Information Deformation
This video takes a look at data, information, knowledge and wisdom. What are we doing with the information that we get? Is it helping us make better decisions and live better lives?
Jesus Camp
Jesus Camp is a 2006 documentary directed by Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing about a Pentecostal/ charismatic summer camp for children who spend their summers learning and practicing their "prophetic gifts" and being taught that they can "take back America for Christ." According...
Empire or Humanity?
Empire or Humanity? What the Classroom Didn't Teach Me about the American Empire by Howard Zinn and narrated by Viggo Mortenson.
A Students' Guide To University
This 2-part cartoon series explores commonly overlooked areas, relationships and politics of the education industry. Chapter one exposes the relationships of product placement and exclusive corporate contracts within the university environment.
Singing Minstrels - Teaching Kids about Climate Change
Enjoy toe-tapping tunes as environmental educators Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz regale us with songs like "Penguins on Thin Ice." Their shared goal is for education to be fun and entertaining. Their catchy lyrics bid "Goodbye, Oil" and ask "How do we find the balance?"...
John Taylor Gatto - State Controlled Consciousness
John Taylor Gatto is a learned eloquent critic of the present school system all over the world. In this 2003 interview he exposes the hidden agenda that makes most of us hate school. While exposing the wide-reaching harmful effects of mass-compulsory schooling, Mr Gatto gíves...
This Animated Cat Is Having One Helluva Scary School Nightmare, but It's Actually Really Profound
Every night Pinky tries to get some sleep, only to be kept awake by a bizarre school building slideshow. Words by Ivan Illich, author of Deschooling Society. If you're curious to learn more, seek out this book, considered a classic for the alternative learning...