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Planet Earth II Could Be Best Nature Doc Ever Made
10 years ago Planet Earth changed our view of the world. Now we take you closer than ever before. This is life in all its wonder. This is Planet Earth II. A decade ago, the landmark television series Planet Earth redefined natural history filmmaking, giving us the ultimate...
Prince Ea Just Put The School System on Trial and Found it Guilty of Killing Free Thought
Albert Einstien once said "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid". Today Prince Ea puts modern schooling on trial. 
What Are Democratic Schools?
Imagine a school where children and teenagers are accorded all the rights and responsibilities of democratic citizenship; where students truly practice, rather than just read about, the principles of free speech, free association, and freedom to choose their own activities...
The Pedagogy of the Meaning of Racism: Reconciling a Discordant Discourse
Racism is a term on which a great deal of discourse does and should turn in all realms of social work theory, practice, policy, and research. Because it is a concept heavily freighted with multiple and conflicting interpretations and used in a wide variety of ways, the idea...
Baltimore Elementary School is Teaching Yoga and Mindfulness
When one of the kids at Robert W. Coleman Elementary School in West Baltimore acts out, chances are she'll be sent not to the principal's office but to the Mindful Moment room, a soothing space with comfy cushions and beanbags, lit by glowing pink Himalayan salt lamps. It's...
How Gardening Helps Students Grow
Jaureguiberry's elementary school is giving kids in Uruguay a first-hand look at environmental sustainability. The school was built with recycled materials, and students grow indoor and outdoor edible gardens.
Was America Ever Great?
There's an old cliche that says "history is written by the victor." Unfortunately, that's probably true. Well here's some American History 101 from a less biased perspective.
Dear Fellow Jillb4 Hill Folks and Berniecrats
Dear fellow JillB4 Hill folks and Berniecrats, a part of me really does not want to expend energy posting to all my center-left groups about the necessity of preventing Trump from winning the election. The necessary historical context in which to look at how detrimental a...
Why School Sucks
I hope all of my teachers see this. - Prince EA 
15 Films Inspiring and Illuminating the 'New Story' Revolution
Charles Eisenstein is one of the first people I heard talk about the "new story," synthesizing a diverse movement that has been emerging for the last several decades. When I go back far enough, I first heard about these ideas from reading Ishmael by Daniel Quinn when I was...
Cultivating Self-Awareness in Parents
Shefali Tsabary's latest book argues that parents need to focus more on themselves and less on their children.
Success at School Vs Success in Life
Many people who do brilliantly at school turn out not to do so well at life. Why? 
Law Professor's Epic Response to Black Lives Matter Shirt Complaint
A first year law school student wrote a complaint about her professor having worn a Black Lives Matter T-shirt during class. The professor’s response is priceless.
The Scientific Way to Train White People to Stop Being Racist
No one wants to be called fragile. And if you’re white, what you feel reading the title of this article may be indicative of the term. “White fragility” refers to white people’s low emotional tolerance for discussing topics of race and racism.
Cultivating Empathy for the NEXT Crisis
A central question for this moment in history is how do we collectively navigate a crescendoing wave of crises and move toward planetary resilience and thriving?
Empathy: Why It's Important, Why We Should Nurture It in Our Kids
One of the most important skills we can teach our kids is empathy. Empathy is the ability to see and value what another person is feeling or experiencing. When we see someone in pain and feel that response in our own gut, that’s empathy. When we see someone crying tears of...
My First Journey With Psilocybin Mushrooms
In May 2013, my whole world shifted. At the time, I was living in Amsterdam and I began to feel the call to the Peruvian Amazon to work with the sacred plant medicine ayahuasca.
Seven Must-Have Skills for the 21st Century
We live in a world that moves faster than we do. Trying to keep up can be an overwhelming task that at times feels hopeless, like we are falling further and further behind—but it doesn’t have to. We are fully capable of adapting to the changing times, and it begins with...
Dumbing Us Down: The 7 Hidden Lessons of Compulsory Education
While teaching means different things in different places, seven lessons are universally taught from Harlem to Hollywood Hills.
Greed 101: Hedge Funds Bringing Poverty and Suffering to Places Like Puerto Rico
They're called "vulture funds" and they make a killing off of places like Puerto Rico - sometimes literally.
In the Absence of the Village, Mothers Struggle Most
Dear Mothers, I’m writing you today because I can no longer contain the ache in my gut and fire in my heart over an injustice that you and I are bearing the brunt of.
Ten Ways We Misunderstand Children
1. We expect children to be able to do things before they are ready.
"Good" Children - At What Price? The Secret Cost of Shame
A five-month-old baby is lying in his mother's arms. He is close to sleep, then wakes and begins to cry. His mother tells him that he should stop being a naughty boy, and that she will be cross with him if he doesn't sleep.
What Is Biomimicry, Anyway?
Let’s play a game. It’s called “Who made it?” and it goes like this: I’ll describe a series of objects, and you guess who made them. If you guess all of them correctly, there will be a special prize waiting for you at the end of this article. Ready? Let’s begin.
How Many of These Outlaw Legends Do You Know?
There's a lot of mythology around outlaws, with some viewed as heroes and some as villains. Here are 6 legendary outlaws who you might not have head of.
93 Documentaries to Expand Your Consciousness
This is the crash-course in 'what the hell is going on here' that we surely all wish we got from our education growing up but probably never did.
Will There Still Be Ivory Towers in a World Without Elephants?
Universities have become detached places for the pursuit of career advancement — a fantasy world in these turbulent times.
Positive Parenting: How to Raise Your Children With Unconditional Love
Parenthood lies deep within us. We are wired to help our little ones survive and prosper. Modern life, however, has removed us from our natural environment. It can be hard to raise a child in world of fear and distractions. Science and psychology bring back a big dose of...
Re-Learning the Land: a Story of Red Crow College
RE-LEARNING THE LAND is the story of a Blackfoot community in southern Alberta, Canada, and how they have re-taken control of their education system within Red Crow Community College. The film traces the decolonization of their learning and the development of an innovative...
5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children Do
In his humorous and uplifting style, Gever Tulley debunks classic myths of childhood safety. With rampant fear mongering, is it any wonder that children are actually over-protected? Instead, Tulley believes the most effective way to keep children safe is to give them a little...
Happiness and Children
Depression and anxiety are rising rapidly among young people: what’s going on?
Radical Politics in the Age of American Authoritarianism: Connecting the Dots
If the left is to fight back against authoritarianism, we must bring together diverse movements working for social change.
Plant The Seed
Watch the 6th graders at Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School in Queens, NY transform an unused piece of their campus into a beautiful permaculture garden.
Untying the Blindfold: Beyond Brussels, the Truth for Our Children
The First World is quickly learning that it was easy to skip the lecture on morals and ethics - it is physics that will eloquently phrase the challenge in the end. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
The Real Irish-American Story Not Taught in Schools
“Wear green on St. Patrick’s Day or get pinched.” That pretty much sums up the Irish-American “curriculum” that I learned when I was in school. Yes, I recall a nod to the so-called Potato Famine, but it was mentioned only in passing.
90 Inspiring, Visionary Films That Will Change How You See the World in Profound Ways
The world today is in crisis. Everybody knows that. But what is driving this crisis? It's a story, a story that is destroying the world. It's a story about our relationship to the world and to other humans, but we take this story for granted. We don't even see it as a story...
Work Through Creative Blocks With Beginner's Mind
“I don’t know anything.”
This Revolution Will Not Be Schooled
How We Are Collectively Improvising a 'New Story' About Learning
Demeaned, suspended, expelled ...TEACHED
Demeaned, suspended, expelled ...TEACHED. This unique series of short films candidly examines issues of race, education and equality. Produced by Loudspeaker Films, TEACHED will open your eyes to the ways America perpetuates injustice against youth of color through public...
Kind is the New Cool
When I was in high school, I remember social banter consisting of a lot of subtle put-downs and one-upsmanship. The popular kids were generally not very nice, certainly not to us unpopular kids but not even to each other. I remember a few popular kids being nice to me on the...
3 Destructive Things You Learned in School Without Realizing It
It was high school. I was 16, and I was pissed off. My English teacher gave us a creative writing assignment: write anything about being in high school. Anything.
The Five Most Common Misunderstandings About Evolution
Given its huge success in describing the natural world for the past 150 years, the theory of evolution is remarkably misunderstood. In a recent episode of the Australian series of “I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here”, former cricket star Shane Warne questioned the theory –...
The Incredible Period of History After The Civil War That America Forgot
Americans should know about this period of history. Because the history of racism is also the history of power, and who holds it. And this story continues to this very day. 
Why I Teach White History Month in February
I have abandoned Black History Month and have been celebrating White History Month every February since 2013.
How to Counter Recruitment and De-Militarize Schools
U.S. military recruiters are teaching in public school classrooms, making presentations at school career days, coordinating with JROTC units in high schools and middle schools, volunteering as sports coaches and tutors and lunch buddies in high, middle, and elementary...
If You Do Not Transform Your Pain, You Will Transmit It
On Men's Pain, Healing and Transformation
Lifting Communities Out From Underdevelopment - India's Barefoot College
Watch how harnessing human potential along with the sun is improving millions of impoverished lives. 
Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven't Noticed
Most of us haven't quite realized there is something extraordinary happening.
Ecological Learning Through Direct Experience
This is a documentary about getting out into the natural world and learning from the wisdom of land and people - focusing on how rewilding our perception might be the catalyst for the changes we wish to see in the world.
The Year We Thought About Love
Enjoy our trailer for "The Year We Thought About Love" award-winning feature length documentary about a LGBTQ youth theater troupe.
Kumu Hina
Imagine a world where a little boy can grow up to be the woman of his dreams, and a young girl can rise to become a leader of men. Welcome to Kumu Hina's Hawaii. Trailer for award-winning PBS/Independent lens film about a mahu (transgender) teacher in Hawaii and her...
How the Elite Deal With Sparks of Revolt
“I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half” —Jay Gould Metanoia Films has released a new documentary, Plutocracy: Divide et Impera (Divide and Rule). It’s the first entry of a multi-part series directed by filmmaker Scott Noble. The movie assembles a...
Tale of Two Campuses: White and Black Mizzou
With all of the unrest that has been occurring at my alma mater, The University of Missouri-Columbia, it has caused me to reflect on my own experiences while on campus. I completed both my undergraduate as well as my master's degree at Mizzou and while I had the opportunity...
Are You Raising A Boy Or A Toxic Man?
We need to start talking to our sons, and tell them that it’s OK to feel and express emotion. That it doesn’t make them any less of a man.
'This Girl Don't Got Nobody': On the Violence in a South Carolina Classroom
Though a police officer exacted the physical violence caught on camera, a teacher, school administrator, and judge participated in it, too. Each of them prioritized power plays, intimidation, and coercion over teaching and learning in a safe environment.
Professors in Poverty
Meet Dr. Wanda Evans-Brewer. She has been teaching for 20 years, has a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, and a PhD in Education. She is also living in poverty. Today Professors in Poverty premieres at a Congressional briefing calling on politicians, colleges and...
When Prince Ea Flips This Track Into Reverse, It All Makes Sense
I Bet Your Favorite Rapper Can't Do This.
College Athletics Are Stealing Your Future
We are in a college debt crisis. Almost 70 percent of college students graduate with approximately $30,000 in college debt. In 1992, it was one-third of that average. Why has the cost and burden
Missing From Presidents' Day: the People They Enslaved
Schools across the country are adorned with posters of the 44 U.S. presidents and the years they serv