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Resistance in Athens - Medialien Doc
The Greek tragedy, economic blackmail and democratic treason, the impact of the refugee crisis and a visit to Exarchia, Athen's Arnarchist hood. La tragédie Grecque, chantage économique et trahison démocratique, l'impacte de la crise des réfugiés et une visite d'Exarchia...
End Industry Handouts to Big Media
Television and radio broadcasters get to use our public airwaves for free. It’s a great deal … for them, at least. For the rest of us, it’s just another corporate giveaway.
Huff & Puff It Down - Towards a Vibrant Indy-Media Ecology
Arianna Huffington has betrayed us, so let's huff and puff her house down.
Noam Chomsky on Mass Media Obsession with Russia & the Stories Not Being Covered in the Trump Era
The New York Times reports special counsel Robert Mueller is scrutinizing President Trump’s tweets as part of Mueller’s expanding probe into Trump’s ties to Russia. This latest revelation in the Mueller investigation is part of a nearly 24-hour stream of headlines about...
Paris State of Emergency (2016) Medialien
Activists in custody, protests shut down, warrantless house arrests, and the COP21 strangled by anti-terrorist measures, a look back on the first months of the state of emergency in Paris.
The Mother of All Rules Governing US Media: Censor & Cover-Up US Government Criminality
In January 2008 The Sunday Times published the second report of its four-part investigative series concerning the U.S. government’s direct role in international terrorism networks and organized crime involving nuclear espionage: For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets .
9/11 Media Breakthrough In Denmark: Evidence of The "Loaded Gun"
The excellent work by Niels Harrit, Farrer, Jones and Ryan et. al in the recent journal article (Thermitic Material Discovered in WTC Dust) has paved the way for some very good media coverage in Denmark. At around 10:30 pm on Monday April 6, Harrit was interviewed for 10...
Why Does Independent Media Matter?
A group of celebrated activists, from many different movements and visions, tell us why they believe independent media -- like ours -- has always mattered and continues to be vital in propelling progress.
Speak Out Against Media Consolidation!
On Dec. 18, the FCC voted 3-2 to remove an important protection for diverse voices in our media. Chairman Kevin Martin pushed through the decision, which will allow big media firms to combine both a newspaper and TV or radio stations in the same market, despite overwhelming...
Sanders Path to Victory Blocked by Media and Party Elites
Former White House counsel Bill Curry says only sustained grassroots pressure will push democratic leadership to address the economic interests of the working-class.
Comedian Adam Hills Cuts Loose on Government Cuts and Institutional Child Abuse
As the UK Government launch their latest round of austerity measures, they admit that disabled people who get finance support will most likely be affected and, in order to lower the number of children in poverty, rather than taking any meaningful steps they are just changing...
Constructing Public Opinion: How Politicians & the Media Misrepresent the Public
The media regularly use public opinion polls in their reporting of important news stories. But how exactly do they report them and to what end? In this insightful and accessible interview, Professor Justin Lewis demonstrates the way in which polling data are themselves used...
Snowden Coverage: If US Mass Media Were State-Controlled, Would They Look Any Different?
The Edward Snowden leaks have revealed a U.S. corporate media system at war with independent journalism. Many of the same outlets—especially TV news—that missed the Wall Street meltdown and cheer-led the Iraq invasion have come to resemble state-controlled media outlets...
Good News/Bad News: A Manifesto for Independent Media
We live in extraordinary times. All around us the old world is crumbling, while the new one struggles to be born. Crises and catastrophes are rocking our planet like never before. Rebellions and revolutions are stirring the system to its very core. And yet, while the tidal...
The Fourth Estate in Flames: On the US Media's Award-Winning War Propaganda
A war-weary American public that a year ago resoundingly rejected US military intervention in Syria to overthrow the Assad regime now is rallying behind the use of force to destroy the so-called Islamic State (ISIS). In just three months, from June to September, support...
"Wiped off The Map" The Rumor of the Century, Fabricated by the US Media to Justify A War on Iran
Global Research Editor’s Note
The Way American Media Covers Attacks
Why is American media so biased in the way it covers attacks in Europe compared to how it covers the rest of the world?
Westminster Fear & Media Bias Shafted Scotland: Russell Brand The Trews (E150)
Russell Brand The Trews (E150). Reaction to the referendum in which Scotland votes to stay in the United Kingdom. But were the odds stacked against independence?
The Myth of the Liberal Media: The Propaganda Model of News
If you think U.S. news has a liberal bias, this assumption-shattering film from Noam Chomsky, Edward Herman, and Justin Lewis will have you thinking again. Making the common-sense case that mainstream news media are more committed to their bottom-line interests as large...
Tell Congress: Stop Big Media
Kevin Martin, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, has been keeping a secret from the American people. He wants to push through plans to remove decades-old media ownership protections. And he's trying to do it without public scrutiny. Senators Byron Dorgan and...
Riz Khan - The Role of Media in the USA
Has the mainstream media in the US replaced serious coverage with "junk news" and tabloidism?
Prometeus - The Evolution of Media?
Man is God. He is everywhere, he is anybody, he knows everything. This is the Prometeus new world. It all started with the Media Revolution, with Internet, at the end of the last century. Everything related to the old media vanished: Gutenberg, the copyright, the radio, the...
NBC/Comcast Merger:  Media Monopoly Taking Over?
Is television and entertainment media converging into a monopoly, dragging the Internet down with it and ultimately hurting you as the consumer? The proposed NBC Universal and Comcast merger has people saying just that. Sam Seder, former Air America Host says he doesn't see...
Can You Trust the Media? | Manufacturing Consent Explained
The term "fake news" is thrown around without much thought, but with more and more people losing faith in the media, honesty in news broadcasting is something we need to consider. In this episode, Second Thought takes a look at whose interests the corporate media serves, and...
GRITtv: The Future of Independent Media
Independent media is almost a household name these days. But in 1986 when Fairness And Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) launched most people hadn't heard of anything like it. So what's changed in the last two decades? Has the stranglehold of corporate media been loosened? Today...
Never Forget how the Media Sold, Enabled & Whitewashed the Iraq War
Join the Future of Journalism.
Big Media is the sickness - IndyMedia is the cure
Indy Media is a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth. We work out of a love and inspiration for people who continue to work for a better world, despite corporate media's distortions and...
Vancouver Media Co-op's Round Up of G20 Resistance
Canadian police have arrested over 900 people in Toronto in a police crackdown on protests at the G20 summit. Riot police used batons, plastic bullets and tear gas for the first time in the city's history. More than 19,000 security personnel were deployed in Toronto, and a...
Squatting in Rome (2015) Medialien
The presence of numerous squats, including the biggest in Europe, a militant student scene as well as unpunished police repression make Rome one of the strongholds of radical Italian politics.   La présence de nombreux squats, y compris le plus grand d'Europe, une scène...
Social Media Addiction - How It Changes Your Brain | Luke Burgis
By definition, mimetic desire means that we're adopting another person's desire as our own, usually without even realizing that we're doing it. Social media has given us millions of mimetic models that we now have to contend with. Some people have gone from having 10 mimetic...
Stop the Big Media Takeover
Almost all private Canadian and American television stations are owned by national media conglomerates and, because of increasing cross-ownership, most of the daily newspapers we read are owned by the same corporations that own television and radio stations. We must also be...
Mobilizing Media Reform
Fed up with a media system that values corporate profits over the interests of the public, Americans are taking action. Mobilizing Media Reform provides an inside look into this growing movement for media reform in the U.S. This 14-minute video addresses the problems that...
Israel's Military Has No "Moral Superiority." It's Time for Media to Cover Gaza Fairly
How commonly is the alleged moral superiority of the Israeli military invoked? So commonly that if you type “the most moral army in the world” into Google, you’ll immediately get a bunch of articles discussing the Israeli “Defense” Forces. Just last week, Slate’s William...
Thousands of Canadians Stand for Love and Unity - Powerful Indy Media Journalism
Between August 21st and 24th,  thousands of Canadians gathered in Ottawa to take part in the countries first Peoples' Social Forum - an event of workshops, education, network, and conscious evolution. As part of the event a unified march was organized towards parliament hill...
The People Are the Media
Shifting Power from Corporate Interests Requires us to be Expand Our Media Power
Brave New Films: At The Forefront Of A New Media Revolution
A quick look at Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films, their campaigns and successes. Touches on how the new independent media movement being driven by the internet is shaping public discourse and paving the way for a more balanced, democratic media that holds governments and...
Interview with Abby Martin – Corporate Media, Imperialism & People Power
On the 6th of May 2018, acTVism Munich organized an event with Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin under the title “Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0″.
Attack ads: bad for democracy, good for Big Media
Attack ads may be bad news for our democracy -- but Big Media companies are laughing all the way to the bank, raking in $3 billion in political ads this season.
Why Big Media Shouldn't Get Bigger:  Bill Moyers Interviews Bernie Sanders
In 1983, 50 corporations controlled a majority of American media. Now that number is six. And Big Media may get even bigger, thanks to the FCC's consideration of ending a rule preventing companies from owning a newspaper and radio and TV stations in the same big city.
The Feudalism of Facebook: New Pay-to-Play News Feed as Indy Media Killer
The Facebook empire of 1.4 billion users just conquered new territory, unrolling a "partnership" to host articles from some of the most well-known news publications in the world, in a venture that critics warn poses a direct threat to independent media outlets—and the...
Fmr NYT Journalist Seymour Hersh Blasts Bin Laden Fairytale, Calls for Corporate Media Shutdown
Abby Martin gives props to world renowned journalist Seymour Hersh, for calling out the abysmal failure of the corporate media in the US, saying that the MSM should fire 90 percent of its reporters and that "not one word" of the bin laden death narrative is true. Read the...
How Even a Proven Government Conspiracy Can Get Totally Dismissed by Corporate Media
In the insular world of Manhattan media, there’s much handwringing over the latest blow to print publications
David Foster Wallace - The Dangers Of Internet & Media Addiction
Decades ago, David Foster Wallace foresaw the problems that technology, media, and entertainment would cause for this generation. We now live in the internet/information age, where technology and media are inescapable. During Wallace's later life, he pointed out the problems...
Rap News 23: Crimea: Media War Games - feat. Abby Martin
It's March 2014 and following on from an extremely successful Winter Olympic Games, Russia decides to organise another fun sporting event: and the whole world's invited. Welcome to the Paramilitary Games in the Crimean Peninsula.
What the Corporate Media Won't Tell You about MLK | Interview with Drs. Jared Ball & Wilmer Leon
Abby Martin hosts a discussion on the 'whitewashing' of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking with Howard University Professor Dr. Wilmer J. Leon, and Morgan State University Professor Dr. Jared A. Ball, about the aspects of MLK's life that the corporate media...
How The Media Stopped Us Caring About the Planet | George Monbiot
“They allowed this entire shitfest to happen"
Awakening to the Blob: How The Media Mediates Our Lives
Not just a book review of Thomas de Zengotita's Mediated
Comedian Brian Dunkleman Takes On the Stigma of Socialism
There's nothing more American than Football. There's also nothing more socialist. Brian Dunkleman Takes On the Stigma of Socialism.
Five Paradoxes About the State of the Media
We are living in a time full of threats – and unprecedented possibilities, especially when it comes to the state of the media. Let’s consider five paradoxes, in no particular order.
America Has a Republican Problem - and the Media Is Partly to Blame
Donald Trump is a distraction from the fact that the mainstream media has pretended the GOP is a normal party with values just to the right. Now the country is paying the price.
Another Historic Victory for Media Justice
PHILADELPHIA – On Thursday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit issued its long-awaited verdict in Prometheus Radio Project v. the Federal Communications Commission, rejecting the FCC’s attempt to further deregulate media ownership. The Court threw out FCC rules...
The Most Important Article You’ll Never Read? How Western Media Support State Terror, While Millions Die, and How This Article Was Killed
As media theorists, we set out in Spring 2019 to pool our collective expertise into a short and very readable article for the mainstream press about how media treats Western foreign policy.
NCMR 2008: Media reform starts here
The next National Conference for Media Reform will be held in Minneapolis, June 6--8, 2008. Join fellow activists, media makers, educators, journalists, policymakers and concerned citizens in calling for real and lasting changes to our nation's media system.
Planet of the Humans Is the Media Literacy Exercise of the Year
"In disputes upon moral or scientific points, let your aim be to come at truth, not to conquer your opponent. So you never shall be at a loss in losing the argument, and gaining a new discovery.” - Arthur Martine
YouTube Admits: We're Crushing Independent Media
YouTube admits that they are successfully crushing independent news and politics shows like The David Pakman Show.
6 Problems With Mainstream Media
People are becoming increasingly irritated by the mainstream media, and here are 6 reasons why. 
Reflections on 10 Years of Radical Video Media Making
After 10 years of regular shows, are saying ¡Hasta La Pasta! to their regular and much-loved anarchist video show 'It's The End Of The World As We Know It And I Feel Fine'. In this excerpt from the final show host The Stimulator reflects on the last 10 years of...
Prometeus - The Evolution of Media? part 2
In the year 2015 People have access to a deep information. However the press as you know it has ceased to exist. The road to 2015 began in the 20th century.