61-120 of 200
Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War
As the US and Iranian governments escalate tensions in the already volatile Straits of Hormuz, and China and Russia begin openly questioning Washington's interference in their internal politics, the world remains on a knife-edge of military tension.
"A Glitch in the Matrix" - Jordan Peterson, the Intellectual Dark Web & the Mainstream Media
David Fuller: “A Glitch in the Matrix" is about the relationship between truth and reality, the ideological blind spots of the mainstream media and the existential threat of polarisation — all seen through the lens of Jordan Peterson’s recent viral interview with Cathy Newman...
Noam Chomsky: How the Mass Media Manufactures Consent
Summary of Chomsky's analyses on how the corporate media functions. Excerpt from the documentary Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992). Watch the whole thing here.
Don't Hate Me Because I Constantly Post about Bernie Sanders. The Mainstream Media Won’t; SOMEBODY has to do it!
Yes. I’m one of those people. I’m totally on Team Bernie and so excited to be a part of the political revolution. Since I’ve maintained for at least fifteen years that “Campaign Finance Reform (which does not have a sexy ring to it at all!) is the single most important...
Evangeline Lilly Speaks Out on Media Reform: "Let's Make the Truth as Entertaining as the Lies"
Lost actress Evangeline Lilly speaks out at the National Conference for Media Reform in Denver, April 2013. Her keynote tells the story of how she woke up and got involved in the media reform movement.
9 Quotes from John Pilger on Media and Power
"The whole essence of media is not about information. It’s about power.”   “Today the media is, as the father of propaganda, Edward Bernays described, ‘an invisible government.’ It’s in the government. It’s in the government’s vested interests. The Prime Minister is a PR...
Why Sandy Hook and Related Conspiracy Theories Are a Detriment to Alternative Media's Credibility
The Sandy Hook conspiracy can no longer claim censorship by the mainstream media as one of its articles of evidence. Sandy Hook 'truthers' can now find their claims mentioned and addressed in dozens of articles online, and in some TV coverage. The best written response I've...
Why Are Media Outlets Still Citing Discredited 'Fake News' Blacklist?
The Washington Post (11/24/16) last week published a front-page blockbuster that quickly went viral: Russia-promoted “fake news” had infiltrated the newsfeeds of 213 million Americans during the election, muddying the waters in a disin
Amy Goodman: Corporate Media Isn't Mainstream; it's ‘an Extreme Media Beating the Drums for War’
Journalist Amy Goodman made the case for independent media at the National Conference for Media Reform in Denver on Saturday, saying the pro-war views of the corporate media networks were firmly entrenched.
Unknown Influence | Social Media, Democracy and Transparency
Is Instagram fueling eating disorders in teenagers? Does TikTok harm your mental health? Are Facebook groups encouraging people to take part in offline violence? The answer is… we don’t know for sure. And that’s a serious problem.
The Brilliance of Concision in U.S. Media, feat. Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky discusses the practice of "concision" in U.S. news and debate, and how this practice shapes and limits the information and perspectives that the public is exposed to.
Shadows of Liberty: The Truth Behind the News Media
Shadows of Liberty reveals the extraordinary truth behind the news media: censorship, cover-ups and corporate control.
How The Media Has Shaped Your Negative Perception of Feminism
The Straw Feminist trope is a deliberately created, exaggerated caricature of a feminist that is used to undermine and ridicule feminist movements.  This was probably one of the most difficult and longest videos I’ve made so far, partly because the Straw Feminist is a very...
Left Progressive Media Inside the Propaganda Model
In Manufacturing Consent (1988; and updated in Herman,1996). Ed Herman and Noam Chomsky claim that because media is firmly imbedded in the market system, it reflects the class values and concerns of its owners and advertisers. According to Herman and Chomsky, the media...
War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda
Why has so much journalism succumbed to propaganda? Why are censorship and distortion standard practice? Why is the BBC so often a mouthpiece of rapacious power? Why do the New York Times and the Washington Post deceive their readers?
A Citizens Guide to Understanding Corporate Media Propaganda Techniques
Editors Note: A few decades ago, there were thousands of independent media outlets in the US. Today in America, six multi-national global media mega corporations run by six individuals control 96% of the content Americans see on TV and watch at the movies; read in books...
Buying the War: How Big Media Failed Us
In 2003, the United States pre-emptively attacked Iraq in a war that would last for eight years claiming an estimated 189,000 lives, costing over $2 trillion and causing untold economic and emotional devastation for the
Here's A 5-Minute Video That'll Make You Rethink Our Entire News Media Circus
Thank goodness for the people behind these smartphones and cameras because otherwise ... well, without them, who would know that these things are happening? WARNING: Some violent/graphic content is shown.
Bernie Sanders Faces a Media Rigged Against Him
CNN and CBS do it. NPR and PBS do it. They all do it.
15 Things Everyone Would Know If There Was Actually a Liberal Media
Prince Riebus (and apparently many others) still t
Take Back Your Attention From The Social Media Algorithms
"Take Back Your Attention" is a short compilation with clips from several Rebel Wisdom films, and featuring visuals from the recent Netflix film with Tristan Harris, "The Social Dilemma".
Films For Action: Independent Media for a Better World
Films For Action is a local and international organization dedicated to providing you with the information and perspectives essential to creating a more just, sustainable, and democratic society. Along these lines we are many things.
Mainstream Media: Presstitutes for the Rich and Powerful
While the Rupert Murdoch scandal is justifiably front-page news, there is a much wider problem with the mainstream media. Purchasing ReportersFamed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein says the CIA has already
Films for Action's Recommended Independent Media
Our Recommended Independent Media Links: Adbusters Aljazeera AlterNet Black Agenda Report Boiling Frogs Post
What the Mainstream Media Won't Let Bernie Sanders Talk About
In this clip, Sen. Bernie Sanders says he believes “one of the Supreme Court’s worst decisions ever” — Citizens United — has allowed big money to “deflect attention from the real issues” facing voters.
Those Kids Crossing the Border From Mexico Wouldn't Be There If Obama Hadn't Supported a Coup the Media Doesn't Talk About
If you're reading this, you probably follow the news. So yo
5 Short Films, 5 Profound Lessons in Media Literacy
Now more than ever, we cannot take news media at face value – we need tools to read media critically, strategies to discern how information works. This is what inspired The Listening Post’s project: Media Theorised. We’ve taken key works of five thinkers from around the...
Bernie Sanders Has a Secret Weapon, and the Media Elites Just Don't Get It
Americans are a people for whom ideology matters a lot less than speaking plainly and sticking by your beliefs.
Using Permaculture Media & Advertising to Incite the Good in People
We know that television's numbing effect is an unhealthy side-effect of our modern world, however Jenny Nazak argues that we individually have the power to incite people to goodness using the bounty of multimedia platforms available to each and every one of...
"Wrong, Blasphemous and Sinful" - 10 Years of 9/11 Media Coverage
"Wrong, Blasphemous and Sinful" is the English version of the Belgian film "Epouvantails, autruches et perroquets." The film analyzes the way the media managed to skip or distort controversial subjects surrounding the 9/11 attacks. The original film in French appeared on the...
North Korea/Sony Story Shows How Eagerly U.S. Media Still Regurgitate Government Claims
The identity of the Sony hackers is still unknown. President Obama, in a December 19 press conference, announced: “We can confirm that North Korea engaged in this attack.” He then vowed: “We will respond. . . . We cannot hav
The Truth about 9/11 Isn't Black or White - It's Time our Media Reflected This
With the anniversary of September 11th, 2001 being remembered today, we can expect America and our media to look back once again on this turning point in our nation's history. 
"They Got Away With it" - White House Terror Chief Alleges CIA 9/11 Malfeasance and Cover-Up in 2013. Why was the Media Silent on This?
In a surprisingly low-key interview, Richard Clarke, former White House Counterterror "Tsar" to Presidents Clinton and Bush, goes on record about what he believes happened at the CIA in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks, accusing then-CIA Director George Tenet and two of his...
The Killing Screens: Media & the Culture of Violence
The Killing Screens urges us to think about the effects of the media in new and complex ways. In contrast to the relatively simplistic behaviorist model that media violence causes real-world violence, Gerbner encourages us to think about the psychological, political, social...
Social Media Echo Chambers: Here's How Most of Us are Living in One
Americans are blocking out the friends and news sites that won't confirm their views.
9 Key Facts about Media In America: Did You Know?
The free flow of news and information, accessible to everyone, is vital to the success of democracy. And today in America, that flow is in doubt. Our newspapers, traditionally the most reliable source of civic information and investigative reporting, are laying off reporters...
New Political Earthquake in Brazil: Is It Now Time for Media Outlets to Call This a "Coup"?
Brazil today awoke to stunning news of secret, genuinely shocking conversations involving a key minister in Brazil’s newly installed government, which shine a bright light on the actual motives and participants driving the impeachment of the country’s democratically elected...
So This Is What It Looks Like When the Corporate Media Opposes a War
Major American media outlets oppose military aggression... unless the United States is doing it.
The Forms of Violence That Our Corporate Media Never Talks About
The corporate media loves to talk about violent protesters, while the biggest forms of violence in our society go unchallenged.
US Government Admits It's Making Fake Social Media Accounts to Spread Propaganda in Cuba
The United States has repeatedly accused the Russian and Iranian governments of using social media to spread “disinformation” and foment chaos. Under US government pressure, Big Tech corporations have banned large numbers of accounts accused (in some cases falsely) of being...
Employee-Owned Businesses Ignored by Mainstream Media
A bold new threat to the economic status quo brings on a press blackout.
A Celebrity Death, Addiction, and the Media - Dr. Gabor Maté
It is always big news when a celebrity is stricken dead by a substance overdose. What never makes the news is why such tragedies happen.
5 Facts Exposing the Media's Lies about Police Shootings
#2. Bartending is far more dangerous than being a police officer.
Bill Moyers on Media Reform
In a powerful speech legendary journalist Bill Moyers praised the media reform movement as "the most significant citizens' movement to emerge in this new century." With over 3,500 people in attendance Moyers said that the work of activists has "challenged the stranglehold of...
How the U.S. Concocted a Terror Threat to Justify Syria Strikes, and the Corporate Media Went Along
As the U.S. expands military operations in Syria, we look at the Khorasan group, the shadowy militant organization the Obama administration has invoked to help justify the strikes. One month ago, no one had heard of Khorasan, but now U.S. officials say it poses an imminent...
Who Owns the Media? An Exclusive Look Into UK and USA Press
Insurge Intelligence recruited Scenes of Reason to create a video teaser for an exclusive exploration of how the media is run in the UK and the USA under the title "How mainstream media became a neo-Stalinist propaganda regime for wealthy neocons. " The Media Reform Coalition,
How the Media's Weapons Fetish Primes Us for War
Between the Tomahawk strike on Syria and the MOAB in Afghanistan, cable news under Trump has been saturated by images of American firepower. But the media's obsession with American weapons sanitizes violence and makes it harder to think critically about why we use deadly force.
Hooded: A Multimedia Project to Challenge and Change How Young Black Men Are Portrayed
Photographer Myles Loftin created a multimedia project that humanizes and decriminalizes the societal image of black boys and black men dressed in hoodies.
Not Quite All Things Considered: Why the Mainstream Media Discounts Bernie Sanders
Recently, on All Things Considered—you know, that bastion of liberal media—Mara Liasson, talking about the prospect of Joe Biden running for President said: There are many Democrats who think it would be good for Hillary Clinton because she'd have a serious opponent, and...
My experiences stationed in a USMC Public affairs office shaped my criticism of media
When I was in the Marine Corps I learned quickly that media, images and information would be tightly controlled. I worked in a U.S.M.C. Public Affairs office as well as the "Combat Visual Information Center". There were images and footage that was not to be seen by the...
Independent Media Need You to Get the Word Out on Social Media
“Liking” a post on social media might not seem like a high-impact action. But nonprofit media groups actually depend a great deal on their readers’ online engagement.
9/11 Family Group: Media Matters Should Apologize for its Irresponsible Coverage of Building 7
NEW YORK CITY  — Today, the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN), a group of family members of those killed in the 9/11 attacks, issued the following statement:
15 Crucial Facts NEVER Heard On The Mainstream Media
The mainstream corporate-owned media is now essentially a rotting corpse. Welcome to the funeral. 
Why Does The Media Love War So Much? | George Monbiot
“They are entirely complicit”
Is Junk Media Making You Sick???
Media junk food is mind pollution. As waves of erratic, mindless info-toxins increasingly lay siege to a battered mental landscape, our mental pores become clogged, cluttering our capacity to think and to feel empathy. And so we find today that Junk Media is to our mental...
The Impact Of Media Consolidation On News Content
A short film exploring the impact of media consolidation on news content and how this affects youth, both as viewers and media makers. In 1983, 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the U.S. At the time, Ben Bagdikian was called "alarmist" for...
In bin Laden killing, media -- as usual -- regurgitates false Government claims
Virtually every major newspaper account of the killing of Osama bin Laden consists of faithful copying of White House claims. That's not surprising: it's the White House which is in exclusive possession of the facts, but what's also not surprising is that many of the claims...
Censored: Naomi Klein speaks at the National Conference on Media Reform
An incredibly relevant speech now that Obama is our president elect. A must watch, courtesy of subMedia. Interestingly, Naomi Klein's speech at the National Conference for Media Reform was not included on the conference website. subMedia contacted Free Press, the organizer or...
Opening Access: A Look at the People's Media
A half-hour special presentation of a bold new vision for community media. Combining archival footage with interviews and b-roll, Opening Access presents a compelling picture of an emerging model for alternative media that will engage new communities and new voices.
Amy Goodman: How the Media Is Ruining This Election
Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! tells us about Trump-land and how the media is ruining this election.