61-120 of 200
The Hopeful Thing About Our Ugly, Painful Polarization
Look to Norway and Sweden, where cooperative, socially democratic countries emerged after a frightening period of extreme polarization and social fracturing.
20 Big Ideas for Creating a Democratized Economy
The economic collapse of 2008 came at the end of three decades of stagnant wages that resulted in record household debt and made it apparent that the economy does not work for most Americans. 
Visions of Utopia - Experiments in Sustainable Culture
Visions of Utopia documents and profiles 7 diverse intentional communities in the United States.
Survival Of The Nicest? A Theory Of Our Origins Says Cooperation-Not Competition-Is Instinctive
A century ago, industrialists like Andrew Carnegie believed that Darwin’s theories justified an economy of vicious competition and inequality. They left us with an ideological legacy that says the corporate economy, in which wealth concentrates in the hands of a few, produces...
Democracy At Work: How This One Idea Could Make Your Job Amazing
Democracy at Work is a project that aims to build a social movement. The movement's goal is to transition to a new society whose productive enterprises (offices, factories, and stores) will mostly be WSDE's, a true economic democracy.
Legalize Local Investing
I personally support the spirit of Occupy Wall Street, especially the spotlight it has cast on the shocking level of inequality in our country. But the movement oddly conveys a very mainstream message that Wall Street can and should be fixed. Just clean up our existing...
5 Reasons to Put Your Money in a Credit Union
Help limit the influence of big corporate banks and strike a blow for the working man by moving your funds to a credit union.
Manifesto for Wholesome Cooperation: a Sociocratic Perspective
Humans organize themselves in groups to reach common objectives
Two Ways to Build Global Community
A platform co-operative approach to information, rather than the models of Facebook and legacy media, provide reason for optimism, writes Dan Hind.
What a Society Designed for Well-Being Looks Like
To address the dramatic increase in mental and emotional distress in the U.S., we must move beyond a focus on the individual and think of well-being as a social issue.
TiSA: The Scariest Trade Deal Nobody's Talking About Has Suffered a Big Leak
Wikileaks has blown the lid off another trade deal being negotiated 'on our behalf' by our governments, in secret without democratic scrutiny or debate, that threatens people and planet.
Degrowth and the Emerging Mosaic of Alternatives
After decades on the defensive, the left has once again started to embrace positive visions of the future.
In a Freed Market, Who Will Stop Markets from Running Riot and Doing Crazy Things? We Will.
Q. In a freed market, who will stop markets from running riot and doing crazy things? And who will stop the rich and powerful from running roughshod over everyone else?
How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent’
While many of us work to create a better world, it’s worthwhile to consider other countries where masses of people succeeded in nonviolently bringing about a high degree of democracy and economic justice. Sweden and Norway, for example, both experienced a major power shift in...
Sixteen Building Blocks of a Green, Entrepreneurial, Cooperative Economy
The transition from a capitalist to a cooperative economy could be one of the defining achievements of the 21st century.
The Four Reasons to Support a New Media Revolution
As in most post-industrial societies, Britain’s media is in a radical state of flux. With the demise of the daily newspaper and news dissemination increasingly moving online, alternative and independent media sources have flourished. But the absence of a viable, generally...
A 10-Point Programme for 21st Century Democratic Socialism
In response to Jeremy Corbyn's  'Standing to Deliver' plan "for a fairer and more successful Britain," Jeremy Gilbert suggests an additional 10 things to plug some of the holes in Corbyn's plan, making it a more relevant and robust radical plan for 21st Century Britain and...
How to Build a Progressive Movement in a Polarized Country
Whether it’s assault rifles, racial justice, immigration or fossil fuels, the country is rocked by conflicting narratives and rising passions. In a recent national poll, 70 percent of Americans say the political divide is at least as big as during the Vietnam War.
The Power Principle - An Interview with Filmmaker Scott Noble
Scott Noble is the director of several acclaimed and politically charged documentaries, including Psywar, Human Resources and Lifting the Veil. His documentary on Occupy Wall Street, Rise Like Lions, took the #1
A Love Letter to the Overcommitted
It usually starts with a lack of sleep. Then I notice I'm only eating carbohydrates, and mostly things which require less than 10 minutes to prepare. I find myself waking in the middle of the night to check my Blackberry, o
Why Is Chris Hedges A Lone Voice In Criticizing Huffington Post’s Business Model?
Chris Hedges’ new TruthDig column, Huffington’s Plunder, raises a topic that seems to provoke a lot of uneasiness in the liberal blogosphere. It points a spotlight on the business model pioneered by one of the country’s most prominent progressive voices, Arianna Huffington.
Over 300 'How to Guides' to Help You Bring a More Beautiful World into Being
We can create the more beautiful world we want for ourselves and future generations with a simple and powerful idea: "sharing"
How to Design Our Neighborhoods for Happiness
Neighbors in Conover Commons in Redmond, Washington, share an open field as their community gathering spot. This photo originally appeared in Jay Walljasper's book, How to Design Our World for Happiness.
Don't Occupy Wall Street, Ditch It!
I personally support the spirit of Occupy Wall Street, especially the spotlight it has cast on the shocking level of inequality in our country. But the movement oddly conveys a very mainstream message that Wall Street can and should be fixed. Just clean up our existing...
The World's Happiest People Already Have a Green New Deal, and They Love It
Green New Deal advocates in the United States should look to the Nordic countries for inspiration on how to overcome the 1 percent and address climate change.
Building Democratic Power at the Local Level - A Strategy for Long-Term Liberation
In the era of Trump, we will need to consolidate counter-power via participatory democracy and economic self-management at the local level.
Media, drones and rank propaganda - As usual, the leading spokespeople for government policies are disguised as the nation's Adversarial Watchdog Press
Several items today relate to the issue of gross U.S. media propaganda and Obama’s national security policies:
The Special Ops Surge: America's Secret War in 134 Countries
They operate in the green glow of night vision in Southwest Asia and stalk through the jungles of South America.  They snatch men from their homes in the Maghreb and
The Really Really Free Market: Instituting the Gift Economy
Disambiguation: According to the capitalist lexicon, the “Free Market” is the economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses. Any sensible person can recognize immediately that neither human beings nor resources...
Top 25 Censored Stories Of 2013 and a List of Independent Alternatives to the Corporate Media
Every year Project Censored puts together a list of the top 25 stories censored and ignored by the mainstream media. The recently published Censored 2013 covers the period between 2011-2012.
Building a Local Peace Economy: We Have the Power
When attending meetings with peace and justice activists, I often find myself the only business person in the room. Inevitably, someone makes a comment about the evils of business, or greedy capitalists, or some other negative comment that implies business people are the...
A Link between Climate Change and Joplin Tornadoes? Never.
An op-ed by Bill McKibben, author and founder of, narrated and illustrated by Stephen Thomson of
'An Idea Whose Time Has Come': Lawmakers Roll Out Plan to Expand Worker Ownership
'Giving workers a seat at the table and their fair share of the profits they help produce is one way to even up the playing field and give hardworking Americans a chance to create an economy that works for everyone'
The Secret Playbook of Internet Trolls
The reason that Internet trolls are effective is that people still don’t understand their game.
We Can’t Do It Ourselves: How Individual Change Has Limits That Can Only be Solved Collectively
How to live a more sustainable life? This question generates a lot of debate that is focused on what individuals can do in order to address problems like climate change. For example, people are encouraged to shop locally, to buy organic food, to install home insulation, or to...
Paul Krugman- Income Inequality and the Middle Class
Author, economist and New York Times Op-Ed columnist Paul Krugman discusses the history of the American "middle class," and argues that growing income inequality may threaten its existence. Complete video at:
Rap News 6: Wikileaks' Cablegate - The Truth Is Out There
December 2010 and Cablegate has burst open. With a steady trickle of Diplomatic communiques leaking out every single day, the Book of Revelations is expanding dramatically. In all the hubbub, the global community is forced to ask questions of its leaders. At the same time...
The End of Capitalism Has Begun
Without us noticing, we are entering the postcapitalist era. At the heart of further change to come is information technology, new ways of working and the sharing economy. The old ways will take a long while to disappear, but it’s time to be utopian
23 Food Sharing Projects That Are Disrupting Hunger
Food is one of our most basic needs. And yet, for over 800 million people, food insecurity remains a daily issue. While top-down programs that address hunger certainly exist, more efficient, immediate solutions are sometimes found on the community level, where neighbors...
Technology and Its Discontents
Questioning the pro-digital consensus
The Crimes of SEAL Team 6
Officially known as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, SEAL Team 6 is today the most celebrated of the U.S. military’s special mission units. But hidden behind the heroic narratives is a darker, more troubling story of “revenge ops,” unjustified killings...
The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto
The Ultimate History Lesson is a 5-hour course, illustrating the cause and effect relationship of how Americans became incoherent, and thus how the American dream has was usurped by an international agenda.
Protests Intensify, Spread Across France as Workers Refuse Submission
'What we want today is for this movement to spread,' says unionist.
This Homophobic Tumblr Post Transformed Into a Dystopian LGBTI Adventure Novel and It Is Amazing
Sometimes homophobes will try anything to come up with a reasonable argument for why homosexuality is wrong, but it turns out with a little bit of thought that debate is going to be shut down very easily.
The Children's Wellbeing Manifesto
Policy initiatives promoting healthy emotional development in children
Release Kim Davis, Destroy Her Power
It was 1975 when the first same-sex Americans were “permitted” to marry one another. It was Clela Rorex who processed these licenses illegally. This act of sabotage against the state’s marriage monopoly was eventually discovered, and Rorex quit — many calling for her to face...
Counter-Intelligence: Shining a Light on Black Operations
"Scott Noble may have outdone himself with Counter Intelligence. The Psywar filmmaker amassed a tour de force of power elite and deep state scholars weighing in and synthesizing decades of research. From the rise of the national security state and mass proliferation of...
The More Nefarious US Foreign Policy, The More It Relies on Media Complicity
Americans are shielded from the ugly consequences of US military power by our journalists' self-censorship The US still has military spending that is higher in real, inflation-adjusted terms than it was during the peak of the Reagan cold war build-up, the Vietnam war and...
Wake up Democrats, Warns Sanders, This Populist Unrest Cannot Be Ignored
Brexit win has much to teach Democrats about Trump threat, warns senator, and elites ignore frustrations of workers and the poor at their own peril
Filmmaker Faces 45 Years in Prison for Reporting on Dakota Access Protests
"They threw the book at Deia for being a journalist."
Shooting Protesters in Cold Blood: How Israel Became a Typical Middle Eastern Dictatorship
Randomly shooting into crowds is more than just threatening people with death. It is a means of terrorizing the dissidents.
Obama's Libya lies and how the United States ambassador really died
Critics of the Libya intervention warned that dropping bombs in a country and killing civilians would produce blowback in the form of those who would then want to attack the US.
Capitalism and the TPP: A Kinder, Gentler Totalitarianism
Corporate propaganda has convinced the populace that government alone is to blame for our problems, rather than recognizing the complete fusion of corporate power and government decision-making.
Obama, Guantánamo, and the enduring national shame
The New York Times this morning deserves credit for publishing one of the most powerful Op-Eds you will ever read. I urge you to read it in its entirety: it's by Samir Naji al Hasan Moqbel, a Yemeni national who has been imprisoned at Guantánamo without charges of any kind...
As Coronavirus Opens the Door to Big Changes, the Left's Most Attractive Vision Faces Pushback
For many Americans, it’s time for a system change along the lines of the Nordic model. This has the political establishment deeply worried.
Are "Anarcho"- Capitalists Really Anarchists?
In a word, no. While "anarcho"-capitalists obviously try to associate themselves with the anarchist tradition by using the word "anarcho
Activists Catalog Nearly 600 Videos of Police Violence Against Protesters
"This kind of documentation serves as a counter-narrative to repeated denials of responsibility from the police, who are routinely claiming protesters were the ones to grow violent first."
The Class Divide in a Time of Pandemic: a Permaculture Perspective
The divide between the haves and the have nots has been highlighted by the impacts of the pandemic.[1] For those able to work online with a spacious and secure home base, and some financial resources to ride out the pandemic, life has mostly been tolerable. Consumption has...
Aaron Bushnell’s Divine Violence
Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation was ultimately a religious act, one that radically delineates good and evil and calls us to resist.
13 Point Human Rights-Based Revolutionary Agenda
REVOLUTION LA is a political discussion group and revolutionary grassroots movement dedicated to building class-consciousness from the bottom-up through community education, outreach and empowerment. As the struggle of disadvantaged populations continues to widen through...