1,021-1,080 of 10,399
This is the Definitive Argument Against Drug Prohibition. It's Time We Legalize All Drugs.
After you've finished reading this, there will be no doubt in your mind. Legalizing all drugs is the best way to lower the incidence of death, disease, crime and addiction. If you already know the drug war has failed, skip to the middle for an alternative policy. You will be...
From Across the Country, Gifts of Tiny Houses Arrive for Standing Rock
How five large trees in remote Oregon ended up as winter housing for water protectors, including their first newborn baby.
How Films for Action Began, and Where It's Headed
This is a little window into our strategy to help catalyze a Global Paradigm Shift
Prepare for the Ultimate Gaslighting*
You are not crazy, my friends
Single magic mushroom 'can change personality'
Forty-five years after Timothy Leary, the apostle of drug-induced mysticism, urged his hippie followers to "turn on, tune in and drop out", researchers have found that magic mushrooms do change a user's personality – for the better. The fungi have long been known...
Stare Into The Lights My Pretties
We live in a world of screens. The average adult spends the majority of their waking hours in front of some sort of screen or device. We're enthralled, we're addicted to these machines. How did we get here? Who benefits? What are the cumulative impacts on people, society and...
Post-Brexit, The Far Right Could Easily Ascend to Power, But There's One Way We Can Prevent That
Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union has wiped out many bankers and global speculators. They will turn, as they did in 2008, to governments to rescue them from default. Most governments, including ours, will probably comply.
Disgruntled Royalty
We are the disgruntled royalty, ungrateful, because we're ignorant of our grand status.
Invasion: In an Era of Reconciliation, Indigenous Land is Being Taken at Gunpoint
INVASION is a new film about the Unist’ot’en Camp, Gidimt’en checkpoint and the larger Wet'suwet'en Nation standing up to the Canadian government and corporations who continue colonial violence against Indigenous people.
Palestinian Performance Poet Speaks Powerful Truth to Power: 'We Teach Life, Sir'
Rafeef Ziadah, a Canadian-Palestinian spoken word artist and activist, performs a poem in response to a journalists who asks "don't you think it would all be better if you just stop teaching your children to hate".
Communalism: a Liberatory Alternative to the Present System
The belief that what currently exists must necessarily exist is the acid that corrodes all visionary thinking. - Murray Bookchin
Taboo or Not, Journalists Have a Duty to Report the Full Truth about 9/11
What is the full truth of 9/11/2001? It is, quite simply, to tell all sides of the story.
To Change Everything, Start Everywhere
To Change Everything, Start Everywhere! The case for complete self-determination—a guide for the furious, the curious, and the pure of heart.
The Cynic and the Boatbuilder
A story that will change how you think about what kinds of change will *really* make a difference
Brother Richard Hendrick Wrote a Poem About the Coronavirus. It's Beautiful.
Yes there is fear.
Tiny House Warriors: Building Tiny Homes To Defend Against Oil Pipeline
Ten tiny houses are about to go head-to-head with a giant proposed oil pipeline. In what some area already dubbing the next 'Standing Rock', Kanahus Manuel, an activist of the Secwepemc Nation is spearheading a team of builders and volunteers from all over North America to...
The Top 10 Flaws of  Neoclassical Economics
Neoclassical economics has severe flaws.  But since the field is captive to the monopolistic money and banking system, it is very difficult for economists who are aware of this to speak up.  If they were to speak about the flaws, their careers would be severely limited. ...
The Cardboard House That Can Be Assembled in a Day and Last a Lifetime
Amsterdam collective Fiction Factory has developed a modular building system of cardboard components, which can be assembled in just one day to form houses or offices. Named Wikkelhouse, which translates from Dutch as Wrap House, the completed prototype comprises a series of...
A Do No Harm, but Take No Sh*t Guide to Dealing With Others.
Here’s how I work: I’m extremely friendly and respectful to those who obey the laws of common decency when interacting with others.
TPP, TTIP & TISA - Trade Deals to Create a New Global Legal and Economic System
The Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has dubbed the TTIP an "economic NATO," comparing it to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization military alliance. Over the last two years WikiLeaks has published chapters from two other secret global trade deals, including the...
The One Percent
This 80-minute documentary focuses on the growing "wealth gap" in America, as seen through the eyes of filmmaker Jamie Johnson, a 27-year-old heir to the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical fortune. Johnson, who cut his film teeth at NYU and made the Emmy®-nominated 2003 HBO...
Back to Eden: Simple Sustainable Solutions
After years of back-breaking toil in ground ravaged by the effects of man-made growing systems, Paul Gautschi has discovered a taste of what God intended for mankind in the garden of Eden. Some of the vital issues facing agriculture today include soil preparation...
Leaked TTIP Documents Confirm Corporate Power Grab at Heart of EU/US Trade Deal
Greenpeace have leaked 248 pages of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiating texts, confirming worst fears of environmentalists and social justice activists
Greg Palast: How the Republicans Helped Trump Steal the Election
Intrepid reporter Greg Palast has pursued the Republican war on voters that the mainstream corporate media is afraid to touch. Now, Palast has just updated his DVD, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Case of the Stolen Election with new footage revealing how Trump and...
Goodnight Democracy: How Big Money Bought Our Democracy, Children’s-Book Style
Remember Goodnight Moon, the children’s book about a young rabbit going to bed?
NATURE Vs. BAYER - Animals Invade Corporate HQ
More than a hundred animals invaded the office of Bayer in Brussels to protest its intensive lobbying for TTIP and denounce their corporate power consolidation in acquiring Monsanto for $66 billion. 
Dear White America: Toya Graham Is Not Your Hero
When I told my grandma that I was among a crowd of protesters pepper-sprayed while covering the demonstration-turned-riot at Baltimore’s Mondawmin Mall on Monday, her response was blunt.
Native Americans Say What Christopher Columbus Means to Them
We invited Native Americans to respond to "Christopher Columbus." These are their responses.
Whitewashed: Unmasking the World of Whiteness
"Whitewashed" is a documentary film that explores racism and what it means to be white in the United States.
Obama's Hidden Role in Worsening Climate Change
It should be a scandal that leftists-liberals paint Trump as a special threat, a war mongerer – not Obama who is the first president to be at war everyday of his eight years, who is waging seven wars at present, who dropped three bombs an hour, 24 hours a day, the entire...
Albert Einstein's Circle of Compassion
Abby Martin gives a heartfelt remark about Einstein's 'Circle of Compassion' by reflecting on how to balance personal stability with the plight of humanity by establishing a sense of global empathy.
A River of Waste: The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms
A heart-stopping new documentary, A RIVER OF WASTE exposes a huge health and environmental scandal in our modern industrial system of meat and poultry production. Some scientists have gone so far as to call the condemned current factory farm practices as mini Chernobyls. 
Fabled Enemies
This is one of the definitive films examining 9/11. Instead of the focus being on physical anomalies surrounding the attacks, which have been examined extensively in other films, it focuses on evidence of a vast intelligence network that provided the aid necessary for the...
John Oliver Has A Genius Plan To Force Trump To Learn Some Actual Facts
Donald Trump spreads a lot of false information thanks to his daily consumption of morning cable news. If only we could sneak some facts into the president's media diet...
How to Encrypt Your Entire Life in Less Than an Hour
“Only the paranoid survive.” — Andy Grove Andy Grove was a Hungarian refugee who escaped communism, studied engineering, and ultimately led the personal computer revolution as the CEO of Intel. He died earlier this year in Silicon Valley after a long fight with Parkinson’s...
Together: How Cooperatives Show Resilience to the Crisis
It’s a fact. In Europe, 1.5 million workers co-own their enterprises. They are called worker cooperatives, social cooperatives or participative enterprises. The documentary TOGETHER reveals, through extensive research and exclusive interviews, why those enterprises show a...
The Reality of Me
The TROM documentary is trying to present, in a simplistic way, the world in which we, human beings, live. The world discovered so far, not some idea or personal choice. Moreover we tried to present alternative solutions to current problems and took into account the future...
UK's First 'Share Shop' Opens for business
A new kind of shop is aiming to transform the future of retail by lending rather than selling items and fostering more meaningful connections with the things we use
Neil deGrasse Tyson Smacks Down an Assumption We've Held About Our Animal Relatives For Far Too Long
Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, American astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium, discusses the human-animal connection from a scientific standpoint.
Fair Game: Why Bernie Should Keep Going
Predictably, after New York, the establishment is demanding that Bernie bow out. The etiquette of conventional Party politics, after all, dictates that he step aside, lest he weaken the front runner.  But this race has never been about tweedle-dee vs. tweedle-dum, so the...
Halle/Chomsky: an Eight Point Brief for LEV (Lesser Evil Voting)
Among the elements of the weak form of democracy enshrined in the constitution, presidential elections continue to pose a dilemma for the left in that any form of participation or non participation appears to impose a significant cost on our capacity to develop a serious...
Shop 'Til You Drop: The Crisis Of Consumerism
Are we too materialistic? Are we willfully trashing the planet in our pursuit of things? And what's the source of all this frenetic consumer energy and desire anyway? In a fast-paced tour of the ecological and psychological terrain of American consumer culture, Shop 'Til You...
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Brexit Update
The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, and it looks like it may not be an especially smooth transition.
The Real Reason White People Say 'All Lives Matter'
Why “Black” Makes Us Uncomfortable
Films for Action Is Making a Big Change, and We Want You to Be Part of It!
For all our supporters who haven't heard yet, last month we decided to make a major change to how Films For Action operates.
Fox News Trolls Harvard Students About US Imperialism. Their Responses Will Give You Hope.
Harvard students were asked who is the bigger threat to world peace, ISIS or the U.S.? You can see how FOX news editorialized their responses here. As a little backgrounder for their answers, see this,
Unseen Tears
Native American families in Western New York continue to feel the impact of the Thomas Indian School and the Mohawk Institute. Survivors speak of traumatic separation from their families, abuse, and a systematic assault on their language and culture. Western New York Native...
3 Destructive Things You Learned in School Without Realizing It
It was high school. I was 16, and I was pissed off. My English teacher gave us a creative writing assignment: write anything about being in high school. Anything.
Busting the Myth of Immigrant Crime
Trump’s White supporters—not immigrants—are bringing lethal drugs, violence, and crime.
We Communicate Through Energy
Cellular Biologist, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, reveals the connection between Quantum Theory and feelings.
Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production
Narrated by Oscar-nominee James Cromwell, this powerful film takes viewers on an eye-opening exploration behind the closed doors of the nation's largest industrial farms, hatcheries, and slaughter plants -- revealing the often-unseen journey that animals make from Farm to Fridge.
The Twelve: A Tale of Wisdom & Unity
“The Twelve” tells the story of twelve spiritual Elders from around the globe who gather at the United Nations in New York to create a unique ritual for Humankind and planet Earth. By interviewing each one of them in their home environments, the film is told exclusively...
Drawing on John Pilger's long association with the first people of his homeland Australia, Utopia (2013) is both an epic portrayal of the oldest continuous human culture, and an investigation into a suppressed colonial past and rapacious present.
Earth Days
On April 22, 1970, more than 20 million Americans across the country participated in celebrations and demonstrations — the largest in American history — demanding political action to protect the environment. Their grassroots call to action led to groundbreaking national...
Racism Is Not A Mental Illness
An act of terrorism unfolded on American soil Wednesday night when Dylann Roof allegedly killed nine people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina.
Living Through an Age of Unraveling
“There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.” ― R. Buckminster Fuller
People Are Waking Up
People are waking up. They're getting involved. They're saying, "Not another day! This is where I mark the line." Their desire to change the world is turning from simple wishful thinking on Monday mornings into tangible action. The thoughts they used to have only occasionally...
Noam Chomsky: 'Their' Terrorism versus 'Our' Terrorism
After the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, which killed 12 people including the editor and four other cartoonists, and the murder of four Jews at a kosher supermarket shortly after, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared "a war against terrorism, against jihadism...
Gasland Part II
Gasland Part II follows on three years later, to continue documenting how the stakes have been raised on all sides in one of the most devastating environmental issues rapidly spreading the globe. This sequel further enriches the argument that the gas industry’s portrayal of...
Two activists take on McDonald's in the longest trial in English history. McLibel is the inside story of how a single father and a part-time bar worker took on the McDonald's Corporation. Filmed over three years, the documentary follows Helen Steel and Dave Morris as they are...