601-660 of 4,212
Whose History Matters? Students Can Name Columbus, but Most Have Never Heard of the Taíno People
Columbus’s treatment of the Taíno people meets the UN definition of genocide. But there has also been a curricular genocide — erasing the memory of the Taíno from our nation’s classrooms
Major Study Finds The US Is An Oligarchy
The US government does not represent the interests of the majority of the country's citizens, but is instead ruled by those of the rich and powerful, a new study from Princeton and Northwestern Universities has concluded. The report, entitled Testing Theories of American...
Are Our Shared Values Causing a Societal Crisis?
Our values are generally defined as principles or standards of behaviour. They are what we use to help us judge of what is important to us in our lives. Some of our values form the core of who we are and change very little throughout our lives. Whilst some of our other values...
Memory Reconsolidation and Dead Man Walking
How many men have come forward and confessed to committing rape or sexual assault in the public eye?
Brett Kavanaugh, Patriarchy, and Bursting the Ruling-Class Bubble
"Elites" aren't accustomed to adversity, being challenged, or having their birthright entitlements questioned. They coast through their prep schools and Ivy League, and slide into their preordained adult lives without ever experiencing the daily struggles of working people...
Mean, Kind or Non: Which Type of Racist Are You?
Do you take issue with the following declaration? “Race is real, race matters, and race is the foundation of identity.” Let's break it down. Many people are aware that the concept of race has no biological validity; that it’s a social construct, like gender or money, which...
Why Women – Including Feminists – Are Still Attracted to 'Benevolently Sexist' Men
If a man offers to help a woman with her heavy suitcase or to parallel park her car, what should she make of the offer?
US Government Admits It's Making Fake Social Media Accounts to Spread Propaganda in Cuba
The United States has repeatedly accused the Russian and Iranian governments of using social media to spread “disinformation” and foment chaos. Under US government pressure, Big Tech corporations have banned large numbers of accounts accused (in some cases falsely) of being...
Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation
Caliban and the Witch is a history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages to the witch-hunts and the rise of mechanical philosophy, Federici investigates the capitalist rationalization of social reproduction. She...
Initiation Into a Living Planet
Most people have passed through some kind of initiation in life. By that, I mean a crisis that defies what you knew and what you were. From the rubble of the ensuing collapse, a new self is born into a new world.
Seven Mantras of the New Revolution
Change comes in waves, like the ocean, like sound, or ripples on a lake. Sometimes it’s all action – Occupy, the Arab Spring, the summer of 1968. Sometimes it feels like nothing’s happening, nothing’s ever going to happen, no matter how hard you try. Or even that things are...
Exposing the American Okie-Doke: Russiagate, Corporate Propaganda, and the Historical Obstruction of Class Consciousness
Peace to you; if you’re willing to fight for it” – Fred Hampton The “founding fathers” deliberately arranged a system of governance that would protect the wealthy minority from the majority. Over time, as it fused with capitalism, this arrangement transformed the US...
Learning From Our Elders: Kwame Somburu and Scientific Socialism
A dear friend of mine passed away in 2016. He was a lifelong revolutionary activist and quite possibly the most interesting man in the world (sorry, Dos Equis guy). His name was Kwame Somburu, formerly Paul Boutelle.
Here's Why You Should Think Twice about Killing Spiders in Your Home
I know it may be hard to convince you, but let me try: Don’t kill the next spider you see in your home.
Our Current Leadership Is Unsustainable
Environmentally, socially and psychologically our society is unsustainable. If consumption continues to increase at current rates, by 2050 we will need 3 Earths to sustain us (United Nations, 2015). Socially, income inequality is at the highest level in 50 years in OECD...
Periods Are Beautiful
Women go through their female cycle around 450 times in their lifetime. 450 times of bleeding. But also 450 times of ”letting go, letting a dying thing leave their own body, becoming new, regenerating and waxing and waning, not unlike the moon and tides.”* Alas, the average...
Unlearning Together: A Quest for Those Who No Longer Want to Suppress Their Experience of the Essential
Movement, perception, thinking, effortless achievement and healing are inherent to life—they happen by themselves. When we observe children learning to walk or speak, ecosystems regenerating themselves, or animals self-organizing, we notice there’s a masterful way of...
It's Time to Decriminalize Immigration, Say Top Texas Dems
Two top candidates say Congress should decriminalize unauthorized border crossings entirely, while aspiring U.S. Sen. Beto O’Rourke argues asylum-seekers should be exempted from illegal entry prosecution.
Yearning our Way to A More Beautiful World
The future we long for is alive and well in the more hopeful corners of our heart.
Our Un-Soulful Economy
Soul is often defined as the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal.  This definition is not without its critics, as it arbitrarily stops at animals. What about plants and trees?  Do they have souls?  Indeed, it could be argued that plants and trees have some...
Identity Beyond Politics
We exist within a system of global violence that forces us into relationships of domination with each other, creates a situation where the material safety of some is dependent on the oppression, life energy is extracted for profit, and human existence entails the destruction...
Decolonizing Jewishness: On Jewish Liberation in the 21st Century
Seven decades on, Israel is geopolitically embattled and the Jewish community is increasingly polarized around the issue of occupation. The occupation – Israeli military control over the Palestinian West Bank and the borders of Gaza Strip – is five decades old. Entire...
Patreon Update: A Big Thank You! + New Rewards & More
Hello fellow travelers, explorers, pioneers and visionaries! First I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who has thrown their support behind us in the first few months since we launched our Patreon campaign! I can't say how much it means to me and our team to have...
Before & After I Became a Social Justice Vampire
Since publishing my essay Un-Identity: Climbing Down the Other Side of Peak Liberalism, I’ve connected with dozens of other leftists around the world burned out on the hypocrisy and stagnancy of liberal identity politics. Many of us share common experiences of trauma and...
Busting the Myth of Immigrant Crime
Trump’s White supporters—not immigrants—are bringing lethal drugs, violence, and crime.
1968: a Missed Chance for Socialism
Precisely 50 years ago, the international anti-imperialistic students’ movement culminated in the uprisings in France. At that time, Dieter Duhm, a psychoanalyst and sociologist, was a spokesman of the “new left” in the German students’ movement and coined the slogan...
Is It Time for a Post-Growth Economy?
The growth-driven economic model we have adopted is killing our planet.
Ceos Vs. Workers
“People in a sense are disposable. We work somebody to the point of no return, and we get rid of them and get somebody else in. It’s not a culture where people are respected, are nourished. We have to ask ourselves if that’s the kind of economic culture we are comfortable...
A Broken Idea of Sex Is Flourishing. Blame Capitalism.
In this world, women are marketed as toys and trophies. Are we surprised when some men take things literally?
Reminder: Women Migrants Are Fleeing Countries the U.S. Helped Decimate
The violence driving people to seek shelter in the U.S. has its roots in American foreign policy.
A Jobless Economy
We need an economy that finally cements the most fundamental freedom: to decide how we live our lives. One simple policy can deliver that.
Why I Never Moved to Portland
I was always going to move to Portland. For years, that was my escape plan.
The Promise of Radical Municipalism Today
Politics is about bringing people together and taking democratic control of the spaces where we live
How We Become the Social Safety Net
Human Fractals and Decentralized Alternatives to a UBI (DISCs)
Displacement Battles on Two Continents Show How We Can Reshape the Politics of Housing
Communities can do more than just put a Band-Aid on the problem of gentrification and displacement, and a panel of researchers who held a forum at the Democracy Collaborative’s offices in Washington discussed the best thinking and work happening on both sides of the Atlantic...
The Role of Shame in Shaping and Undermining Activist Communities
For many marginalized people, social justice communities are an essential form of social and emotional support. They can bring the oppressed and isolated together and help keep them afloat in a world that is at turns indifferent and cruel. While these communities often aim to...
What Is The Cost For Those of Us Not Born into Community?
Imagine you are born into a small community in which everyone knows each other. Your parents are valued in the community and are well supported. As a baby and young child, you are often held, carried, or wrapped against your mother or father, and they are very responsive to...
Towards a Synthesist Movement
Weaving Healthy Values Together Beyond Political In-Groups
Trial Runs for Fascism Are in Full Flow
Babies in cages were no ‘mistake’ by Trump but test-marketing for barbarism
Bulldoze the Business School
Visit the average university campus and it is likely that the newest and most ostentatious building will be occupied by the business school. The business school has the best building because it makes the biggest profits (or, euphemistically, “contribution” or “surplus”) – as...
Comic: Why You Should Turn Your Yard Into a Mini-Farm
Take that lawn by the grass and grow something!
‘Abolish ICE’ Doesn't Mean What Conservatives Say It Does
Abolishing ICE is not about lawlessness or open borders but about upholding our constitutional principles of defending people’s freedom from big government, government overreach and racial discrimination
Localization: a Strategic Alternative to Globalized Authoritarianism
For those who care about peace, equality and the future of the planet, the global political swing to the right over the past few years is deeply worrying. It has us asking ourselves, how did this happen? How did populism turn into such a divisive and destructive force? How...
The Bemidji Statement on Seventh Generation Guardianship
During the winter months of 2005-2006, several handfuls of people from numerous places throughout North America came together at two different locations to create The Bemidji Statement on Seventh Generation Guardianship (Bemidji Statement). While much has been written in the...
7 Reasons Why We Should Have Open Borders
Let’s be honest, most people are already in favour of free movement – at least for themselves. Aisha Dodwell explains why we should extend it to everyone
In 'Stunning Indictment' ICE Officers Call for Own Agency to Be Dissolved Amid Growing Outrage Over Immigration Policy
"It was never about crime. Never about MS-13. Always just about hurting less privileged people of color. All at the expense of actually protecting America."
Calls to Abolish ICE Grow as Encampments Multiply Across United States
It was about 3:30 a.m. on the morning of Monday, June 25 when armed Federal Protective Service officers returned to the Portland, Oregon office for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE personnel had not been back since June 19, when protesters began disallowing easy...
The American Way of Tearing Families Apart
Don Lash, author of When the Welfare People Came: Race and Class in the US Child Protection System, looks at the many U.S. policies — past and present — that have separated children from their parents.
Anarchism and Immigration
You have the right to live where you choose. You have the right to work where you choose. You have the right to travel where you choose. You have the right to associate with whom you choose. You have the right to speak any language you choose. You have the right to...
The Circle of Courage – Native American Model of Education
“Anthropologists have long known that Native Americans reared courageous, respectful children without using harsh coercive controls. Nevertheless, Europeans colonizing North America tried to “civilize” indigenous children in punitive boarding schools, unaware that Natives...
Radical Municipalism: Fearless Cities
Fear and uncertainty seem to have settled into our societies, not only among citizens, but also political leaders and transnational corporations who see their capitals and centres of power stagger in the face of the combined effects of slowing global economic growth, imminent...
School Shootings: Who to Listen to Instead of Mainstream Shrinks
I have never spoken with a school shooter, but I’ve talked with many teenage boys and young men who—though behaviorally nonviolent themselves—emotionally connect with the anger, alienation, and hopelessness of school shooters.
Toward a Liberation Psychology
The following is an excerpt from Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite (Chelsea Green, 2011) by Bruce E. Levine. In this book, Levine describes how American institutions and culture have created a passive and defeated...
Bring Julian Assange Home
The persecution of Julian Assange must end. Or it will end in tragedy.
Another Reason Young Americans Don’t Revolt Against Being Screwed
“8 Reasons Young Americans Don’t Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance” was originally published in 2011, then republished on several Internet sites, and has become one of my most viewed articles. The eight reasons include: student-loan debt; various pacifying...
The Political Significance of LSD
The shifts in consciousness brought about by psychedelics could help to dissolve our fear of the other.
Reveal, Remember and Resist: the Three Rs Remixed
Passivity in the young is an obstacle to social transformation. Let’s teach kids to recognize and use their agency.