6/1/2006  -  The Lawrencian - Think a 2nd Wal-Mart in Lawrence is Inevitable? Not Necessarily
6/2/2006  -  Lawrence Journal World - The High Cost of Low Price
6/7/2006  -  The Topeka Capital-Journal - Review: Film encourages civic action
9/8/2006  -  The Lawrence Journal World - Loose Change
9/11/2006  -  The Kansan - New documentary plays out Sept. 11 conspiracy theories
3/12/2007  - - Journalist Danny Schechter wants to protect you from your media
3/26/2007  - - Local artists attempt to subvert your cable box via public access
4/21/2007  -  The Lawrence Journal World - Cultural activist group’s leader seeks city focus on conservation
7/4/2007  -  The Lawrencian - An Interview with Films for Action
8/2/2007  -  The Pitch - Action Movie
8/20/2007  - - “Go Organic!” film festival slings locally grown food and sustainable cinema
8/22/2007  -  The Kansan - Organic food film series comes to town
8/24/2007  - - Filming Nature’s Liberty
9/11/2007  -  The Kansan - ‘Oil, Smoke & Mirrors’ offers alternate views on 9/11 attacks, oil, foreign policy
12/1/2007  -  The Pitch - Best of Kansas City Awards - Best Film Activist
4/8/2008  - - Who's Afraid of Peak Oil? A local look at a global scare
6/1/2008  -  The Daily Kansan - ’Uncounted’ reveals missing voting truths
3/16/2009  - - Lights, Camera, Films For Action
4/13/2009  - - Townie Guide to... Ah Screw it, who the hell cares...
8/31/2010  -  Dirty Business - Dirty Business takes to the road in Kansas
2/27/2011  -  The Kansan - Truth-seekers put political activism to film
2/28/2011  -  The Kansan - Films For Action screen “The Yes Men Fix The World”
3/25/2011  - - All hail 'King Corn'
3/27/2011  -  The Kansan - King Corn to be screened at Liberty Hall
3/29/2011  -  The Kansan - Children of the corn: we are what we eat
5/14/2012  - - "Attention Conscious Documentary Addicts"
7/7/2012  -  On the Brighter Side with Troy Karlin, KLWN - Troy Karlin Interviews Tim Hjersted, co-founder of Films For Action, on KLWN