Action Movie
By Carolyn Szczepanski. Thu, Aug 2, 2007
The Lawrence crew behind Films for Action isn’t satisfied with the yawn-worthy goal of “raising awareness.” These guys screen movies to raise a ruckus. Last year, as Lawrence city leaders considered plans for a second Wal-Mart, Tim Hjersted and Matt Topiklar screened Robert Greenwald’s documentary Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price to highlight the corporate giant’s crushing effect on underpaid workers and local economies. More than 300 people turned out for the event, and scores of cinematically galvanized citizens spoke out at subsequent City Council meetings. Spurred by the opposition, the Planning Commission gave Wal-Mart two thumbs down. But, as Hjersted says, “It’s time for round two.” The bid for a second Sam Walton Land is back on the table and up for an August vote, so tonight at 7, Films for Action is rallying the troops with a second run of the Wal-Mart documentary at Liberty Hall. The low cost of admission: just $2.