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Abortion Helpline, This is Lisa
The Hyde Amendment denies low-income individuals abortion access. Following an abortion helpline in Philadelphia where every phone counselor goes by Lisa, the film gives voice to women and teens affected by the explicitly discriminatory legislation.
America's Reproductive Slaves
On Wednesday, the day it was announced that the U.S. birthrate fell for the fourth straight year, signaling the lowest number of births in 32 years, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law the most draconian anti-abortion law in the country. That the two developments came at th
5 Lies About Abortion Doctors Are Forced to Tell You
Picture this: you hurt yourself, and you go to the doctor to talk about knee surgery. What would you think if your doctor was required — by law — to tell you that the operation would increase your chance of bone cancer? Or that repairing your torn ligament would increase your...
When Abortion Was Illegal: Untold Stories
This Academy Award-nominated film features compelling first-person accounts which reveal the physical, legal, and emotional consequences during the era when abortion was a criminal act. Remembrances include those of women who experienced illegal abortions, doctors who risked...
America's War On Abortion
Deeyah Khan investigates one of the most divisive issues in American politics - abortion, going on the frontline to meet those most affected by America's abortion wars. 
What If Gun Laws Were Like Abortion Laws?
What would gun rights look like in America if we treated them like abortion rights? The Supreme Court has ruled that owning guns and getting abortions are both rights granted to Americans, but the laws governing each are remarkably different. Republicans are the primary...
Roe v Wade: How The Democrats FAILED Women On Abortion | Katie Halper
More guns, no abortion: Welcome to Joe Biden’s Liberal America
An Abortion Rights Battle Bigger Than Texas | Sunsara Taylor Interview [ATV 013]
 Episode breakdown Part 1: (00:26) Why I support The Abortion Rights Freedom Ride Part 2: (04:00) What Did Stop Patriarchy learn from the 2013 Freedom Ride? Part 3: (05:25) From Roe V. Wade until today, how did we loose so much ground?
Noam Chomsky - Values, Abortion, and Preserving Life
In an edited interview from the Tony Kaye documentary "Lake of Fire", Chomsky is asked about decisions regarding the morality of abortion, and how individuals and society must take a hard look at specifics when discussing topics that deal with contradictory social values.
Instead of Defunding Planned Parenthood, Can We Defund War?
Christians Call Out Hobby Lobby For Hypocrisy
The arts and crafts retailer Hobby Lobby proudly touts itself as a Christian company that puts people over profits. However, some staunch Christians say there's a gaping hole in that claim -- namely, China.
Bill Nye: Can We Stop Telling Women What to Do With Their Bodies?
The Science Guy argues that most anti-abortion legislation is derived from outdated beliefs that predate smart science by fifty centuries. 
Why Republicans are NOT the Party of Freedom | Robert Reich
Why is the party of "freedom" trying to ban abortion? Because it's not actually about freedom. It's about power. 
How Unaccountable Institutions Are Shaping Your Life | Robert Reich
Never forget that a majority of Supreme Court justices were appointed by presidents who initially lost the popular vote. The court is now poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, despite Americans supporting the landmark abortion ruling by a roughly 2-to-1 margin. This is not how a...
Why Do People Find Jordan Peterson so Convincing? Because the Left Doesn't Have Its Own House in Order
The Canadian clinical psychologist and university professor has become hugely popular for his 'anti-PC' views and is beloved of many on the alt-right. He's appealing for a number of reasons, most of them connected to the left-wing people he opposes
Simone De Beauvoir's Political Philosophy Resonates Today
Simone de Beauvoir is rightly best known for declaring: ‘One is not born, but rather becomes, woman.’ A less well-known facet of her philosophy, particularly relevant today, is her political activism, a viewpoint that follows directly from her metaphysical stance on the self...
Your Mommy Kills Animals
Writer-director Curtis Johnson seems to view compassionately the young militants who make up the loose network of public speakers, protest organizers, and lab-animal liberators the U.S. government has labeled the number one domestic terrorist threat. One activist notes that...
The Age of the Demagogues
  Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at FreedomFest on July 11 in Las Vegas. (John Locher / AP
5 Ways May Is as Bad as Trump
Donald Trump’s presidency has already been an unprecedented barrage of racism, homophobia, sexism and other attacks on human rights and the planet. He is a racist, a misogynist, and the world’s climate change denier in chief; in short he is terrifying. But the response gives...
Voting Matters
More than 50 years after the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one of the most extensive pieces of civil rights legislation, people of color across the United States still are engaged in a battle to protect their right to vote. Voting Matters follows one dynamic woman working...
How to Understand White Male Terrorism
 We’ve been here before, and we know that violent backlash is at its fiercest when movements for racial and gender justice are winning.
Election 2014 Postmortem: We Fucking Did This To Ourselves
Did you vote yesterday? Are you under 30? Well, congratu-fucking-lations. You are among the few and the proud. Yesterday, Republicans swept to what I'm bound by day-old tradition to refer to as "histo
Women Like Sex. Stop Making 'Health' Excuses for Why We Use Birth Control
When 99% of the female population uses contraception, it's sad that we can't just come out and say that we use it for sex. And that we like the sex – a lot.   Women like to have sex. Some women who like to have sex don't want to get pregnant, so they use birth control. I...
The Market Theocracy
The Handmaid’s Tale is less a dystopian nightmare about Trump’s America than a comforting fiction we tell ourselves.
How Cities Can Protect People Threatened by Trumpism
Cities can offer shelter and protection to their vulnerable citizens and become a place progressives can exert real power.
Tribute to Aaron Bushnell by Iraq Veteran Mike Prysner
The US military is presented as an institution that does protecting; defending; “saving.” But fundamentally, it is an institution of killing. Of mass killing. Throughout our country’s entire history there have been service members who could not grapple with that fact; who...
What "Taking the Country Back" Means for the Rest of Us
I’ve been really angry and depressed for the last few months. I’ve finally pieced together why.
Where We Go From Here: 5 Key Ways to Build a Movement
From "You Are on Your Own" to "We Are All in This Together." What this moment demands is a coherent strategy and egalitarian vision that can harness the energy and outrage Trump has provoked
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget
The culture wars give the oligarchs, both Democrats and Republicans, the cover to continue the pillage.
Why the Handmaid’s Tale Has 100% on Rotten Tomatoes in Trump's America
Maybe it’s because we’re starting to see bits of Gilead all around us.
The One-Choice Election
There is only one choice in this election. The consolidation of oligarchic power under Donald Trump or the consolidation of oligarchic power under Joe Biden.
What Republicans and Conservative Libertarians Really Stand For, As Explained by an Anarchist
A strange thing happened during the October 2013 battle in the US Congress over a government shutdown and threat of default. The Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, denounced the Republicans as “anarchists.” So did Elizabeth Warren, one of the most liberal Senators. As did...
Dear America: Please Get Your Head Out of Your Ass About Bernie Sanders
Seriously, though, come on, guys.
How to Spot - and Defeat - Disruption on the Internet
David Martin’s Thirteen Rules for Truth Suppression,  H. Michael Sweeney’s 25 Rules of Disinformation (and now Brandon Smith’s
AOC, Sanders, and Warren Are the Real Centrists Because They Speak for Most Americans
DO YOU KNOW what really annoys me about the media’s coverage of U.S. politics, and especially the Democratic Party?
Building the New America
I: The American Reality America was founded on a dream. It was a dream that all people, from all the war-torn and disease-ridden corners of the earth, could come to this new-age Promised Land and build a common future side-by-side. It was half history, and half mythology...
Syria’s Kurds Dreamt of a ‘Rojava Revolution’. Assad Will Snuff This Out
A brave social experiment looks doomed at the hands of Syria’s dictator
Rising for a Global Feminist Future With the Movement to Elect Bernie Sanders.
We are a coalition of feminists contending with both our differences and our commonality in age, race, class, religion, labor, and sexual orientation. We meet at the intersection of our fluid identities. Though our experiences are different, we share a vision of a feminist...
What Have the Conservatives Done for Women?
We have made this video to show exactly how the Conservative government has impacted women and girls since 2010. The Conservative government have shown a violent hatred towards women and non-binary people with their cuts hitting women of colour and disabled women the hardest. 
No "Victories," No "Defeats": Watch Your Words If You Value Social Change
Taking a lesson from Standing Rock, we must be careful with language while working toward progress in the Trump years.
The UK's Investigatory Powers Bill Is About to Become Law - Here's Why That Should Terrify Us
The evidence that these powers are all needed is thin indeed. And the cost to all of our privacy is huge.
Solidarity Is About What You Do - Not Who You Are.
I am Black. I capitalize Black and leave white lowercased. Sure, it’s the accepted spelling, but really I do it because it feels good. My family lived in Missouri, but my mother crossed state lines to birth me in Kansas. Missouri was a slave state. Kansas was free, and she...
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
Outfoxed shows how the Fox News channel is used to promote and advocate right-wing views.
Bernie Vs. Hillary: What's a Feminist to Do?
America's Only Elected Female Socialist on Women and the Presidential Race
The Everyday Violence of Modern Culture
Modern society — industrial civilization — is built on violence.
6 Reasons Female Nudity Can be Powerful
Last week, in the midst of what appears to be infinite fascination [2] about Lena Dunham’s nudity, I saw a fundraiser for the documentary “Free the Nipple [3]“ and also, by coincidence, talked to Facebook spokespeopl
It's Time to Admit That Toxic Masculinity Drives Gun Violence
Our national attachment to dominance models of manhood is a major reason why we have so much violence.
There Is a Moderate Republican in This Race, but She's Running as a Democrat
Historical perspective on Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton
Epic Rant Against Rupert Murdoch Perfectly Captures UK Election Result
I see you, Rupert Murdoch. I see your whispery head, your hangdog expression, the malevolent balls of obsidian that function as your eyes. I see you shaking your head as you watch the exit polls come in, your flaccid jowls dangling, flapping about like the labia on a jogging...
How to Expose Trump's Dastardly Bait-And-Switch
Trump is not an economic populist, he’s just playing one on TV.
The Coming Collapse
It is impossible for any doomed population to grasp how fragile the decayed financial, social and political system is on the eve of implosion.
The Everyday Power of Movement Activism
Activism is normal; what’s strange is that we don’t see it that way.
America's Real Divide Isn't Left Vs. Right. It's Democracy Vs. Oligarchy
Divide-and-conquer allows the oligarchy free rein. It makes the rest of us puppets, fighting each other on a made-up stage.
15 Powerful Quotes From the World's Most Humble President
"Modest yet bold, liberal and fun-loving." Naming Uruguay the country of the year in 2013, the Economist may very well have described the rising nation's head of state, President José "Pepe" Mujica. Known for his unusual frankness, fiery oration 
The Baloney Detection Kit: Carl Sagan's Rules for Bullshit-Busting and Critical Thinking
Necessary cognitive fortification against propaganda, pseudoscience, and general falsehood.
The Most Important Article You’ll Never Read? How Western Media Support State Terror, While Millions Die, and How This Article Was Killed
As media theorists, we set out in Spring 2019 to pool our collective expertise into a short and very readable article for the mainstream press about how media treats Western foreign policy.
Crossroads and Country Roads: Wildcat West Virginia and the Possibilities of a Working Class Offensive
During the four days I spent in West Virginia, I was repeatedly thanked for coming to support teachers from out of state, though mostly people seemed a bit surprised that I cared. Perhaps it was because I arrived at the exact moment that most of the national media was...
The Democrats Are Flawlessly Executing a 10-Point Plan to Lose the 2016 Presidential Election
One needn’t speculate about how the Democrats could end up losing the 2016 presidential election. In fact, a subtly complex, multi-part plan to do just that is exactly what the Democrats have been up to over the last six months.
Should Progressives Unify With the Democratic Party Establishment? Hell No!
In countless ways over the last 35 years, our society has become less economically equal and more dominated by corporate power. Less just and more jailed. Vast urban and rural areas decline as government subsidizes economic elites. Funds for education and social services are...
This Anti-Racist Facebook Post Wins The Internet
Blogger Emlyn Pearce responds to those who feel all Muslims are responsible for the actions of a few, with an amazing Facebook post that's going viral.