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An Open Letter to My Friends Who Support Donald Trump
I'm cool with you removing me from your friends list if you don't like this post. You can even disown me if you like. But Donald Trump isn't a good person, nor would he be a good president. I can understand a difference in politics. I can understand if you don't like a...
Should Progressives Unify With the Democratic Party Establishment? Hell No!
In countless ways over the last 35 years, our society has become less economically equal and more dominated by corporate power. Less just and more jailed. Vast urban and rural areas decline as government subsidizes economic elites. Funds for education and social services are...
Son of Victim Arrested for Protesting Military Exploitation of 9/11
'Using Sept. 11 as a justification for an unnecessary war, torture, drone strikes and civilian casualties compounds my grief and is wrong-minded and counterproductive.'
Activists Illustrated - Women at the Heart of Global Struggles
Latin American Artist María María Acha-Kutscher takes photographs from social and feminist movements and turns them into stunning pop art illustrations
There Is No Such Thing as a Slut
A slut is useful — or, at least, the idea of her is. That’s what sociologists Elizabeth A. Armstrong and Laura T. Hamilton suggest in their recently published research on sex and status. Their study of party dorms and sorority life on one college campus dramatizes how all...
Anarchists in India Need You: Help Us Make India Gender-Tolerant!
"In three generations, India has systematically targeted and annihilated more than 50 million women from its population – a number which constitutes the sum total of the populations of Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and Portugal put together (Banerji, Female Genocide)...
Five Ways the U.S. Can Have an Icelandic Revolution
“We have to nationalize the banks. We have to get rid of the government. We need to have access to the internet seen as a human right. We need to have a new Constitution," said Birgitta Jonsdottir, founder of the Icelandic Pirate Party. Jonsdottir, a lifelong political...
Agenda 21: the UN, Sustainability and Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory
Virtually none of the outlandish claims about Agenda 21 are true. Yet, as with all such baseless propaganda, the hysteria over it has had the effect of poisoning any kind of rational discussion of the very real challenges we face — challenges that are essential to tackle...
Why We Don't Make Demands
From Occupy to Ferguson, whenever a new grassroots movement arises, pundits charge that it lacks clear demands. Why won’t protesters summarize their goals as a coherent program? Why aren’t there representatives who can negotiate with the authorities to advance a concrete...
5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters
Let's say that tomorrow you are elected Secret Ruler of the USA, a position that gives you total power over the government, economy, and the culture at large -- everything that hippies refer to as "the system." Now, your first job is to not get beheaded by rioting peasants...
Why Surprising Numbers of Republicans Vote for Bernie Sanders
Ann Coulter knows who she wants to be the Democratic nominee for president, and who that person is, well, it may surprise you.   She wants Hillary Clinton to be the nominee, and
The 'Anti-Knowledge' of the Elites
It’s fairly easy to spot the “anti-knowledge” spouted by the Tea Party and the Religious Right’s favorite candidates, but a more subtle form of reality-deprived “group think” pervades America’s elites though it is rarely noted in the polite circles of the mainstream media.
Feminism Against Capitalism
Ultimately the goals of a radical feminism and socialism are the same — justice and equality for all people.
Sacrificing the Vulnerable, From Gaza to America
Chris Hedges gave this speech Saturday at the Sauk County Fairgrounds in Baraboo, Wis., before a crowd of about 2,000. His address followed one there by U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent who seems to be preparing to run in the Democratic presidential...
Why Climate Change Science Is So Threatening to Right-Wing Ideologues
Unless we come up with some better solutions Klein says, "this crisis will be exploited to militarize our societies, to create fortress continents." AMY GOODMAN: Our guest for the hour is Naomi Klein, journalist and author. Her latest book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of...
Youth Leadership Gave Biden a "Cheat Sheet" for Winning the Support of Young Progressives
Not all of them. But enough to potentially beat Trump.
Trump Says Go Back, We Say Fight Back
“I am not suggesting that white racism alone explains Trump’s victory. Nor am I dismissing the white working class’s very real economic grievances. It is not a matter of disaffection versus racism or sexism versus fear. Rather, racism, class anxieties, and prevailing gender...
Towards a Tranformative Anti-Fascism
The Relevance of Radicalized Peacebuilding to Antifa Praxis
A History of Beliefs about the New World Order in Popular Culture
As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian one-world government.
Debt, Inequality and the Logic of Financial Violence
Five years after Occupy, organizer and anthropologist David Graeber speaks to ROAR about the power of finance, the history of inequality and the legacy of the movement.
How My Prejudice Redeemed Me From Believing I Was Essentially Good
The screen froze as yet another announcement crept into the cabin from the overhead speakers and through my headphones. I swore beneath my breath. For the umpteenth time, the captain spoke with that strange in-flight inaudibility and cadence: with muffled, static-beleaguered...
What a Bernie Sanders Presidency Would Look Like
We have a decade to transform the US economy to stave off climate catastrophe, and Bernie Sanders has the only agenda to do so and the only mobilization strategy to get it done. No plan for a better future is worthwhile if environmental crisis renders our future unimaginably...
It's Not "Corporatism," It's Not "Crony Capitalism," It's Capitalism!
Chances are if you are reading this, you have spent a fair amount of time discussing the [Occupy Wall Street movement]. Anyone with a basic familiarity with the protests is aware that the demonstrators represent a broad spectrum of ideologies, beliefs and goals.
Anatomy of the Deep State: Beneath Veneer of Democracy, The Permanent Ruling Class
There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol. The former is traditional Washington...
Identity Politics and the Struggle Against Oppression
In the search for a way to fight against discrimination and oppression, many young people in particular embrace identity politics. It can be an important first step towards the development of socialist consciousness – if it leads on to an understanding of the class nature of...
Will Racism Ever End, Will I Ever Stop Being a Nigger?
A commentary on being Black in post-Obama America
The Promise of a Million Utopias
This paper by Michael Shuman, published alongside three others, is one of many proposals for a systemic alternative we have published or will be publishing here at the Next System Project. You can read it below, or download the PDF. We have commission
We Can't Transform American Politics Till We Understand the Psychodynamics at Play
I’m republishing this article I wrote a few months before the 2016 election because it contains an analysis which is absolutely essential for anyone who wishes to participate in transforming American political, economic, social, cultural and intellectual reality. Some of it...
Thinking Strategically About Free Speech and Violence
We should be careful before embracing ideas that might lead to catastrophe…
A Definitive Guide to Exactly What Is Going on in the US Elections! Sort Of.
How Do Bourgeois Democratic Elections in the US Work? A decade and a half into the 21st century, the answer is that they work badly. Very badly. The basic function of the government—what Marx called the general staff of the capitalist class--in bourgeois democracies is to...
A People's History of the United States, Chapter 1: Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress
This is the first chapter from A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn.
Do You Yearn for a World of Love and Justice? So Do We.
And we're going to create that world together.
Getting Free: Creating an Association of Democratic Autonomous Neighborhoods
The main purpose of this book is to try to persuade revolutionaries to shift the sites of the anticapitalist struggle and to select new battlefields. I identify three strategic sites for fighting - neighborhoods, workplaces, and households - that I believe will not only...
What I Learned After Reading About Privilege Theory for 9 Hours
So one particular night I went on a knowledge binge and spent 9 hours reading about privilege theory. Below you'll find excerpts and links to most of the articles I read.