241-300 of 10,394
The Century of the Self
The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests? (Includes all parts of this multi-part series.)
The Little Engine That Couldn't: How We're Preparing Ourselves and Our Children for Extinction
In a recent semi-documentary film called Garbage, a toxic waste disposal engineer was asked how we can stop engulfing the world in our poisons. His answer was, "We'd have to remove everybody from the face of the earth, because humans GENERATE toxic waste, whether it be...
The Shocking, True History of Race Baiting, From the 17th Century to the Present Day
This powerful video by Matthew Cooke pulls together disparate stands to create the story of how the ruling class divides people in order to keep them enslaved.
The High Price of Materialism
Psychologist Tim Kasser discusses how America's culture of consumerism undermines our well-being. When people buy into the ever-present marketing messages that "the good life" is "the goods life," they not only use up Earth's limited resources, but they are less happy and...
What Happened When One Family Decided to Go Outdoors Three Hours a Day for a Year
It was the last day of a week-long holiday and although it was mid-morning we had already been to the beach. The beach had been beautiful.
Fall and Winter
This stunning film takes you on a hypnotic journey, reaching to the past to understand the origins of the catastrophic environmental transitions we now face. Over two years, director Matt Anderson traveled 16,000 miles to document firsthand our modern industrial world and the...
How a Land High in the Western Himalayas Can Help Us Understand The Crisis of The Modern World
This is a clip from The Economics of Happiness. Watch it here (skip to the 10-minute mark to pick up where this clip ends)
The Power of Nightmares
The Power of Nightmares is a BBC documentary 3-part film series. The films compare the rise of the Neo-Conservative movement in the United States and the radical Islamist movement, making comparisons on their origins and claiming similarities between the two. More...
The Yes Men Fix The World
The Yes Men Fix the World is a screwball true story about two gonzo political activists who, posing as top executives of giant corporations, lie their way into big business conferences and pull off the world's most outrageous pranks.
How a Lack of Touch Is Destroying Men
Why men need more platonic touch in their lives
Dinosaur Explains Trump Policies Better than Trump!
Donald Trump is actually the corporate triceratops, Mr. Richfield, from the 90's TV show sitcom, "Dinosaurs". 
Dreaming Beyond Capitalism: a Culture Without Fear
In the 1990s an unusual encounter took place in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In plant rituals, shamans of the Achuar, a tribe living in pristine forest that had never been in touch with Western civilization, received the warning that the “white man” would try to invade their lands...
27 Honest Questions for Hillary Supporters
To those who are supporting Hillary Clinton,
10 Provocative Quotes from Ivan Illich's "Deschooling Society"
Ivan Illich’s groundbreaking book Deschooling Society (1971) offers a radical critique of the institutionalization of education within modern societies. Illich believed that we wrongly identify education with schooling, since most of our education happens outside of the...
Borat director Larry Charles directs Religulous with Bill Maher in 2008.
2012: Time For Change
This film presents an optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy Award nominee João Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the...
Be a Part of This Movement. Be a Part of This Story.
It's happening. A movement of movements representing millions of people in every country of the world, all working to create an ecologically sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet.
The Best Social Change Documentaries of 2012
2012 was another big year for break-out films in the social change genre. With most of the bases covered for all of the major problems we're facing, more and more films this year focused on the solutions side of the equation, giving a voice to the uplifting stories of people...
How The Elite Stay In Power
In this video we break down in simple terms the only way "those in power" can stay in power. It's not as complex at it may seem. They need us more than we need them.
This is a film based on the book "Death of the Liberal Class" by journalist and Pulitzer prize winner, Chris Hedges.
“F*ck You, I Like Guns.”
America, can we talk? Let’s just cut the shit for once and actually talk about what’s going on without blustering and pretending we’re actually doing a good job at adulting as a country right now. We’re not. We’re really screwing this whole society thing up, and we have to do...
Exxon, You Can't Silence Us: A Public Letter
In a brewing scandal that should shock and trouble all of us, Exxon silenced us this week.
9 Ways We Can Make Social Justice Movements Less Elitist and More Accessible
In my first year of college, I stopped calling myself an activist.
These Men Kept Harassing Women On The Streets, Until One Day This Happened... Mom?!
November 25th marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, so Everlast created this video in support for that day. In Peru, and around the world, more women are afraid of getting harassed on the street than anything else. So they decided to send...
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
"One thing you are going to learn about live food is that that's the diet that works the best. And what's the reason? When you cook the food, you lose 50% of the protein, 70% to 80% of the vitamins and minerals, and close to 100% of the phytonutrients." –Gabriel Cousens...
The Image Hollywood Created of Africa
After viewing Mama Hope's video, "Alex Presents Commando," Gabriel, Benard, Brian and Derrik (the Kenyan men in this video) told us they wanted to make one that pokes fun at the way African men are portrayed in Hollywood films. They said, "If people believed only what they...
You've Felt It Your Entire Life
You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. Do you know what I am talking about? The Matrix. The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us.
A Perfect Symbol of Media Capture: DWS Booed, MSNBC Caption Says “Cheered”
Monday morning saw Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former DNC chair, booed offstage at the Florida Democratic Delegation Breakfast; while it was transpiring, MSNBC's caption read that she was being cheered. A concise example of establishment media trying to force a positive...
A Final Response to "Tell Me Why Trump Is a Fascist?"
This is the incredible list of links compiled by redditor marisam7 on r/EnoughTrumpSpam maks the case that Donal Trump is indeed a fascist
Black Friday Is Buy Nothing Day: Here Are 10 Films to Inspire a Joyous Shopping-Free Holiday
Since 1997, the biggest shopping day of the year in North America has also been known as Buy Nothing Day - a playful protest against the cultural and commercial pressures that compel us to consume more every year, grow more in debt to prove our love to our loved ones and find...
This is the story of our unique moment in history. We are living through an age of tipping points and rapid social and planetary change. We’re the first generation to feel the impacts of climate disruption, and the last generation that can do something about it. The film...
If You Want to Save the World, Veganism Isn’t the Only Answer
Veganism has rocketed in the UK over the past couple of years – from an estimated half a million people in 2016 to more than 3.5 million – 5% of our population – today. Influential documentaries such as 
Trump Turned Down the Debate for Fear of a Sanders Nomination
Trump recently waffled about debating Sanders; he said he would for $10M to charity. He must not have expected the money to materialize. It did; and he bailed. But why? It would only weaken Clinton – which, as the presumptive nominee, Trump theoretically would want.
29 Documentaries About War That the US Government Doesn't Want You to See
These documentaries expose the ugly truth about war and the governments who wage them. The US government is focused on in this collection because I am based in the US, and it is every citizen's duty to call out and name the crimes of their government. It's all too easy to...
How Society Kills Our Creativity – In A Breathtaking Award-Winning Short Film
If you relate with a sense of having your true self shunned by the society we live in, this one’s for you! And if you have kids on top of that, it will really hit home.
Human Resources: Social Engineering In The 20th Century
Human Resources explores the rise of mechanistic philosophy and the exploitation of human beings under modern hierarchical systems.
The 11th Hour (trailer)
Narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, this captivating documentary explores the perilous state of our planet, and the means by which we can change our course. Contributing to this crucial film are noted politicians, scientists and other ambassadors for the importance of a universal...
Harry Patch: Anti-War Hero
Harry Patch had no time for, 'Thieving politicians lies'. Poem: Heathcote Williams Narration: Alan Cox Montage: Alan Cox and Margaret Cox
Russell Brand Brilliantly Picks Apart Media Manipulation and Islamophobia
A look at Lindsay Lohan's recent appearance on Good Morning Britain and how she was quizzed about her faith.
Where the Term "Redneck" Came From
If you don't know this story, you'll never look at the word the same again.  This is just a window into the sometimes shocking, subversive and untold history of the United States, from the film Plutocracy by Scott Noble. Watch the full documentary online here (free).
Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview
Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview is a documentary exploring the depths of the current human condition and the emergence of a worldview that is recreating our world from the inside out. Weaving together insights and findings from biology, psychology, network...
The Coolest Nature Video Ever!
Beautifully edited by Roen Horn this slice of natural wonder is set to the music of Karen O.
Rebel Architecture
A six-part documentary series from Al Jazeera profiling architects who are using design as a form of activism and resistance to tackle the world's urban, environmental and social crises. The series follows architects from Vietnam, Nigeria, Spain, Pakistan, Israel/Occupied...
How Norway Avoided Becoming a Fascist State
Instead of falling to the Nazi party, Norway broke through to a social democracy. Their history shows us polarization is nothing to despair over.
This is a movie about how we have left the natural connection to the planet. The movie investigates how this has happened, the incredible amounts of pollutants that we are exposed to, even as a fetus, and the technology that can help resolve these challenges over time. In...
Hamburg Sets Out to Become a Car-Free City in 20 Years
Hamburg City Council has disclosed ambitious plans to divert most cars away from its main thoroughfares in twenty years. In order to do so, local authorities are to connect pedestrian and cycle lanes in what is expected to become a large green network. In all, the Grünes Netz...
King Corn
KING CORN is a fun and crusading journey into the digestive tract of our fast food nation where one ultra-industrial, pesticide-laden, heavily-subsidized commodity dominates the food pyramid from top to bottom -- corn. Fueled by curiosity and a dash of naivete, two college...
Slavery by Another Name
Slavery by Another Name is a 90-minute documentary that challenges one of Americans' most cherished assumptions: the belief that slavery in this country ended with the Emancipation Proclamation. The film tells how even as chattel slavery came to an end in the South in 1865...
The War on Kids
THE WAR ON KIDS is a 95 minute documentary that shows how American public schools continue to become more dangerously authoritarian. In addition to failing in their mission to educate effectively, they erode the country's democratic foundation and often resemble prisons...
People Were Moved to Tears After Taking the DNA Journey
It's easy to think there are more things dividing us than uniting us. But we actually have much more in common with other nationalities than you'd think.
The Problem With Society Isn't Greed. Greed Is a Symptom of a Deep Need Going Unfulfilled
A lot of people reacted to my comment on Facebook the other day that greed is more a symptom than a cause of our current system, with all its inequities. I’m asked, What is the cause of greed? First I’ll say what I think greed is: Greed is the insatiabl
Seeing Wetiko: on Capitalism, Mind Viruses, and Antidotes for a World in Transition
What if we told you that humanity is being driven to the brink of extinction by an illness? That all the poverty, the climate devastation, the perpetual war, and consumption fetishism we see all around us have roots in a mass psychological infection?
Capitalism and Communism - Two Economic Systems With the Same Goal
For the majority of the past century, a battle has been waged between two dominant ideologies – capitalism and communism.  Both competing economic systems focus on how best to allocate goods and services to the population.  Capitalism uses democracy and “free markets” to...
Marijuana: It's Safer Than Alcohol
Well, it is.
Can We Go to the Very Root of Violence and Be Free from It?
FEAR, PLEASURE, SORROW, thought and violence are all interrelated. Most of us take pleasure in violence, in disliking somebody, hating a particular race or group of people, having antagonistic feelings towards others. But in a state of mind in which all violence has come to...
Remember This When You Talk About Standing Rock
This piece is very personal because, as an Indigenous woman, my analysis is very personal, as is the analysis that my friends on the frontlines have shared with me. We obviously can’t speak for everyone involved, as Native beliefs and perspectives are as diverse as the...
When You're Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression
I’ve never been punched in the face. Not in an actual fight, at least. I’m not much of a fighter, I suppose… More of an “arguer.” I don’t think I’m “scared” to get into a fight, necessarily–There have been many times I have put myself in situations where a physical  fight...
Featuring no conventional narrative, this film presents footage of people, places and things from around the world. From chaotic cities to barren wilderness, the movie takes viewers around the globe to witness a variety of spectacles in both natural and technological realms...
Fantastic Fungi
This is the film of the century!- Films For ActionWhen so many are struggling for connection, inspiration and hope, Fantastic Fungi brings us together as interconnected creators of our world. Fantastic Fungi, directed by Louie Schwartzberg, is a consciousness-shifting film...
What We Can't Seem to Remember About MDMA and Why Legalizing Drugs Will Save Your Child's Life
This article is about every person who has ever ingested a mind-altering substance but didn't want to die from doing so.