781-840 of 1,265
Voices from Gloucester - Bill Ryan
92 year old Bill Ryan fought to save Australia on the Kokoda Track in WW2. Now he's fighting to save Australia from extreme mining and climate change. Here he is at beautiful Gloucester in NSW, which is threatened by coal mining and unconventional gas.
This Is How Asthma Feels
Take Action for Clean Air - People who suffer from asthma often say an attack feels like breathing through a pool of water or like a pillow is covering their face. In the United States, asthma...
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
The World's largest environmental organizations are failing to address the single most destructive force facing the planet today. Follow the shocking, yet humorous journey of an aspiring environmentalist as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing...
Klein Vs. Klein
This Changes Everything is a book capacious enough to allow Naomi Klein two positions at once. But a real climate-justice movement will at some point have to make choices.
Groundbreaking Study Confirms: We Must Leave Fossil Fuels "In the Ground"
New research first of its kind to identify specific national reserves that must remain untapped A groundbreaking new study is confirming what green campaigners have long argued: in order to stave off climate disaster, the majority of fossil fuel deposits around the...
Saving My Tomorrow - Inspiring Youth into Action
A lyrical mix of science, animation and music, SAVING MY TOMORROW celebrates the wonders of the natural world and is a call from kids to kids to help take care of the planet.
Indigenous Voices: A Call To Keep The Oil In The Ground
I walk a small path, surrounded by an infinite number of trees, plants and the scent of flowers. My lungs fill with pure, fresh air when I take a deep breath. My bare feet touch the ground, damp from yesterday's rain. This is my home. This is where I grew up. This is what I...
Why I Wrote Be a Hobbit, Save the Earth
In this short clip, I explain how I came up with the idea to write a book on 'saving the Earth,' and why I chose Tolkien's world to get the message across. The book is now available on all major ebook sites, including Amazon.
These 3 Colleges Stopped Investing in Fossil Fuels-One Year Later, Their Endowments Are Doing Just Fine
You can hear the sounds of new construction from just about any point on Sterling College’s bucolic Vermont campus. The whir of saws and plink of hammers ricochet off the nearby Lowell Mountains as students—26 percent more than were enrolled just two years ago—shuffle to...
Naomi Klein Interview: "A 3-Day Week Will Help to Save Life on Earth"
No Logo author Naomi Klein says we must revolutionise our working lives if we are to combat climate change and save the free world...
Burning the Planet, One Climate COP At A Time
For the third year in a row, a typhoon wreaked havoc on the Philippines during a Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In 2012, during the UNFCCC COP 18 in Doha, Qatar, Typhoon Bopha, the strongest ever to hit...
Crowd Funding Campaign for Justice for the Munduruku Indians (Brazil)
The documentary film made by Latin America Bureau - LAB editors Nayana Fernandez and Sue Branford has led directly to a crowd-funding initiative, to support the Munduruku Indians in defending their sacred territory in the Amazon Rainforest, and hence  their way of life. Here...
Carbon Markets: A New Mechanism To Commodify Nature
"The carbon market is a mechanism to keep polluting if you’re able to pay," says Pablo Solón of the global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under negotiation at the United Nations Climate Summit in Lima, Peru. Solón is Bolivia’s former ambassador to the United...
From Above
As time runs out for the Tarkine (Tasmania, Australia), an aerial cinematographer tries to capture images of the wild and unique unprotected great wilderness.
Stunning Photorealistic Pastel Drawings Bring Awareness To Climate Crisis
At first glance, these images look like like photos of glaciers and icebergs afloat on tranquil and frigid seas. The truth is somewhat more interesting, however – they’re enormous soft pastel finger drawings by U.S. artist Zaria Forman. Forman’s works (which we wrote about...
How Whales Change Climate | George Monbiot
When whales were at their historic populations, before their numbers were reduced, it seems that whales might have been responsible for removing tens of millions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere every year. Whales change the climate. The return of the great whales, if...
Rules of the Game: A Guide To The UN Climate Talks
Climate change negotiations have been going on longer than the world wide web has existed. But while the internet has progressed from a dozen or so green and black html pages to the lifeblood of modern civilization, the 
Geoengineering Could Worsen Climate Change
We Need To Talk About ALEC
The American Legislative Exchange Council (A.L.E.C.) IS big money in politics. During the Dallas A.L.E.C. annual meeting, July 30 - August 1, 2014, activists staged protests and public events to raise awareness of the danger of big political money. Watch this short doc and...
Blind Spot
What if all of the expectations you have about the future are wrong?
Abundant Clean Renewables? Think Again!
Although “renewable” energy is growing faster than ever before, it is neither carbon neutral, “clean” nor sustainable. We need to transform into low-energy societies that meet human – not corporate – needs. Renewable energy is growing faster than
The Human Impact On Planet Earth
This short film shows the impact human beings have had on the planet Earth. A compilation of images, thoughts, questions and music to inspire environmental consciousness. Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources...
Energy East Pipeline: Risks to Canadians (& Our Drinking Water)
TransCanada's Energy East pipeline plan would put the water of millions of Canadians at risk of tar sands oil spills. Get the facts about this risky mega-pipeline - the largest proposed tar sands pipeline in the world. Learn more at
Climate Heroes: Stories of Change
Actor and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Ian Somerhalder narrates an inspiring new documentary that takes the viewer on a trip around the world to see people taking action on climate change. The documentary weaves together nine inspiring stories, showing that action on climate...
Black Ice - The Story of the Arctic 30
When the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise set sail to protest the first ever oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean, none of the people on board could have known what was coming.
Global Warming Series: Episode 2 - The Science
Uploaded by Philip Blair on 2014-10-24.
Global Warming Series: Episode 1 - Vested Interests
Source Guide & Transcript
Green World Rising
Green World Rising is a series of four short films narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio on the state of climate and solutions to the climate crisis. 
Rivers To Dust: Climate Change Forces Bolivian Farmers to Abandon Villages
Pachamama in thirsty. The indigenous goddess of Mother Earth has watched in dismay as climate change in Bolivia's Altiplano contributes to glacier melt, disrupts weather patterns, and turns the highlands into barren wasteland. As the land dries, farmers are leaving their...
The Trews feat. special guest Naomi Klein
The Trews feat. special guest Naomi Klein (E178). Exposing some of the myths that are clouding the climate debate. 
10 Inspiring Climate Films From Young Filmmakers Win Action4Climate Documentary Competition
Bernardo Bertolucci heads up the distinguished jury that chose the winners of the Action4Climate documentary competition
12 Views of a Warming World
Climate change is here, but from day to day, it may be hard to tell.
If We Cared About The Environment Like We Care About Sports
"All I've ever wanted is a son who joins Earth Club!"
The Worst Koch-Funded Lies About Climate Change * BRAVE NEW FILMS
Climate change IS real, and humans are causing it. Out of 13,950 peer-reviewed scientific journals, only 24 reject global warming. So why is there so much misinformation on this issue? Because the Koch Brothers have poured over $67 million into think tanks that deny climate...
Ending The Oil Age
Big Oil’s days are numbered – but the industry could still take us all down with it. From divestment to disruption, Jess Worth explores how the transition to an oil-free future is being hastened.
Black Hole: Transforming a Forest into a Coalmine
One Mining Company, a protest camp running for over 700 days, 280 voluntary arrests and counting, a State Forest home to 396 Species of native fauna and flora, 34 of which are endangered. What is this all about?
This Deeply Moving Poem by a Mother to Her 7 Month Old Daughter Has a Beautiful Message
The message to her baby is: "Don't worry about all the problems of the world. We're going to take care of it."  26 year Marshall Island poet Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner wrote this poem for her 7-month old daughter and read it to world leaders at the recent UN Climate Summit held in...
The Globola Crisis
Pacific Warriors On The Frontline Of Battle Against Climate Change
The Pacific Climate Warriors have traveled from 12 Pacific Islands to Australia, to take the fight to save their homes directly to the fossil fuel industry. Using traditional canoes, 30 Pacific Climate Warriors paddled into the oncoming path of coal ships in an effort to shut...
Jane #Action4Climate
What if the World was a person? A video by Vasco Vieira (UK)
Our Culture Is a Crime | Acronym TV
Episode Breakdown | Spoken word from Immortal Technique and Erica Violet Lee of Idle No More PLUS 3 interviews looking at the climate crisis from 3 angles: Medea Benjamin of Code Pink talks about the links between the peace movement and the climate justice movement - and how...
Water and Cooperation, Reflections for a New time
Inspired by the theme chosen by the United Nations World Water Day 2013, the short film WATER AND COOPERATION proposes an interdisciplinary look at water pointing towards paths for a more cooperative and sustainable relationship with this element that is the basis of all life...
Twenty Things YOU Can Do To Address the Climate Crisis!
Getting your mind around climate change is hard. Confronting it requires us to deal with the ways that coal, oil, and gas have shaped nearly every aspect of our world, from our built environments to our economic systems — even our ideologies and patterns of thought. But that...
Pinkwashing: Make Your Drilling Rig Less Carcinogenic, Paint It Pink!
Sometimes you just can't make this shit up. Fossil fuel frackers Baker Hughes have teamed up with breast cancer charity Susan G. Komen to "end breast cancer forever". How? By painting 1,000 of their drill heads pink and donating $100,000 to the charity. Strangely there is no...
Naomi Klein Says Climate Activists Need to Get Comfortable Attacking Capitalism
Naomi Klein — “the most visible and influential figure on the American left,” as The New Yorker puts it — dropped by the Grist office to chat with David Roberts about her new book. They kicked things off by discussing its provocative title: This Changes Everythin
The Green Shock Doctrine: a Decade of False Climate Solutions
 Anne Petermann, has been banned from future U.N. Climate Conferances for her vocal activism. Here, she outlines the last decade of U.N. Climate Conference failures and false solutions. About Anne Petermann | Anne Petermann is the Executive Director of Global Justice Ecology...
Underwater Museum: A Tribute to the Ocean
Coral Guardian, a non-profit dedicated to coral reef conservation, has developped this unerwater museum in a secret spot in order to let the local biodiversity take its rights back. This video has a strong meaning, showing marine life beauty and how important it is to us.
Inner Climate Change
How do we change? How do we adapt our lifestyles to become resilient to the changes we are facing today?
Stop the Smoke
For quite a long time in Nigeria, especially in Lagos, power failure has been a nagging issue. Billions have been spent by various governments trying to solve this nagging national issue. This is the primary reason why the sale of generators is wide spread. The emissions...
The 3 Percent diet
Key climate change problems with livestock
Why I Got Arrested at Flood Wall Street
By now, you’ve seen the photos. With over 300,000—likely closer to 400,000—marchers streaming through the center of Manhattan, the People’s Climate March exceeded the organizers’ expectations and my own. It made the record books and then some, marking a scale of protest not...
The Trail of a Tale
"A letter from the future is written to our recent past, telling us how the world ´it turned out right´. It follows the trail of someone that left words written, words of change, of simple change. In this near future, the images of our world are the same, but the value of...
Al Gore Finds Hope in Local Climate Action - Keynote Speech at UNDP Equator Prize 2014
Al Gore delivers a rousing closing address at the United Nations Development Programme’s Equator Prize 2014 on Monday September 22 in New York.
Whose Consumption Is Killing the planet?
It's not the impoverished billions, and it's not the majority of American consumers, either.
Balud is a Filipino dialect word for "waves."
Against the Climate March Cynics
Paul D'Amato answers the objections of several left-wing writers who critiqued the People's Climate March. HUNDREDS OF thousands of people--some estimates ranged above 300,000--gathered in New York City September 21 to protest government inaction on climate change, ahead of...
Mobilize to Stop Planet Fever: A 10-Point Action Plan for System Change Not Climate Change
When we, as human beings, get a fever, we immediately get worried and take action. After all, we know that if our body temperature rises to 1.5ºC, let alone 2ºC [3.6 ºF] above the normal average, there can be severe damage, while an increase of 4-6ºC [7.2-10.8 ºF] or more can...
Holley Live Performing 'Free Me' at the Lismore Climate Rally
After a short speech of her inspiring life history, including describing her own charity which gives away 100% of proceeds, 11 y.o Holly Somerville-Knott performs 'Free Me' at the Lismore Climate Rally. The activist crowd love her and all finish dancing and give her a...