541-600 of 4,483
The Murderous Police Gangs of Los Angeles
Los Angeles, America’s second largest city, has a horrible secret. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department – the fourth largest police department in the country – harbors dozens of criminal gangs within its ranks. These LASD gangs have been involved in assaults, the...
Why Big Oil Loves to Talk about Your Carbon Footprint
Everybody keeps telling us to cut our carbon footprints. So how guilty should I feel about my personal emissions? And what's Big Oil got to do with it? We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way.
Why the United States Is Killing the World
Why United States imperialism is causing climate change, explained.
Why your Carbon Footprint is a Scam
Why your carbon footprint is a scam, explained.
How The US Should Have Spent The Afghanistan War Budget
If you’ve turned on the news in the last few weeks, you’ve probably seen plenty of coverage of the disastrous situation in Afghanistan. Two decades and over two trillion dollars later, what does the US - or Afghanistan - have to show for our brutal and prolonged occupation?...
Johnny Harris: A Story of YouTube Propaganda
A story about Johnny Harris, propaganda and misinformation on YouTube.  We also very briefly touch upon the notions of "shareholder capitalism" and "stakeholder capitalism" which Harris discusses in his "How China Became So Powerful" before considering what Harris'...
A Viral Tale
An animated story in rhyme, about these very strange times.
The REAL Reason Why Cannabis is Banned | Johann Hari
SPOILER: it’s not because it’s bad for you…
Why Jeff Bezos’ Space Dream is Humanity's Nightmare | George Monbiot
“We would live under their total unmediated control”
What the F-ck happened to Hip-Hop?
Double Down News asked DMC from Run DMC about Hip Hop today, and he didn't hold back.
CIA Stories: The Cuban Who Conned the CIA
Amidst Biden's new regime change operation in Cuba, Abby Martin brings you an exclusive interview with the Cuban double agent who infiltrated the CIA and revealed the US plots we are seeing play out today.
Envy | ContraPoints
Starting at the surface with celebrity gossip, then spiraling into the inferno of the human psyche. Virgil, get me out of here.
The Misguided Fixation on Racial Disparities — Adolph Reed & Walter Benn Michaels
On The Jacobin Show, Adolph Reed and Walter Benn Michaels discuss the trouble with disparity and how antiracism has come to play a role in upholding capitalism in the twenty-first century.
Call of Duty Is Imperialist Propaganda
Brandon Sonju breaks down how video games — and, in particular, first-person shooters like Call of Duty — function as propaganda for American empire, and discusses how people can enjoy entertainment while also recognizing the parts of it that reflect what's wrong with the...
Why Didn't America Adopt Socialism?
America has been the world's largest economy for nearly a century, with one of the largest working classes on Earth. So how come socialism never took hold in America as much as it did in Europe and Asia? Why is there no “labor party” in the United States? And what exactly is...
Planned Obsolescence Sucks. Here's Why It Still Exists.
Why (and how) Planned Obsolescence and Capitalism make terrible products.
How We End Consumerism: The Degrowth Movement Shows a Way
How we end consumerism, explained.
Powerful Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State
Christian fundamentalist nationalists in the senior ranks of the military, see Trump as an instrument of God’s plan to create an authoritarian Christian state. The military allows active proselytizing and recruitment of soldiers, contrary to the constitutional separation of...
Desert Apocalypse: How Solar Projects Affect Desert Habitats
The award-winning film series Desert Apocalypse is back for a second season. In this episode we travel to the Pahrump Valley and up to Beatty, Nevada to look at the landscapes threatened by solar. In the Pahrump Valley at the Yellow Pine Solar project site, we see a few...
Is Recycling Worth It Anymore? The Truth Is Complicated.
America produces more waste per capita than any other country in the world. And recycling, which was once considered the solution to that problem, isn’t really working anymore. Recycling works, but it’s not magic. As America continues to lead the world in per capita waste...
Should We Rethink American Policing?
American police have become yet another battleground in the pointless culture war. In this episode, we'll take a look at some of the characteristics of policing in America, the problems we face, and how we might solve them to the benefit of the whole society - including the...
Is Capitalism Actually Efficient?
How many times have you heard the claim that capitalism is the most efficient system for the production and allocation of goods and services? It's a very common talking point in the "western world," especially in the United States. In this video, Second Thought deconstructs...
Why Plastic Pollution Is Even Worse Than You Think
"Plastic pollution, explained. In this Our Changing Climate video essay, I look at an aspect of plastic pollution that often is ignored in the face of plastic pollution in the ocean. While ocean plastic pollution is an important issue, plastic is actually a fossil fuel...
CIA Stories: Death Squads in Afghanistan
As the US Empire makes its major military retreat from Afghanistan, learn about the CIA forces that will be staying behind—and their disturbing 20-year track record of war crimes. 
THE CON - Episode 1 of 5
An in-depth investigation into the 2008 financial crisis nine years in the making. Through interviews with regulators, former officials, foreclosure victims, industry whistleblowers, and journalists, THE CON connects the dots to what America used to be and where we’re headed...
Biological Warfare and the Lab Leak Hypothesis
Over the past 15 months, the official narrative surrounding the origins of Covid-19 has completely flipped...why is that? This is a complex, controversial, and convoluted topic, but here’s my attempt at a concrete analysis of the situation. I’d love to hear your thoughts in...
Honest Government Ads | 5 Year Special!
The "Honest Government Ad" series by The Juice Media just celebrated its 5 year anniversary!
Honest Government Ad | We Make Everything Good Sh!t
The Australien Government has made an ad about how it makes everything good, shit - and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
In the Land of My Ancestors
In the Land of My Ancestors celebrates the living legacy of Ann Marie Sayers, an indigenous Ohlone elder. Ohlone people are not federally recognized as indigenous nations in the San Francisco Bay Area. This documentary short reveals the resilience and tenacity of Ann Marie as...
Grading is a Scam (and Motivation is a Myth) | A Professor Explains
Grading is a scam and motivation is a myth. Those sound like bold words, but today we're going to dive down the rabbit hole and prove, once and for all, that our current state of schooling (and of...well..._everything_) is rotten to its core. ...that's all a little dramatic...
CIA Stories: The CIA is Born
Abby Martin introduces the first installment of a new Empire Files series about the CIA explaining why the agency was created, and how it became the most nefarious criminal organization in the world, with CIA expert Douglas Valentine.
How Capitalism is Killing Us (And The Planet)
"In this video essay, I look at why capitalism is killing us (and the planet) by causing climate change. Specifically, I look at how capitalism's multinationals like ExxonMobil and BP are responsible for increased emissions and ultimately the climate crisis we are living...
Somewhere, Anywhere, Everywhere
We live on a finite planet. What happens to yesterday's shiny new thing that is today's cast-off? What happens to "throw away", when there is no away?
Regenerative Cultures and Economies of Place | Daniel Christian Wahl
Daniel Christian Wahl, speaking live from Beyond The Great Reset: The Systems Change Summit, May 2021
Strengthening Local Economies Worldwide - Helena Norberg-Hodge
Helena Norberg-Hodge, speaking live from Beyond The Great Reset: The Systems Change Summit, May 2021
Spirited Away - Why Work Is Toxic
Hidden in the fantastic otherwordly narrative of Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away is an allegory about society’s toxic obsession with work. The Studio Ghibli classic was released in 2001 and commented on Japan’s losing its soul to capitalism in the context of the country’s...
Is The US Really A Meritocracy?
One of the most common misconceptions about US society is that we live under a perfectly fair, egalitarian system which rewards those who have intelligence and a strong work ethic. This is the myth of American meritocracy. In this episode, Second Thought explores why the US...
A City is Part of the Universe
If we live in a city with little or no 'ecology' around us, where on earth do we start to make an 'ecological' lifestyle? This very short film brings us into the minds of natural farmers in Japan and the United States, discovering how city dwellers can begin to live with more...
The Amazon Warehouse as Disneyland
Jason Myles presents a critique of Jessica Bruder's 2020 film "Nomadland." From the video: "About 10 minutes in I thought I was watching Amazon the movie. I’ve seen Cold War propaganda, and if we’re in a new “Cold War” it’s the war against labor rights and this is the “Red...
Does Capitalism Really Drive Innovation?
One of the more common arguments for capitalism asserts that there would be no innovation without it. Given how prevalent this talking point is, one would assume that it's difficult to debunk. That's not the case. In this episode, Second Thought takes a look at why capitalism...
Debunking Israel’s ‘Human Shield’ Defense in Gaza Massacre
Abby Martin gives 5 points that evaporate Israel's assertion that the civilians it kills in Gaza were "human shields."
The Woke CIA PsyOp
Abby Martin explains what's behind the cringe ‘Humans of CIA’ recruitment ad promoting themselves as a place of ‘intersectional’ social progress. 
From Abandoned Farm To Permaculture Laboratory
On the grounds of the permaculture laboratory Peintnerhof in the middle of Carinthia (Austria), pigs dig through the earth and prepare the formerly compacted soil piece by piece for a new, more diverse planting. For example, classic fruit trees are allowed to flourish next to...
Turning Eco-Anxiety into Eco-Action | Our Broken Planet
At times it can be overwhelming to contemplate the challenges we face in the Anthropocene, from the climate crisis to biodiversity loss. The hurdles in the way of a sustainable future can sometimes feel insurmountable - but each of us is capable of making a difference.
Sir David Attenborough Presents: Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet | Doc Preview
Breaking Boundaries tells the story of the most important scientific discovery of our time - that humanity has pushed Earth beyond the boundaries that have kept Earth stable for 10,000 years, since the dawn of civilization. The 75-minute film takes the audience on a journey...
US Retreats From Afghanistan: Truth Behind The Empire’s Defeat
Abby Martin explores what's missing from coverage of Biden's announcement of the Afghanistan withdrawal. 
The Truth About Food Insecurity
We live in a world with a rapidly growing population. Some people would have you believe that food insecurity is caused by overpopulation, or that we've reached the earth's carrying capacity. Is that really the case? In this episode, Second Thought takes a brief look at the...
Why You Can't Compare Covid-19 Vaccines
What a vaccine's "efficacy rate" actually means. 
Why Are So Many Young People Becoming Socialists?
For decades the United States has been a bastion of free market ideology and extreme individualism, but in the last few years we've seen a major resurgence of socialist ideas. In this episode, Second Thought takes a look at why so many young people are attracted to socialism...
Killer Mike: Amazon Using Slave Labor to Enrich the Richest Man in the World
Killer Mike delivered a powerful speech at a rally for Alabama Amazon warehouse workers who are fighting to unionize. If their efforts succeed, it could be the spark that ignites successful Amazon union drives across the country.
20 Signs You're Emotionally Mature
However old we might be, none of us is ever quite emotionally mature - but having a list to hand of what maturity consists of might be a way of keeping score and nudging ourselves in the right direction. Here is a comprehensive list of what maturity might comprise. 
The Problem With American Education
Americans from across the political spectrum tend to agree that our education system is failing our students. In this episode, Second Thought takes a look at three of the biggest problems the system faces, and considers some possible solutions.
How Smoked Salmon Is Destroying Our Minds | George Monbiot
Smoked Salmon... it's a metaphor. 
8 Toxic Things Parents Say To their Children
Do you wonder about the toxic people in your life? What if your mother is toxic? What if your father is toxic? Or what if both of your parents are toxic. Regardless of whether your family members are really toxic or not, Psych2Go made this video to highlight the 8 unhealthy...
Creating the Conditions for Belonging and Breathing in a Toxic Environment | john a. powell
Bridging or breaking? That is the sharp choice we face today as a society and as individual citizens. john a. powell, Director of the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley, has long been one of our nation’s leading and most original thought leaders. He has delved...
The Art of Letting Go (Taoism Documentary)
February, 2012, my wife, Gayoung, and I were moving back to Asia after two years in Australia. We had no plan. We just wanted to let go of our lives and return to Asia permanently. The Art of Letting Go is a full-length documentary that follows us for one year on an amazing...
Coleman Hughes on The White Fragility Theory with Glenn Loury
"This recording was created at an event hosted by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, that featured myself alongside Glenn Loury, who, as many of you know, is an economist at Brown University and host of the Glenn Show at Blogging Heads. I thought the conversation was a...
The People's Fight: How We Halt the Climate Crisis
The world’s scientists have made it all too clear: our earth is overheating. It’s bad, but we can still make changes that could be the difference between life and death for tens of millions of people. We need to take power away from the fossil fuel industry that created the...