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Los Angeles becomes the first major US city to vote against corporate personhood
Hundreds of Citizens Pack Council Chambers, Council Votes Unanimously to Support the “Move to Amend” LOS ANGELES, CA – After forty-five minutes of public testimony urging a yes vote, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to support a resolution calling on Congress...
Legalize Democracy
Legalize Democracy is a documentary film by Dennis Trainor, Jr. about a movement to amend the U.S. Constitution so that Corporations are not considered people, and money is not considered speech. For more information about Move To Amend, visit:
March Against Corruption November 1, 2014 Everywhere
Money in politics is the root of all political evil. Unite with us for a week of direct action beginning Saturday November 1, 2014 -- through and including election day in the U.S. (Nov 4th) and the Million Mask March (Nov 5th). Step One: RSVP to our official FB event page:
Five Ways the U.S. Can Have an Icelandic Revolution
“We have to nationalize the banks. We have to get rid of the government. We need to have access to the internet seen as a human right. We need to have a new Constitution," said Birgitta Jonsdottir, founder of the Icelandic Pirate Party. Jonsdottir, a lifelong political...
No Problem With Genocide? Britain, Have a Word With Yourself
As a recent poll shows the majority of Britons do not explicitly object to their countries colonial history. What was the full scale of the damage caused by empire? And how can we make amends?
The Pregnancy to Prison Pipeline: Media Matters
As the President sounds off about holy babies born and unborn, we talk about the ongoing criminalization of women who happen to get pregnant. What has been the media’s role and have they done enough to make amends? We’ll talk to Lynn Paltrow, one of the lawyers representing...
Seeds Of Change
An ecological community in the Bolivian Amazon is revealed: Candelaria Madidi Ecologico. By protecting one of the most biodiverse places in the world, they aim to create an alternative model of a society.
The Story of Citizens United v. FEC
The crisis of corporate influence over American democracy is the latest subject of award-winning Internet filmmaker, Annie Leonard.
Reconsidering Reparations | Olufemi O. Taiwo
Reparations for slavery have become a reinvigorated topic for public debate over the last decade. Most theorizing about reparations treats it as a social justice project—either rooted in reconciliatory justice focused on making amends in the present, or they focus on the...
Google rightly identifies its gross tax evasion schemes as ‘capitalism’ in action
Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt has defended his company's 'immoral' tax policies, saying of the internet giant's evasions to get out of paying billions of dollars: "It's called capitalism."
Amend 2012
Thanks to the Supreme Court and Citizens United, the same big corporations and billionaires that destroyed our economy and caused millions of us to lose our jobs and homes, are spending obscene amounts to drown out our voices in elections and take over our government.But...
Break the Endless Cycle of Violence
A few thoughts on a Sunday morning.
We Can't Wait for the Politicians, We Have to Create the Future that We Need Ourselves
Very, very few people can ever say that they are in the single most important place they could possibly be, doing the single most important thing they could possibly be doing -- that's you, here, now. You are the movement that we need if we are going to win in the few years...
Free Angela and All Political Prisoners
In this essential new feature documentary, legendary radical activist Angela Davis speaks for the first time about her 1970s imprisonment as a terrorist and conspirator, which became a flashpoint in the black liberation struggle and turned her into a revolutionary icon.
We Can Negotiate Peace In Gaza: Here's How
When our brothers and sisters are killing each other, it is not time for us to take sides, but to take steps, with compassion and clarity, to end the carnage. We must move beyond the pro-Israel, anti-Israel narrative in the Middle East, which can lock us into a position...
The Top 10 Films That Explain Why the Occupy Movement Exists
One of the most entertaining yet unsurprising aspects of Occupy Wall St has been the response from traditional media. Whether intentionally playing dumb or genuinely clueless, the mainstream media has failed to inform the public and substantially address the key issues. But...
Trump: The Illusion of Change
“Only by restoring the broken connections can we be healed.” — Wendell Berry
Face It: Our Democracy Is a Sham. We Don't Have a Real Say in Most Decisions That Affect Our Lives
Are we able to stop fracking and other threats to the environment from coming into our communities?  Are we able to protect local farming from sewage sludge or factory farming?  Are we able to protect workers and local economies from multi-national corporations?
5 Guiding Principles for Social Justice
From the 23rd to the 26th of February of 1998, grassroots movements of all continents met in Geneva to launch a worldwide coordination network of resistance to the global market, a new alliance of struggle and solidarity called Peoples' Global Action against 'free' trade and...
Trump Is the Symptom, Not the Disease
The persecution of Mumia Abu-Jamal, MOVE members and all the radicals of four decades ago is not ancient history. It is the genesis of the present.
Misogyny and the Healing of the Masculine
My new home of West Asheville is in the news. A local coffee shop, Waking Life Espresso, closed its doors after its owners Jared Rutledge and Jacob Owens were outed for hosting a misogynistic blog. In addition to repulsive and degrading comments about women and details of...
The Green New Deal Goes Viral: What's Next Is up to Us
Ted Franklin argues that climate activists must seize the time and get to work on the Green New Deal proposal.
InterReflections: A Story about The Greatest Revolution of Our Time
InterReflections is an experimental, mixed genre narrative feature film by Peter Joseph, adapted from his book The New Human Rights Movement. The ambitious, nearly 3 hour work challenges not only contemporary thinking about society, it challenges the very art of filmmaking...
John Pilger: Only When We See the War Criminals In Our Midst Will the Endless Violence Begin to End
In transmitting President Richard Nixon's orders for a "massive" bombing of Cambodia in 1969, Henry Kissinger said, "Anything that flies on everything that moves".  As Barack Obama wages his seventh war against the Muslim world since he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and...
Dear Marijuana: A Goodbye Letter
Hi. It’s me, Alexandra. I know I’ve been distant lately. I’ve been avoiding you. After talking things through one night with a friend, I woke up and decided I was leaving you. I’m 26. We had a good nine year run, but I’m saying goodbye. I didn’t just want to up and dump...
The World's Most Powerful Photographs
What makes a great photograph great?
Films for Action's Recommended Independent Media
Our Recommended Independent Media Links: Adbusters Aljazeera AlterNet Black Agenda Report Boiling Frogs Post
Bill Moyers at the Howard Zinn Lecture
The first Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture is delivered by veteran journalist, Bill Moyers. Citing Zinn as his inspiration, Moyers focuses on the challenges facing our democracy. He decried what he says has been a 30-year trend toward plutocracy, where the rich get richer at the...
Peter Joseph: "Social Pathology"
This lecture was given by Peter Joseph in New York on March 15th, Zeitgeist Day, 2010. Some audio had to be replaced due to static problems. 
TEDx - Peter Joseph: An Introduction to a Resource-Based Economy
This was a live March 21st, 2011 TEDx [Portugal] talk by Peter Joseph called: "An Introduction to a Resource-Based Economy."
This Is What Happens When Our Politicians Say Yes to Dirty Energy
Between Tues 23rd and Fri 26th June Lancashire County Council is scheduled to be considering applications for 2 new fracking test sites on the Fylde Peninsular near Blackpool. We have been here before with the last attempt in January ending in far
UN Report Finds Almost No Industry Profitable If Environmental Costs Were Included
If you haven’t been paying attention, I don’t blame you for at first not believing this. After all, companies go to great lengths to greenwash their image and present themselves as progressive and environmentally responsible, even while they turn your land to deserts and your...
Socialists Win in Spain With Green New Deal
Spaniards threw their weight behind a Green New Deal programme by re-electing the pro-climate Spanish Socialist party (PSOE).
The Coronavirus Rehearsal: Can Capitalism Survive The Coronavirus?
The coronavirus shutdown as a dress rehearsal for the reformation of late-capitalism to allow climate repair.
Manifesto for Wholesome Cooperation: a Sociocratic Perspective
Humans organize themselves in groups to reach common objectives
Discovered: A Cure for Political Corruption
Elections have become auctions, and nearly every issue is paralyzed by the overwhelming influence of money. But you knew that. The real challenge is how to fix what has become one of our nation's most pressing political challenges.
The Unofficial History of America™
The history of America is the one story every kid knows. It's a story of fierce individualism and heroic personal sacrifice in the service of a dream. A story of early settlers, hungry and cold, carving a home out of the wilderness. Of visionary leaders fighting for...
Pentagon Papers Whistleblowers, 9/11 Commissioners Themselves Call for a New 9/11 Investigation
The two main players in releasing the Pentagon Papers were Daniel Ellsberg and United States Senator Mike Gravel.
We Need a Truth and Reconciliation Process on Violence Against African Americans-Right Now
The decision not to indict Eric Garner's killer is just the latest story in a long history of violence against black men. What response can disrupt patterns set by centuries of racism? I am among the millions who have experienced the shock, grief, and fury of losing someone...
5 Stories the Media Missed While Obsessing Over the #Starbucksredcup
When billionaire presidential hopeful Donald Trump inexplicably decided this week that boycotting Starbucks over the ‘de-Christmas-ization’ of their ubiquitous red holiday coffee cup was somehow a matter of national importance, the internet exploded — and American mainstream...
The Osama Deception
Welcome. This is James Corbett of with your Sunday Update for this 8th day of May, 2011. And now for the real news.
I Want to Fall In Love at 85 | Poet IN-Q
We celebrate St. Valentine’s Day 💕 with beloved poet IN-Q’s heartwarming visions of finding lifelong love and growing young together, even at age 85. 🕺 This powerful spoken word film features evocative animation to capture the hilarity and hardship of romance through life's...
How 'We The People' Became 'We The Corporations,' In Under 4 Minutes
The courts have been giving corporations the rights of people since way before the Citizens United decision, which allows corporations to spend as much as they want to influence politics. - Brandon Weber
Peter Joseph, Zeitgeist Movement Founder on The Young Turks
This week, Cenk Uygur sits down with Peter Joseph, founder of the Zeitgeist movement and creator of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward. The Zeitgeist movement's goal is to create global sustainability by changing established social systems. Can people save the world by changing...
Culture In Decline #4: The War on Nature
In this episode, Peter Joseph investigates the nature of War and human conflict; the White House declares War On Nature itself; a french chef prepares an international delicacy for the kids; Louie the Logic Gremlin returns to piss everyone off and our Man on the Street gets...
Forbidden Fruit: An Excerpt from the Feature Documentary Fantastic Fungi
An excerpt from the feature documentary by Louie Schwartzberg following notable mycologist, Paul Stamets, as he discusses the important role mushrooms play in the survival and health of the earth and human species.
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
A feature length documentary by Peter Joseph that presents the case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society.
Look Up: A Video With One Powerful Message For Us All
Everyone should watch this at least once. This short video by Gary Turk is a reminder of the effects of social media on our society. By connecting online, we are disconnecting offline. What are we missing from life as a result? What critical moments do we miss that we didn't...
Let the Fire Burn
Let the Fire Burn is composed entirely with archival footage yet unfurls with the tension of a thriller. Jason Osder’s documentary recounts the steps that led to a horrific tragedy on May 13, 1985, when a longtime feud between the city of Philadelphia and the controversial...
The Root Problem Is the Root Solution: How We Can Fix Our Democracy and Create a Sustainable Future
So, I was trying to get my friend to read a recent issue of Adbusters magazine.
Israel Repurposes Nakba Myths to Justify Today's Massacre in Gaza
The only legitimate struggle for Palestinians, it seems, is keeping quiet, allowing their lands to be plundered and their children to be starved.
Noam Chomsky: You Don't Stop with the Lesser Evil. You Begin with It, to Prevent the Worst. Then You Deal with the Root Causes
“There’s another word for lesser evilism. It’s called rationality. Lesser evilism is not an illusion, it’s a rational position. But you don’t stop with lesser evilism. You begin with it, to prevent the worst, and then you go on to deal with the fundamental roots of what’s...
When You're Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression
I’ve never been punched in the face. Not in an actual fight, at least. I’m not much of a fighter, I suppose… More of an “arguer.” I don’t think I’m “scared” to get into a fight, necessarily–There have been many times I have put myself in situations where a physical  fight...
The MOVE Bombing - When Police Plotted to Exterminate a Family
On May 13, 1985, one of the most shameful, horrific attacks by U.S. police ever took place in West Philadelphia. 11 people-including five children-were killed in a deliberate massacre. A racist and political attack on a radical community group known as the MOVE Organization...
Should We Be Alarmed That The Biggest Bond Fund In The World Has Dumped All Of Their U.S. Treasury Bonds?
Bill Gross, the manager of the biggest bond fund in the world, has forgotten more about bonds than most of us will ever learn. That is why the big move that PIMCO has just made is so unsettling.  At one time PIMCO held more U.S. government debt than any other bond fund on...
A Young Couple Find Freedom in Simple Living
Rather than follow the customary American dream, Tammy and Logan sold their home and car, and moved to a bikeable/walkable neighborhood in Sacramento, California. After reading Derrick Jensen’s writings, this couple used Your Money or Your Life as a means to get out of debt...
Keystone XL: This Isn't Over
There’s a lot of uncertainty around TransCanada’s next move – they’re still expected to make a final decision this month whether to move forward with this pipeline – but one thing is for sure. We’re the biggest obstacle this project will face and no matter what TransCanada...
Politics are Polarized, But Not for the Reason You Think | Robert Reich
In the last 50 years, Robert Reich has moved further to the left of center without changing his political views at all. How? The right has moved dangerously close to fascism. 
No, You Don't Have to Admit You're Wrong to Apologize (And Other Apology Myths Debunked)
Why are real, meaningful apologies so few and far between? What have we internalized about the meaning of apologizing?
AI Has Already Taken Over - It's Called the Corporation
Futurists warning about the threats of AI are looking in the wrong place. Humanity is already facing an existential threat from an artificial intelligence we created hundreds of years ago. It’s called the Corporation.