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Are We Done Fighting?
We need ways to build healthier relationships with people who have perspectives different from our own.
Noam Chomsky Turns 90: How a U.S. Anarchist Has More Than Survived
“The person who claims the legitimacy of the authority always bears the burden of justifying it. And if they can’t justify it, it’s illegitimate and should be dismantled. To tell you the truth, I don’t really understand anarchism as being much more than that.” —Noam...
Why Women – Including Feminists – Are Still Attracted to 'Benevolently Sexist' Men
If a man offers to help a woman with her heavy suitcase or to parallel park her car, what should she make of the offer?
“Shit-Life Syndrome,” Trump Voters, and Clueless Dems
Getting rid of Trump means taking seriously “shit-life syndrome”—and its resulting misery, which includes suicide, drug overdose death, and trauma for surviving communities.
The Pimps of War | Chris Hedges
The coterie of neocons and liberal interventionists who orchestrated two decades of military fiascos in the Middle East and who have never been held to account are now stoking a war with Russia.
10 Reasons That Eco-Conscious People Are Happier and Live More Enjoyable Lives
An increasing foundation of scientific research shows a significant linkage between personal well being and environmental knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. This is not coincidence; it is a profound truth of crucial importance in the quest to create sustainable societies...
Synchronicity, Myth, and the New World Order
Looking out upon the horrid ruin we seem to have made of the planet, in spite of the kind hearts and good intentions of the vast majority of human beings, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that some nefarious force has hijacked civilization, driving it towards ends that...
A Brief History of Happiness: How America Lost Track of the Good Life-And Where to Find It Now
For decades, we've been taught that economic growth and buying more stuff will make us happy—while trashing the planet. The good news is, there’s a better kind of happy: It starts with meaningful work, loving relationships, and a thriving natural world.
How to Love: Legendary Zen Buddhist Teacher Thich Nhat Hanh on Mastering the Art of "Interbeing"
“To love without knowing how to love wounds the person we love.”
Making Green More Macho
“It’s kind of embarrassing,” Emmanuel of Oakland, California, responded when asked about carrying a reusable shopping bag. “It looks like a man-purse.”1 Emmanuel was part of a recent OgilvyEarth study entitled, Mainstream Green: Moving Sustainability from Niche to Normal...
What Is the Next Story? | Charles Eisenstein
Inspired by a Charles Eisenstein essay, crafted by Tonika Todorova and narrated by Charles. 
Before & After I Became a Social Justice Vampire
Since publishing my essay Un-Identity: Climbing Down the Other Side of Peak Liberalism, I’ve connected with dozens of other leftists around the world burned out on the hypocrisy and stagnancy of liberal identity politics. Many of us share common experiences of trauma and...
The Cult of Trump
Cult leaders arise from decayed communities and societies in which people have been shorn of political, social and economic power. The disempowered, infantilized by a world they cannot control, gravitate to cult leaders who appear omnipotent and promise a return to a mythical...
Education, Jobs and Capitalism
American capitalism has a hate-love relationship with the nation’s schools. On the “hate” side is a stream of complaints from business leaders and organizations about the many students, particularly in city schools, who fail achievement tests, are high school dropouts or, if...
Tom Paine, Christianity, and Modern Psychiatry
Beyond Common Sense, most Americans know little about Thomas Paine (1737-1809). Few know that at the end of Paine’s life, he had become a pariah in U.S. society, and for many years after his death, he was either ignored or excoriated—the price he paid for The Age of...
How to Turn Your Brain From Anger to Compassion
Attention is like a spotlight—whatever it shines on becomes brighter in the mind. This knowledge can help us build compassion, says Paul Gilbert.
Return Political Conversation to Principles, Not Identities
Focusing on identities in our political conversations is divisive and restrictive. How can we shift the conversation back to principles?
The Neglected Mass Shooter and His Need to Be Seen
At a vigil to honor the victims of Sandy Hook, I read aloud the piece that Rabbi Lerner wrote on December 14th, 2012, entitled: “Banning All Guns is Necessary but Not Sufficient”, that we also need a fundamental transformation of consciousness both inner and societal. An...
Embracing 'Radical Hope' in Our Fight to Save the Earth
Radical hope is not just about determination and courage in the face of darkness, writes Paul Hoggett - it is also about love and a re-finding of all that is benign in the world. And this is the spirit we need to muster to confront the serious challenges that lie before us.
A Circle of Gifts
Wherever I go and ask people what is missing from their lives, the most common answer (if they are not impoverished or seriously ill) is “community.” What happened to community, and why don’t we have it any more? There are many reasons – the layout of suburbia, the...