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How America's Sporting Events Have Turned into Mass Religious Events to Bless Wars and Militarism
BOSTON, Jul 7, 2014 —On Saturday I went to one of the massive temples across the country where we celebrate our state religion. The temple I visited was Boston’s Fenway Park. I was inspired to go by reading 
The Top 10 Flaws of  Neoclassical Economics
Neoclassical economics has severe flaws.  But since the field is captive to the monopolistic money and banking system, it is very difficult for economists who are aware of this to speak up.  If they were to speak about the flaws, their careers would be severely limited. ...
15 Ways to Help Create a More Beautiful World
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” ~Margaret Mead
Being Crazy in a Sick Society Is Actually Healthy
To be normal is to be sick
Spirituality in a Time of Crisis
In times like these, in times of great crisis, when, as Yeats memorably put it, the ‘centre cannot hold’ and the ‘blood-dimmed tide is loosed’, then our first response must be to find another, deeper centre. This work, of finding an impassable place that provides both a...
The Case for Individual Independence
True democracy is a nation of Independent voters. Allegiance to any one political party is putting part of our identities into other people's hands. Selecting our best qualified representatives has been reduced to just another team sport; generations become indoctrinated...
It's a "Story Problem": What's Behind Our Messed-Up Economy
The peoples of earlier times prospered from the guidance of simple stories that offered answers to their deepest questions. We need those now more than ever.
Boiled in the Stock: A Psychoanalysis of American Mentality | Indypendent Reader
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear...” ~ H.P. Lovecraft Our interest for self-preservation needs no introduction or explanation. Without mankind’s propensity and efficiency for self-preservation, we would be yet one more fossil set for some...
The People's Supermarket: Communal, Cheap and Democratic
Would you be willing to spend four hours stacking shelves in a supermarket? Regularly? For nothing? And do a spot on the tills, and quite a lot of floor-mopping? Well, it certainly makes a change from hanging out at Starbucks, I suppose.
American: The Bill Hicks Story
The true life story of Bill Hicks the outlaw comic who tried to save the world, as told by the 10 people who knew him best. This groundbreaking documentary uses a stunning new animation technique to tell his story.
The Psychic Dictatorship Vs. The Road To Selfhood: Michael Tsarion
Some priceless wisdom shared by the one and only Michael Tsarion. Michael Tsarion is a researcher and alternative historian who has written and spoken extensively on the Occult, Symbolism, Religion, Freemasonry, Secret Societies, Psychology, Spirituality, Consciousness...
Looking Forward to the Day That Nationalism Is as Reviled as Racism
Nationalism is a form of geographical racism that makes some lives matter more than others, and explicitly justifies that logic without apology. While today, not even lying corrupt politicians will outright say that racism is acceptable, nationalism is promoted and accepted...
How Natural Is War to Human Beings?
If you look at the world today, and if you survey the human race’s recorded history, it’s easy to see our species as innately bloodthirsty and aggressive species. It seems as if warfare and brutality have been omnipresent, and are natural to human beings. And indeed, this is...
Identifying the American Taliban
You may have heard of the Religious Right, yet the Left is just as religious. Both faithfully do worship- not Christianity, however, but today's Cult of Profits. 'Representatives' serve that, not us. Their tiny governmental salary is a mere pittance compared to the millions...
Claim Your Own: The Orlando Shooter Was a Product of US Hypermasculinity
Like so many others, I’ve been at a loss for the past two days, trying to make sense of the heinous act of anti-queer mass murder in Orlando. The following are some of my scattered thoughts on the topic, some of which I originally posted in a couple of rants on social media...
Fighting for Life: Guatemalan Women Stand up to Gold Mining
Within this video you will meet a courageous gold mine resistance community - lead by Guatemalan women - fighting to defend the Water, Nature, and Life of their territory. The video is accompanied by a written article on the T.A.S. website for those who wish to receive a...
One Body One Heart
It can come at any time - a life threatening diagnosis that suddenly makes death real. As he confronts cancer of the pancreas, Bob Gunn draws upon his experience and practice as a psychotherapist, a Christian minister and a Zen priest to illuminate a way through that perilous...
Tribute to Aaron Bushnell by Iraq Veteran Mike Prysner
The US military is presented as an institution that does protecting; defending; “saving.” But fundamentally, it is an institution of killing. Of mass killing. Throughout our country’s entire history there have been service members who could not grapple with that fact; who...
The Needs of the Management Class Shaped Racial Pseudoscience
As we enter Black History Month, it is important to understand how management race science was developed to divide and conquer the workforce as it struggled against long odds to form labor unions.
Before Healing, We Need Connection
What we must do is incorporate the other people…the creeping people, and the standing people, and the flying people and the swimming people…into the councils of government. - Gary Snyder