1,081-1,140 of 17,262
Firing Alan Greenspan
Posted on Thursday, May 10, 2012
China's All-Seeing Eye
With the help of U.S. defense contractors, China is building the prototype for a high-tech police state. It is ready for export. | Published in Rolling Stone on May 14th, 2008
The Hedonic Treadmill and How to Get Off
Do you hold the belief that if you work hard, you’ll be able to buy more of what you want and then you’ll be happy? It’s not going to happen. You’re just going to get stuck on what is called the Hedonic Treadmill.
How to Think About International Responsibility for Climate Change ❧ Current Affairs | filed 03 August 2021 in CLIMATE CHANGE
We need to begin with the recognition that the United States has been more responsible for the climate catastrophe than anyone else. We have inflicted costs on the rest of the world that they rightly resent us for.
These 8 Democrats Block Minimum Wage Increase
Eight Senate Democrats joined Republicans to block adding a minimum wage increase to the covid relief bill. Koa Beck, John Iadarola, and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Sign our petition here: Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET and...
Corporate Democrats Have a Vested Interest in Not Listening to Workers - RAI with Thomas Frank (1/9)
On Reality Asserts Itself, Thomas Frank author of "What's the Matter with Kansas" and "Listen LIberal", tells host Paul Jay that the Democratic Party serves the professional class and the top 10% and no longer cares about the poor or working class
Listen, Liberal | 8 Minute Book Review | Thomas Frank | #politics #economics #history
Listen Liberal by Thomas Frank goes into the recent history of the Democratic Party of the United States, and how we got to this moment, and how we move forward.
How a Democrat Killed Welfare
Bill Clinton gutted welfare and criminalized the poor, all while funneling more money into the carceral state. | 02.09.2016
Democrats Will Never Stop Triangulating Against Justice
Running against “defund the police” is both cowardly and wrong. Democratic leaders find that irresistible.
PSL Capital Course: Class 1
Class description: The first class in our course on Volume 1 of Marx’s Capital provides an introduction to the structure of the course and the book overall. We discuss the various prefaces and afterwords, focusing in particular on Marx’s method of abstraction. Finally, we...
EUROPE'S FORGOTTEN GRAVEYARD - Inside The World’s Deadliest Migrant Route (2021)
We join the ‘Open Arms’ crew as they embark on the most dangerous migrant route in the world — and one of their deadliest missions to date. An estimated 19,000 people have been reported dead or missing in the Mediterranean Sea since 2014 as they attempt the treacherous boat...
Can We Survive Extreme Heat?
Humans have never lived on a planet this hot, and we’re totally unprepared for what’s to come | Aug 27, 2019
Full Interview - Christian Nationalists Have Infiltrated Highest Ranks of the Military
Full Interview - Christian fundamentalist nationalists in the senior ranks of the military, see Trump as an instrument of God’s plan to create an authoritarian Christian state. The military allows active proselytizing and recruitment of soldiers, contrary to the...
Killer Drones Whistleblower Daniel Hale
What did Daniel Hale reveal about the secret drone program? What is his fate? These documents detailed a secret, unaccountable process for targeting and killing people around the world, including U.S. citizens.
Is Competition Good for Society?
Growing evidence is suggesting that too much competition is one of the key causes of the multiple environmental, social and psychological crises we are facing today.
Comrades & Cowboys
September 30th, 2014 | The Labor and Working-Class History Association
Wishbone of the Good Lord Bird:  Historical Fiction and Poetic Truth
The Labor and Working-Class History Association | November 27th, 2020
A Plague of Gods: Cultural Appropriation and the Resurgent Left Sacred
A little over six years ago now, I received a demand which asked me to use my influence and this publishing platform to help denounce someone. I read the demand with curiosity and a bit of worry. The message stated in rather vague language that the sender had been asked by...
The disastrous Economics of Climate Change, with Prof. Steve Keen  | Nucleus Investment Insights
Prof. Steve Keen joins us to discuss his work on the disastrous economics of climate change, in which he contends numerous errors have been made in calculating the economic effects of climate change. Correcting for these errors makes it feasible that the economic damages from...
Global warming: planning not pricing - July 22, 2021
Carbon pricing and carbon taxes are now proposed by international institutions and mainstream economics as the main solutions to ending global warming and destructive climate change.  For some time, the IMF has been pushing for carbon pricing as ‘a necessary if not...
China and the U.S. Left - Spectre Journal - July 17, 2021
Critical Limits of the “New” History of Capitalism - Spectre Journal
Desert Apocalypse: How Solar Projects Affect Desert Habitats
The award-winning film series Desert Apocalypse is back for a second season. In this episode we travel to the Pahrump Valley and up to Beatty, Nevada to look at the landscapes threatened by solar. In the Pahrump Valley at the Yellow Pine Solar project site, we see a few...
Who Actually Gets to Create Black Pop Culture? ❧ Current Affairs - filed 25 July 2021
A closer look at the economics of Black pop culture reveals that most Black creators (outside music) come from middle-to-upper middle class backgrounds, while the Black poor are written about but rarely get the chance to speak for themselves.
YouTube Enforcing “Thought Crime”Censorship
Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter: The Jimmy Dore Show Website: LIVESTREAM & LIVE SHOW...
Dead Teacher Working: Edtech and the Neoliberal University
Earlier this year an Art History student at Concordia University (Montreal) posted a tweet that went viral within the academic community. After watching a pre-recorded lecture given by his professor – François-Marc Gagnon – the undergrad Googled the historian for his...
Renegade Inc | This is How Universities Die…
One of the biggest COVID-19 casualties - globally - has been education. But something that many have missed during the pandemic is that the higher education crisis is being ruthlessly exploited.
Speech Defects - No. 40 - July 2018
How Consumer Marketing Distorts Democracy
First Amendment's Slippery Slope: Why Are Civil Liberties Advocates Joining Forces With the Right?
Rich people have free speech rights. Do the corporations they run? That question is destroying democracy PUBLISHED AUGUST 3, 2018
How Conservatives Weaponized the First Amendment
Published on June 30, 2018
Why the Green New Deal Has Failed — so Far
The Green New Deal program has enormous potential to generate mass popular support. But absent real leverage from labor, it's likely to be continually watered down into a toothless slogan for NGOs.
Michael Brooks on Why the War on the Poor Must End
Two years ago, our late friend and comrade Michael Brooks wrote an unpublished piece about his family’s experience with food stamps and Trump’s assault on the SNAP program. We publish it today, the anniversary of Michael’s passing, as a tribute to his memory.
Neoliberalism Won’t Take Real Action to Stop Climate Change
At least 185 people have been killed by floods centered on the Rhineland region. Despite Germany’s supposed green credentials, the weak political response to the disaster shows how unwilling neoliberals are to take real action against corporate polluters.
When LIVING IN A CAR is Your Last Choice - "Mobile" a Short Film
Like many people trying to survive the pandemic, Lydia's income was cut. After being evicted for her inability to pay rent, Lydia attempts to stay with friends but finds that living in her car is her only choice. Lydia struggles to figure out what to do next and stay safe...
Extinction Rebellion’s Liberal Moralism Can’t Save the Planet
Catapulted to media attention by its stunts, Extinction Rebellion has wasted its platform on a message of individualized guilt and obedience to the powerful. To avert climate disaster, we need economic transformation, not pointless moralism.
The Most Dangerous Superstition
The primary threat to freedom and justice is not greed, or hatred, or any of the other emotions or human flaws usually blamed for such things. Instead, it is one ubiquitous superstition which infects the minds of people of all races, religions and nationalities, which...
What’s so Bad About Robin Diangelo ❧ Current Affairs - filed 19 July 2021
The anti-racism educator encourages white people to “look inward” and focus on self-improvement. But it would be much better if they looked outward and joined a movement that could actually accomplish something.
As scientists have long predicted, warming is making heatwaves more deadly
Twenty years ago the IPCC warned of summer heatwave deaths in unprepared temperate regions like the Pacific Northwest.
Is Recycling Worth It Anymore? The Truth Is Complicated.
America produces more waste per capita than any other country in the world. And recycling, which was once considered the solution to that problem, isn’t really working anymore. Recycling works, but it’s not magic. As America continues to lead the world in per capita waste...
Should We Rethink American Policing?
American police have become yet another battleground in the pointless culture war. In this episode, we'll take a look at some of the characteristics of policing in America, the problems we face, and how we might solve them to the benefit of the whole society - including the...
Is Capitalism Actually Efficient?
How many times have you heard the claim that capitalism is the most efficient system for the production and allocation of goods and services? It's a very common talking point in the "western world," especially in the United States. In this video, Second Thought deconstructs...
White House Orders Censorship Of Social Media
Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter: The Jimmy Dore Show Website: LIVESTREAM & LIVE SHOW...
Adolph L. Reed Jr. Discusses Race and Class in American Politics     |      Books Sandwiched In
Adolph L. Reed Jr. joins NHFPL to discuss race and class in American politics.
Melt the Crown ❧ Current Affairs - filed 18 July 2021
How the myth of the genius director has erased the careers of some very talented women, and why it’s time for the “auteur” to be tossed out entirely.
Meet the Censored: Matt Orfalea
Meet the Censored: Matt Orfalea Yes, the government is helping crack down on text messages and Facebook posts, but not to worry. At least your private thoughts are safe, right? Not so fast, found filmmaker Matt Orfalea Matt Taibbi 1 hr ago 86
White House admits role in online censorship || Robert Barnes & Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea is still fighting YouTube over the stream we did on his channel about my suspension. Robert Barnes joined us to talk about the lawsuits against Big Tech, government pressure to remove speech, and whether a lot of this recent escalation is dictated by AI. BONNER...
Albena Azmanova — Capitalism on Edge
Albena Azmanova will join the Rhodes Center to discuss her new book, "Capitalism on Edge: How Fighting Precarity can Achieve Radical Change Without Crisis or Utopia."
What Dark Academia Says About Elite Education
Start speaking a new language in 3 weeks with Babbel 🚀 Get 6 months FREE when you sign up for 6 months ⏩ Click here: This script was written by Anya Formozova. You can see more of her work here...
The Erosion of Memory | published in the Guardian 30th June 2021
The ruination of a once-thriving area of Ethiopia is the result of war and its associated crimes. The world needs to wake up
Academic Publishers Make Murdoch Look Like a Socialist | George Monbiot | Mon 29 Aug 2011
Academic publishers charge vast fees to access research paid for by us. Down with the knowledge monopoly racketeers
Shadow Wars and Corporate Welfare | Vol 4 | No 4 | Winter 2021
Joe Biden is likely to continue the shadow wars that Barack Obama honed and Donald Trump preserved. Relying on air power and local surrogates, this strategy has inflicted a heavy toll in some of the world’s poorest countries while reducing US casualties, enshrining massive...
Take Me to Your Leader: the Rot of the American Ruling Class
For more than three centuries, something has been going horribly wrong at the top of our society, and we’re all suffering for it.
Why Plastic Pollution Is Even Worse Than You Think
"Plastic pollution, explained. In this Our Changing Climate video essay, I look at an aspect of plastic pollution that often is ignored in the face of plastic pollution in the ocean. While ocean plastic pollution is an important issue, plastic is actually a fossil fuel...
Do You Feel Nature’s Pain?
Centuries ago, we collectively experienced nature as a living and spiritual presence. Today, nature is in danger of becoming merely a utilitarian means to an end. Believing nature to be psychologically dead allows industry to freely consume and destroy it. We no longer feel...
Capturing the Commons for Economic Growth
For centuries, world economies have been based on the seizure and processing of natural resources, often called ‘capturing the commons’. These are resources shared by all members of a society, including natural elements such as air, water, and land etc. There was a time when...
Writer on the Storm | Andrew Schenker | July 14
George R. Stewart’s ecofictions forecasted today’s calamities
Sidewalk Socialists and the Path to Power ❧ Current Affairs - filed 13 July 2021
A number of impressive socialist candidates are running in Somerville, MA—and their nitty-gritty approach to municipal power may have broader implications for the left project as a whole.