Articles by Rishi Miranhshah
Do We Really Stand a Chance?
Rishi Miranhshah · Civilization: A short story, really.
Once Upon a Time
Rishi Miranhshah · Once upon a time, a magician came to a village. Under an ancient tree, in the village square, the villagers gathered as the word spread. The magician proclaimed, “I have a magic wand.” - “Well, what can you do with it?” Villagers...
They Believed in Love
Rishi Miranhshah · Of Love, Romance and other Aliases
Why You Should Quit City Life
Rishi Miranhshah · And Live off a Piece of Land
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Of Mindfulness, Meditation and Other Aliases
Rishi Miranhshah · “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” ~Jiddu Krishnamurti
Breaking News: Earth Is Not an Exclusive Habitat for Homo Sapiens